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Everything posted by Cygnia

  1. Re: Opinions: A 'Hero' Stealing Their Gear.....???? Heck, there's the whole concept of the Wild Hunt and the Unseelie Court as well. Another possible villain could be Arawn, Celtic god of the Underworld (used in the Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander). The following are all mentioned in Brian Froud & Alan Lee's "Faeries" book in having some sort of malicious bent. Hags (British Isles) Jack-in-Irons (Yorkshire) Leanan-Sidhe (Isle of Man, Ireland blood-sucking vampire who is also the muse of poets. "Those inspired by her live brilliant, though short, lives.") Aughisky (Ireland water-horse related to the Kelpie of Scotland. "If the Aughisky is ridden inland, the rider is quite safe, but the slightest smell or sight of sea water will spell death to the rider...") Nuckelavee (Scotland, water-faerie) Jenny Greenteeth & Peg Powler (water hags)
  2. Re: Order of the Stick And...new one is up! (*sigh*)
  3. Re: Opinions: A 'Hero' Stealing Their Gear.....???? Well, if you're going for legends, there's always the Morrigan (Celtic warrior goddess). http://www.maryjones.us/jce/morrigan.html
  4. Re: Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Would the AI be then able to sure play a mean pinball?
  5. Re: Order of the Stick And that's why, even though she's a rogue, she's a worthy leader in Roy's absence.
  6. Re: Champions Universe: The Unresolved Questions/Plots
  7. Re: Champions Universe: The Unresolved Questions/Plots There needs to be an Infinitely Secret Civil Crisis of Champions to sort stuff out (or wreak havoc) continuity-wise. What happened with Solitaire and the Vril Society and her mom? When did Freon become a competant non-whining badass? Were the Fuzion rules just a bad dream?
  8. Re: Champions Universe: The Unresolved Questions/Plots *snicker* See, I could see Quantum having a grand mal nutty and going totally Miss Piggy Ballistic with the sociopathic murdering "vigilante" heel turn.
  9. Re: Opinions: A 'Hero' Stealing Their Gear.....???? Well, it might depend on who was responsible for "donating" the artifacts in the first place. It may be a case of the donor "sensing the destiny" of the hero to be and set it up for them to be...acquired. Is her secret ID a suspect in the artifacts' theft at all (if not the thief itself, then someone who passed on "insider information") ?
  10. Re: Champions Universe: The Unresolved Questions/Plots What happened to the original Champions?
  11. Re: Top Signs that you need to rethink your GMing. Your GM insists that it takes at least 4 hours to create a "proper character" for his hombrewed system and doesn't see what the problem is in listing "VCR Programming" as a necessary skill for a Pulp Era game.
  12. Re: Top Signs You Need to Rethink Your Playing Style.... If another player can take a full forty-five minutes going to the store to pick up more soda and you STILL HAVEN'T MADE A DECISION on what your character will do, more than rethinking your playing style should be in order. (Sadly, I was witness to this particular debacle. And the soda-getting player wasn't necessary at all to the moron, so it wasn't a case of needing to wait for him anyways before she had to do something. Of course, the idiot in question was the GM's roommate and probable 3rd member of a menage a trois so getting rid of her would never have been an option.)
  13. Re: Top Signs that you need to rethink your GMing. Sadly, that's par for the course in a HackMaster game...
  14. Re: Order of the Stick Scruffy is badass...I wanna see his stats.
  15. Re: Order of the Stick New one's up...hee!
  16. Re: The Fatherless Five Maybe they're all Brothers from Other Mothers...
  17. Re: The Two Funerals Yeah, I was gonna say that most of my characters might be inclined to take in anyone who had outstanding warrants, funeral or not.
  18. Re: Order of the Stick [noob mode on]Are necromancers even capable of casting Cure spells?[/noob mode off]
  19. Re: Name Help: Daemonic Hero Well, if he's being used as a sacred container of sorts, how about "Ark"?
  20. Re: Order of the Stick New strip is up...and that last panel is definitely something.
  21. Re: Name Help: Daemonic Hero Did he take this burden up willingly or was this a curse from his own previously "less than moral" actions?
  22. Re: Most common super hero jobs Guy was a lawyer?! I'm almost afraid to ask in what specialty... She-Hulk was a lawyer as well.
  23. Re: "I shoot the escape pod!!!" So, after years of me running 7th Sea for him, our friend Chris wants to GM a game of it. He's doing a great job. We've got a dramatic chase with the baddies' carriage going on when suddenly bandits ambush both the bad guys and us, so we're dealing with the classic temporary Villain-Hero team-up. My fellow party members seem to be handling rather well when Chris asks me what I'm doing. Me: Oh, I'm cutting the horses free from the carriage. GM: You're WHAT?! Me: Let's face it...everyone else is all distracted. What's a more ideal time that the bad guy abandoning his mooks and making his getaway? GM: *grumbles* Fortunately, Chris was a quick learner and did the Brotherhood of Evil GMs proud. True, that was his initial plan, but his main baddy hopped on a free horse and managed to make his getaway. And I, unfortunately, didn't have the Ride skill. So we had our planned climactic showdown in the about to erupt magical volcano after all...
  24. Re: [Villain] Cure If he goes up against ALL metahumans and not just mutants, what's the technobabble on how the inhibitor cuffs work?
  25. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Playing Everlasting when this bit of dialogue came up between my Revenant and my husband's Ghoul. Hubby's idea to take out a pack of renegade monsters hiding out in a packed nightclub is to well, simply blow the place up. Me: We'll call that "Plan B". Him: What's "Plan A"? Me: Everything else. In the end, the club did end up getting torched after all...
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