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Everything posted by Nothere

  1. Not having 6th that's something I've been very curious about. Apparently their is a (skill?) in 6th called (attractive appearance?). So you decide you want your character to be good looking and pay 3 points?
  2. Actually Golden age Champions is the only 6th edition book I have. So yep I use 5th.
  3. So do I want to date someone who will keep dragging me to the ocean, or into the woods? I'm gonna go with Moana but Merida was completion. Fu Manchu vs Ming the Merciless
  4. Turn him over to the authorities.
  5. Being a hill adventurers tend to not attract the Hungry Hill's attention. But in a cave deep within the hill are carts carriages and piles of pack animal corpses The next creature The Salt Shadow
  6. Xemmu says Squirrel Girl will be his bride for he has no mouth. As to the post a point of debate 5 out of the 6 things listed in plot device could also count as an foe chart. Was that intentional? If not you might want to consider restructuring a bit. Plot device 6 Alien device Enemies 6 ufo/aliens Course there's no reason not to double up the radioactive giant carrot made by the someone rich created a mutated rabbit.
  7. Good news your now Queen of England. ALL HAIL THE QUEEN! Bad news being queen isn't what it used to be Not even in the pulp era.:(
  8. A Lynda Carter Wonder Woman style campaign? I'd play it.
  9. With a hiss the chamber opened. A male figure rose from the released gasses, and promptly fell on his face. "Oh great. Where am I now?" The man looked around, but not at anything in the vault. "Well now that's interesting. Earth's been invaded. Whole cities are devastated. And I'm officially annoyed." He looked over at the Mind. "If this was your doing, you realize I'm going to kill you. Otherwise I'm gonna kill them." The Mind grinned a cold smile and remembered his first meeting with the man he called the Unstoppable. He fell out of a clear blue sky and said the exact same words he said when he got out of the chamber. The man proved inhumanly strong, able to shrug off most damage, and knew things he couldn't possibly know. Even the Mind only proved able to temporaily hold him. His only weakness seemed to be when enough damage was done, he was sucked into a pocket dimension. After being gone for a bit he would be randomly spat out into this dimension. The man's real name was Derek Sarlin, and he had only one moral compass. Don't get in his way and life. Annoy him and die. "By the way we have company." The Unstoppable pointed at a chamber. Moments later it activated to release...
  10. I'm gonna go for the 80's as I only have one choice. But as a Pulp/Golden age fan my runner up the 40s
  11. Way up in the trees live the monchichis. Here comes help. Here comes action. Here comes Buford. Here we go and on the double to the spot where there is trouble Clue Club.
  12. He is a demigod son of the god of sleep. So when he sleeps he rises to deal with what worries him.
  13. Clearly Snidely Whiplash is the Nest Leader for all Canada.
  14. Yes Ninja bear there was. He was a marvel character. Book lasted about 12 issues. His main enemy was called Cobweb, but my favorite foe was a guy whos name I forget. But he had an 8 ball for a mask and a kinetic pool cue for a weapon.
  15. I'm not certain but I think part of your problem isn't the pc's but the world. Most fantasy hero games take place in homebrewed worlds. As gm's when making our own world's we make a lot of notes , but our players don't want to read 250 pages of text 90% of which will never be used in the game. So they'll never decide that instead of the farm boy who got hold of his father's sword and decided to set out for adventure, they want to play an initiate in the secret sailors a group of corsairs that are made up of the navy of the nation of Zaryos but conduct pirate raids on the merchant ships of the nation of Sazar,. Unless of course they know those nations exist and there is a group in the royal navy who moonlights as pirates. It's a difficult balance. Too little info and its generic background city. Too much and players won't pay attention because they came to play, not do homework.
  16. No matter how many times you destroy the villain base with millions in unique equipment, they'll have a replacement in a week. Corrallary no matter how many times the villain blows up your base with millions in unique equipment you'll have a replacement in a month.
  17. Viper squads are acting strangely. Robbing comic book shops. Why? because a wealthy eccentric hoping to keep his favorite comic shop open donated a bunch of 1st edition books. worth millions. Unfortunately for Viper the eccentric kept it quiet, and the shop is worried about people robbing them. So they've kept exactly which shop it is secret. And Viper is getting tried of raiding the wrong shops.
