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Everything posted by Nothere

  1. And lo there shall come a world. Yes if your not doing a heroes start now a stable of npc heroes s a given. And villains whenever you start. But don't neglect criminal orginizations. I prefer at least three so that they can each have different styles. For instance there will usually be a mystic/magic using one. True I might not get any pcs with a trace of magic around them, so they ignore the group. But at least their there to throw a different sort of challenge at the heroes. Next you need to consider npcs. First the ones the charecters will come into play with often. Not knowing how you plan to use the heroes I can't make a list, but a beat cop, or news reporter they run into frequently would be a good idea. You also need to consider the city itself. In most comics the city's mayor rarely comes into things, but you should know who they are and what their like. Now we come to the city itself. Where is it? That will have a great effect. If you set it in Kansas it probably won't be a 4 million large city with a big harbor district. Personally I like to keep my options open so I'm vauge about where it is. I also include a harbor/river, airport, train station, sports teams, and stadium. Then you need to consider neighborhoods. This gets into your detail question. In one game I knew the name of the poor area, and the exact street it started one. In another I just knew the areas name. Next you need to consider the social groups/ heroes. Yes I know you don't have any heroes yet, but you need to consider them anyway. At least one will probably be a tech guy. So knowing the names of a few of the city's biggest tech companies is a good idea. What I like to do is break out Millenium city or another Champs setting book, and make sure I have three or four listings for each subgroup like business world, entertainment world etc. Finally any special facets. Is there a giant statue in a park, outside a park? I had one city with a pseudo castle mostly used by film companies and renaissance fairs, but available for rent As to how much detail. Start easy. Name the leading tech company and it's ceo. If no one makes a hero with tech skills, it can go to the back of the fill in the details list. If someone makes a character who works there move it to the front. But no matter how much detail you include you'll find you didn't include enough. I had one player who had a contact with a beat cop. They went to talk to him, and brought along another hero. I had him keeping an eye on some gang bangers when they arrived. The second hero immediately asked exactly how many people were in the gang. Figuring a beat cop would only keep track of how many were on his beat not over the entire city, I didn't make up a number and just had him say not sure. The hero then demanded to know why the police weren't keeping a closer eye on the gang problem. He just gave her an odd look ad pointed at the gang he was watching.
  2. The love interest of a superhero will spend years being grabbed by supervillian and being embarrassed when they try to prove the hero really is that nerdy guy from accounting. Finally they'll be together, And a few years later the love interest will learn the universe hates them a their marriage magically never existed.
  3. Sidekicks were once a staple of comics, but its rare to see a superhero with a sidekick today So odds are your hero doesn't have one. But what if they did? Would it be a junior version of your hero, someone completely opposite. If your hero has a sidekick what are they like compared to the hero. If not suppose you had to give your hero a sidekick, what would they be like? Scaredy cat would get someone completely the opposite mostly. My first thought is to give him energy powers, but as his arch foe is an energy projector that might be the wrong idea. Personailty wise though he would definitely be different. Instead of a reluctant hero he'd be gung ho so Scaredy Cat would be more easily dragged into adventures. The guy who is totally not the same guy who I just change the name in different campains. He would have a female sidekick. A brick with a perky personality .
  4. Frank Cannonball Richards a strong man who made a career of being shot by a cannon twice a day.
  5. Oh yes just taking punches can be done. Frank Richards made a carrer of being shot by a cannon twice a day for years. Why only twice a day? It hurt.
  6. O.k. I don't usually break the one per team rule but two things. First I notice I forgot to give Molly's supervillianess name. The papers named her Molly Mayhem, Secondly Dr. Curtis Codon thought he developed a method for speaking to fish. His first effort was to talk to a cod in a bowl. But something went terribly wrong. The next thing he knew his mind was trapped in the cod's body. Fortunatly for him he could still control his old body. He then used it to build his first robot transport. Either when he found himself trapped in a fish's body, or watching his body die, at some point his mind snapped. The once peaceful Dr. Codon turned the robotic mobile body into a heavily armed war machine. Putting rockets on the fish tank so he could escape to the next killer robot body should his current one be destroyed. The Cruel Cod attacked the city. For some reason the humans just aren't taking their new fish overlord seriously. So he joined the legion of losers to get troops as he conquers the world.
