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Everything posted by Nothere

  1. #4 Bruce Wayne one of the most famous people in all Gotham Why he's Batman- He's got the money, and with Wayne Enterprises he can get the toys, and for someone who spends most nights either at nightclubs, or attending charity functions he has the build. Why he's not Batman- As one of the most famous people in Gotham he's also one of the most watched. On numerous occasions he and Batman have been seen at the same time miles apart, or even together. Not to mention when some scandal sheet parked outside Wayne manor and saw him go in at night and not come our till noon.
  2. #5 Mac Carlson for those who haven't heard of him he is currently head of security at the exclusive Midnight club. How does that put him on this list? It doesn't the fact that he's an ex military combat instructor and green beret does. Why he's Batman- If anyone can beat up a room full of thugs its Mac, and the club members can easily finance Batman's activites. Why he's not Batman- Other than he doesn't have the funds were afraid he doesn't have Batman's scientific skills.
  3. #6 Sam Seacourt winner of the gold medal in decatholan at the National Games three years running. Why he's Batman- Just look at Sam's physical feats and you don't even have to ask. Why he's not Batman- Sam doesn't quite have the money for Batman's toys, and is a little too much in the spotlight.
  4. #7 Terry Knight currently the hottest and most prolific mystery writer in not just Gotham, but arguably the country. Why he's Batman- Batman is first and foremost a detective, and as any reader of Terry Knight's know he knows how to unravel a fine mystery. Why he's not Batman- Terry just doesn't have the build. Batman's outfit is skin tight after all.
  5. #8 Prof. Richard Adair another name you might not recognize is one of the world's most eminent physicists. He is also a member of the Waynetech Science board. Why he's Batman- Batman is arguably the smartest man in Gotham. So is Prof. Adair. And as a member of Waynetech he could have access to Batman's toys. Why he's not Batman- The Prof. is getting a trifle old to run around in spandex.
  6. #9 Dr. Fredrick Stone globe trotting archeologist. Batman has a wide range of knowledge including some very esoteric things about civilzations long lost or thought to be myth. Finding those things out is Fredrick's job. Why he's Batman- He has the knowledge, the build, pretty close to the wealth, and his many foregin trips where he cn't be reached gives him plenty of time to patrol Gotham's rooftops. Why he's not Batman- To earn a reputation as a globe trotter you have to travel the world. There are only so many such trips Fredrick can fake.
  7. #10 Jason Marsdalle You may not know the name, but you know exactly who Jason Marsdalle is. In fact you probably have him in your home right now. But who is he. Gotham Citys greatest stuntman. Why he's Batman- Jason is a master Martial Artist, Fencer, Driver, Horseman, Gymnast in fact if there is a physical skill Batman has Jason Marsdalle has it. Why he's not Batman- Movie stars make millions a picture. Stuntmen not so much. Theres no way Jason can pay for Batman's toys. Of course who says Batman does.
  8. Batman. When he first sneaked onto the Gotham streets it was a name spoken in whispers. The public doubted his existence. Today he is known as one of the city's greatest assets. But though there were times when he seemed the only hope for the city, and we have looked to him for years, there is something that we still don't know about him. Who is he? Well in a series of articles over the next ten days the Gotham Gazette will do attempt to do what some say is impossible. We will reveal who is Batman.
  9. Lord FFog snd Lady Peasoup actually.
  10. Well no suggestions of any help at this time, but a burly man with an oversized pow and ox. Have to ask hello Paul Bunyan?
  11. Well if your doing 5th edition it's easy. Healing has a resurrection option if your gm allows it. You just declare your ghostly form has taken too much damage. and you have gone to the beyond. A couple of days later you have regained the strength to materialize on the Earthly plane but don't know whats happened in the interim. If your doing 6th I don't know if that option is still available.
  12. What no Icicle or Howler? As far as I know those two leathal ladies are in half of the editions.
  13. Before the war the criminal known as Deathspike ran a protection racket. He would pepper the front of a millionaire's house with dozen of metal shards, and leave a note. It read pay me or your next. After the war started and he was captured, he was given a choice. Spend the rest of his life in prison or fight the Nazi's. At some point during the Battle of the bluge he got separated from his unit, and was killed in a bomb blast. Apparently. There were so many metal shards they assumed it was what remained of his body, but he was always able to release metal shards. And now in honor of the Kennel Club the new team. The Pack Theodore Wetherton liked to call himself a hunter. Several African authorities preferred to call him a poacher. After disappearing into the African jungle for a few months he returned with an odd claim. He had found a means of accessing the dog dimension. At first such a claim got him laughed at. But after a few instances of him opening a portal over the laughers head and a hundred dogs of different breeds savaged them, people stopped laughing. Now they call him Dog Summoner and he has assembled four more dog themed villains.
  14. Jack Hadon was on a college field trip when a bear attacked. Fortunatly his mutant abilities kicked in. His density and strength increase greatly and his skin darkens. So he was calling himself Blackstone even before Hope brought his into the Diamond Conspiracy.
  15. How long can you stand the elctroschock?
  16. Jacques Bovar knew there was something wrong with the world. All over the world the people were being oppressed. And now Italy has invaded Ethiopia. And what does the U.S. do.? Nothing. Clearly the American government is corrupt, and the people need to wake up. Fortunatly he had learned a great deal about munitions in the Great War. And recalling his heroes of the French Revolution he knew what to do about it. For the past few months the city has been rocked by a strange series of explosions. One targets pillars of society from government , to police, to the press none seems safe from the first bomb. It's what happens after that's really disturbing four other bombs go off. But aren't meant to destroy anything. They scatter pamphlets calling for the overthrow of the government. And they are all signed The Propagandist.
  17. Is the disadvantage visible still available in 6th?
  18. This is right up Scardey Cats alley. He works in the publishing business so step one check the questionable dealers who deal in rare books. And while hes at it the questionable collectors of the type of books stolen.
  19. But the fiercest fowl you'll ever find, was created by a fiendish mastermind. His name is....Chickenstein.
  20. So the encyclopedia of Golden age charecters looks rather interesting. Anyone know more about it than the bulrb?
  21. Comic readers are a special breed. They take flying battle swastikas, Taking gorillas, and Toad men from Titan without a what the? Though in the movies and some comics people try to make comics more realistic. So what about your games? Do you worry about making sure their is a sense of realism with heroes faceing gangsters with guns. Or do they think nothing of facing a man in green tights with a yellow spike on his helmet and his man eating goldfish?
  22. Nothere

    Water powers

    Who needs ice golems? I have water golems. Desolid is obvious, but any sort of armor works. Instead of bouncing off the bullets pass through.
  23. Batman likes to go with a simple I'm Batman when not referring to himself as Justice or vengeance. Spidey assures you hes from a friendly neighborhood. Cap and Superman will make a speech about liberty and or justice. What about your chareter. Do they make dramatic annoucments about themselves and if so what are they? Scardey Cat - I'm just a poor scared kitty trying to get by in the cold cruel world, but if I can help someone else get by happy to do it. Mr. X - I know the answer to the question you never knew to ask. I am the solution to the unsolvable problem. Your plans have failed because I am Mr. X and I have solved for x.
  24. Super static cling. The heroes clothes sticks to everything.
  25. The reason I put it in d&d terms is Fantasy Hero charecters can be too varied to fit into catagories. For example you could make a sailor with no combat experience, and a couple of spells useless in combat. If your not in a combat heavy game you can still have fun playing him, but he doesn't exactly fit the usual fantasy archtypes.
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