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Everything posted by Shoutybloke

  1. Re: Eurostar delayed! silverbolt: uncouple the carridge with eurostar fromn the rest of the train, then get the rest of the trian back to england. Let the french deal with eurostar.
  2. Re: YOUR RL Skills Which reminds me, people in the real world spend a lot more time buying off or down disavantages than PCs do, because the GM of the real world is a sadist.
  3. Re: Anyone have write ups of the Asesinos? There's an updated version of Stalker in Champions Universe: News Of The World, although he doesn't bear much resemblance to the original.
  4. Re: What happens when a new GM doesn't understand game balance I came up with a horribly abusive build today: SpeedOfThoughtMan. SpeedOfThoughtMan has all his attack and movement powers built with trigger: when he wants to, activates as action that takes no time,resets automaticly.+1
  5. Re: Where have you had your most memorable battles? In Gerhart Spregans Secret undergound bunker below hudson city, with carnivore on a rampage, a pulp era Death ray Robot running around and spregan trying to mutate one of the PC's
  6. Re: Hunter: The Vigil as a DC Setting Getting it next week. one of the vampire campaigns I have kicking around in my head is called "The Prince of Hudson City"...
  7. Re: Superman Begins and Darker Superhero Stories Lots of reasons.For myself it's a combination of factors. Firstly, in the real world I have to show a lot of restraint. I have to remember that most of the people who piss me off are actually quite decent, and just approach things from a different angle. It's frankly quite stressful reining in the urge to kick someones ass all the time, so when I'm roleplaying, I want targets I can cheerfully use unrestrained lethal force on, such as the bad guys from predators. I also think there's a beter way to deal with someone who just robs banks in a funny costume without hurting anyone than booting him in the head. Also, there's the contrast issue. When you actually acheive something positive in Hudson, you damn well earned it. Look at the film "It's a wonderful life". In that film, a good man is systematicly driven to the brink of suicide by a combination of fate, a corrupt bussines man and his own tendancy to do the right thing despite the personal cost. And yet, everyone considers it one of THE feel good films of all time, because of the happy ending. The ending only works because of the contrast.
  8. Re: WWYCD: Magic Fishnets? Breakaway pants, as used by male strippers, are the solution here.
  9. Re: US Government's reaction to superhumans Every member of this board gets a knock on the door at 3am local time, is bundled into a van and taken to an unknown location and sat in a room with a very long table, where a man in a grey suit says: "Right gentlemen. How do we kill superman?"
  10. Re: To all GMs about a power combo have you considered the "only in heroic ID " limit since you can only use it when useing he armor
  11. Re: You Are President! Silverbolt is not eligable, being 23 and English. This would not stop him ruling with an Iron fist however. Literaly. He'd get one of his cyberhands replaced with one made from wrought iron. It's good to be the president.
  12. Re: OIF points come due: Defender vs Neutron No, it's an attack on a focus. See the focus rules
  13. Re: How Would You Make Green Lantern? I'd go with a big vpp with the physical manifestation limit on the control cost. expensive though- then again, it's an independant focus
  14. Re: WWYCD: Magic Fishnets? You could use them as a fan belt in your car. After all, they're indestructble.
  15. Re: OIF points come due: Defender vs Neutron yup, you're right. Defender is $*#&ed. Also, any attack that does 30 body or more will destroy the suit outright.
  16. Re: OIF points come due: Defender vs Neutron He doesn't take the stun though, because the rka only affects metal.
  17. Re: OIF points come due: Defender vs Neutron IIRC, each hit that does more than 15 body will destroy one of defenders powers, with each of his multipower slots counting as a seperate power. The armor should be the last to go, when he is out of powers his power armour falls to bits. If the power does not have the no knockback limitation, it will do knockback normally.
  18. Re: WWYCD: Magic Fishnets? Of course, if this was a WWYD thread, the only reasonable answer is "become the world's first rocky-horror themed superhero"
  19. Re: WWYCD: Magic Fishnets? Silverbolt would give them to his girlfriend. (10 character points to buy off dnpc, 15 for follower.) Nightingale: Str 10 Dex 11 Con 15 Body 10 Int 10 Ego11 Pre 10 Com 12 pd2 Ed 2 Spd 4 rec10 end30 stun 30 Magic Fishnets: 10d6 eb, iif martial arts- classic comic book, iif punch- 6d6 kick 8d6 throw 4d6, opt falls block dodge +1 w/ ranged combat iif +1 w/hth combat, iif 9pd/ed armor, hardened iif, nonpersistant, luck based Distracting costume, or lack thereoff +10 pre, offensive only, only vs people of appropriate orientation, oif (pvc halter and hotpants) change environment- 2 ocv, 1" radius, oif Deduction- 11 seduction-11 ps- admin -11 ps private investigator -8 ps vigilante-8 KS- underground sex world-11 KS- cyber culture -11 Disadvantages: Hunted- silverbolts enemies- 8 Psych lim- Cyber fetishist, uncommon, strong social limitation-secret ID-8 Social limitation- secret (filthy pervert, embaressment/ostracism if revealed- 8) Distinctive features: wears fishnets at all times, Concealable with effor, noticed and recognised.
  20. Re: Doctrine for beginning vampire slayers?
  21. Re: Doctrine for beginning vampire slayers? Do Not Go Out At Night Do Not Go Out At Night Do Not Go Out At Night repeat this mantra and you will be safe from vampires. At night, you should be locked inside your very well hidden, fireproof, fortress like home. Fight vampires during the day. And by fight I mean find out where they sleep and burn it down at 9:30 AM. Or buldoze it to let the sun in. Or fill it with 100 tonnes of concrete.Or call the cops and tell them there's a dead body in the basement. Do not ever physicly confront a vampire, because they will eat you. Don't be a hero. Don't try to be dirty harry. Don't give them anything like a fair chance. Outright murder of helpless targets is your goal.
  22. Re: Street level Supers villain idea: the Dead Baron instead of summoning the undead, why doesn't he kill his minions and raise them as In Nomine style mummies? that would be cool.
  23. Re: If you act, as you think . . . sounds like it's just SFX for other abilities to me.
  24. Re: How to Build: A Timelord It happens a bit too regularly to be a radiation accident. I'd make a player pay points for it. YMMV of course
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