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Everything posted by SleepyDrug

  1. Re: Powered Armor: OIF versus OIHID Good Points. Lets review: OIF Argument (foci has 6 elements, pg187): 1) Obviousness (187) -- lets go with everyone excepting this here. 2) Inaccessible (188) -- cannot be hit with a grab in combat, but can be targetted separate of the character, can be taken away in one turn out of combat from a character who is not struggling -- this is a hard one for power armor types. many comic book power armors include a locking mechanism (IM's is polarity reversal to weld the armor together) and the logical thing says to buy a persistent power so that the armor 'struggles' even if the character is knocked out. that would fit the comic portrayal of IM and many others and satisfy the rule. 3) Mobility -- can we agree this is not an issue? 4) Expendibility -- not part of most power armor 5) Durability -- most comic book power armor is breakable but enjoys the advantage of the armor's defenses. -- in Iron Man's case those defenses are significant but have been overcome foes as 2nd rate as the Melter. 6) Applicability -- this has certainly been an issue for many comic book power armor types. armor controls have been hacked, the IM armor was used by at least 9 people and Stark designed specific protocols against this eventually. So, the first question is does power armor in general and IM power armor (the archtypical example) fit these six descriptors? Yes, on all counts. OIHID & Restrainable: 1) difficulty changing forms -- some yes, some no -- IM & Beetle II both could change into their armors as what could only by described as a half phase action; IM in mid-leap at times recently. 2) Ways to Prevent the change or make it difficulty -- this fits 3) does not apply to any "focus" that can be lost -- well, this is a some yes and some no. The IM armor has definately been lost. 1r) when grabbed, entangled, or otherwise restrained power does not work. when free of the restraint the power works normally again. 2r) the above includes emp pulses, and possibly damage. Restrainable does apply fully. But OIHID is clearly a case by case (and not most cases) instance for comic book power armor. The key is losing the armor. With OIHID, this can NEVER happen. But it does to most.
  2. Re: Why must humans rule? Thats why we put effort into describing elven society, so the players acted as appropriate, and not as humans
  3. Re: Powered Armor: OIF versus OIHID Right, then lets consider that most classic power armor types (including Iron Man) have had their armor taken away. Also, the armor can operate independently of Stark. Neither fits OIHID
  4. Re: Is OAF worth a -1 limitation? How often do you try to steal foci? One of my best momments happened when the villain did a takeaway on a players sword and then ran her through with it. He slipped away with her blade.
  5. Re: Why must humans rule? My main fantasy campaign the world is evenly split between different races and the players are native to the elven nation. Humans usually appear only as villains.
  6. Re: Powered Armor: OIF versus OIHID The recent discussion here is why I started this with Dr Doom and Iron Man. Doom has power armor that he almost never loses. Presumably he takes it off at his castle, but whenever out in public he is in villain id. Doom's armor has truely only been damaged by the most powerful of enemies such as Molecule Man, the Beyonder, and the Dreaming Celestial. It has only been neutralized by incalcuable power such as the Power Cosmic. Doom is clearly a case of OIHID, if he deserves any limit at all. Iron Man, on the other hand, does meet all the requirements for a focus. He can be caught with out the armor (such as when it was tossed out of the helicarrier or when the Espionage Elite ambushed him), The armor is breakable and has been damaged from common foes such as the Melter and Firebrand as well as world class foes such as Fin Fang Foom and the Mandarin. The armor can be targeted by EMP devices or hacked or manipulated by magnetic powers. Like any focus, it has a specified replacement method. The only counter to the OIF argument is the difficulty in removing the focus. But this is not entirely accurate. Netzilla claimed that an OIF must be removable in 12 seconds. This is not true. We've seen many canon OIF foci that cannot be removed in 12 seconds; almost any head to toe uniform fits this bill which doesn't even mention items like the Armadillo armor.
