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Pattern Ghost

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    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from L. Marcus in And now, for your daily dose of cute...   
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    Pattern Ghost reacted to Cygnia in And now, for your daily dose of cute...   

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    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from Ragitsu in Ctrl+V   
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    Pattern Ghost reacted to Cygnia in In other news...   

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    Pattern Ghost reacted to Sociotard in In other news...   
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    Pattern Ghost reacted to Bazza in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Thought it was cool with Civil War coming up and Spidey maybe making an appearance in the film. 

    Captain Spider-Man
  8. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to Greywind in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I wonder if del Toro is available to direct Dr. Strange...
  9. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to Old Man in [Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.   
    Too soon:
    "I was arrested for killing a black man...
  10. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to Hermit in In other news...   
    “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”- GK Chesterton
    But I suppose i've derailed the thread.
    In unrelated news An Unmanned Russian Spacecraft is plunging to Earth ,
    Superhero origin time kids!
  11. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from Burrito Boy in The cranky thread   
    Unpacking sucks. Seriously. Where the heck are we supposed to put all this stuff? And where's that cord I need to connect that widget to the other widget?
  12. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to NuSoardGraphite in Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities   
    Saw this one on TwitFace.  
    THIS is true sexism.  This is the true problem.  Not picture of naked barbarian hotties in niche TTRPGs, but those institutions who still see and treat women as second class citizens.  This is the sort of thing I have a problem with.  I have a problem with the fact that Law Enforcement organizations all across the US seem to be prejudiced against certain minorities and ethnicities.  Not with the fact that minorities and certain ethnicities are underrepresented in TTRPGs (they aren't).
    I have a problem with the fact that there are religiously affiliated organizations attempting to block the progression of marriage rights between members of the LGBT community.  Not with the fact that language in TTRPGs seem to ignore their existence. (it doesn't)
    When a person is prevented from advancing in their field.  From living safely in their neighborhood.  Or from marrying the love of their life, there's a problem.  That's what I oppose.  It seems to me that people these days are trying to create problems where none exists or where the problem is not discriminatory (as in preventing someone from Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness).  Perhaps I have a different perspective because I have actually witnessed the KKK burn a cross in a neighbors yard, and this trend of social media activision where people gnash their teeth because of large breasts in a videogame has upset some feminists.  They have a right to be upset sure, but there are real cases of discrimination still out there.  Find and deal with those first.
  13. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to BoneDaddy in [Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.   
    The chief of police, asked about the lack of violent response (sorry, "escalation of force") by the riot police, said "there were 13, 14, and 15 year-old kids out there, do you want us to shoot them?" He has a point. Also, escalation of force almost never leads to de-escalation of conflict. It feels reckless and unjust, but waiting it out was a smarter move. Doing what they did very likely saved lives and property and let tonight be a quiet night in my city. If the guys with the truncheons are not beating people, trust that they have good reason to do so. Truncheons love working, and it is hard to hold them at your side without finding something to hit with them.
  14. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from Lucius in [Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.   
    Might just be machismo.
    I'm not going to ask you to cite sources or anything, but if you happen to come across anything, I'd be interested in taking a look.
    Edit: Let me also apologize for my phrasing. Just because my information doesn't match your information doesn't mean yours is the wrong information. I sometimes suffer from I'malwaysrightitis. It's genetic.
  15. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from tkdguy in In other news...   
    Terrible group. That guy really needs more practice, he clearly hasn't mastered the fundamentals.
  16. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to Certified in Ctrl+V   
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    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from Lord Liaden in And now, for your daily dose of cute...   
    "I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees."
  18. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from Ternaugh in And now, for your daily dose of cute...   
    And now presenting our all bat production of West Side Story.
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    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from Burrito Boy in The cranky thread   
    Moving sucks.
  21. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to Old Man in The cranky thread   
    I'm just glad you're not permanently debilitated.  Back pain can be one of those things.
  22. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from assault in [Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.   
    In Australia, they drop bears.
  23. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to BoneDaddy in Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities   
    Back when I was dating, I made sure to date in public, on neutral territory.  Not because I wanted my date to feel safe, but because I didn't know if I was dating a psycho either.  It also prevented me from having to endure a long and very boring date (which happened on occasion.  Pretty girl, empty head.)
    I think our "rape culture" is slowly turning into a "terrified of being raped culture".  It is certainly worth avoiding, but the odds remain very low given a few reasonable precautions.  By "very low" I mean really ridiculously f-ing low.  And yes, reasonable precautions include dating on neutral territory for as long as reasonably necessary, not getting blasted at frat parties, and going out with the buddy system.  Hell and damnation, men go out with the buddy system so we don't get our asses kicked!  This isn't hard or unreasonable, it's just part of living in a society where a given unidentifiable portion of the population is likely to hurt you.
    And if someone is in a car accident and wasn't wearing their safety belt (certainly a reasonable precaution) I actually do blame them for their injuries.  Do stupid, get stupid.  Cut through an alley and get mugged?  Yes, that was stupid, and so of course while I have sympathy, I also blame the victim for being stupid.  Of course.  We all do.  That's not specific to rape.
    I'd like better law enforcement.  I'd like better rape prosecution.  I'd like less raping.  I'd like people to not think that being responsible for their own safety is an undue burden.  No one actually has the privilege of being totally safe, which sucks, but expecting it is childish.
    The hypothetical dude in the comic was being a douche, but it's better to find that out before dating him anyway.  She could have called the comic "not dating a douche."
    I sympathize with her anxiety, I truly do, I have plenty of my own.  I think her anxiety is more of a hazard to her happiness than the risk of getting raped.  Anxiety about being liked by the douche, anxiety about dating someone predatory, anxiety about explaining to him why he's such a douche.  I wish she could rest easy in her awesomeness and find a non-douche to date in some nice public place they can both agree on.
  24. Like
    Pattern Ghost reacted to SKJAM! in Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities   
    You're slipping back into the "post link without a line of explanation" thing again.  For those wary of such things, it's a webcomic about risk assessment when it comes to dating someone you haven't met before.
  25. Like
    Pattern Ghost got a reaction from gewing in [Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.   
    I find your position indefensible, so I think it's entirely appropriate to call you on it. It's no less prejudice to paint a whole group -- on which I'm a former member of, and have many friends who are members of -- with a broad brush because they serve as law enforcement officers than it would be if they were members of a minority or any other group. That's patently wrong. You are wrong for having done so. In case you haven't noticed, I've taken offense to that statement.
    You don't want to change your beliefs? That's fine. Don't expect me not to call you on it if you express those beliefs in an offensive manner.
    Don't start the quoting nonsense again. There is systematic corruption in certain areas. Would you have been happier had I said "many areas"? I'm not saying the problem isn't widespread, I'm saying that not all cops are criminals, thugs and murderers, but agreeing with you that in at least some areas/departments, it's a major problem.
    You should probably not act like a racist by painting a whole group of people with a broad brush. You're using the same language as a racist when you do so.
    All I'm asking for you to do is to tone down the broad brush strokes and be a bit more precise. If you said that we have widespread problems with police abusing their authority, then I'd agree with you 100%. Just avoid the all inclusive insults.
    I don't really have a huge beef with you, and like you well enough, I'm just offended at the constant 'all cops are bad' mantra. It doesn't sound any better coming from a fellow board member than it does coming from the crowd in that video I linked earlier, who were impeding an investigation with the nonsense. It's a non-productive approach. It's hate mongering. I don't like any form of hate mongering -- and I don't think you do either. I think you don't see your statements as such and are just venting, but I want you to know that said venting is offensive and non-productive.
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