  18. The Giggling Ghoul 20 str 10 24 dex 42 18 con 16 12 body 4 20 int 10 20 ego 20 20 pre 10 14 com 2 4/24 pd 4/ 24 ed 8 recoverable6 spd 24 31 stunningly36 end 10 run 4 2 swim stats 142 40 Dirty Tricks 60 oif -1/2 4 Smoke bombs sight group darkness 3” radius (40) 6 Concussion bombs 8d6 eb phy explosion +1/2 (60) 4 Knifes 3d6 rka (45) 6 Shockball 12 d6 eb (60) 37 Flight Hovertomb 15” flight oif-1/2 useable by otherx2 +3/4 48 Armored costume 20ppd/20 ed armor iif-1/4 (60) 7 Polarized lenses 10 flash defense all sight iif -1/4 (10) 3 Computer programing 13- 5 electronics 14- 3 mechanics 13- 3 systems operation 13- 3 ps engineer 13- 3 ss Emgineering 13- 3 ss Chemistry 13- 3 ss Electronics 13- 2 ks Campaign city 11- 2 ks Tech World 11- 2 ks Underworld 11- 2 +1 ocv with Shockball 3 High society 13- 3 trading 13- 5 inventor 14- 3 bribery 13- 3 bureaucratics 13 3 Linguist 1 french 1 spanish 1 italian Powers and skills 209 total 351 20 Psych life is pointless (vc, s) 15 overconfident (vc,m) 15 Likes to destroy things (vc, m) 25 hunted police (mp. Nci, 11-) 20 hunted superteam (mp, nci, 11-) 15 Secret Id Simon Underwood 10 Distinctive feature eerie laugh (c,n) Background/ History Simon Underwood had it all. A brilliant scientist who was on the fast track at a major tech company. He had a beautiful wife, a handsome young son, and a daughter on the way. Everything was set for a bright future. Then the accident happened. His wife and son were dead. There had to be a reason for it, so he took apart the car. But he could find nothing. And at some point his mind snapped. He came to the conclusion that there was no point to life. Death always won, so why worry about being good? It wouldn't matter in the end. So from parts of the car, and other items he built a flying tombstone he called the hovertomb. He put together various other weapons and placed them in compartments in the hovertomb and in the costume he made. For awhile he just flew around destroying things, but that was petty. He needed to be more organized in causing grief. So he made a play to become a boss in the underworld. It was going alright when his plans got derailed. He lobbed a bomb when suddenly a wall of ghost like things blocked it. Looking around he saw nothing but a young man standing quietly. The man smiled at him and said “Now thats a little Spooky isn't it?” Personality/ Motivation The Giggling Ghoul can still act like he did before the accident. But he is filled with a sence of loss and hopelessness, and he wants to share that with the world. Crime is a perfect way to inflict pain and misery on the world at large. But if he ever finds a better way, he'll take it. Quote “Oh look at the symbol of hope and justice. Nah I'd rather look at that family in that car. Catch hero.” Powers/ Tactics The Giggling Ghoul is about mass chaos on the battlefield. Using his smoke and concussion bombs to confuse and distract opponents before trying to finish them off with his shockballs, or if Spoooky isn't around his knives Campaign use The Giggling Ghoul is a wanna be minor mastermind. Any sophisticated plans the Creeps use, he made. But he's quite happy to gather some goons, and maybe Hangman and carry out his own scheme. Appearance The Giggling Ghoul is a 5'9” white man. With what appears to be grey skin and a monstrous face, but that is really part of his costume. He wears tattered red robes, and a tattered blue cloak.
