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Everything posted by austenandrews

  1. Re: Concepts you wish your players would play I'd like to have a blind PC in one of my games. The challenge would be fun.
  2. Re: Crazy campaign ideas (Silly or serious) You could also add the GA Vision, different as he was. A GA Hawkeye isn't a stretch - his personality and costume would change more than his powers. I'm not sure how a GA Thor would have been portrayed. Off the top of my head, I'd think his storm powers would have been emphasized at least as much as his brute strength. assault's right, though. GA X-Men would be the funniest. Wolverine would be more like Wildcat. Storm would be serving coffee. Colossus might be the star of the show.
  3. Re: Monowire has arrived Yeah, that's totally freaky stuff. I still don't get how that works.
  4. Re: Monowire has arrived Naturally, but it's a fun topic-starter.
  5. Re: Crazy campaign ideas (Silly or serious) Golden Age Champs, populated with GA versions of modern superheroes. For comparison, think of GA Batman v.s. modern Batman. What would GA Avengers look like? GA X-Men?
  6. Technically speaking, anyway. http://www.aip.org/pnu/2006/split/767-1.html
  7. Re: Campaign cliche: The demise of the Champions I did that in a campaign about ten years ago. (Not the Champions as such; I don't use CU material.) A hidden bomb blew up two members (including the one with healing capabilities) and the retaliatory attack was a trap that blew up most of the rest. All offscreen. I wanted to shake things up a bit, put the new heroes on the spot; and the Premiere Superteam in question were pretty much all distant NPCs with little direct impact on any campaign.
  8. Re: Burning out the Speed Ah, I see. From that perspective you're right, the Multipower build is more economical. But I confess, I have an intrinsic problem with SPD Aid as a Side Effect. To me the power scans more as a Transfer UAA than the more complicated MP build. Transfer UAA has a simplicity that sounds imminently more playable. With the MP I'd be consulting the Side Effect rules every game. But you're right, Transfer would be more expensive.
  9. Re: Burning out the Speed You lost me. By its very nature the power we're modeling confers a benefit as well as a drawback. Why does that make Transfer the wrong choice?
  10. Re: Tetra Vaal -- realistic robot animation Those things are getting pretty good. I see the Japanese retain their customary level of lip-sync, though.
  11. Re: Golden Age speedster advice needed "Hotspur" is a nice one!
  12. Re: Tetra Vaal -- realistic robot animation I'd love to see more of that, but you hardly ever do. I agree, in a theoretical future where humanoid robots have the full range of human motion, motion capture will be very common.
  13. Re: Clever use of illusion spell Yeah, a lot of GMs get stingy about illusions the same way they're stingy about Mind Control. That's why I like subtle effects. If the illusion is only glimpsed out of the corner of the eye, or is something nobody would bother to question, or presented in a situation where they're evaluating visual cues very quickly, then the illusion itself doesn't have to stand up to careful scrutiny.
  14. Re: Weird Science Projects "Medical sword?" Weird.
  15. Re: Missing Focus Only put the Focus Limitation on part of the Power.
  16. Re: The Riddler - adventure ideas Just for reference, see Saw & Se7en.
  17. Re: Crazy campaign ideas (Silly or serious) I once ran a 100-year-old NPC superhero who first learned learned to fight in the trenches of WWI. His name was Trench Coot.
  18. Re: Clever use of illusion spell Don't get hung up on big, splashy effects. The most effective illusions are subtle and used in conjunction with other techniques, like a flight of pigeons or a dropped coin to turn an enemy's attention for a moment; making a locked door appear unlocked to fool someone into cornering himself; a brief glimpse of the party running around that corner so the guards don't see them ducking behind this corner; making the enemy's scabbard seem empty to prevent him drawing his sword; an arrow or two thunking into the wall to fake a hidden archer; making a wound look mortal to lure an enemy closer; etc. And those are just adventure-oriented ideas. Illusions are arguably much more useful in political and social intrigues, in tandem with PRE skills, to build trust, sew mistrust, feign wealth, etc.
  19. Re: Crazy campaign ideas (Silly or serious) Heh, I actually worked up a time travel scenario where the PCs meet neolithic supers. Never got a chance to run it, though.
  20. Re: Burning out the Speed That's the direction I'd go - Succor SPD plus Drain END plus Suppress REC.
  21. Re: Tetra Vaal -- realistic robot animation Motion capture CGI, I would think. Though the movie Zathura had me fooled with its robot, which turned out to be a costume with CGI legs (but costume feet). Slick stuff. (That was a cool flick.)
  22. Re: How far have you gone? I've created extensive magic systems for fantasy games, rocket/atomic missile combat rules for Atomic Space Adventures, sailing combat rules before they existed, and countless rules variants to tailor the system to different genres and milieus.
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