  7. The Greatest American Hero. The suit makes Ralph completely bulletproof, but he never got over throwing his arms over his face when the shooting started.
  8. "Look up in the sky!" "What is it? Superman? Batman? Green Lantern? I don't see it." "What's u[ there Hey where did you go? Hey my wallet's gone. Help police!"
  9. So if your asking about villians for the campaign are these the charecters your players went with or did it change?
  10. Tyrone Tundar was a short, fat, thick mustached man. So how he married a European beauty at first is a real question. Until you realize how rich he was. Of course a lot of his wealth came from cattle rustling, stock and land swindles, and hiring goons to sabatoge his business rivals. So it was his daughter, Tammy grew up in the lap of luxury and crime. Then her father was killed by a superhero during a plot to siphon off a rivals oilfield. Tammy took over the family business, and decided on one thing very quickly. Though she loved her father he thought too small. Where he would be satisfied with adding another 50 acres to the ranch. She more envisons the ranch of taking most of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. Inheriting her mother's 6 foot height and body most porn stars would kill for she's has odd feelings about her teammates. In some respects she looks down on them as she inherited naturally what they needed fancy science to give them. But she's also jealous that they have superpowers. Of course Tammy has something better. Oddles of cash. So when FCUP isn't in the field they use her ranch as a base, and when they go into the field Tammy simply grabs one of the super sets she's had built. Usually ones that involve earth manipulation and she calls herself Tundra. Now if only that Tiffany wasn't so smart Tammy could safely make a move to take over the group. Next group The Legion of Losers 6 members Some villains cause the masses to flee just by showing up. Some villains cause superheros to call for help at the mere though of facing them. Then there are those on the opposite end of the spectrum. Maybe their name or costume make more bursts of laughter than cries of fear. Maybe they've got such a bad win loss record people figure Paperbagman could take them. The tape on the news of the little old lady wacking them with her cane wouldn't be so embarrassing, if it would show the four superheros who would clobber them otherwise. Is your name mud is the Supervillian community join the Legion of Losers. The Mayhew clan had long been the bane of their Ozark community. Lying, cheating, stealing. If anything bad had happened you'd find a Mayhew somewhere around. Then a chemical plant opened upriver from their farm. Molly Mayhew and her per pig Bacon thought the river water smelled a bit funny, but most of the Mayhews did as well .It wasn't until the plant was closed for polluting the area that Molly realized the water had given her superstrength, and Bacon superspeed. Figuring if she went straight to the source she would become even more powerful. So this daisy duke short wearing, bearfoot hillbilly headed for the big city. Finding big city folks don't just want her to return what he stole or give a chicken to ignore her raiseing a ruckus she joined the Legion of Losers.
  11. From the list I only have Atlantis and Normals unbound. Got to say Atlantis is awesome. Never did get to use it much. Somehow everyone take waterbrathing was a bit of a turnoff. Normals unbound however got a lot of use.
  12. Ah think you misunderstand my question. Actually rereading it, I think I phrased the question poorly. What I was asking, was where in development is it, i.e. what do you need doing on it. Not why haven't you put it out yet.
  13. So where exactly is it. As I understand it. You have a general idea for a scenario and some sample charecters.
  14. So you say your starting on this, and no longer using Viper's nest. Does that mean you don't have the senario worked out? If not, may I make a suggestion? Split it into aspects of the game. Like a investigation section where the charecters use their science, and streetwise rolls to examine and get info to practice skill and contact use. Some sort of chase segment to look at the various movement and timing rules. And only having a fight scene at the end.
  15. O.k. either I'm imagining things, or I've lost the thread. Didn't Darrin start a thread where he showed a few sample pages from the book?
  16. Wait I thought it was Vipers nest. I still don't have that so I can't do anything specifically related to that. But making sample charecters I can do.
  17. Not a problem but if the museum has enough of these events the museum tour guide gets quite adept at dealing with invading super villains. "And now were arriving at our medieval wing. The man tying up Flying Mammal girl is not part of the display. However this crossbow used by Sir Archibald the good is. Observe the easy it reaches it's target."
  18. Scaredy Cat will freak out. Then using his skills as a researcher look into the magic show Who was preforming, how long the show has been opened and when it closes, who owns the building. Preferably from some high vantage point when he can watch the building And depending on what he learned form his next plan.
