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Everything posted by Clonus

  1. Re: Scientists claim warp drive is possible Going to another universe won't help. The same problem exists when you return to this one.
  2. Re: Soon I Will Be Invincible Damsel's mom was an alien monarch who visited Earth during the Golden Age (Hyppolyta-equivalent).
  3. Re: Soon I Will Be Invincible
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings A reasonable person can not demand that fiction be more realistic than life. It should, however, have more of a plot.
  5. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Actually it's a Sci-fi rendition of Aubrey and Maturin. And Maturin (Adele) was always the cool one in that pairing.
  6. Re: Royalty Character Not as such. I had a character who had royal relatives but he was born on the wrong side of the sheets. Still once it was publicly revealed it did boost his social standing a mite. The major issue with Head of State is that it should probably be combined with some kind of official obligations. It makes his fights potential diplomatic incidents. It also gets him more media attention.
  7. Re: Scientists claim warp drive is possible I've toyed with the idea of a warp drive which will let you cross interstellar distances in no time. The catch is that "you" (meaning every atom of the ship and every atom the ship was carrying) can't go back until enough time has passed for a round trip at the speed of light. Essentially every time you use your drive you divide the universe into two halves, but then the half you can't travel immediately becomes a constantly narrowing cone containing places you can't go. As a result ships have to be very careful about contamination from other ships, and sometimes a stranded ship has to evacuate itself to see whether that will free it up.
  8. Re: Philosophical: Definition Of A Mechanic When I was into whatever system it was they used for DC Heroes and Blood of Heroes, I repeatedly scolded other designers for modifying a power so it did something it didn't normally do but didn't do what it actually did do. "If you're going to make up a new power, make up a new power!" I'd say.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Videos "How to Write a Fugue"
  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Mahoujo Chicken Boo
  11. Re: Scientists claim warp drive is possible
  12. Re: Guliver Syndrome part 2: The Amazing Colossal Character! Riptide would move into the ocean for the duration to avoid stepping on things. Hellfire would stand in place, too terrified to move until she collapses from exhaustion unless someone tells her what to do. The Wizard of Oz Incorporated would try to build a way to return himself to normal size by using his handheld to remotely operate Tin Man, his robot battlesuit. T.N. Lung would destroy Tokyo. (I keed.)
  13. Re: Scientists claim warp drive is possible But I can use it in all the situations where that doesn't hold true and cause really does precede effect. Note that physics already contains postulated quantum-level acausal events.
  14. Clonus

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! It would have been odd if that were true since Excalibur came from the lake, not the stone.
  15. Re: A Multiform Power Suit Uh-hunh. That's the kind of thing you can do with a multipower, maybe cheaper than multiform.
  16. Clonus


    Re: CthulhuTech? Only because they start the story already dead. But note that the original team are the ones who actually encounter a mythos creature. The two people in the story never do and that's why they are still alive. There may be a Cthulu GM who has run his Lovecraft campaign so the PC's never encounter anything. They always just find the bodies of the people who did. But I think the players would find that frustrating. "Investigators" are what CoC calls PCs. In the case of Call of Cthulu the PCs are Angell and Johansen both of whom die.
  17. Re: Scientists claim warp drive is possible Speak for yourself. I most certainly can use the word "cause" even when under certain restricted circumstances, the cause comes after the effect.
  18. Re: A Multiform Power Suit If the character doesn't have different skills and disadvantages in his alternate form, I find Multi-form to be too much trouble to bother with. Multipower does the trick if all you are doing is rearranging your power suite.
  19. Clonus


    Re: CthulhuTech? They almost all end with a sole lucid survivor, so that someone can tell the tale. IAlthough often he doesn't expect to survive for too much longer. I'd say that's something close to a TPK. In fact the only exception I can think of is The Dunwich Horror.
  20. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Manxome Foe by Travis S. Taylor. Very old-fashioned stuff. The characterisation is...unsubtle. Very gee-whiz in fact. But the examination of the practical problems involved in Traveller-style wilderness refueling and other space operations is fascinating stuff, potentially useful in space roleplaying. Annoying anti-French rant at the end.
  21. Re: ninja heroes from each state Hawaii is home to Doctor Bones. By day he's the best chiropracter in the world but by night he uses his art fearsomely to dislocate the joints of his unlucky opponents.
  22. Clonus

    The Olympics

    So "this" year the Olympics, which have been sliding in popularity, let's say, decided to make a massive change in their rules. They've eliminated the rules against mutants, or metahumans or whatever participating in order to increase public interest. The guy who wins the gold in weightlifting will actually be able to say he's the strongest man in the world without everyone laughing at him. The Atlantean synchronised swimming team is going to totally rock. Countries all over the world are trying to get in touch with their metahumans and get them to agree to compete. Of course there are still rules. Fireballing someone in Karate isn't a legitimate hit and manipulating soccer balls with anything except your feet isn't allowed. Also, to avoid encouraging self mutilation, cyborgs and robots will still be restricted. Do you have a character who would participate? In what sport?
  23. Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority Yeah...that's not what I'd allow. I figure you actually need to spend the points for the effect, which in this case would mean Selective, and a global Detect (Rapist) at a high enough level to find them all.
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