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Everything posted by Nothere

  1. Well Empress Nazi probably falls under the nonsence category, but Doctor Wolfpack works.
  2. So how Wild is too Wild. Tanks and torpedoes forty years early good, but time travel and diamond juice that makes you a superspeedster out?
  3. As to actual range I've never really found a better formula than the one from the 4e book. a 12d6 campaign character would have about 24 pd and the toughest maxed out at 30. Course the problem is with people able to spend points anyway they want, theres nothing to stop Batman from having the same pd as Superman. Or would you as a Gm decree a agile spiderman type couldn't buy the max allowed pd?
  4. Strange junk of no diserenable value. Upstairs the gauntlet of Dr. Destroyer. Down here a piece of a toilet. Why? Be cause its the piece of debris that came closest to hitting the team when Destroyers base blew up.
  5. Well before I discuss range of defense I want to ask about type. I've noticed and tend to put resistant defenses on all charecters. Spiderman has none and can get away with it, because with his spider sense he's dodged the machine gun before it's fired. However original Batman and someone like Daredevil don't. Would you build a character with no resistant defences?
  6. Hideout Herald Lair Ledger Criminal Crier Nemisis News
  7. On that subject I find that a lot of players don't really study it at all. I tend to do home brewed cities, and don't really feel like typing up 50 pages of notes I've scrawled all over while working on different aspects. So I give a general overview, a few more details to a specific player about the tech industry in town if their making an electronics genius, and then ask that if anyone is interested in an other aspect of city life just mention it. They never do. As for locations I tend to go business or home where crime occurred. Street/warehouse/park/seedy bar as the heroes look into things. ending in villain base.
  8. Well lets start with enemies Gorilla Goon -Big, strong, tough, hairy he was one of the cities top mobsters chief enforcers. Then he tried out an experimental strength serum. Now bigger, stronger, tougher, harrier, and far more agile he's taken over the mob and wants the city. Ozarlia The Orange Terror - Having used her power crown to take over the hidden city of Lasia this orange skinned despot divides her time dealing with the resistance at home, ad using her crowns ability to shoot lighting, ice, and paraylisis to gather what she needs to conquer the surface. Das Fencer -With devilish good looks even the half mask cant hide, acrobatic prowess, and dreamy hard to place European accent one would think he was a hero from one of Nevile Sinclairs swashbuckler pictures. However Das Fencer uses his sword, blinding beam, and array of gadgets to steal government secrets, and assinate important businessmen The Orb- So long as this menacing figure in his Edwardian suit, long black cape, and sphere of black glass for a head is using hid gun and darkness orbs, no ancient tome or artifact is safe. The Saboteur - To hide the fact that he is really a prominent industrialist The Saboteur will wreck anything for a price, and his direct competition for free. Usually he only uses his acid gun, but he has an array of bombs as needed. Doll Queen- This 3 inch mechanical genius may not be big in stature, but her mannequin walking suit and gun that shoots dolls are only two of the devices that makes her big in organized crime.
  9. With over 400 posts you might have changed platforms, but I'm going with your still using the original platform. Am I missing a way to read it in English, or is there no way to read it in another language?
  10. To Tasha's point there was an old Superman episode where a scientist found a way to make gold.Thieves immediately went after the machine. Until they found out the materials needed to make gold cost twice as much as the gold made.
  11. Nothere


    I don't have 6th so my first question s obviously did they get rid of the only in hero id disad?
  12. I think I'm about to take your question way too broadly, but you were talking about world building and timelines. I mostly use home grown campains, which leads me to the how much is too much problem. When Hero system puts out a book like Hudson city its 150 pages and covers stuff that 90% will never be used in a particular campaign. I'm not gonna write up that much. So I hit the high lights and will mention in passing other stuff like the upcoming gala. If players don't seem interested, I don't bring it up again.Of course as this is the first time players have heard of the club, they won't know all the interesting features I put in it. But when world building you don't know what sort of charecters and backgrounds players will come up with. So if a player makes an actor I'll give them far more info on the local studios than I otherwise would. But your question was mainly about time. I deal with it by ignoring it. I've never mentioned what year it was in a game. And despite how many games set near Christmas we play the 23 year old is still 23 years old.
  13. So I'm reading the review for the Supergirl season premier. The author talks about what people think will be happening at Catco for the season, and a question occurred to me. Superhero games are about flying through the air, and using strange powers to blast colorfully garbed crooks. As it;'s an rpg we make backstories for charecters, and with disads like secret id and in love with we make npcs in our personal lives. But the gm is dealing with ideally 4-6 players some of whom aren't really interested in not blasting crooks, making a soap opera of heroes personal lives. So how much do you focus on your non heroing activities in your games?
  14. O.k. I'll bite. Whats an Amino?
  15. Henchman 40 str 30 21 dex 33 20 con 20 13 body 6 10 int 10 ego 18 pre 8 10 com 15 pd 3 15 ed 3 5 spd 19 12 rec 40 end 43 stun 8 run 4 3 swim 12 armor 4pd/4ed 15 +3 combat skill level 3 streetwise 11- 2 ks sports 11- 2 ks underworld 11- 2 ps criminal 11- 3 stealth 13- 15 secret Id Tony Mandaros 15 psyche follows orders (c,s) 10 watched police (mp, nci, 8-) 10 watched by current employer (mp, nci, 8-) 10 2d6 unluc 10 psyche sports fan Tony Mandaros was never much of a leader, he was always a follower. However he was always a bit bigger than the rest of the kids on the playground. So bullies and people who wanted to boss others around naturally made friends with him. This lead to him getting into petty crimes at a young age, and not surprisingly a lfe of crime. Then one day after knocking out a guard so his partner could set a chemical plant on fire, he found himself trapped by the flames. He got lucky and surived the fire, but was thrown in prision for a few months. That's where he learned he had gained superstrength and a partial immunity to bullets. After getting out he thought about the situation. His abilities were no great shakes in the superpowered arena. However they did put him above most of the thugs employers could hire. So he badly sewed himself a green outfit and mask with a large purple H on them. He then billed himself as the Henchman. Ten times the henchmen for only three times the price. He's getting a lot more jobs now, and his only regret is the time it takes away from watching sports at the local bar. Quote "The boss says."