  7. Re: Powered Armor: OIF versus OIHID Iron Man is the classic power armor character. And over the course of things, he is often without his armor. We've frequently seen it damaged (sounds like a focus). Looking at some of the OIHID arguments here, i'm not convinced. Someone mentioned the incident of the briefcase being tossed from the helicarrier as not counting b/c he had the armor when he hit the ground. what? but what if he had missed? Someone mentioned that focus implies you must do without it at times. Like when the Espionage Elite TOOK the briefcase away and beat Stark into the hospital, or Molecule Man destroyed it, or Mandarin took it away? OIHID is good for people like Colossus, Thor (must hold hammer or lose powers in 60 seconds), Prime. All of whom have a normal form and a powered form. Power Armor has all the earmarks of a focus. It is a device. Broken, lost, misplaced, controlled, hacked...we've seen all of this happen to power armor. None of which is quite right for OIHID
  8. Re: Powered Armor: OIF versus OIHID In comics, most power armor characters would be OIF. We often see armor disabled or removed outside of fights, broken and lost. OIF Comic Characters: Iron Man, War Machine, Beetle, Mach-1/2/3, Cardinal/Harrier, Iron Monger, Force, Night Thrasher, Steel, Booster Gold OIHID Comic Characters: Dr Doom, Cyborg As pointed out by Lord Liaden many conversions seen on-line use OIHID for Iron Man, but I think (and use) OIF as more appropriate. We've seen the Iron Man armor broken, Tony struggle to find a place to change, its been lost, hacked, and stolen. Contrast this with Dr Doom...who has been separated from his armor only two times I can think of. Once by the Beyonder and once by the Dreaming Celestial.
  9. Re: Y R axes better than swords??? Traditional military weapons are pole arms (usually the spear) and short thrusting swords. This is because of their usefulness in formation fighting. Something axes, with their wide swing arc, are awful at.
  10. Re: DARK CHAMPIONS: What Do *You* Want To See? What I didn't see in the outline that I loved from the 4th ed DC was the section on the law & how it related to super-powered individuals and vigilantes. Also, how about a quick run through on real world and champions universe military and paramilitary agencies (including espionage, until, et al)
  11. Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome
  12. Re: Need help with Israeli version of Capt. America Didn't know if Marvel's Sabra was in this universe. Only the most iconic names aren't duplicatable.
  13. Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome Worldmaker....when do changes post on your web site? i looked recently and didn't see them. Also, why did you combine social, physical, & psych limits in the description listing?
  14. Re: Campaign Concept RFC looks ok to me
  15. Re: Martial Arts for winged folk It isn't in front of me. But here is what I used for my conversion of Angel. Evasive Flyer -- Flying Dodge Best in the Air -- Dodge Grab & Slam -- Martial Throw Swoop -- Passing Strike Clothesline -- Offensive Strike Punch -- Martial Strike
  16. Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome
  17. Re: Limits on CSL's? General consensus? I like this a lot for heroic level games. Can I borrow the idea?
  18. Re: Need help with Israeli version of Capt. America Maccabee would be a good name, too. Or Sabra. Or take a page from Tzhal special forces and use Golani. Givati, or Shimshon. Any of those would be fitting if the hero served in the unit. (and yes, i'm jewish, religious, and very pro-israel)
  19. Re: Clairvoyance and Memorization Memorized Locations to always be able to locate a person when you activate Clairvoyance? Works for me
  20. Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome I was curious, too. Which is why I asked. The CU incorporates every conceivable comic universe element (& is not the GGU as pointed out). I'm not so sure about Iron Man & Booster Gold. Booster was a superstar athlete in the future. He is fast, yes, but I don't recall ever seeing him move with any sign of enhanced reflexes. Iron Man style armor was my original thought. Most versions of the IM armor have had a cybernetic relay (which led to Rhodes problems) with menu options projected directly onto Stark's retina. He thought a command and the armor followed through. So the tech could potentially enhance reactions. Iron Man himself usually sets the computer free when higher reflexes are really called for. For example, 10 shot autofires to destroy debries. But that is really extra levels and lightning reflexes with extra time since he is running a program. IM has the same problem in judging as Booster. He is naturally near olympic levels in dexterity to start. We've seen Stark master martial arts, fighter jet piloting, skiing, and race car driving. That aside, the cyber-interface could enhance reflexes. Worldmaster. If DEX & SPD can't be bought via focus, what about Lightning Reflexes?
  21. Re: Need help with Israeli version of Capt. America I'd say round with a star design. The star is not suited for throwing and protects less area. The character seems ok to me. Not sure on the armor weakening stones. Seems a little contrived
  22. Re: Question for you all TheEmerged is right about absorption not defending. Get the appropriate defenses. A third option is uncontrolled shape shift with zero end cost
  23. Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome (1) Do mages, divine beings, or other concepts get a by on the ego rule? (2) what about a fully cybernetic battlesuit; the computer enacts commands at the speed of thought?
  24. Re: Limits on CSL's? General consensus? i watch overall levels not csl specifically.
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