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Everything posted by Nothere

  1. So what would you say if the best assembling of character types for a fantasy hero group? To put it in d&d terms I'd say 3 fighters, 2 thieves, a cleric, and a mage.
  2. Well just for fun two street level nominations Blue Falcon Hong Kong Phooey
  3. Oh hes a columnist? I knew that name seemed familiar.
  4. In comics there are many charecters who get power from items left behind from godly entites. The hammer of Thor grants the power of Thor. Saying Shazam gives various things including the speed of Hermes. From the players perspective it's easy to build. The Son of Shazar wears the ring of Shazar and recites the incantation to transform into the hero. Focus, only in hero id, incantation on the powers easy. But how does it work from the power givers perspective? How does Shazar build that he left behind a ring that creates superbeings? I would go with useable by others focus
  5. Everybody knows George Will. He's a great guy. Not around often but you've all known him for years. Then one day you come across a picture of the group at an event George was with you at, but he's not in it. In fact over the next few months everytime you check the records he isn't in them. He's not in the video of events people swear he was at, there are no cards from him from the birthday party, he isn't in the yearbook of the people who swear they went to high school with him. In fact if it weren't for all the people swearing he was at key points in their lives, you couldn't prove he exists. WWYCD?
  6. Well it depends on the world your building. Are they indentured servants or free to go to the next village at a whim?
  7. QndI thought those sae monkeys they sold in the back of comics were fake. Should have got the xray glasses.
  8. Actually to get a tad off topic. Calaforina Patrol that's a team from the books somewhere isn't it?
  9. And don't forget the alien's lost spy tech. What do you mean you lost the pen that is really a 15 foot battle robot?
  10. Cassandra is correct watch Spaced Invaders. As for what your presenting the trouble is to not make it a one note joke. What you've presented breaks down into three catarogies of jokes. The spy cover. Sure they've seen enough old movies to in general do the spy act, but they aren't good at it. The man in a trenchcoat and fedora in a room of people in tshirts and shorts, holding a paper upside down looking through the eye holes cut in it, assuring everyone that they've seen no one suspicious fellow human. The alien says something very important in spy speak. But its in spy speak so no one understands what he means. And when he tries to explain in spy speak he confuses himself. Their aliens what is this earth culture? Confusing someone goofy as an important person. Attacking the rubber ball bin at the mall because rubber is a vital mineral. There aliens. Their planet dosent work like ours. The big imposing alien turns out to be small and non threatening, or the cute little alien is a large monster are more visual gags. However the death ray causes humans to spasm like their breakdancing. The mind reading helmet makes they spout off love poetry. And the alien engineer will destroy the city after he recalibrates the ships weapons, once he cleans off the black sudge on his face and pus out the fire on his antenna from the last test firing. "Agent Spy Agent Double Agent The chicken crows when the blue moon rides high." "Yes Agent Commander." "What does that mean?" "The humans has a large picture of a moon on a nearby building. But do we catch it or kill it?" "Agent Commander I have found the human leader. See. In this broadcast Milton Swarts is declared world spokesman for miricale mops." "Excellent the horse has built the stall. Agent Mad Scientist, I am about to threaten the humans again, have you found a threat to leave them shaking in their boots?": "Yes Agent Commander here. This is very important to them." "Attention humans. Surrender your planet or we will capture all the glutens leaving no more glutens free. You have until the shadow falls on the quiet stair."
  11. In the trash? Never having seen it I must ask, what makes Justice Inc so much better?
  12. I'd say thanks but it was your link that let me pull it off. So take a bow.
  13. Edgar Manus wanted to steal large amounts of gold easily, so he built a pair of magnetic gauntlets. With them he could pull metals to him from great distances. It wasn't until he was attacked by a superhero that he discovered the gauntlets were much more powerful when repelling metal. So he outfitted himself with several iron ball bearings made relatively weightless by magnetic force and started a life of supervilliany as Ramtractor. The Evil Emissaries Somewhere deep in space sits a being feared throughout the universe. Though this creature has never been seen, it has destroyed countless worlds, and is spoken of as the Evil One. Turning it's attention to Earth, it sent six black globes to the planet. Seeming nothing more than unusual rocks the did nothing. That is until a "good" person revealed a flaw near them. A moment of greed, lust, happiness at anothers misfortune. Then the globe activated. It enhanced both the flaw in the so called good persons personality and gave them vast power. Each effected know the Evil One has granted them this power, and wants them to work together to conquer the world. And while they do work together temporarily, they may have their own plans. It matters not to the Evil One. He has corrupted six good people who will wreak havoc on the planet. And the Evil One will learn much before its next attack on the planet. Who are these six agents of destruction?