  19. Hangman 20 Str 10 26 dex 48 18 con 16 13 body 6 13 int 3 18 ego 16 15 pre 5 16 com 3 15 pd 11 15 ed 11 6 spd 24 8 rec 36 end 32 stun 12 run 12 2 swim Stats 165 39 Strangler Martial Arts 5 Missed Me Dodge dcv+5 5 Don't Breathe Chokehold -2 ocv grab 2d6nnd (4d6) 3 Gotcha +10 str holding (50 str) 4 Loosen Grip escape +15 str vs grab (55 str) 3 Fall Legsweep +2 ocv -1 dcv Str +1d6 strike 9d6 3 Kidney punch +1 ocv +2d6 str 10d6 16 +4 dc 10 Crazed Mind mental defence 10 10 Rope Swing Swinging 15” -1/2 oif rope 60 Weighted Rope Entangle 6 body 6 def oif -1/2 rope +1/2 takes no damage 8 recoverable charges (60) 7 Stretch Rope Stretching 3” always direct -1/4 range mod -1/4 oif rope -1/2 -1/4 no velocity damage 4 armored costume damage resistanc3 5pd/ 5ed iif-1/4 6 +2 levels Strangler Martial Arts 6 +3 ocv Don't Breathe 2 ps sailor 11- 2 ks sailing 11- 2 ks underworld 11- 3 acrobatics 14- 3 teamwork 14- 2 animal handler canines 12- 3 breakfall 14- 3 computer programming 12- 3 concealment 12- 5 defensive maneuver I& II 3 contortionist 14- 3 Stealth 14- 3 Streetwise 12- 3 interrogation 12- 25 Hunted buy police (mp, nci, 11-) 20 Hunted by superteam (mp, 11-) 15 Secret Id Sam Franks 15 Psych sadist (c,s) 20 Psych loves to frighten people (vc, s) 15 Feels world owes him something (c,s) 10 Rep Crazed Killer (8- ext) Background/ History Sam Franks had been a sailor all his life. And while he wasn't particularly unhappy with the life he longed for something more. One day while handling the rigging he got an idea for a new kind of strechy rope. It took him years to perfect, but finally his ticket to retiring with millions was ready. So he went into partnership with a businessman to begin manufacturing. A few months later he realized he had been tricked. Instead of becoming partners, he had sold the rights for almost nothing. Enraged he attacked the man late one night at the factory. As he strangled the man with the prototype of the rope Sam felt something change. All his anger at the world for overlooking him, and ignoring him disappeared in the look of terror in the man's face. That was the first life Sam took, but in that moment he knew there would be many more. He hung the man's body from a tree outside, stole the manfuacturing notes, and set the factory on fire. For the next few months papers were filled with reports of a crazed killer stalking his prey and hanging them with an odd sort of rope. Then one night Sam got a shock. As he was chasing his prey an explosion occurred right in front of him. A sinister laugh behind him, made him turn where a nightmare figure riding a jet hovered. It smiled at him and said “Sorry to interrupt your fun but we need to talk.” Personality/ Motivation The Hangman has spent years feeling overlooked. As if he had great potential that no one noticed. He never realized his potential was as a murderer. But now that he has he enjoys it. He dosen't really care who it is as long as they can scream loudly. Quote When dressed as the Hangman Sam has never uttered a word Powers/ Tactics When dealing with a murder victim The Hangman likes to toy with his prey. He'll choose them at random. Follow them for a few days. Then when the time is right strike. He likes to hurt them a little. Then give them a chance to run. It's so nice when they think they can get away, and the scream when the rope coils around them so he can drag them back. With more dangerous foes he's more direct. He fights defensivly until he gets an opening, and tries to strangle them. If he can't find an opening he'll make one by using a rope to tie them up. Then take his time strangleing them. Appearance The Hangman is a 5'9” white man He wears a black hood, a black shirt with metal studs going down each side of the front. Long brown gloves, and ridding boots. He wears dark brown pants. Along his arms are several coiled ropes.
