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Everything posted by Shoutybloke

  1. Re: How to Build: A Timelord I disagree. The important aspects of the doctors personality remain the same from regeneration to regeneration (with character development) I.E he has the same Psych Lims, only superfical things change. Also, he doesn't reset in power level- if anything, each regeneration is more powerful than the last.
  2. Re: How to Build: A Timelord Renagade Timelord package: As standard timelord, but add: 1000 pt vehicle (stolen tardis) 200pts universal translator - 20 pts perk- anonimity 5pts tf- tardises 2pt Total 227 pts Disadvantages: replace "timelord duties" with Hunted: high council of timelords, more powerful, nci, -8 20 pts
  3. Re: How to Build: A Timelord Timelord Package: +5 body (10pts) +15 int (15pts) 4d6 telepathy (20 pts) Detect Changes to timestream, sense (10 pts) life support, extended breathing 1 end/hour, immortality. (8pts) Regeneration: 12d6 healing , trigger (at will, or when reduced to or below 0 body, 12 charges, charges never recover, side effect- 6d6 minor transformation, change appearance and alter personality and skills. (24pts) package cost: 87 pts EDIT gah, ninja'd Disadvantages: Psych lim: arrogant (common, mod) 10 pts Distinctive Features, time lord, not concealable, noticed and recognised, only detectable by small group- other timelords, or by technology or major effort. - 5pts Social limitation: timelord obligations- severe, -8 15 pts social limitation- timelord duties- major, frequently- 15 pts susceptabiliy- various earth madicines such as asprin and anasthetics- 3d6, segment, 40 pts Total 85 pts This is a standard, sedentiary timelord. timelord adventurures tend to have developed their abilities to much higher levels, consider these to be a timelord " normal" whereas the Doctor and the master are both in the legendary category.
  4. Re: The Olympics Silverbolt would go find the guy who said cyborgs couldn't compete and beat the crap out of him. Jackass.
  5. Re: Can we define the archetypes? If you want a highly mobile martial artist, it's possible. The combat movement power from dark champions is excellent for this (extra movement, only for half moves- basicly a full move instead of a half one). When you start putting 60 active points into a movement power for your martial artist, or 60 pts into martial arts style stuff for your speedster, you're getting into mixed archetype territory What we havn't mentioned in this thread is that it's possible to build characters who are tactical all rounders. Look at spiderman. He's clearly stronger than any normal human could hope to be, he has a unique fighting style (martial arts) although he's never had a days formal training in his life, he uses ranged attacks, has a powerful pschic ability, can move around the city at frankly ridicuous speeds and frequently if irregularly he builds gadgets for specific perposes. Shoehorn him into an archetype. Seriously. I get the feeling that if a player turned up with a character like that to some of the games on this thread, they'd get the sheet torn up. I don't think building generalist characters is much of a problem. If the build is too efficient, they can overshadow the specialists, but you need in that case to get the generalists player to tone it down, and help the specialist with his build. It's not a concept problem. Anyway, speedsters and martial artists, I see where you're coming from. The difference is largly one of flavour and subtle nuances, rather than the two having completly different roles.
  6. Re: Can we define the archetypes? In a word, Mobility: A supeheroic speedster is rareley more than a half move away from where he needs to be in a tactical situation. Even if he is, he can still use the Full move manuvers more effectively than other archetypes, generaly speaking. Never underestimate the power of being able to cross the battlemat in a half move.
  7. Re: Can we define the archetypes? Where I come from, bricks tend to have big dice, but lower speed. Usually a "classic brick" tops out at 18d6 (pushed 60 str haymaker) and spd 5, where as a "classic martial artist" will be doing 12d6 offensive strikes (20 str, 4 dcs) but with better cvs and SPD 6-7. The matial artist dominates against multiple, low cv opponents, where manuvers like sweep come into their own, whereas the brick is more usefull against high def targets, where the big dice are needed to punch through the protection.
  8. Re: Can we define the archetypes? Okay, lets examine a team of martial artists then Sumotori, for instance, is a hawiian sumo wrestler. his combat tactic is to walk up to the biggest, toughest opponent, and start sumo wrestling with him. He uses the block and roll with punch manuvers to prevent damage, and throws the opponet whenever he tries to hit someone else. I.E his role is "defensive melee" Mad jack McMadd, hardest man in and defender of glasgow, uses a classic bob and weave routine to set up his opponents for destruction through headbutting and right hooks. His role is "offensive melee" Crosshairs is a Maori who, through a series of events that are not actually as interesting as they should be, ended up studying An-Chi in China for ten years. He can turn throw any object with deadly accuracy. His role is Offensive ranged Master Han met crosshairs in china, and the two became good friends, though neither has been able to learn the others techniques. Han uses esoteric manuvers such as The seven strikes of serenety (an entangle) and the weakening blow of Han ( a strength drain) to control debuff enemies. No one knows where poppy comes from. A serene young woman, she is highly skilled in nearly every skill asscoicated with ninjitsu. They fight crime. The point is, this is champions, not D&D. Whatever character you decide to build, your role in the group is what you decide it to be. You are not limited to a narrowe range of tactical choices baseds on what "class" sounded cool when the GM piched the game to you. The archetypes are not a set of straightjackets, but rather hooks onto which you can use to organise ideas about your character. D&D 4 took a bunch of ideas from MMO's and it works well- for D&D. It's not the one true way of roleplaying.