  14. O.k. It took me awhile to find him, but here is Gorillia Goon. He was designed for a low powered street, golden agey type 5th edition game. Gorillia Goon 40 str 30 24 dex 42 18 con 16 13 body 6 13 int 3 15 ego 10 20 pre 10 14 com 2 18 pd 4 14 ed 4 5 spd 16 12 rec 36 end 42 stun 5” superleap 5 5 wealth 500k per year +2 lvl combat luck 12 3 acrobatics 14- 3 breakfall 14- 3 climbing 14- 10 +2 htoh combat levels 4 perk mob leader 2 ks organized crime 11- 2 ks city 11- 2 ps mobster 11- 3 security systems 12- 3 stealth 14- 3 streetwise 13- 15 public id Marius Garton 20 hunted cops (mp,nci, 8-) 10 Hunted by mobsters (ap, 8-) 10 hunted by superheroes (ap,8-) 15 rep violent mob boss 11-, ext) 15 distinctive features apelike man (nc) 10 psych violent (c,m) 15 psych wants to control city (c,s) Marius Garton was a big hairy man who enjoyed hurting people. Becoming a legbreaker for the local loan shark was a natural job for him. Turns out he also had some brains to go with his brawn, and quickly rose through the ranks of organized crime. Unfortunatly there are a lot of big tough guys, and eventually he reached a point where he could advance no further. He needed an edge. Having heard of a scientist who was working on a strength formula, he broke into the lab and took it. The formula worked, and he became far stronger and more agle than ever before. He also became larger, harier, and his features became more ape like. When his boss took him to meet with the mob’s boss “Scale” Mancuso, he declared that from now on he was running the mob. After killing everyone who objected, he decided he’d need a new nickname. People could never seem to decide on wither to call him a gorillia or a goon, so he used both. Gorillia Goon immediately moved to take over the docks. The gar was bloody and went on for weeks. However he didn’t manage to take over, and accepted peace terms. Though no one expects he’s satisfied. Their right. Gorillia Goon is amasing a war chest , men, and guns. He hasn’t decided if he’s going to try for the docks again. But he won’t stop until every hood in the city answers to him. Personality/ Motivation Gorillia Goon is a simple man. He wants all the wealth and the power in the world, and he intends to take it. True he’ll have to take it piece by piece and he’ll have to fight for it. But he’s always had a simple philosophy. It’s not violence that doesn’t solve problems. It’s not enough violence. Quote “Heres how this works. You are going to pretend to run things. You are going to ignore and cover up, whats going to start going on in the back room. You will do this because your getting extra money a week, or because I ripped off your arm and beat you to death with it.” Cracks knuckles. Powers/ Tactics Gorillia Goon tends to rely on his fists, but he’s more than just a dumb goon. So when confronting large numbers he’ll have a pack of heavily armed gunmen wear down the enemy before attacking. Appearance Gorillia goon is 7’ tall, very hairy, and his features are more ape like than human. However he is in charge now, and is rarely seen with out a suit like he’s seen them wear in gangster pictures from the 30’s and 40’s. Though they tend to be too small and he’s usually tugging at some part of it.
  15. Ted Greyson wasn't too excited about going to see the exhibit. Just a few old egyptian statues. None of the good stuff. When he tripped over a cat and ht his head on a statue of Bast, he was even less enthused. Then he discovered something. He could sort of read cat's minds. Not like having an actual conversation. But their moods and genersl impressions of their day. And so he has become Cat Scan.
  16. Not quite, but unfortunately disads have to come from somewhere, and being a normal human there is only certain amount of places you can go. And Viper kidnapped my masseuse to force me to give them the superbase access code makes more sence than most of the others.
  17. Major Tom considering I didn't even really describe these three's outfits, I really ought to give you a raise. Fortunatly your doing this because your just that great.
  18. The Hero will always interrupt just when things are going best for you. Throwing the switch, grabbing the loot, explaining to your dolt of a henchman how your plan is foolproof.
  19. I don't know if this counts for this thread, but as long as we have the Lone Rangers Creed.... Doc Savage Let me strive, every moment of my life to make myself better and better, to the best of my ability, that all may profit from it. “Let me think of the right, and lend my assistance to those who need it with no regard for anything but justice. “Let me take what comes with a smile, without loss of courage. “Let me be considerate of my country, of my fellow citizens, and my associates in everything I say and do. “Let me do right to all, and wrong no man.” The Phantom "I swear to devote my life to the destruction of piracy, greed, and cruelty, in all their forms, and my sons and their sons, shall follow me."
  20. Well I finally saw it. I approve. Found it strange that he lost to the gorillia. After all being able to go toe to toe with one is one of Tarzans defining traits. Still it was a good movie.
  21. Too apish. I debated weither he should be an actual gorilla, or a really gorilla looking man. In the end him being a talking gorilla seemed more silver than golden age. But if were going the gorilla route that's perfect.
  22. Major Tom I stand in quiet awe. Slight problem with Gorillia Goon. but its so awesome I don't care. You sir do not get enough credit.
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