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Everything posted by Nothere

  1. Bumped for reasons that should be obvious:)
  2. Bumped for reasons that should be obvious:)
  3. The announcers keep saying Polly even though no one there is named Polly. The middle response of the prievious topic isn't posted until the last response of the next topic. NT Worst ways to cover that your new character for the game is just a famous superhero your ripping off.
  4. Well average is a bit hard to say. The reason for that is as follows. I've rarely been in a campaign that didn't have a 12d6 max. I thing the golden agey campaign with the 8d6 max was the one exception. Which would mean damage from 10d6 to 12d6 would be fine. But I've rarely seen anyone not buy the damage to the max. I'll admit even I am guilty. In a 12d6 game that's the sort of damage Thor or Superman should be doing, Spiderman and Captain America should only hit 10d6 with manuveres or an item. But nobody wants to go yes my attacks are only 5/6 as good as everyone eleses. So there isn"t really an average to report.
  5. I tired to do that for threads like how to golden age etc, but I think this is the last one standing.
  6. Not exactly worldbuilding and a little late as you've started, but as the campaign begins you might want to ask your players to describe a day in the life. Get an idea how they see their place in the world and interaction with their npcs.
  7. Well struck. A simple beginning is always best. As I said earlier. Too much world dumping can be a bad thing. Best to let them slip into the world gradually. But have a good idea of what the most likely paths will lead too. Because the players will always take those:)
  8. Balacarkintas or as it's translated into human Bliss is from the planet Basilataras Though his parents named him Bliss he didn't have a blissful life. Growing up in a rough part of the planet he quickly learned how to be hard and to fight. So it was no surprise he became a space mercenary. But when he found out the ships captain was transporting slave cargo he mutinied. The ship landed on Earth and Bliss took a few months to fix the ship, but found he liked Earth and as long as there is beer and cigars he's in no hurry to leave. So if you need something hard, violent, and dirty done theres a man down at the bar you want to talk to. But nothing evil. The man's name is Bliss after all.
  9. Yes no and maybe I've done it where they are the only heroes, and where there are other heroes. I prefer the there are other heroes so when a new player shows up it' not Hey a meteor crashed next to me yesterday. Can I be on the team?
  10. Sounds a bit like the character I made John Q Public whos abilities depended on who was in the area around him. If he was aroud a group of gymnists he had acrobatics. If he was around a group of scientists he had physics. His strength was based on the number of people. So yes a vvp is in my opinion the was to go. It's the disads that will make the character. You should make a list of skill sets and limit them to only being useable as a group. If he's using Fred's flying ability, then he cannot use any of Ted's superstrength even if he has planty of points for it. If he starts using the superstrength, he forget how to fly the plane.
  11. Well there is going to far with reality. These are comics. Aliens who can juggle battleships fight mutated talking gorillias by firing ice beams from their fingers. The move by some people to put all heroes in combat fatigues, really needs to die. Yes Batman as a combat pragmatic wouldn't have a cape, but it's cool.
  12. O.k. That just seems odd to me. Did someone sit there thinking we'll the guy I've designed has huge wings. Think I'll call him Comet something. Or did they goCRimson Comet. Good name now what would visually say comet? I know huge wings.
  13. We're sorry but there are currently 500 ships trying to arrive on Corusacant. Please alter your hypercourse to a hyperholding pattern, and we will permit your arrival as soon as possible.
  14. There was a Superman comic in 1940. he popped over to Germany and grabbed Hitler. Then carrying Hitler went to Russia and grabbed Stalin. Then he dropped them both off for trial at the world court. No German or Russian supers were involved.
  15. I haven't bought the golden age yet, so I'll have to guess in our all things 1940's this would fit. It would work for the serial the Master Key.
  16. Nope. Darkness means it's dark. A big blob of dark is sort of a requirement. What your describing is invisiblity.
  17. Mnriku is mostly right. You'll need to know the cops combat skill far more often than you'll need to know the butler's butler skill. Only time I recall Jarvis ever needing to check was when he was bringing Tigra some milk, and she decided to leap at him. He made his role and she was impressed he didn't spill a drop. But you should have a good idea of frequent character most important skills. The tech friends actual skill level might not come up often. But it's kind of important if the role is 14 or 18 when the hero is busy fighting Evil Debadguy and someone should really do something about the remote control bomb.
  18. Ah. For those who usually just check the forums and want to find it. Just click on news.
  19. Scardey Cat Going to a group watching, and making notes about the people and their thoughts on this historic event while watching it. Mr. X Making sure no one uses the convergance for evil.
  20. Jack Lagin is a technical genius. So he made a robot to take care of tasks around the house. He built it in the form of an attractive young woman, It worked so well he programed it with tech skills. As a hockey fan he programed it to help him hone his skills. Finally he used it to work on A.I. Then one day he was scanning the newsfeeds, and saw something shocking. His robot was in the streets repairing damage caused by it stopping a bank robber. When it returned home he learned it had decided it wanted to go out into the world to help people and watch hockey games up close. She had built an electrostick and had extendable hockey skates on her boots. She kept it quiet in fear he would dismantle her. Instead he has given Hockeybot his full support
  21. Well I think China might be a teeny bit outside of where he's planning to set the campaign. But the thread is about worldbuilding so..... China and the Us would be two countries where supers would probably be focused.Whichopens an interesting campaign idea. Half of the original Ironman comics were the Russians trying to make a Soviet Ironman who would prove Soviet superiority by beating him. So a campaign where the Us, China, and probably a few other countries heroes make up half the other countries hunteds because their trying to gain super dominance might be interesting.
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