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Everything posted by Shoutybloke

  1. Re: Statting out the characters in Dr Horrible's sing-a-long blog Captain Hammer STR 40 DEX 18 CON 30 BODY 12 INT 8 EGO 8 PRE 20 PD 30 ED 30 SPD 4 REC 12 END 60 STUN 47 Damage resistance: 30pd/ed 20 pd/ed armor, only versus real weapons and martial arts acrobatics -13 +3 with punch, grab, haymaker ps superhero -11 seduction-13 oratory-8 Well connected contact- mayor -11 contact police cheif-11 contact: corperate sponsors-11 Reputation: famous superhero -11 +3d6/+3 with people who aere impressed by such things Wealth: comfortable Disadvantages: Psych Lim: Jerk, vc, total. Psych lim: pysical coward, cant stand being hurt unbcommon, moderate Vulnerablitiy: 2x stun vs attacks that penetrate his defences (no pain tolerance) DNPC: Penny, normal -11 Rivalry: romantic, with Dr Horrible
  2. Re: Unwanted advances Silverbolt: "I'm in a relationship. Also, spinal damage"
  3. Re: Statting out the characters in Dr Horrible's sing-a-long blog Dr William Horrible STR 8 DEX14 CON15 BODY10 INT 23 EGO11 PRE10 PD 8 ED 8 SPD 4 REC 6 END 30 STUN 50 Technological Savant: VPP, 100 pt pool, 50 control cost, only for weapons and gadgets, only change in a lab. Armoured Lab coat 8pd/ed armor, IIF Cool goggles: flash defense, 5pts Secret Base: 100 pt headquarters Perk: PHD in horribleness Scientist SCI: Temporal Physics 14 SCI: Laser engineering 14 SCI Genetic engineering 14 SCI: Sociology-14 SCI: Physics-14 Computer programming-14 Electronics-14 Mechanics -14 Systems Operation -14 Weaponsmith: Energy weapons Shadowing -14 Stealth-12 Conversation -11 PS- mad scientist PS- supervillain Disavantages: Psych Lim: low self esteem- vc, mod Psych Lim: driven to improve the world through supervillainy vc strong Psych Lim: Crush on penny, vc strong Hunted by captain hammer- 14 as pow Hunted by the police-8 more pow, NCI Watched by Bad Horse-8 more pow NCI
  4. Re: Protection against the mooks PD 6, 2 levels of combat luck and level IIa body armour will protect you from all but the luckiest thug. In fact, it once saved the character it was atached to from body damage when heatseeker shot his car with a rtocket launcher. Actually those 200 pt pcs were tough. the only bad guy who beat them in a fair fight was pokerface, although the kissing bandit and gunmetal silk came close, and some of Spregans thugs took them down with a gas missile once, but thats about it. The really embarassing thing was, they were pre-gens...
  5. Re: SAS/Delta Force Mercenaries and Ninjas Credible ninja: Str10 Dex14 Con13 Body12 Int 10 Ego13 Pre13 PD6 ed3 Stun25 rec7 end26 Martial arts: Taijutsu punch -martial strike knife hand- killing strike takedown- takedown jime waza-choke hold martial dodge use art with swords, pick one ninja weapon +1 hth +1 with either taijutsu or ninja weapons Stealth -13 concealment-11 tactics-11 contortionist-11 convesation-12 persausion-12 disguise-11 PS ninja-12 PS tradecraft-11 PS ninja specialty-11 KS ninjitsu-11 KS ninja clan lore-11 KS taijutsu-11 WF ninja weapons reputation: ninja +1d6/+1 with -11 with martial artists who can recognise the real thing and ninja enthusiasts +3 resistance Disadvantages Psychological Limitation: Ninja code, common, total Reputation: ninja -11 watched by ninja clan/organisation, more pow nci -11 This is a ninja who is more than just cannon fodder to make the pcs look good, but will still need numbers and good planning to beat the average DC group.
  6. Re: How do you create 'Super-Wisdom'? I'd go down the detect best course of action rout myself. as a GM, I'd only allow it on the proviso that I make the roll myelf, secretly, and ristrict it to about a -13 max
  7. Re: GMs how did you bring the PCs together? Just gave the players an individual reason each to be doing survailence on the Satanic Skulls motorcycle gang, then told them that they had noticed the other pcs and made their rep rolls.
  8. Re: almost ready to start my own game...Help Just bodge some you like together using the pick and mix templates from champions
  9. Re: DC ruleset used for modern (non costumed) gaming? did a near future type campaign a few months ago. worked really well, I really enjoyed it. The system works really well for an investigtion based urban game. At the heroic level, the main drawback of hero's combat system, the slowness you get at high spd scores, isn't noticeable.
