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Pattern Ghost

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    Pattern Ghost reacted to Lord Liaden in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Those two priorities aren't necessarily mutually exclusive in a movie, though. Civil War amply demonstrates that. And FWIW I thought Whedon accomplished that in AoU a lot better than many people seem to give him credit for.
    I see a lot of folks comparing CW to the first Avengers movie, but the former wouldn't exist without the latter. What Joss Whedon did in that movie had never been done before, and many were the nay-sayers who said it couldn't be done. Whedon demonstrated how it could be, and the Russo brothers built on his example.
  2. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from Bazza in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Or think of it as a very nice payday that's likely to repeat a few times.
  3. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from Pariah in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I just can't wait until the candidates are finalized, so we can see some statesmanlike discourse from two straight shooters cordially debating the merits of their cases.
  4. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from Joe Walsh in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Or think of it as a very nice payday that's likely to repeat a few times.
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    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from megaplayboy in And now, for your daily dose of cute...   
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    Pattern Ghost reacted to DasBroot in The Flash   
    Really, I'm hoping for a cameo by Morgan Freeman in a white suit as the Speed Force saying "What did we JUST talk about?" the instant he turns around.
  8. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to DasBroot in The Flash   
    Well, I guess at the end of the day they still left a few frames free for Flash special effects in the murder house for when he has to run back in time and change what happened that night *again*.
    "Ok, ok! Places people! Reverse Flash, you come in from the right and try and kill her.  Flash number 1 - come in and save Young Barry. Put up your hand to ward off Flash number 2 before saving us.  Flash 3 - now you come in and deck Reverse Flash in the snozz.  Ok, Flash 2 - your part of the plan now is instead of getting closure by holding her in her dying moments and letting her know we're safe you get erased from history. Cool? Cool.  Alright since we ALL know how well stopping the murder worked out we're on to Flash 4 - attack Flash before he decks Reversie.  Flash's 6 and 7 - intercept Flash 5 when he changes his mind again.  Flash 8 through 10 - watch out for Jay and Wally this time."
    "Remember, people, half of us are time remnants now so Flash 11 and 12 - you're wraith bait.  Let's move, we only have infinite more times we can do this to get it right!"
  9. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from Joe Walsh in The Flash   
    I think a timeframe was given in Season 1. Fake Wells moved it up a bit (a couple of years?) because he was impatient.
  10. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from Bazza in Arrow ~   
    I thought of that, but as someone pointed out, DC doesn't give out No Prizes.
  11. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from bigdamnhero in Welcome to Hero Forum - Please Introduce yourself (especially Lurkers)   
    I'm not especially new, but I haven't hit the actual game-related sections of the forums a lot lately due to not really actively playing anything. So, here I go:
    How did you come up with your 'handle' (forum name)? It's an old AIM handle I used to keep up with my -- wait for it -- Amber Diceless group. It comes from Roger Zelazny's Amber series. I'd give the detailed explanation of what a Pattern Ghost is, but it's a bit complicated. I'll attempt a short version:
    Amber is one pole of Reality, the other being the Courts of Chaos. Between them lie infinite parallel universes known as Shadows. Denizens of Amber and Chaos are "real" people (at least to their point of view) and possess abilities and powers greater than most Shadow people. Each pole has a mystical construct/intelligence that can confer a certain level of control over Shadow to those who traverse them. In Amber, that construct is the Pattern, which is essentially a pattern etched into the ground. When an Amberite walks the Pattern, they are tested mentally and physically. If they don't die, their blood becomes imprinted with an image of the Pattern, and they gain the ability to travel in and manipulate Shadow.
    This imprint is a two way street. The Pattern retains an imprint of the walker and can use that imprint to make a living copy of that person, a Pattern Ghost. A Pattern Ghost must draw power from the Pattern or drink Pattern-imprinted blood or die. Since the Pattern only uses the ghosts as tools, those that want to live and be independent need to find a source of Pattern-imprinted blood.
    It all makes a lot more sense in the context of the novels.
    What was the first tabletop RPG you played? Red Box Dungeons and Dragons, what the OSR grognards are now calling B/X D&D. That was 1981. Moved on to AD&D rather quickly because that's what most of the other kids were playing at the time.
