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Everything posted by Nothere

  1. I only had a couple of femforce issuses so can't really comment. Am I nuts or were they a bunch of old charecters the publisher got the rights too and stuck together. That looks like the Dark Tower book your referring to Massy. I know even less about those. All I know is the movie trailer. Film any good?
  2. Well what I see I approve of. The only worry I have is the "may drop additional information" If this is all the players have there is nothing besides Atlas and the DMHA for them to hang their backgrounds on. Which isn't really a bad thing. Generic backgrounds are fine, and they can also give you details to put into the setting.
  3. The recent discussion about Powergirl got me to thinking about chest emblems. Not that I'll quite qualify her boob window as a chest emblem. Which type of emblem do you prefer? Superman, Robin, Aquaman, and Mr. Terrific have emblems tha either spell out their name, or are a big first letter of their name. Batman and spiderman have a symbol. Which do you prefer?
  4. Actually that's an idea they used in the Dark Champions predators book. Alexander Drood is more spy and assain, but there was a plot seed where someone hires him to go to a party looking like him, so he'll have an alibi.
  5. Why do I get a strange feeling this has something to do with the teen angels?
  6. The heroes of Hanna Barberra. Just no Mightor. If we have Mightor we have Little Rock, and he's bad enough in the cartoon. Keep Champions Little Rock free.
  7. You didn't answer about if spiritual powers are o.k. So most of these will be. But a reminder if you go with she can make potions unless shes making abu rabu simbu tu all potions must use tanna leaves:) "There was enough poision on that dart to kill an elephant, how are you alive?" "Assuming I was alive as you understand it was your final mistake." Undead body various immunities to go with the damage reduction. "As Isis restored Osiris, so do I now restore you." Healing depending on how she was resurrected Amulet of Isis with a dependence takes 1 d 6 of damage when separated. "Whats with the strange dogs?" "They aren't dogs. They are jackals. What can I say? Anubis likes me." Summon./ control jackals.
  8. Looking over the list I take it your looking more for physical rather than magical powers? Also what was she in her previous life? If she was related to the royal family some sort of command powers might make sense. If she was a priestess, powers granted from her ancient egyptian god. Or at least some arcane potions long forgotten by men. And how is she a living mummy? If it is because of some artifact or scroll, that would suggest both powers and disads. But at the moment your more interested in powers.
  9. Close it was don't fear the reaper. But it works.
  10. Tech could you perhaps be referring to Swashbuckling Adventures a d20 published by wizards of the coast?
  11. J.M.R. Zyron wanted a birthday bash for the ages which meant some traditional things. Which despite his age meant balloons. Thousands of balloons of every shape, size, and color, But millionaires don't have just regular balloons, or ones filled with simple helium. No these balloons would be filled with a special lighter than air gas just developed by his company. Which the Balloonist figured would be easier to steal at a birthday party than Zyron's factory. Suddenly a dark shadow fell over the party as the Balloonist's war dirigible became visible, and his airmen rained down grabbing every balloon and air tank they could find. Which another sinister figure took as his unexpected cue to strike. And that sinsister figure was....
  12. What does that name mean to you? That somebody (probably Stan Lee, or David Hasslhoff) really wanted our name to b SHIELD.
  13. And that would be why I ignored Silver age Superman. If you gave him a trillion points he'd be underpowered. Though I never knew about his weakness to thermoses.
  14. Good but I see one slight problem. Where is Perry White?
  15. She wasn't able to legaly stop the publication. However the magazine owner failed to tell the editors that the woman was supposed to be green. So they colorized it, and no one believed it was her.
  16. So a car load of terrorist determined to take over the world pull up, and exit a car brandishing strange weapons. Before the heroes can find out how much these weapons can hurt one of them punches the leader of the terrorists and knocks her out. He does however punch so hard she needs to worry about internal wounds causeing death. Legally he gets a medal. Gamewise as others have said it depends on game tone. A four color game espically if he has a cvk he spends the next few games getting a lecture about using superpowers against normal and feeling bad. A more iron age game or one where no one has a cvk, they go to a bar, have a drink, and laugh at how good a hit it was.
  17. Holy Higher education. I remember this.
  18. Second shadow clairsentience The character attaches a shadow to someone elses shadow. As long as that person is in an area where they cast a shadow the other shadow appears and the player can see and hear all that goes on.
  19. Actually Nolgroth the thread Random Team 5th edition is an examination of the shockingly 5th edition version of the random generator.
  20. The other question is once you've made the world how much do you tell the players? I tend to end up with 20 pages of notes about all sorts of things other then the villains, I feel bad not giving the players everything because you never know what might inspire a player. By the same token the players have at least a general idea of what they want to play. They don't want to have to do homework reading about the 4th manager of the biggest bank who has ulcers hates, his cousin, and will be a jerk to them for the five minutes they'll interact five adventures from now.
  21. If your fighting a shadowy organization somehow everything you do will be according to their plan.
  22. True the boob window is rather unique. The invisible woman had one during one of her evil phases, but it didn't last long. They had a funny scene where a group of women were complaining to her about how her new costume was too risqué, so she turned all their clothes invisible. Course her most risqué outfit was the Malice costume.
  23. Actually Hunteds are interesting. Do you require the heroes to take one of your premades, they can or make their own, make their own and give you a general description, or make their own give you a name and leave it to you?
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