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Everything posted by assault

  1. True, but the Allied supply lines from the ports to the front were running continuously. Dispersed to a degree of course, but basically a continuous stream of trucks. Even despite this, the post-D-Day Allied advance was as limited by supplies as by German action, at least after the breakout from Normandy.
  2. WW2 supply lines went far beyond the term "truck convoy".
  3. Less important answer: supernatural evil exists, and if you line up with it, you end up being evil. You can also do nasty things without this, but your evil lacks a Big E. The answer I am currently working with: "evil" and "dishonourable" are more or less synonymous. Yes, of course there are different definitions of "honourable", but within a specific social framework, the equivalence holds.
  4. That's not Nazism, that's Tuesday. Even "Democracy" or "Freedom".
  5. I doubt putting a mask on your Rogan hole would protect you from Covid.
  6. Royal Academy of State Hilarity and Imbecility. LNP
  7. Bases are also a known and usually mapped location for adventures. This can apply even if they are notionally secret. Of course this is an argument for making them free.
  8. What you sing in wet yam gardens. WOTC
  9. I'm reconsidering the Multiform option too Make it something of a possession effect, and things could get interesting fast Sure you get your temporary superpowers, but the spirit has its own agenda
  10. It's been forty years since I read the Dying Earth, so I'm not the right person for this . The main point is that common gamer usage of "Vancian" taken on its own meaning.
  11. An alternative approach would be to create a bunch of minor spirits to summon. Give them some fancy abilities which they can use at will.
  12. I'll plead guilty, but the plan is to make it actually Vancian, not Gygaxian.
  13. I've been considering the two different things approach. It does seem to fix some of the problems.
  14. I'm a little bothered by the MP build, because of the slots inheriting the limitations on the pool. I'd rather things work like: you go through all the drama to cast the spell in the first place. You don't need to go through all that every time you want to use a slot.
  15. I've brain failed on the following spell: (Special effect description): When the spell is cast, a small storm cloud forms above the caster's head. From it, she can call lighting bolts, storm winds and similar effects. It stays in place for as long as she can maintain it - the more powerful the caster, the longer. Eventually, however, it goes away, even if the caster doesn't actually use it. Once it is gone, the spell needs to be memorized again before it can be recast. (I'm actually thinking of building a bunch of spells along these lines. The idea is that a powerful caster might only know a handful of such spells - but they can destroy an army, or a city.) The "lightning bolts, storm winds and similar effects" are nothing special, aside from mostly being Instant powers. It is important that the spell will end even if the caster doesn't actually do anything with it, and that the more powerful the caster, the longer it will last. My thoughts: Multiform works, but gets tangled up with Characteristics, Skills and so on irrelevant to the spell. It could be a fancy Multipower, with the MP being treated as a Power. End conditions for the spell would include being dispelled, the caster running out of END, becoming Stunned or Unconscious, or just distracted enough that they can't pay enough attention to maintaining it. And probably some other conditions that I haven't thought of. Burnout is too random. Failing a Skill Roll might work - it's random too, but the probability is easier to manipulate. Any ideas?
  16. I wouldn't go there. It's one thing that the community has a sketchy basis - it's another to rub it in and mark it as a target.
  17. Adding druids is a distraction from your main idea, IMHO. Not inherently bad, but I would play them down.
  18. Given the size of the town, most of the population would be farmers and similar food producers. However, given the fae influences, food might be mostly gathered/picked rather than grown in cleared fields, with plowing and all that messy mortal stuff. So lots of orchards and gardens. Probably not monocultures here - various useful plants that can be harvested at different times of year. But still, bread is useful. The areas that aren't immediately adjacent to the forest could be used to grow grains of various sorts. Livestock, even mundane plow animals, could have a fae streak in their ancestry. The area might breed "interesting" horses, even if they are scrubby ponies. And once in a while, you might even get a unicorn... They'd be impossible to domesticate, but a horse with unicorn ancestry could be worth a fortune.
  19. That's actually a really good idea. I've been thinking about it all morning. It would be a good way to do a "pulp fantasy" (Swords and Sorcery) game.
  20. You could cut it even further by tailoring it to a specific game. That wasn't what I had in mind for my super-beginner-cutdown-to-the-absolute-basics version though.
  21. The Australian Open Women's Final looks like it is going to be awesome. Ash Barty has been mercilessly owning her opponents, while the other one doesn't look like someone who she can psych out. Murderous Tennis is likely to ensue.
  22. The sad thing is, Dean, that you are one of our few authors who could create a "well-designed" setting. And of course you know how much work and how thankless (and non-financially lucrative!) that is. Michael Surbrook has other things to do. Scott Bennie has his horrible health issues. And of course, Aaron Allston is no longer with us. I'll acknowledge Christopher Taylor and others who are still in there plugging away. We need more of that. (Looks in mirror, guiltily. Where's my stuff?) There's no special sauce that will bring HERO into the big leagues, of course, but something that really grips and inspires people would help. The standard Hero fantasy settings are a bit too generic for my tastes. There's a contradiction between providing "what people expect" (Elves and Orcs and Dwarves, Oh My!) and providing something that isn't just yet another version of the Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk or Fill-in-the-blank. Hmm. I wonder if there isn't something lurking in Aaron Allston's notes on his Mythic Greece game(s). Bronze weapons and chariots are probably a bit specialized - steel and horses are probably a bit more accessible - but an Age of Heroes, city-states, and buttinski deities could be interesting. It would need adventures though, and lots of them. That's one thing D&D has - the dungeon conceit. It makes no sense, but going down a hole in the ground, killing monsters and taking their stuff is really basic, understandable and fun. I find it a bit dull these days - I'm a bit old for it, probably - but what else is there that has the same appeal? Sitting around pretending to talk to cardboard cutouts doesn't do it either. Simplifying character creation isn't too hard once you have a setting, and thus a finite number of options. There's a point at which something like the Champions Character Creation Cards would become possible.
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