    What was the first tabletop RPG you GMed? Some 1st Edition AD&D, though I usually prefer to play rather than GM.
    What are you currently playing/GMing? Nothing at the moment. I keep toying with the idea of running a FASERIP or B/X D&D PBEM or PBP campaign, using old modules, but never get around to it.
    When did you start to play Hero? I played a lot of Marvel FASERIP from '88 to '91 when I was in the Army in Berlin. The group used to play Champions, and had the very book there's a picture of in durzanmalakim's post above. We played a bit with it then, but I didn't start playing Hero until much later, playing PBEM with 4th Edition in the middle '90's.
  12. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from aylwin13 in Arrow ~   
    It seems to me that the beginning of next season may turn into a trainee / B-team arc. I think Curtis may start to train up, and it's possible they'll reintroduce the teen girl who stole Black Canary's ID. It's also possible that Barry wiped out their continuity in Flash.
  13. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from Joe Walsh in Arrow ~   
    It seems to me that the beginning of next season may turn into a trainee / B-team arc. I think Curtis may start to train up, and it's possible they'll reintroduce the teen girl who stole Black Canary's ID. It's also possible that Barry wiped out their continuity in Flash.
  14. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to Ragitsu in Ctrl+V   
  15. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from Lucius in Supers Image game   
    My first thought is Constipation Man! I'm guessing that's a non-starter, so I'll have to get back to you on it.
    Edit: OK, got something!
    He's Nikolai "Nick" Raz, the Time Hunter.
    "Born" in the Creche of Immortality in the year 3264, Nick possesses the DNA of many of history's greatest heroes.* He's insulated against the ravages of time so that he can travel freely into the past to stave off the Apocalypse.** Unfortunately, causality's a bitch, and every time he staves off one Apocalypse, another, totally unrelated one pops up somewhere in the Timestream.
    His abilities include slow aging and low level regeneration, and abnormally high physical and mental capabilities. He slightly exceeds human norms in most physical categories, particularly speed and agility. His equipment includes armor and a variety of conventional and advanced weaponry from his knives to his blasters, to the four multifunctional drones he's dubbed the Musketeers that hang from his belt. His visor both protects his eyes and enhances his vision, as well as providing a H.U.D. for his computer.
    When the Apocalypse looms, he's always there in the Nick of Time!***
    * This only seems to have been ripped off from the old 80s GI Joe cartoon.
    ** This may bear some slight resemblance to a plot device in the 12 Monkeys show on SyFy.
    *** "Raz" is Russian for "time." So, his name is a pun of nick of time.
  16. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to SteelCold in Supers Image game   
    Roy Gregory Bivolo aka Kaleidoscope. A bitter scientist afflicted with color blindness since childhood, attempted to cure himself with specialized tinted goggles. While he could have made a fortune patenting said eyewear, a side effect of the equipment drove him completely insane.
    Quickly inventing his dreaded 'Rainbow Beam Guns' which shoots rays of energy that somehow defy the laws of physics, Kaleidoscope terrorizes the world.
    The color of the rays varies:
    Red makes people go into a mindless rage.
    Orange disintegrates solid matter.
    Yellow causes fear.
    Green emits a paralysis effect.
    Blue calms people down to the point of catatonia.
    Indigo fires concussive blasts.
    And finally Violet causes blindness.
  17. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to Bazza in The Flash   
    Wally West from Earth-2? ( )
  18. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from Burrito Boy in Supers Image game   
    My first thought is Constipation Man! I'm guessing that's a non-starter, so I'll have to get back to you on it.
    Edit: OK, got something!
    He's Nikolai "Nick" Raz, the Time Hunter.
    "Born" in the Creche of Immortality in the year 3264, Nick possesses the DNA of many of history's greatest heroes.* He's insulated against the ravages of time so that he can travel freely into the past to stave off the Apocalypse.** Unfortunately, causality's a bitch, and every time he staves off one Apocalypse, another, totally unrelated one pops up somewhere in the Timestream.
