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Everything posted by SleepyDrug

  1. SleepyDrug


    Re: Scans I wasn't aware of that in regards to this. I know posting books is bad. But didn't know they had concerns about the images. Thanks for the tip
  2. SleepyDrug


    Has anyone here scanned in the pictures of characters from various HERO supplements? If so, could you make them available. If not, would anyone with a scanner be interested in doing this?
  3. Re: Bashing people with chairs, lightpoles, automobiles... Am I reading correctly, that you suggested that an item can do up to its DEF + BOD in damage, but if the character's strength exceeds this...then the item breaks. Don't forget -4 for throwing a bulky and non-aerodynamic object if the character chooses that route. I like this. What about packing crates and buses that don't need to be uprooted? Still, 1/2 to grab and 1/2 to lift? I agree with this. But as an addendum, I tell all players regardless of strength that if they routinely grab objects of opportunity for use as weapons I will require them to pay points as a game balance measure.
  4. I'm fooling around with updating my Champions Universe campaign. (right now i'm running a mixed marvel/dc world). Some thoughts bouncing around I wanted opinions on. 1) We've seen...four (?) official versions of the Champions (the original, 4th ed team, fuzion team, current), which group do you like/use or a mix? 2) Do you use npc hero guest stars much? 3) If so, who? 4) Are these converted from comic books, original creations, or the Champions?
  5. Re: PC Groups and Hunteds This isn't true per se. Demon is only after "A" and even a 14- doesn't mean the whole group suffers. Nor does a 14- mean time consuming or blatantly overt action. All it means is that a demon agent shows and takes a pot shot at "A". Now "B" and "C" are both on Viper's hit list, but "C" is obviously a higher priority target. I usually don't roll for Hunteds, but use the occassional/frequent/very frequent terms as guidelines. GM: don't allow 14- Hunteds if you don't want that to be a major feature of your campaign. I always have my say as far as enemies or hunteds go. If I gotta run them, I gotta get in my words I suggest you think of ideas to use Hunteds more creatively. How much damage does a Viper 5 team do with only one volley (shoot and run) while the heroes are fighting Mechanon?
  6. Re: My Star Hero Campaign Information Available Take me a bit to absorb it all, but looks good. The art is great!
  7. Re: Equipment: CP, Money or "Real Cost/5"?? The basic answer is.....ask your GM. As you summed up, in superheroic you pay points for everything. In heroic, equipment is free. But the GM may require you to pay points for unique/magical equipment, esp. if you start the campaign with it.
  8. Re: Harry Potter HERO I saw an interview with Daniel Radcliffe (the guy who plays Harry) who thinks they are destined to both die in a final dramatic fight. Predictions aside, what did people here think of my VPP & multiple skill roll suggestion?
  9. Re: Gate Stations Starherofandom.Com has a b5 write-up on it complete with jump gates
  10. Re: Achoo . . .. This reminds me of the old Cantrip spell from D&D. I'd use Change Environment to represent any of the minor effects this spell generated. So sneezing might cause a -2 to DEX/PER rolls for the phase.
  11. Re: Character Transformations The first campaign i was in, everyone saved a big pile of xp and spent it all at once. We justified it as team practice paying off and the group getting more serious.
  12. Re: Is OAF worth a -1 limitation? Then you need to read our great debate in the power armor thread and digest the rules clarifications therein. You're wrong, however, in that the combination of OIHID & Restrainable CAN allow a item to be taken. OIHID can be taken provided that (1) it happens very rarely, and (2) never for a long time. This can be seen to represent Iron Man who is almost never without his armor. In 83 issues of the current title, it has happened once. Also Tony usually either recovers the briefcase or gets a spare fairly quickly. I disagreed with this in the power armor thread, but it does happen enough that if a GM wanted, he could rule this way. What's a house rule? Restrainable (at -1/4) says you can reduce or stop me from using my power until I remove the means you did it. This can be an EMP pulse (requiring a reboot), losing the armor (requiring getting it back or a spare), or damage (requiring repairs). I suggest you reread Restrainable. True, but losing his armor or damage can be part of Restrainable. It should be noted that OIF and OIHID/Restrainable are almost the same limitation and OIHID/Restrainable can be used as a middle step between just OIHID or OAF and OIF.
  13. Re: Hard to build powers. This is in the archives at least a few times. But the typical response is a double approach: 1) Huge VPP to mimic powers, skills, knowledge 2) Drain/Transform/Mind Control to KO the victim 3) Some include a linked telepathy for reading memories
  14. Re: Is OAF worth a -1 limitation? Restrainable can be used for this. Your suggestions are interesting. But can all be easily done with a mixture of Focus, OIHID, and Restrainable and no rules changes. I'm cautious about rules changes unless the existing rules lack the structure for what I want. Example: megascale before FReD came out needed a house rule. The power armor thread has a good discussion of this as well.
  15. Re: Knockback and 1/2 DCV I use penalties for being prone
  16. Re: Harry Potter HERO In my system, Hermione would have no roll or a FAM for divination. I think it was said that Hermione was to logical for an unpredictable art such as divination (by Trewlany) so she quit. Ron was awful. Harry was good and we see him make several accurate predications. Trewlany was a terrible teacher.
