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Everything posted by Shoutybloke

  1. Re: Aid Limit? you can add up to 18 points to any one power with 3d6 aid, unless you buy it up.
  2. Re: Must use villains Underworld Enemies by Chris Avalone is the one your thinking of. Fantastic book. Still use updated versions of the Siettas, Hanged man and Gunmetal silk. Sadly I don't have the book anymore. There's a 2nd hand copy on EBAY at the moment, fairly cheap, if you're interested Von D man. Postage to your location might be a bit excessive though.
  3. Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City? Yes, but what exactly do you need to do to take over a crimelords turf? That's the problem I'm having
  4. I want to run a Dark Champions Vigilante crime fighting campaign based on a Crimelord trying to expand his territory, but I can only think up phase one of his plan, which goes: 1a: Revenue: Go all out to get money. Hire mercenery villains to commit high revenue crimes, set up drug suppy lines ect 1b: Recuit- Hire goons. Get dagger or someone to train them. 1c: Supply: Set up smuggling routes to bring guns and equipment into the city. But then I'm stuck. How do you move in on the lesser crimelors territories? (I already worked out you should leave Card Shark for last) Any help would be greatly apprecieted, thanks.
  5. Re: Hudson City and It's Brilliance Hudson City rocks. My only issue with it is is that you need to buy predators to get the details about crimelords other than Card Shark and the Kyphotic man (my favorite DC villian by the way) and the vicelord other than Cleopatera. Not a huge hardship, but a bit of a pain when I was running my Hudson City Campaign, since it didn't come out until it was almost over.
  6. Re: What would the character sheet for typical MMA competitor look like? could do if you want, depending on local laws, but I was refering to membership in a martial arts organisation that provides benifits like insurance in case of training accidents ect, access to infomation regarding the martial world, right to compete in sanctioned tounaments and various social engagements.
  7. Re: What would the character sheet for typical MMA competitor look like? Basic MMA fighter Str 13 Dex 13 Con !3 Body10 Int 10 Ego 13 Pre 13 PD 4 ED 3 Spd 3 rec 8 end 40 stun 35 Breakfall -12 Feint-12 Ps -MMA fighter -11 PS- bodybuilder -8 PS- groundfighter -11 KS- martial arts styles known -13 Martial arts: Punch/kick (fast strike) bob and weave (martial dodge) Takedown (sacrifice throw) Choke (choke hold) pin (martial grab) Escape (martial escape) +1 with hand to hand combat +2 with martial arts fringe benifit: black belt fringe benifit: licence martial arts licence This is a tough pro fighter who competes at the local level. Suitable for a semi realistic campaign. 200 point DC characters can wade through a gym full of these guys. 150 point ninja heroes can face him in the first rounds of a tounament, as the first serious opposition.
  8. Re: WWYCD: miscarriage of justice Silverbolt: Do nothing in hero ID. As Flynt Macintyre, P.I. follow up on the blackmail, bribes and witness tampering. Build an airtight case and nail him for that.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... You need to take your GM down to the local pool hall and demonstrate basic Newtonian physics to him.
  10. Re: "Does everyone have silver bullets?" Are they working bullets? In would have thought, if theywere intended as trophys, then they wouldn't have powder in them.
  11. Re: US Special Forces? Do you have dark champions? there are package deals on pages 51(basic military) 53 (ranger) and 55 (green beret). Costs 156 points for speed 3 character. There's also a full write up for a special forces soldier in the back of Predators.
  12. Re: Actor Package Deals Yes, that's what I was going for. Segal always plays characters who are either serving or retired/fired CIA. I doubt the real segal has combat driving, streetwise or all combat skill levels either
  13. Re: Character Names I Hate Hate Hate coming up with character names. Worst part of character creation.
  14. Re: Autofire Punch Power? Whilst this is mechanicly more efficient, assuming ocv and dcv are equal, there are two possible points against: 1: you have to roll three times, which slows down combat 2: your GM might not allow PSLs vs the DCV penalty of sweep(It's an optional rule)
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I got an appointment card from my doctor. It has an advert for the local funeral parlour on it
  16. Re: Actor Package Deals Stephen Segal: 12 +4 Dex 5+5 pre 2 Ps: CIA agent 4 WF: Small arms, Martial arts weapons 3 Contact: CIA-8 3 Combat driving 3 Stealth 3 Streetwise 5 KS Aikido -14 Martial Arts: 4 Block 4 Fast Strike 3 Throw 3 Hold 16 +2 with all combat
  17. Re: Strength and Dex Benchmarks I think he just lets people hit him to get bonus PRE attack from being immune to the damage.
  18. Re: Actor Package Deals At his peak in 67, he lifted a 267kg stone, which would have put him at around str17(I don't have TUB). However that was 40 years ago.He's slimmed down considerably since then, although he still has an imressive pysique for a sixty year old man who's had major heart surgery. Now, bodybuilding is about muscular hypertrophy, not maximum weight lifted. The characteristics benchmark table puts the high end for a non-olympian weightlifter at 13, so thats what I based my estimate on.
  19. Re: YOUR RL Skills You know your own capabilities best PG, but I suspect you and a lot of other people are selling themselves short.
  20. Re: The Spritual Martial Artist Ah right... it makes sense now.Try taking BOECV on Str and just normal martial manuvers.
  21. Re: Actor Package Deals Arnold needs more str- while in the real world it's probably around 13, in films he's usually portrayed as well into the legendery range.
  22. Re: The Spritual Martial Artist By the way, what's a Psi wraith?
  23. Re: The Spritual Martial Artist The martial arts rules arn't really designed to do what you want. Firstly, Ego, unlike Str, doesn't do damage on its own, so the martial manuvers that are enhanced strikes arn't appropriate. I suggest a Multipower martial art, and some 3 point levels. For instance: 60 pt multipower- mind fighting -6u mind strike: 6d6 Ego blast -6u mind throw 5d6 ego blast, does knockback -4u mental disarm: 10d6 mind control, nonverbal, fixed command: drop that. -2u mind block: 12 md forcewall transparent to pd/ed, self only, no range, requires ECV hit roll, no englobing, instant -4u mind dodge: Desolidification vs all attacks psionic 12 +4 with mind fighting. Should do everything you want.
  24. Re: The Spritual Martial Artist What are you tryin g to do that you can't do with EGO blast?
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