    His abilities include slow aging and low level regeneration, and abnormally high physical and mental capabilities. He slightly exceeds human norms in most physical categories, particularly speed and agility. His equipment includes armor and a variety of conventional and advanced weaponry from his knives to his blasters, to the four multifunctional drones he's dubbed the Musketeers that hang from his belt. His visor both protects his eyes and enhances his vision, as well as providing a H.U.D. for his computer.
    When the Apocalypse looms, he's always there in the Nick of Time!***
    * This only seems to have been ripped off from the old 80s GI Joe cartoon.
    ** This may bear some slight resemblance to a plot device in the 12 Monkeys show on SyFy.
    *** "Raz" is Russian for "time." So, his name is a pun of nick of time.
  19. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to death tribble in Supers Image game   
    Alright Pattern Ghost, how about this ?
  20. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from bigdamnhero in The Flash   
    I wondered the same thing when they first brought in Rip Hunter. I'd suspected he may have been there to deal with Barry. Maybe Barry's method is so different as to be undetectable. The Speed Force could insulate Barry from the temporal hoo-ha radiation the Time Lords use to track time ships.
  21. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from aylwin13 in Supers Image game   
    Ah, well nobody probably posted an idea because this is clearly a Nagisa XM-300 Practice Bot that's so commonly-used in outfitting the danger practice rooms of mid-level super teams that everyone thought it was obvious.
    But, what they didn't know is that this model is actually a prototype of the XM-300a model, with an advanced decision making algorithm. And that it has gained sentience. It has decided that there are many day to day issues that super teams aren't addressing due to over focus on superhuman threats, and that police and social services can use some relief in hard times. It's only logical.
    By day, it gathers data from and learns from the super teams it is being passed among for testing. By night, it dons a dark kendo ka's outfit and a highly-advanced weapon disguised as a shinai and Prototype takes to the streets, bringing justice to communities often overlooked by super "heroes." The shinai functions as per its normal counterpart, delivering nearly non-damaging blows. However, it can also convey an electric current that's strong enough to incapacitate most normal people. It can also launch a ranged sonic attack by vibrating the four slats of its blade rapidly. Prototype excels at acrobatics, hand to hand and ranged combat with the shinai, and is highly mobile, being able to run at high speeds, perform expert level parkour movement, and cling to walls and ceilings. It also has enhanced vision including IR and UV.
  22. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to Old Man in Cool Guns for your Games   
    This is not the "Wise guns for your games" thread.
  23. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to Vondy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    There isn't any systemic weighting based on the electoral issues you raise.
    Its up to Bernie to make that argument to the superdelegates. 
    If he can, maybe he'll shut up about them. They serve a purpose.
    That said, I do think that superdelegates should not declare themselves prior to the states voting.
    I feel they have undue influence on the populist vote by pre-weighting the outcomes.
  24. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from BoloOfEarth in Supers Image game   
    Ah, well nobody probably posted an idea because this is clearly a Nagisa XM-300 Practice Bot that's so commonly-used in outfitting the danger practice rooms of mid-level super teams that everyone thought it was obvious.
    But, what they didn't know is that this model is actually a prototype of the XM-300a model, with an advanced decision making algorithm. And that it has gained sentience. It has decided that there are many day to day issues that super teams aren't addressing due to over focus on superhuman threats, and that police and social services can use some relief in hard times. It's only logical.
    By day, it gathers data from and learns from the super teams it is being passed among for testing. By night, it dons a dark kendo ka's outfit and a highly-advanced weapon disguised as a shinai and Prototype takes to the streets, bringing justice to communities often overlooked by super "heroes." The shinai functions as per its normal counterpart, delivering nearly non-damaging blows. However, it can also convey an electric current that's strong enough to incapacitate most normal people. It can also launch a ranged sonic attack by vibrating the four slats of its blade rapidly. Prototype excels at acrobatics, hand to hand and ranged combat with the shinai, and is highly mobile, being able to run at high speeds, perform expert level parkour movement, and cling to walls and ceilings. It also has enhanced vision including IR and UV.
  25. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to Starlord in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    More characters coming to Netflix???
    Moon Knight!!!
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