  16. Two helper charecters. One a perfect wealthy patron for superheroes, and supervillians favorite henchman. A.C.E. 15 str 5 15 dex 15 15 con 20 10 body 15 int 5 18 ego 16 18 pre 8 16 com 3 6 pd 3 3 ed 4 spd 15 6 rec 30 end 26 stun 6 run 2 swim 3 bureaucratics 13- 2 combat driving 11- 2 combat pilot 11- 2 computer programing 11- 3 conversation 13- 2 gambling baccarat 11- 2 ls french 2 ls Spanish 2 ls Russian 2 ks history 11- 2 art 11- 2 ks the city 11- 2 ks city hotspots 11- 2 ks business world 11- 2 ks political world 11- 2 ks high society 11- 2 ks European vacation spots 11- 2 ss accounting 11- 1 ps lawyer 8- 1 ps politican 8- 3 oratory 13- 3 persuasion 13- 3 seduction 13- 3 trading 13- 10 weatlth 5 million a year 40 base 40 vechicle 10 watched family (mp, nci, mp -5 11-) 8 watched until (mp, Nci, mp -5, 8-) 8 Watched Viper (mp, nci, mp -5, 8-) 20 dnpc personal staff 9n, 11- group) 10 public id 15 psych hedonist (c,s) 15 psych (overconfident (c,s) 15 psych Insist on the finest things (c,s) 20 normal char max The Elerington family has been one of the most prominent families in the city since its founding. From it's ranks have come powerful and influential leaders in business and politics, World class doctors and lawyers are also counted in the family. So as the Only son of the main branch of the family Alexander Carlton Elerington the third had great expectations put upon him from a young age. And being handsome, charming, intelligent, and a very persuasive speaker it seemed he was certain to become one of the cities leading lights. There was only one problem All he wanted to do was be a man about town. If the week passed without him being at some nightclub every night with at the least a model on his arm he wasn't happy. Unfortunatly his family insisted he keep up the family tradition of public service. So he entered law school, and started looking into a political run. Then one night while studying a lawsuit over bats, he got his great inspiration. Superheroes are a solitary secretive lot. He would tell his family that he was spending his time supporting them. After all superheoes ran around saving lives and catching criminals. No one could complain about him helping that. And it wasn't like they were going to show up at his door and tell him to send something to his home. He figured he'd only occasionally have to pay off some lawsuit, or speak public in favor of some hero getting bad press. The plan worked and for awhile the family backed off. He was having such fun playing superhero sponsor he even had a superbase and vechile built. Then one day it happened. A superhero needing help actually showed up at his door. Alexander didn't understand how the hero heard about him, but Alexander help him out. Since then he's helped many heres out of a jam, and that first base and vehicle with modification are gone.. But hes' built more, and truth be told he's found he enjoys helping them.
  17. Usually as October rolls around I ask what was the scariest thing you ran into in your gaming. Lets try something a little different. Have you every made or run into a horror element twisted from what you'd expect? A mummy accountant? A werebeaver? The creature summoned by the mystic ritual wants to give out candy?
  18. Zacharey Barton found himself stuck as a midlevel manager of a multinational conglomerate. His bosses told him there was pretty much no chance of his moving up, and that wasn't something Zachary was going to accept. But to make a move on the upper ranks he needed a war chest. So he began embezzling funds to make crooked deals. He'd then replace the funds and pocket the profit. Which is how he ended up in a back alley with a superpowered mercenary. After they shook hands the mercenary complained about feeling tingly, and used his power. More power than he had ever had before. Which was how Zacharey found out he was a mutant with the ability to boost others superpowers. He couldn't do it by much or long, so the big names ignored him. However given their low level of power the man called Boost is a great help to the Ten.
  19. I'm afraid I can only be very general given the lack of specifics. For instance the something happens, is it known or unkown? Worldwide? The response will be a bit differenet if the something is a meteor smashes into a small town causing some residents to feel strange and gain powers, as opposed to no one knowing about these people until cell phone footage of a guy shrugging off bullets from armored car guards until another guy blasts him with lighting hits the web. Also how many will greatly effect things. If there are 10, 000 a Primus group might form pretty quickly. If there are 10 it might never form.
  20. Someone with gloves that emit chemicals that do various things. Someone with darkness bombs and knockout gas. Someone who can turn invisible. Someone who shoots electricity and fouls up electronics.
  21. I'd disagree that its stubbornness. Spending 40 bucks for what amounts to a few tweaks seems a tad silly.
  22. Primus is primary. Think of it like Interpol and the fbi they both go after the same people and but the fbi dosent call in Interpol agents every time a Romanian forger lands in the Us. Same deal Fiacho comes to assassinate the French ambassador on Us soil Until may send some agents to assist and extradite him, but Prims takes the lead.
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