  19. Yep I'm thinking of light warping for the invisibility. So I'm right about the passengers being able to see without having to do anything. Though so, but all the book says is that such a power on the vechicle affects the passengers.
  20. So I've been working on an idea for a villain's base. Only its not a base per se. It's a vehicle he uses as a base. Which is besides the point. The point is it's invisible. Now according to the vehicle rules what effects the vehicle effect the passengers. So the passengers are invisible too. But what about inside the vehicle? If everything is invisible then the passengers can't set the radar because they can't find it. As I see it there are a few ways around this saying the invisibilty only works on those looking in from outside is the easiest, but isn't that against the rules. The second personal immunity, but that would mean the passengers are visible to outsiders right? And finally as an advantage, those inside see everything fine, but how big of an advantage is that?
  21. Yes I did find myself with a lot of repetition. Though wither it's because all the sets were like that, or I just had some bad roles is a bit hard to say. Overall I'd say the experiment was passable. But with such a complex system you can't really make exciting charecters from random roles. I'd recommend using the system for some on the fly bad guys, but not much else.
  22. I'm afraid the question is a bit too vauge. You don't want them being superheros flying around with 12d6 blasts, but is a 10 d6 blast o.k.? Lets say they take a healing power. Some beast stabs them in the chest. They survive. Not being superheroic they aren't fine a couple minutes later. But do they recover in hours, or days? If their monster hunters they kill monsters. So the best rule of thumb I can tell you right now is this. Figure out the toughest monsters highest defense, and set the active points so that the heroes can do at least 2d6 of damage to it.
  23. 18 (78) str 8 23 dex 39 18 con 16 13 body 6 15 int 5 13 ego 6 10 pre 10 com 10 (40) pd 5 10 (40) ed 5 6 spd 27 8 rec 8 36 end 61 stun 6" run 2" swim 60 density alteration +60 str +12 pd/ed -12 kb 36 hardened skin armor +12 pd/ 12 ed 4 too heavy to shove -2 kb 18 toughness armor +6 pd/6ed 50 flying 20" x8 noncom 7 aerial dodger +2 dcv only when flying -1/2 12 +4 per 5 +1 combat skill level htoh ranged players choice 5 defensive maneuver 2 5 tactics 8 personality/ background skills players choice 15 personal foe 20 code vs killing 15 secret id
  24. 18 str 8 23 dex 39 18 con 16 13 body 6 15 int 5 13 ego 6 10 pre 10 com 16 pd 5 28 ed 5 6 speed 27 8 rec 8 32 end 31 stun 6 run 2 swim 13 ed +13 87 megablast eb 14d6 1/2 end +1/4 18 armor 6pd/ 6 ed 50 flight 20" x8 noncom 7 aerial dodger +2 dcv only when flying -1/2 12 +4 per all sense groups 5 combat level hth or ranged players choice 5 defensive maneuver 2 5 tactics 8 personality/background skills players choice 15 danger sense self only in combat per roll 15 personal enemy 20 code vs killing 15 secret id
  25. 18 str 8 20 dex 30 20 con 20 15 body 10 18 int 8 15 ego 10 10 pre 10 com 30 pd 7 21 ed 4 5 spd 20 8 rec 8 40 end 34 stun 45" run 2" swim 60 dimensional manipulation movement multipower 60 12m hyperrunning 24" =1/2 reduced end -1/4 4u hyperdimensional movement flight 18" 0end +1/2 only in contact with a surface -1/4 2u running on air glilding 16" 3u hyperkinetic strike ha+9d6 htoh attack -!/2 4u attack avoidance missle deflection all ranged attacks, range +1 6u phase shifting desolidification affected by magic/ dimensional powers, usable simultaneously +1/2 6u running between dimensions any location in alternate earths x4 increased weight 0end +1/2 2u afterimages sight group images -8 to per roll, increased size 8" radius +1/4, no range -1/2, set effect multiple images of self -1 1u quick change artist cosmetic transform 2d6 instant change 39 impact resistance armor 13 pd/ 13 ed 6 impact resistance 6 pd 30 runs like the wind +15" 12 +4 per with all sense groups 5 combat level +1 with hth or ranged 5 defense maneuver 2 5 tactics 8 personaility/background skills player choice 15 danger sense self only in combat per roll 15 hunted personal foe 20 code vs killing 15 secret id
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