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Everything posted by archer

  1. When a player, I count up how quickly my character would be using up END then build my powers so that I can be functional and effective. That usually means if I'm a blaster or brick that I have an attack which doesn't use END (usually in a multipower), at least some defense which doesn't use END, and movement which uses little to no END. A brick might have a multipower slot in his brick tricks with +40 STR at 0 END (and not be able to add that to his other STR to take it above campaign damage maximums if that's a problem with the GM) and have most of his defense as Armor whether natural or through a costume. A blaster might have a 0 END energy blast slot and a Force Field which only requires END to activate. I'm also a fan of having a utility belt so if I'm short on END, I've usually got a smoke bomb or some thematically appropriate action available which doesn't cost END. If I'm a GM, I'm really only picky about players tracking their END if their characters are built so that they always run out of END quickly or if they're prone to pushing during combat or doing other things which are abusive. If they've made an effort to build an END efficient character and use their END efficient powers rather than their other powers often enough that I notice their effort to be END efficient, that's good enough for me. But I'll admit that part of that accommodation on my part is because I can't keep track of a blizzard of information during combats like I could when I was younger. I also tend to play in a modified 4th or 5th edition campaigns where most people spend enough points on CON to get adequate END and REC levels so players inadvertently ignoring END concerns while building a character isn't as easy as it is in 6th. Anyway, I'm a fan of having a mix of 0 END attack powers with full END cost attack powers then switch back and forth between them to accommodate END availability rather than buying one attack power at half END cost. In my opinion, one attack power bought at half END cost is just gimping my character's damage output 100% of the time at the beginning of combat and might keep me from putting down a threat quickly.
  2. There's a heck of a lot of things with some truth to it but which should not mitigate a sentence. Trump has also bad-mouthed Mexicans, journalists, pollsters, Democrats, and many Republicans. No one should ever get a reduced sentence for committing a violent crime against a person or group because Trump has been running on at the mouth defaming that person or group.
  3. AstroTurf Man is the greatest community organizer of Earth-O. He has an uncanny ability to sense what will motivate someone to show up to a protest about things which would normally be of no interest to them and has single-handedly changed the political landscape of Earth-O on every issue from Aardvark Rights to the Zzezzox oil tanker disaster. No one knows whether it is his incredible presence or some mind control which gives him his astounding powers, but no one can deny that AstroTurf Man is a force to be feared!
  4. An appeal to the jurisdiction clause by the administration is completely useless in my opinion. We have illegal aliens in jail right now because they've committed crimes inside the US and have gone through our judicial system to be tried and sentenced. If we have no jurisdiction over them, there would have been no basis for our courts to have heard those cases at all. We have laws to keep non-citizens out of the country. If we have no jurisdiction, those laws couldn't exist. If we had no jurisdiction over them, how could we have laws which would allow us to change their status and naturalize them? If illegal aliens stuffed the ballot boxes during the mid-term election, we would have no way to stop them (legally) if we have no jurisdiction over them. If the Court was to rule that the US has no jurisdiction, it would throw out dozens of laws and create tens of thousands of successful lawsuits for false imprisonment of every illegal alien who has ever been detained or imprisoned. The whole thing is mind-bogglingly stupid. Even if the majority of the court were to want to go along with the administration, there's no way that they could interpret the decision narrowly enough to let the administration have its way without completely tearing apart our ability to police our borders and people who choose to come into this country. Everyone visiting the US from abroad would in essence have diplomatic immunity plus have the ability to not be PNG'ed.
  5. Too true. I'm a political junkie so I'd go to a free dinner to hear any political figure, even Bannon. But I could only think of maybe two people who I'd pay $10 to hear at a dinner and no one alive that I'd pay $20 to hear.
  6. I don't see why a Champions TV series is out of the question. There's all kinds of services creating new original content. They could start out with gritty street-level adventures which don't require outlandish special effects and build a world from there. Take something like Arrow from the CW network. It didn't even try to play up the series as being superheroes, DC-related, or even "this is The Green Arrow. They just wrote stories and built an audience before they got all weird with aliens, parallel universes, and such.
  7. You just have to post more cute kitten pictures. Everyone likes "I haz cheeseburgers!"
  8. NYTimes runs an expose' on Beto O'Rouke detailing his political dealings to help his billionaire father-in-law's real estate deals. Some Democrats apparently aren't exactly happy at the Times. https://www.dailywire.com/news/37777/yikes-leftists-lose-their-minds-bash-new-york-emily-zanotti https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/29/us/politics/beto-orourke-el-paso-texas-senate.html
  9. It takes money to make money because you have to copy the design exactly.
  10. Q: What do you get when you cross a mountain climber with a mosquito? A: Trick question; you can't cross a scaler with a vector.
  11. Albert Einstein, Blaise Pascal, and Isaac Newton were playing hide-and-seek. Einstein counted to twenty and Pascal ran off, but Newton just drew a square in the ground around himself with a stick. Einstein turned around, saw Newton, and said, "I've found you!" Newton looked confused. "No," he said, "You've found one Newton per square meter. You've found Pascal!"
  12. Chemists do it on the table... Periodically
  13. Q: Why are quantum physicists so poor at sex? A: Because when they find the position, they can't find the momentum, and when they have the momentum, they can't find the position.
  14. What do we do when chemists die? We barium.
  15. So, Rene Descartes is in a bar near closing time. The bartender asks him, "Would you like another drink?" Descartes replies, "I think not" and vanishes. After Descartes disappears, the bartender turns to Heisenberg. "Wow, did you see that?" the bartender asks, to which Heisenberg replies, "Possibly, but I can't be sure."