  9. Re: "Guard, begin the unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism..." 5th ed champions genre book
  10. Re: "Guard, begin the unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism..." That's the most evil thing I've heard this month. I'm stealing that one
  11. Re: The Champions Universe Without The Champions. How Hard Can It Be? If your going to team up dark angel and NightHawk, you should probably do Stacy the courtasy of beefing her up to 350 pts.
  12. Re: The Champions Universe Without The Champions. How Hard Can It Be? Why would you think that? Night Hawk has no code versus killing, which I assume means he has the default champions "reluctant to kill" mentality. A few run ins with nutters like the Canite, or scum like Caligula may well change that to the more Dark Champions "willing to kill those who deserve to be killed" or it might not, but NightHawk is obseses with crimefighting. Interfreing with harbinger would have a big negative impact on the overall war on crime in hudson city (though it migfht bring the murder rate down...) so nighthawk won't do it. He probably won't team up with harby unless they both get caught in the same Card Shark secret headquaters, and he might try to talk harby into taking some of the bad guys alive, or at least come to some sort of " You can shoot those guys who are shooting at us, but not these unconsious guys who I'm taking to the cops" arangement, but he's got better things to do than tell another crimefighter how to do his job.
  13. Re: Can we define the archetypes? This may be true if we define champions as a purely tactical exercise, the way D&D 4 has been developed. Champions is not a purely tactical exercise however. It's a medium for telling stories. There's more to being a hero than fighting villains. Some of the archetypes are defined more by tactical roles than others, but there's more to being a brick than "defensive melee". A brick embodies strength and toughness. Grond for instance is a brick, but he almost never defends anyone, or works in a team. You can have a brick who uses his strength in an inteligent manner, for instance taking out the stuctual walls of a villains lair to bury him under piles of rubble. A martial artist does more than "offensive Melee". A martial artist does martial arts. He has the discipline to train as a fighter, constantly. He may have a teacher, or students of his own, all of whom provide plot hooks. He may fight defensively. An 8d6 martial throw may do nothing to a high def brick, but if the brick has a low SPD , he can't afford to lose all those half phases getting up. There's more to Energy projectors than doing damage at range. Energy projectors manipulate energy. Think about what that means for a moment. The universe is made of two things- matter and energy. An energy projector with the Power skill and the right mindset can create all kinds of intereting effects, from blowing out lightbulbs and controlling computers to making an opponent float off into space by shutting off gravity Mentalists: loads of mentalists with no range limitation on thier powers. mentalism is an incredibly versitile power set. Largly, mentalists are the information warriors of the super set. Mentalists can learn all your secrets, and plans, and generaly mess up your day without even having to enter combat. Gadgeteers are also versitile. Yes, many of them are highly skilled, but not all of them. many gadgeteers use vastly powerful devices to be combat effective. The gadgeteer has the right tool for the job.
  14. Re: The Champions Universe Without The Champions. How Hard Can It Be? In my last campaign, the Champions tried to fight Vulshoth and Vulshoth ate them. This happened at the end of the campaign, but you can easily have something simillar happen to them at some point during the first few games of your campaign. Nobody really minds when an NPC rival team Jobs to the big bad.
  15. Re: Resurrection Man, any ideas? Buy ressurection with the limitation : Side effect: 8D6 major transform- change powers.
  16. Re: Resurrection Man, any ideas? VPP : control cost is change only when dead -1
  17. Re: Life heroes of your heroes Silverbolt: Roger Banister.
  18. Re: WWYCD: framed Silverbolt: Beat everyone up and run away laughing. Sometimes the simple solutions are the best.
  19. Re: Black Harlequin usage will increase after Dark Knight I hate that harlaquin guy. If there was ever a justification for buying as much deadly blow as the GM will let you, that's it.
  20. Re: Hero Goes to the Movies (or TV Shows)! Hardest part was defining his attitude to killing. Whilst he's pathalogicly unable to simply shoot someone, nearly every major bad guy in the series ends up dead by his hands.
  21. Re: Hero Goes to the Movies (or TV Shows)!
  22. Re: A precedent for Avengers/JLA style law enforcement powers...
  23. Re: Hero Goes to the Movies (or TV Shows)! ALEX RIDER STR 8 DEX 18 CON 15 BODY 10 INT 13 EGO 15 PRE 15 COM 12 PD 6 ED 3 REC 6 STUN 30 END 40 Skills: acrobatics-13 breakfall 14 climbing 13 conversation -12 Persuasion12 Shadowing 12 Stealth 14 slight of hand 13 linguist French- completly fluent German- completly fluent Spanish- completly fluent Italian- basic conversation japanese- basic conversation Jack of all trades: PS secret agent 13 PS athlete 13 PS play snooker-13 TF: parachutes, snowboards, scuba gear, light aircraft, light ground vehicles. WF: common melee, small arms, martial arts weapons Contact: MI6, organisational -8 Contact: Smithers- 11 good relationship. Martial arts- karate Punch- martial strike Kick-offensive strike legsweep- legsweep. Block- martial block dodge- martial dodge +2 damage classes +4 with karate Improved equipment allowance: Advanced military Disadvantages Watched By MI6 -14 more powerful NCI Hunted By Scorpia -8, more powerful, NCI DNPC: Jack starbright, normal 14 DNPC: Sabina Pleasure, normal, -8 Psych lim: will not murder, common, strong Psych lim: reluctant hero
  24. Re: Statting out the characters in Dr Horrible's sing-a-long blog 10 com is on the good-looking side of normal. Bear in mind the huge thread on other genres where the common consensus was that Britteny Spears only rated a 14.
  25. Re: Statting out the characters in Dr Horrible's sing-a-long blog D'OH! Knew I'd forgotten something Horrible is 10 com, Hammer is 14
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