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Everything posted by Nothere

  1. No and kinda. I never outright stole a particular anime character. But Go Go Girl was a general anime sort. With her dark yellow jumpsuit, blue visor, and pink hair she was a teenage speedster martial artist who shouted every attack at the top of her lungs and had double knockback on everything I could. And of course since I mentioned her I have to say one more thing. LIGHTNING KICK!
  2. Well I don't have 6th in 5th they can have disads. I can only guess that in 6th radar is still 15 points so that leaves 35. Base is spd 2 and 6" not adding to armor that's about spd 4 run 16 x2 noncombat.
  3. Of course. Espically how you define vigilante car. Are we talking about just a little souped up with some extra armor? 5 points. Heck vehicles have a 1 to 5 point rate so for 50 points you can get a 10d6 or 50d6 eb depending on what you mean by 50 points. And that's not counting disads.
  4. As the question has come up, what has replaced books? C3po. Notice how the explains the first three movies to the Ewoks. I am the storydroid 3000 tonight it has been selected horror. The top three choices are The Quarsila with six appendages in Turvoc My Babysitter is a Sith Lord in galactic standard And That's not a Rock in Jawa.
  5. SEE! The age of comics glory spring to life before your eyes! THRILL! To adventure in an age of wonders! TREMBLE! As diabolical madmen unleash fiendish schemes against an unsuspecting society! STAND IN AWE! At the appearance of 65 of the most exiciting charecters ever to appear! Coming soon to a website near you. When Darrin finishes it. All for the amazing low price of a dollar! Well o.k. maybe not that last part, but it's still worth every penny.
  6. Well it could be a matter of technology making something irrelevant. Like how cursive is considered by many to be irrelevant today. As to not seeing people read for fun, you see very few things people do for fun. As far as I recall in the original movies there was only one time we see people doing something for fun. Jabba and his dancing girls. The case might be made for the folks at the Mos Eisley spaceport but the musicans are doing a job, and while there are many drinks the only people see know what are doing there are Han and Chewie, and their getting a job.
  7. So I'm rereading the first Batman story. In it Bruce Wayne uses his connection to Commisoner Gordon to hang out at a crime scene, listen to interrogations, and check out the evidence. And by Bruce Wayne I mean Bruce Wayne, Gordon scoffs at the idea of a Batman. Then I recalled in the Shadow radio program and novels Cranston was always getting info and to handle crime scene evidence because he was buddies with Weston. That got me thinking about my contacts. I tend to go for contacts that fill in gaps. Like if he has no science skills, I take a chemist as a contact. If he doesn't have streetwise he takes a beat cop as a contact. Without social skill, a debutante to get him into the fancy clubs. Of course they really should fold into the charecters skills. Someone with streetwise is really more the type to have a street hustler as a contact, and be the least likely to need it. So how do you approach deciding who to get as a contact. Do they do anything odd? Like the reporter who doesn't tell you about which crime gang is making a move, but gets you theatre tickets.
  8. With all this talk of rouge government agencies the question must be asked how what ratio of overt/covert organizations. Do you want a lot of easily identified agents ala Viper, or heroes not be sure if a particular group is behind a plot till the end of at all? And to move from the book to your campains. Do you have a variety of types of orginizations, or focus on one type.
  9. I only have one issue. Couldn't tell you where. Somewhere between comic in boxes 1258 and 2763. Yes read them again. So they aren't as great as you recall. What is? As for making our own versions, at the risk of sounding like an egomaniac...I can write the Greast COmic IN THE HISTORY OF HISTORY. The drawing uhm anyone want to read a comic with some really nice stick figures?
  10. People love to listen to Bob Galen talk. His deep powerful voice captaviates audiences. Which is how he ended up staring in the retroradio's dramatic rebrodcast of an old action show. Until the lighting blew up the transformer he was standing near. Suddenly he could not only manipulate sounds and radio waves, but by absorbing them turn into a giant powerhouse. Now when the Big Broadcast isn't on the front lines of the Mougl's super battles, he's taking over the radio waves to explain how the Moguls are the good guys.
  11. No, but I have thought out such a campain. The thing to do is think of the fantasy charecters in superhero terms. Like this Bricks- Hercules, Atlas, Superman Armored users- Man with the Helm of Hephaestus, Man with the Shield of Perseus, IronMan Thieves- Any of the really agile but normal superheroes like Daredevil or Batman Touched by the gods- Spiderman, Flash Golems- any robot charecter Energy blasters- Mages As to pitfalls it depends I'd worry more about tone. If your thinking a sort of fantasy ages silver age superhero campain then the guy who wants to play a version of the mythical Hercules won't be happy.