  20. Greusome 60 str 50k 18 dex 24 28 con 36 15 body 10 10 int 10 ego 20 pre 10 6 com -2 12/ 26 pd 6/ 26 ed 5 spd 22 18 rec 56 end 59 stunningly12 run 12 4 swim 2 Stats 162 48 Armor 14 pd/20 ed 9 12pd/6ed resistant 10 lack of weakness -10 5 Superleap +5 2 ps laborer 11- 2 ks sports 11- 2 ks cars 11- 2 ak campain city 11- 2 ls Spanish 3 breakfall13- 3 mechanics 11- 10 +2 lv hto h 6 Gambling Sports, Cards, Dice 3 streetwise 13-3 electronics 11- 3 combat driving 13- 3 climbing 13- Powers and Skills 113 total 275 25 Hunted police (mp, nci, 11-) 20 Hunted by superteam (Mp, 11-) 20 Distinctive features dripping flesh (c, er) 10 psych dedicates himself to completeing tasks ( c,s) 15 psyche sports nut (c,s) 10 Psyche car buff (c,m) 15 Berzerk when hit with a killing attack (c, 11- gp, 14- stop) Background/ History Ted Jenkins was a big yet simple man. He never had much ambition in life. All he wanted was to work hard so he could enjoy his two great passions, cars and sports. So when he heard the other workers talk about the shady dealings that were probably going on at the warehouse he worked at, he ignored them. Until that one night. The game had gone into overtime, so he hadn't finished unloading the truck. Which caused him to stay late to finish. Which led to him seeing the men in strange suits making some sort of criminal deal with the warehouse manager. Not that Ted cared. He would have ignored the whole thing. Except when they started shooting at him. When he ran.. When the bullets hit those strange barrels the loading crew had been told to ignore. When the strange liquid burned his skin. When Ted had had enough of people trying to kill him over things he didn't care about. When he began thinking clearly again Ted looked around at the pile of corpses, and decided to leave. It wasn't until later he realized that not all the flesh lying around had come from the men he had killed,but it kept falling off his body. For the next few days Ted wandered uncertain what to do. Then one night a man with a young woman approached him. The man smiled and said. “ Now there's a greusome sight. I like it.” Personality/ Motivation Greusome is very much a punch clock villain. When not supervillaining he's friendly and would love to go out for a beer. As long as it can be at an auto show or preferably a sporting event. However he feels he's unemployable now, and the Creeps are among the few people who don't get sick at the sight of him. So he has a new job as a supervillian. And when Greusome takes on a job he work hard at it. Quote “This isn't complicated. I need to steal that, so you can talk to the insurance company, or the hospital when you wake up.” Powers Tactics He's a simple man who can crush steel. He hits people till they fall down. Against really agile opponentes he tends to grab something really big like a house and try to hit them with it. Campaign use. He's the Creeps muscle, and if the heroes are looking for someone to turn against the group is actually the most likely. Appearance Greusome is a six foot tall white man. His skin is in a near constant state of melting off. If he stays in any one place too long a puddle of his flesh will gather. When committing crimes he wears just a pair of blue jeans so his hideous appearance can inflict the maximum terror. Other he'll cover up usually in a trench coat and scarf.
  21. Vampyro 15 str 5 24 dex 42 18 con 16 12 body 4 10 int 13 ego 6 18 pre 8 20 com 5 3/ 13 pd 4/ 24 ed 6 speed 24 7 rec 36 end 29 stun 8 run 4 2 swim Stats 114 75 transfer str to evil flames 4d6 X2 end -1/2 ranged +1/2 delayed return rate 5 min +1/2 (60) 30 drain con 2d6 ranged +1/2 (20) 5 infravision (5) 60 Multipower flames 60 8 Evil Flames 8d6 eb (40) 6 Dark Flames rka 2d6 (30) 6 Hellfire Protection 10 pd/ 20 ed ff (30) 6 +2 levels with Evil Flames 2 ps student 2 ks religion 2 ks art 2 lang French 2 lang Latin Powers and skills 206 Total 320 10 distinctive features mutant ( nc, as, detectable only by special senses) 15 Secret Id Abigail Winsor 25 hunted by police (mp,nci, 11-) 20 hunted by superteam (mp, 11-) 15 psych Is evil so must do evil (c,s) 15 lack of confidence (c,s) 15 Naive0 (c,s) Background/ History Abigail Winsor started life in a fairly wealthy suburban home. And if her parents were more of a scientific bent she might have stayed there. Unfortunately they were a very religious family. So when they finally figured out the fires that kept breaking out around the house were their daughters doing, they didn't realize she was a mutant. They had a different theory for her abilities, demonic possession. Beginning to home school her, they also mad an effort to purify their daughter. After the third exorcism failed, they concluded she was far too evil to permit to stay in their house. Abigail finding herself on the street was quickly targeted by the sort who prey on young, vulnerable, beautiful girls. Finding themselves set on fire quickly desuaded them. Then one night a strange young man appeared in the alley she was staying in. She tried scaring him off with her flames, but he just smiled. Suddenly thousands of ghost like creatures surrounded her. Over dinner Spooky told her he'd pay for her to go to his college if she'd work with him. That night Vampyro was born. Personality/ Motivation Vampyro isn't bad. She has however been told by most of the people in her life that she is. Reasoning that as she is evil she must do evil she goes along with the Creeps crimes. But her heart isn't really in it. Shes far more interested in seeing the world her parents kept her from to protect it. Quote Your strength just fuels my evil. Now burn you who call yourself righteous. Powers / Tactics Vampyro can't really go toe to toe with bricks so she hides behind either Spooky or Greusome until she feels she has drained them enough they won't be much of a danger. Energy users she feels more comfortable with and will get on the front lines. Campain use The conflicted young mutant who just needs a good influence. If you can get her away from the bad ones, and keep from getting burned in the process. Appearance A stunningly beautiful white 18 year old with long black hair in a veronica lake cut and deep blue eyes. She uses her hair to hide her face when needed. She wears a Vampiric dress but at her insistance one much more modest and easy to move in than the usual sort. She also has a black cape with a red interior.
