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Everything posted by 1EyedJack

  1. Re: Power Design I agree but maybe include or change to +Xd6 for X consecutive attacks maybe requiring full phases as well
  2. or Is it premissable to buy flight with the fix location or floating location adders from teleport, allowing you to always fligh to a person or location if your lost or can't find said person?
  3. I saw the most amazing body armor on future weapons, Its called Dragon Skin. It took multipule hits from multipule cailbers without any penetration. the wepons ranged from 9mm to 7.62mm and in total sustained about 50 direct hits.
  4. Re: Fantasy Zero Eosin once ran a 25+25 FH for us. Our characters were very young and the campaign was very enjoyable.
  5. Re: [Question]Three Unusual Powers For your intercept power, techinically everyone has it. You are allowed to dive for cover into an attack to save a hapless victim from taking the damage, of course this means you must make a sucessful dive for cover and you take the damage. If you want to be good at it buy levels to dive for cover (2pts each) and keep in mind you are -1 per hex you want to go. you will proably want extra movement. also any mode of movement will work but telport with postion shift is really nice,and might qualify for a signifcant limitation if you use it only for that purpose (GM's Discression). Oh yeah you can even abort to it.
  6. Re: How do you hide a saved half? Acting or Stealth depending on the situation
  7. Re: Building a vampiric blade I like it but, doing it like this won't cause any stun damage. I would recomend linking drain and Aid adjusting fade rates to your liking, to an HKA.A neat idea would be to have the aid fade more quickly than the drain to give the user incintive to be vicious.
  8. Re: Canadian Super Villain Team- Need Help Hoser - Has a hockey stick, and hates american beer
  9. Re: BOECV for STR Sound Expenisve and a little wierd you might get better advise if you describe what effect your going for.
  10. Re: combat question IMHO it sounds like a ranged attack with extremly short range. you should proably use only ranged combat levels to attack with it. Now if your flash was say hitting someone so hard the saw stars then you should apply hand to hand levels ( of course it might be linked but you get my point)
  11. Re: Battlesuit build. Build your armor with a non AI computer that you have some means of communicating with, and the computer can operate the armor as if it is a focus that could be used by anyone. Keep in mind that 1- the armor would operate at the computers ablity, not your character's 2- could cause a game balance issue if abused ( computers don't have stun or con ) 3- a computer could be disabled if a the armor is a breakable focus and took body.
  12. Re: Skyguard Laser Way Cool- was it real ?
  13. Re: Heist Hero Sounds Cool- Your going to need lots of maps, great NPCs likeable and not likeable most of the adventure will be planning and conieving. The real challenge will be not making the session nothing but a lot of skill rolls, and the consecquences of 1 failed skill roll could be devistating to the game but, if you pull it off it could be very memorable
  14. Re: Rebuilding yourself I would buy up my Physical charateristic up some, INT to 23 some science skills, inventor, Wealth and I would by my COM and PRE. I would buy some bussiness skills so I could successfully market my inventions and cover any finanncle misdeeds (Just Kidding)
  15. Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion I have been trying to save points for a 5 speed, with our party's lack of melee monsters it would really be nice but, I also see the nessacity of investing in an more cosmopoltion skill set
  16. Re: How To: Suspended Animation you might want to link Life support useable by or against others (I am not sure which would be appropriate) to simulate the statis effect with a nasty speed drain you would have to be creative with autofire,AE, and delayed fade rate to properlt simulate the effect, and a forcewall to protect the victim, and small uncontroled flah to appropriate sense so the vitem isn't aware of their surrounding... sounds expensive
  17. Re: [Campaign] The Last Dominion Yeah it got pretty ugly but at least Kaid got out of there alive, for how ling remains to be seen, but at least they don't know he's a mage so he dose have an ace up his sleeve, I hope for his sake he plays it at the right time. Arron dosn't want to tell Wingate "We regret to inform you your son died because he was stupid."
  18. Re: I'm mad at Killer Shrike Killer Shrikes website is the extra deminsonal space of all things Hero
  19. Re: Charging for Magic: New thoughts & input needed I once kicked around cost divisors for spells that essentially duplicated equitment for exsample a shield spell that gave a +2 dcv or a Mistic bolt that did 2d6 RKA, but making spell that had exotic or more powerful effects have full cost, my thought being why should a wizard pay a lot of points for something a warrior can use with a 2pt fam.
  20. Re: Sorceror/Wizard 3.5 Spell Conversion The one down side of hero system is that a seemingly simple effect can be prohibitvly exspensive and complicated
  21. Re: Help with player knowledge vs. character knowledge I would say that even if your character is ignorant of the villian or the situation he could very well realize said villian was about to make an attack or use a power even if he dosen't know the effect of said power.
  22. I am looking for advice and opinions on what makes a great and memorable campaign just that.
  23. Re: Sorceror/Wizard 3.5 Spell Conversion With all due respect, I don't think its a vaild power construction. You should really use and Adjustment power to make a invisable person visable to all. link it with Change Enviorment that gives bonuses to normal sight preception rolls to find hidden characters.
  24. Re: Fast combat? Hero system combats take lots of time. Here are a few tips 1. know the rules 2. Have players that know the rules 3.If a rules question arises baring life and death of a PC make the best ruling you can at the time and research the correct anwser at a latter date. 4. Unimportant combatants that reach -10 stun are considered out of the Senerio as if they at GM's Discression 5. Do your home work, Know your villians capabities, spd, dex, Ocv, any martial arts maneuvers... ect
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