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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Hasn't that ship long since sailed?
  2. Hardly seems likely at this point, you know?
  3. The last Facebook quiz you took revealed that your super name should be "Captain Fanservice".
  4. I finally got to listen to the entirety of the new Yes album, "Heaven & Earth" whilst in the car tonight. Good, good stuff. It sounds like their classic stuff. To put it another way: There was a lot of music on "Fly From Here" that sounded like Yes. There is a lot of music on this album that simply couldn't be anyone but Yes. Highly recommended.
  5. And yet, for some reason, we continue to trade with them....
  6. By bribing voters with 40 cakes, of course. That's why he stole them in the first place.
  7. Never. In another 100 years, the Finns will be running the entire world, and Nokia will be the reason. Those phones are practically made of Questonite.
  8. Q - What's the newest cool thing to buy for your 72-hour emergency kit? A - The world is spinning and I wanna know why.
  9. Q - So, global climate change is actually a thing? A - I am never early.
  10. It's unfortunate how often those two things-- being brilliant and bring a jerk--seem to go together.
  11. Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman.
  12. Sure, as long as you don't tell the guy I stole it from.
  13. George Lucas, for making Star Wars I-III.
  14. Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, and Dean Martin were walking along the beach when they saw a strange creature that had been washed ashore. Frank took a closer look and said, "What do you think, boys? Some weird kind of fish?" Sammy took a closer look and said, "That's no fish. It doesn't have any fins. It's got to be a snake of some kind." Dean took a closer look and said, "That, my friends, is neither a snake nor a fish. That's a moray."
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