  17. Re: Powered Armor: OIF versus OIHID I think that flexibility of how damaged is within the scope of the focus rule while breakable OIHID is a change/addition to the rule. The cards are worn in a fancy belt that is essentially OAF while they are out of armor. I would say from the issues i've seen that it is a full phase to summon the armor. This is why any comic to hero conversions I do include a "version" line. So I know what version of the character any particular write-up is. sounds about right. I think we have. This is probably a good one for the archives. This issue is fairly well settled.
  18. Re: Is OAF worth a -1 limitation? I was responding to Vorsch who had made the following comments: I wanted to point out that I never claimed Captain America was too good to be disarmed, but had in fact said that he had been disarmed in the past. In contrast to Thor, who can summon his weapon at will (as seen in several places). In response, Hyper-Man said: In other threads, i've disagreed with how many comic book characters are shown in hero stats. FYI, Lady Shiva and not Batman is considered the best HTH fighter in DCU. I've seen canon references placing several others ahead of him as well. But he is in the top ten. To Dust Raven You are correct. The SSS maintains Cap constantly at the peak of human potential. This has allowed him to do many borderline super-human feats such as resist the effects of poisons, smash brick walls, and scale a five story building in seconds.
  19. Re: Is OAF worth a -1 limitation? This is not true. We saw Thor "call" his hammer as recently as JLA/Avengers and as far back as the Terminus Factor story in the annuals. Uhmm...I don't mind people commenting on my posts, but please be accurate. Let me repost my earlier comments here: Crossbones has disarmed him in 3/5 fights. Once he nearly decapitated Cap with his own shield. Molecule Man destroyed it once, so did Ultron, and Thanos, and it broke while lost. Cap has lost the shield for extended periods and needed replacements: once as The Captain, once as Man Without a Country, once at the start of vol 3. Cap has thrown the shield and needed to retrieve it later in the fight several times. Note where I state the Crossbones DISARMED him. And my point was that this may apply to Cap's shield, but not to Thor's hammer.
  20. Re: Powered Armor: OIF versus OIHID This may vary from writer to writer, but I can recall more instances of the armor being destroyed/irrepairably damaged, than his making field repairs. Maybe i'll throw this one by Busiek (who once listed every instance, yes EVERY, of someone shooting/stabing at Thor to determine if he was bullet proof). The reduced in powers comment is a good point. As a GM I consider it a minor point to adjust the works/don't works element of Focus since there is no point difference between breakable or unbreakable. Continuing from above, with no point change for breakable/unbreakable, what is wrong with repairs if following a consistant routine. What is the difference between having the spare suit shipped from the base and having to make an Engineering roll at -6 and expend 10 minutes of time? True, and this is why I brought up campaign setting. I think ultimately setting may be the ultimate factor in deciding between OIHID and OIF. We could both run campaigns in the Marvel Universe, DCU, or Champions Universe but have entirely different settings. Didn't know that. Thanks for the update. But as I think, it depends on what constitutes struggling, too. Stark can move with all armor systems off-line. Not that this changes your point since we've seen him completely KO'd and people have trouble opening the armor. Where I see the problem is that OIHID does not require an item to gain that form unless you ALWAYS have access to it. Let me expand: Iron Man must travel to whereever his armor is (briefcase, car, etc) open the package and put on the armor. We've seen this happen very quickly with some versions of the armor but he can easily be separated from the armor. Contrast with the Credit Card Soldier's power armor that could be essentially summoned from little cards they carried. This is where this becomes subjective. It is a question of how often you think the armor is lost.
  21. Re: Generation Ship Campaigns Elizabeth Moon's Generation Warriors features a generation ship. One of the main characters keeps having to enter stasis due to injury or disaster and lives each part of her life in different generations.
  22. Re: Powered Armor: OIF versus OIHID Sorry for any difficulty reading the above post. How do you split up your quote boxes like you do?
  23. Re: Powered Armor: OIF versus OIHID Thank you for the compliment.
  24. Re: Is OAF worth a -1 limitation? Well, mjolnir (Thor's hammer) is really OIF due to the enchantment that causes it to return. As for Cap? Crossbones has disarmed him in 3/5 fights. Once he nearly decapitated Cap with his own shield. Molecule Man destroyed it once, so did Ultron, and Thanos, and it broke while lost. Cap has lost the shield for extended periods and needed replacements: once as The Captain, once as Man Without a Country, once at the start of vol 3. Cap has thrown the shield and needed to retrieve it later in the fight several times. If you are a long time reader of Cap, you'll see he often has OAF style problems.
  25. Re: Harry Potter HERO Have you considered a VPP with multiple skill rolls. The book mentions how good most wizards are by magical types. Harry is superior at defensive charms, but middling with potions. Hermione is great at most things while Nevell is only good with herbology. Broom flying would be combat pilot; someone like Harry could have levels to represent high skill.
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