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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. That was exactly my experience with Moderna. Plus, the first dose symptoms didn't hit me for a couple of days, but after about six hours the symptoms from the second dose came on, and came on strong.
  2. From The Atlantic: The Differences Between the Vaccines Matter If you get the free articles exceeded banner, you can get rid of it with the element zapper in Ublock Origin or some similar plugin. It's just z-axis CSS layers, no real logic. Delete those, and read on.
  3. That's kind of the Wizard's problem in the nutshell: His goal is to kill the FF. So, every time he gets the upper hand and has them at his mercy at the end of an issue, they somehow get out of it in the next. Note that that isn't always through their own effort or wiles, so he has some "TKOs" on them in a sense.
  4. My first question is: Is his claim of different treatment accurate?
  5. Mr Braine said: "Superior mirages occur because of the weather condition known as a temperature inversion, where cold air lies close to the sea with warmer air above it. "Since cold air is denser than warm air, it bends light towards the eyes of someone standing on the ground or on the coast, changing how a distant object appears." Yeah, the simpler explanation is flying ship. I'm not buying this science mumbo-jumbo.
  6. It's been a while since I've posted here. The more success I have at work, the less time for MMOs. I did just get Phantasy Star Online 2 and run through the tutorial. It's FTP on PC now, and has been out on console a while. Surprisingly OK looking despite its age, has some interesting mechanics and play style, but the UI is a train wreck that was disposed of in a dumpster fire. I don't think I'll be putting much time into it. I wasn't able to level up more than 2 characters to the new cap in Shadowlands, out of 22 that were capped coming in. I might resub at some point and just grind levels out an hour or so at a time in my limited free time, but I've been under the impression that Blizzard has been phoning it in for a while with WoW and aren't really in touch with their player base. Or at least not me. Maybe someone will make an MMO that's engaging enough to keep my attention as well as consumable in more bite-sized chunks one of these days. I just haven't found anything that's an exact fit for a while.
  7. Marvel's website has them both rated as a 5 for intellect. I think their scale goes to 7 for those things. So, roughly equal. The Wizard's supposed to be B-tier super genius, I think. Not a Richards or Doom level, but capable of kit bashing super science solutions as needed. I read through his history, and he's invented quite a few plot device type gadgets that are on par with any other comic super scientist. As the leader of the Frightful Four, he's gained the upper hand over the Fantastic Four multiple times over the years, to the point of having cliffhanger issues with the FF in his power. Usually, their escapes seem to have been more by happenstance than through their own effort it seems. So, he's been portrayed as a very credible threat, and seems to have a not-quite-Richards level of intellect backed by a good sense of leadership and tactics. On the flip side, he's a nut job and his costume has usually looked somewhat to very ridiculous. I haven't read comics much in the last decade or more, but I'm guessing someone went with "looks like a clown, so let's write him like one" and turned him into a joke character or an also ran.
  8. Willpower, Life and Death are some of the most stirring emotions. OK, maybe not his best idea . . . that's some serious shoehorning.
  9. Everything I've been able to find on the effect of raising the minimum wage on pass through price increases indicates that it's minimal if the rate is raised slowly. Like boiling a frog. https://www.upjohn.org/research-highlights/does-increasing-minimum-wage-lead-higher-prices https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/052815/does-raising-minimum-wage-increase-inflation.asp [PDF WARNING] http://ftp.iza.org/dp1072.pdf https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2021/01/21/biden-raise-minimum-wage-affects-myth-taco-bell-burrito/4245883001/ https://www.epi.org/publication/minimum-wage-testimony-feb-2019/
  10. If increased wages lead to inflation, how do we explain the massive inflation and stagnant wages we've seen over the last 20-30 years? It seems to me like inflation is inevitable, and wages need to catch up at least a little at this point.
  11. Good luck. I felt like I got hit by a semi with the second dose. It was about 10x worse for me. Results vary widely, though, so I hope yours is better.
  12. Note to self: Do not mess with Canadian Ninja Farmers
  13. Almost put Kung Fu on there, then I realized after watching some fight scenes from the show on YouTube, that that show was proof the Old West had the telegraph.
  14. Wild, Wild West/Brisco County Jr. mashup
  15. Most people don't work in fields closely related to their degree anyway, so she could figure that out while in school or even after.
  16. I couldn't find any apes with scales pics. 🤷‍♂️
  17. Actually, it was mentioned in Spider-Man: Homecoming as the reason why Toomes' company lost their contract for salvaging alien junk. So, it's a major part of the Vulture's background in the MCU.
  18. There was going to be a Damage Control TV show, which would have been part of the MCU, but it was dropped.
  19. Would it help if he looked more like this guy? 😁
  20. The good Dr. is referring to the businesses with their buildings fully lit. I'd mentioned that one explanation for them having power might be proximity to a hospital, which is how hospitals came up.
  21. The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, that I linked above.
  22. If I had that rule, I'd have to stop watching TV. 😁
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