  16. Good Vibrations is a small-time thug who thinks he's smarter than he really is. He's looking to move up into the big time with the mob...and he has the power to make a splash. His shtick is vibration powers which can throw out "punches" at range, create small earthquakes, deflect ranged attacks, and otherwise protect himself and others. His moll is Wild Honey, a mentalist sidekick whose obvious attributes ensnares the minds of those who see her.
  17. LOL, well that's obviously just to taste. Anthropologists are usually running around studying primitive cultures in non-US, non-European locations. Everyone I've known who has gone to live in a country where prices aren't set in stone seem to have learned pretty fast that they need to learn how to bargain or they'll end up spending the rent money just to buy lunch. That's at least most of Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Climbing is kind of a useless skill for a civilian unless you live in an area with mountains and then go out of your way to learn how to climb them. So it just made sense to me to make a straight substitution because I wasn't wanting to be adding points a lot of points to the build. If anyone doesn't feeling the change is useful, there's no reason to consider it further.
  18. I find this character to be very inspiring so I'd like to tinker with her around the edges. 10 Multipower (Ride like the wind, Bullseye! enchanted movement multipower) 10 active points 1) Running +5" (11" total) 1) Swim +7" (9" total), Leap +7" (10" total), Glide +7" (Swimming power usable as Leaping or Gliding +1/2) 1) Swim +6", Leap +6", Glide +6" (Swimming power usable as Leaping or Gliding +1/2) Megascale 1" = 1km (+1/4) The running in the original build provided some needed flexibility. I thought it would be fun to take that one step further by spending another three points to make a movement multipower. The megascale slot provides a completely unexpected "what the hell just happened" aspect to her movement abilities to give her a quick appearance or escape whether through the water or the air. She's also got an END problem in that with Flight, Force Field, and Energy Blast (when used only once per phase) uses 48 END per turn while she has only 40 END total and a 7 REC. If she fires off Autofire once or twice, she's doing worse than running on empty. Being able to switch over to Gliding once aloft rather than depending on Flight helps the END situation at least a bit. I thought about spending another point to add a slot with 1" Tunneling through 2 DEF of material (megascale +1/4). That's 10 active points and she would be using her mystic powers to dig through dirt like a mole gone wild. She could undermine buildings, bridges, or roads, excavate to build or expose secret bases, reroute rivers, and a host of other things. I remember Superman, Black Adam, and a number of other supers doing similar things. Since penetrating 2 DEF of material isn't much, she would have to do some research to figure out how to avoid underground pipes and structures in urban areas but she should be fine against bushes and roots. I'm not really satisfied with that multipower as it stands but maybe something will come to me. I'd also change one Cramming to Eidetic Memory. Seems like Eidetic Memory would work well with her being a self-centered person since most things, at least in the academic world, would come to her easily which would feed her sense of entitlement and superiority. I associate Cramming more with someone who is brainy, has taken the time to learn how to study, or is a serious academic and none of those really remind me of this character. The Eidetic Memory would also help her memorize city maps and survey maps in advance or even just what she has seen from above if she ever needs to kick in her megascale movement. I'd also substitute Trading in place of Climbing. Trading is something which she could easily have learned through her Anthropology experiences and would come in handy when fencing loot during her career as a supervillain, while Climbing is mostly useless to someone who can fly. And a very slight change to her background. Background/History: Sue Coffee was an anthropology student who was fascinated by what she saw as the uninhibited wild-and-free lifestyle of "the more primitive societies". While doing summer studies in the field, she heard of a local shaman who could make her "One" with nature. And Sue was all about oneness, like all for number one! Seeking him out, she began her lessons and soon was controlling the wind. She decided to not kill him, but left to pursue a new career as Wild Wind, thrill seeker for hire!
  19. I have little to no idea what you are trying to communicate here.
  20. < singing > Stop in the name of love! Before I break your face! Stop in the name of love! Before I break your face! Think it over.... < /singing >
  21. Maybe Picard and his walker can tour Federation space selling reverse mortgages to gullible old people.
  22. If I started paying attention to stuff like "days won", I'd start posting things in an attempt to get likes and trying to avoid conversations where I had an unpopular opinion. So I have to cover my eyes and pretend that stuff like that doesn't exist here or I'd be off chasing the ever-elusive "like". I've had my account since 2007 and in that time have been active in the forums about a year total. I've "won" a single day so far but have participated in a lot of great conversations.
  23. Shots fired into Volusia County (FL) Republican Party satellite office, police say https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-ne-volusia-county-republican-hq-shots-20181029-story.html Four shots fired through the front glass into the building earlier this week. Last month it was arson at a Republican office in Wyoming https://www.dailycaller.com/2018/09/06/wyoming-gop-office-fire/ Could we try to have a vote without bombs and bullets? (I feel like Rodney King, "Can't we all get along?")
  24. Unfortunately, the new series is only for those who've purchased CBS All Access. The name of the series is Star Trek: Lower Decks and is intended to be a comedy about the less important people on a completely unimportant starship and the various things which those people do. But on the bright side, it's being written by someone who is an obsessive fan of the various TV series so I would presume that he would know all the tropes which could be lampooned. I would assume from the announcement that it is being written during TNG time period but nothing specifically states that. http://www.startrek.com/article/new-trek-animated-series-announced
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