  12. Ruckus may not have been the first to start a barfight, but he tended to be the last one standing. And most times he started it. After the deal he found an apple in his pocket. He threw it away, and another appeared. After awhile he realized he could rub the apple on his gang jacket and anyone he threw the apple a would start fighting whoever he wanted. The fact the apple gets a golden sheen is totally lost of Ruckus.
  13. Well I don't know about favorite, but the D&d World builder guidebook is a free pdf if you google it.
  14. Wait Freakboy completed the team? I miscounted somewhere. Sorry Freakboy.
  15. Cutting and breaking these are the things most people think of when they think of torture. But Dr. Derrick Hass knew the true method of causing pain nerves. As a leading nerotherapist he had seen the strongest of men begging him to make the pain stop. If only there was a way to injure nerves at range. So he began to hire himself out as a freelance torturer to various criminal groups to pay for the creation of his pain ray. Sadly the ray didn't work, at least as he intended. While he never did manage to get it to work he did find that he could transfer his nerve pain to others. Preventing his injury, and weaking them. Thus Nerve joined Bad Medicine. O.k. with over 400 teams we may or may not have done this. I can't recall, so if this is a duplicate someone else can take over. The Countess Viviana Sindela may have a bit of a questionable past, and an impossible to place European accent but the Sindela school of Dignity and Destiny has slowly built up a reputation for quality. The Countess being most likely in her 40's but looking at most late 20s is a combination boarding school and finishing school. Teaching the daughters of the world's rich and powerful not only how o succeed but the classic skills of refinement. Though there is one other part of the school not mentioned in the brochure. Very special young ladies are allowed to go through the pavilion to the classes on supervilliany. Where should they graduate join the Countess supervillian team the Deadlytantes. This years class has six young ladies.
  16. Peter Parrigew always meant to pick a hero name. At some point. In fact wherever he goes people seem to put off doing things. Why keep robbing the bank, the money will still be there tomorrow? Peter never got around to picking a name, but newsmen far away from him did. The Procrastinator. Peter is thinking of complaining about the name. At some point.
  17. "Who was that masked monster?" "Heh Haven't you guessed yet? That was the Lone Werewolf."
  18. We have all made a horrible mistake. I was rereading the chapter about African nations at the time in the Pulp Hero 5th book when I realized we could fill this thread with people mentioned in the book Just three I got from a quick perusal Badia Masabni - Taking a trip to Egypt but don't want to do the old loot a tomb or cursed artifact bit? Then meet up with actress, belly dancer, and queen of Cario's nightlife at her famous or infamous Casino Opera club. Baron Blixen- If your headed for Kenya and want to try your hand at safari talk to Baron Bor von Blixen-fineke Swiss writer and African big game hunter he organized safaris for many people including Edward Prince of Wales. If you've seen the movie Out Of Africa that was based on his wife's memoires Beryl Markham- You might bump into her anywhere but mainly in Kenya a writer and horse trainer whos main claim to fame was as an aviatrix. British born she was not only one of the first Kenyan Bush Pilots, but the first woman to solo the Atlantic east to west.
  19. Well looks like no one else will chime in, so thanks for those who made suggestions. Sorry Deathtribble but this isn't one of my silly moods, so Birdbrain is out:( With the wings and claw like fingers I can see why the bird name suggestions, but bird like isn't where I was going which is why he doesn't have a claw power. Though special mention to Wcw for Stukka. That's the outside the box thinking I like. King Gargoyle was at one time playing with the idea of making his Dr. or Prof. something so King would work just ask Dr,. Doom, but this set of villians already has a Gargoyle Which leaves Freakboy and Andrew's suggestions. For most fitting the villians theme and being something I wouldn't have thought of Andrew wins. Tremble humans The Agonist has arrived. As for you Andrew your special Nothere No prize will arrive in 4 to 6 weeks. It's worth 100 times a Marvel No prize.
  20. Spies, conmen, and other duplicitious types tend to have one thing in common. A backup plan when things go wrong. Part of that plan is a go bag if they need to blow town. But whats in the ideal go bag. Mine would have 50k cash change of clothes and disguse gun and 4 clips clean burner phone fake passport What would your ideal go bag look like?