  10. Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City? right, thanks to everyone who helped out. I've got my plot, got some players, and I'll post how it goes in another thread.
  11. Re: Nicholas Angel Honestly, Dannys more of a DNPC.
  12. Re: help flushing out skills for Teen Champ Character. Honestly, for a fourteen year old girl, that's enough skills
  13. Re: The Devil's Advocate? Silverbolt: grumble loudly, but serectly be rather pleased as it gives him a chance to beat up the bad guys again.
  14. Re: You, or your PC? The first difference is that most of my characters have the determination and drive to master their primary feild of endevour, as opposed to my tendancy to dabble in many things. My characters also tend to be less tolerant of injustice than I am- certain things will nark them to the point that they will track down the perpetrator and do violence to them, whereas I only belive in violence in self defence or the defence of another. On a related note, they tend to bite plot hooks, whereas I don't.
  15. Re: Your character's pet peeve(s) Silverbolt: obnoxious John Claymore fans.
  16. Re: Loved at home hated by the world. Silverbolt: Cash in his favours. remind the PM of that time Mechanon fired a missile full of nerve gas at him, his family and a large number of people who were going to vote for him at the next election, and silverbolt jumped on it and steered it to safty. Call Martin Ming-lin Mpoto (actually Merlin- THE merlin) and his pet A.I. to get enough blackmail on the tribunral to ensure an aquital. Use his teammate Blaize's vast resources to pay off the members of the tribunral who can't be blackmailed. Go to the country. Face tribunral with his other teammate John Claymore and his 37 PRE as his defence council. Get off. Find the **** who mind controled a bunch of innocent people into jumping in front of a cyborg moving at 172 mph. Run into him at 172 mph. Go home.
  17. Re: Keeping it Real *laughs hollowly* Don't know about Austraila or Japan, but guns aren't uncommon over here. Ridiculusly illeagal, but not uncommon. Every thug and lowlife either has one or can get one in less than a day. Certainly everyone who remotly qualifys as organised crime seems to have the sort of arsenal that justifies the police sending 20 guys in full body armour with MP5's when they need to take them down. (Snips rant on Britains gun laws that belong in NDG) If you want to run Dark Champions UK (there's a suppliment I'd like to see) don't feel bad about equiping the bad guys with whatever hardware you feel like, because the real ones have it.
  18. Re: Keeping it Real Organised crime is composed of ordianry people. Seriously, the advantage the average mafiosi has over the average citizen is not that he has say 25-50 more points in combat skills, he doesn't. It's the lack of that 0 point "reluctant to kill" psychological limitation that does the trick. That and the fact that they have a group of associates who also lack that limitation, so if you mess with one mafiosi, you mess with his whole crew. Other organized crime groups may be a bit tougher- Russian and Balkan syndicates have a high percentage of members who are ex-military, but they're not invincible supermen. A suffiiciently motivated ordinary person could still match or suppass them, if they're willing to put in the work. It's a matter of scale. Can you kick the mob out of America? No. Can you kick them out of Campaign City? probably not unless you run a very long game. Can you kick the local crew out of your neighbourhood? That's a more realistic goal.
  19. Re: Approved by the Comics Code Authority Silverbolt: realize that there's no place in this world for "a thug with tin legs" now that the Yakuza can't actually win. Retire, marry Suzzanne,(hoping that a descrete vail will be drawn over her cyberfetish) and spend his time trying to re-habilitate the Clowns street gang.
  20. Re: How do I build "Natural Combat Abilty" from HU? Quick and dirty build: Multipower: Natural Combat ability. 37: 30 pt reserve, all powers variable special effects(any martial arts style, 1/4) 4m: +6d6 hand to hand attack 6m: 2d6 hka 4m: +30 str, only for exert based manuvers -1/2. Add CSLs to taste.
  21. Re: A 'realistic' supers world? If you really want to rule the world, may I suggest the following 60 point power...
  22. Re: Must use villains I'd jump at the chance for a 5th or 6th ed Underworld enemies book, but apparently the author is too busy. Freak and the Cainite are very similar coceptually though...
  23. Re: Super Powers in Hudson City A less facetious answer would be that there are low powered superheroes in Huson city, Scarlett, Hawksure, and Heavyhitter, detailed in Dark Champions: the animated series. They're not part of the official setting, but if your going to use Hudson in a superhero campaign, you're probably best off using them for inspiration if nothing else. DC: TAS also has several supervillains to use who fit the setting.
  24. Re: So, How do you take over organised crime in Huson City? Thanks guys. that's been very helpful. I might try adapting Retros plan from Hudson city blues so it doesn't involve a huge plot device, and use that as well.
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