  21. Part of the question is his role in the story. James Bond's M has a backstory that would probably make him close to a OO. But his role is to sit at a desk and tell Bond this happened here., go there and do this. So no one mentions it. And no one wrote it up. Prof/. X occasionally gets involved in field assignments but only to do one dramatic thing before letting the team deal with it. If that's what your thinking a general outline like he has martial arts and has a high demolition roll would be good enough to start with.
  22. One of my weak points is in naming charecters. Often times I just slap on a temp name I'm unhappy with and hope someday I'll find one I like. But I'm drawing a complete blank on this guy. And even I'm not gonna name him Bad Evil Guy. So what the hey I'll let you have a shot. Here he is, but who is he? 40 str 30 21 dex 33 23 con 26 13 body 6 18 int 18 18 ego 16 20 pre 10 10 com 8/23 pd 5/20 ed 5 spd 19 13 rec 46 end 45 stun 6 run 2 swim Stats 148 20 Wings 10" Flight (20) 60 Tough Skin Armor 15pd/ 15 ed (60) 50 Bioblast 10d6 (50) 20 Biodisruption drain 2d6 (20) 5 Weapons vvp Gadgets control cost oif-1 only between adventures -1/2 only in a lab -1/2 (15) 30 weapons (30) powers 185 20 Base 2 ak city 13- 2 ks scientific world 13- 2 ps scientist 13- 2 ss chemistry 13- 2 ss biology 13- 3 computer programming 13- 3 electronics 13- 3 inventor 13- 3 mechanics 13- skills 42 Total 375 15 Distinctive features Monstrous form con, an 15 Hunted superteam(mp, 8-) 20 Hunted police (mp, nci, 8- 10 Rep Dangerous Supervillian 11- 15 Psyche feels above humanity (c,s) 20 megalomaniac (c,t) History Blank never got the recognition he deserved. Oh it wasn't because he failed to outperform the other so called scientist who worked at the company. Despite their petty attempts at sabotage he was still one of the company's leading lights. No it was the endless parade of fools heroes and villains who through dumb luck gained power they never deserved. He deserved it. So he created the formula. Oh he never tested it, but he knew it would work so he injected it. Hours later he regained consciousness and looked into the mirror at the thing he had become. Once he saw the power he now wielded he was o.k. with his new look. But he was lacking one thing. He had the personal power to destroy the heroes who would try and stop him. But if he was going to rule the world, or at least a large swath of it, he needed a power base. The city would do. Personality Blank always felt he was better than his fellow man, now he feels he has transcended them. As a result he can't seem to decide if he wants to rule over them or eradicate them. One week he's trying to organize the gangs in the city under him to take over. The next he's trying to introduce chemicals in the water supply to mutate the people. There is only one constant. However he decides the future of humanity will look, anyone who doesn't agree he is in charge has no place in it. Quote "You speak to me of humanity? I was better than my fellow man before. Now I am totally beyond them." Appearance Blank's head is covered in a white bony mask with eye holes and a mouthhole. Two horns stick out and curve backwards. He has claw like fingers. Large purple wings extend from his back. He goes shirtless with his well muscled dark grey chest only covered by two crisscrossing straps of purple. He wears green pants and boots, and wears purple gloves.
  23. Well it does have the advantage of the gm being assured of the players showing up. As to the question unless doing a specific time period genre I tend to be vauge about the actual year game wise. After all Reed and Ben were vets of ww2, korea, and Iraqi as 50 years passed.
  24. Most heroes settle problems by punching bad guys in the face repeatedly. The man known as Antiforce takes the opposite approach. With his anti kinetic field he can turn the most powerful of blows into the most gentle of pats.
  25. "While I'm afraid I'm too busy ensuring the safety and security of the people to join in the festivities, I am both proud and humbled at the triumph of the human spirit this achievement represents." Caped Good Guy. "Just like the ancient romans being distracted by bread and circuses while the weed of greed and crime pulls society into the bloody muck." Anti hero "Let me guess you didn't get any invites to a party again this year did you?" Caped Good Guy "Man is it that time of year already? Now what sports related thing can I steal and keep it in my theme?" Theme obsessed criminal "Who care dolt! Today takes the focus off my greatness and for that this city must pay!" Power hungry meglamaniac villain.
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