  22. Spooky 18 str 8 26 dex 48 18 con 18 14 body 8 10 int 18 ego 16 16 pre 6 12 com 1 4/30 pd 4/ 30 ed 6 spd 24 8 rec 36 end 32 stun 6/15 run 2 swim Stats 129 Perks 15 combat sense 11- 17 Ghost Spy Clarvoiance all sight 10, normal hearing 5 Visible-1/4 Concertrate ½ dcv -1/4 (25) 16 Ghost Glide +8 running (16) Ghosts elemental control 28 42 Ghost Strike eb 14d6 (70) 28 Ghost Guard ff 26 pd/26ed (56) 32 Ghost Guard forcewall 10pd/10ed 5” length/height (60) 32 Ghost eyes flash 12d6 sight (60) 32 Ghost Grab Telekinisis 40 str (60) 2 ps Student 11- 2 ks movies 11- 2 ks- horror movies 11- 2 ks horror novels 11- 3 computer programming 11- 3 concealment 11- 5 cramming 3 shadowing 11- 3 Stealth 14- Powers and Skills 277 Total 421 10 Distinctive features Detectable as mutant 10 Distinctive features detectable as magic 25 Hunted by the police (mp, nci, 11-) 25 Hunted by superheroes (mp, nci , 11-) 20 psyche loves to frighten people (vc, s) 20 psyche code against killing total (s,t) 10 psyche lovses spooky things 15 secret id Thomas Gaslin Background/ History Thomas Gaslin was always that weird kid. The one who s room was filled with weird disturbing images, and would root for the killer in horror movies. His love of the macabre led many people to believe he would do something horrible one day. What no one could have guessed was what happened in his bathroom that night. He was getting ready for bed when he noticed something else was looking into the mirror. It was the first of his ghosts. And he would soon learn how to summon thousands more. Though he calls them ghosts what they are, or what Thomas is for that matter, is an enigma. They look like a Halloween decoration just a white blob in the shape of something with a head, and two arms. They also have two large black dots where eyes would be. Where they come from is in question. Though mutant detectors can pick up Thomas the readings are off. Though spells that detect magic will detect him and his ghosts, no spell has ever determined what sort of magic it is. At first Thomas just used his ghosts to frighten people. Then as he began to look for a college he realized people fleeing in terror don't usually grab their valuables. Personality/Motivation Spooky is a massive horror fan able to play out horror movies in real life. For him doing the perfect horror scene is more important than commiting a crime. Though he has begun to really enjoy having cash to spend. Oddly considering all the gruesome murders he's seen in the movies, he wont kill. He does know that the dead people on the screen aren't really dead. Quote Oh hey. Got to hand it to you. I wouldn't want to be a guard out here on such a spooky night. Espically after those murders. Course that was years ago. You'd think they'd have found the heads by now. Uhm whats that behind you? Powers/ Tactics Spooky may have more raw power than most, but he's no combat expert. If he thinks to do it, he'll send a ghost to spy out the area. Otherwise he'll wrap himself in his ghost and send a swarm of them out to attack. If forced to flee, his first step will be to have a ghost cover his foes eyes, then use the ghost to make a wall, and run. Campaign use As the Creeps powerhouse and leader he can be it's biggest strength takeing on multiple heroes alone, or with his refusal to kill the perfect means to cause a rift in the group. Then there is always the question of just what he is. Appearance Spooky is a nondescript white man of 19 with brown hair and eyes. Usually he wears blue jeans and a large dark blue jacket with a high collar he can use to conceal his face. Though he will use other outfits as the situation requires. If robbing somewhere with a lot of cameras he'll use a small mask. Or if robbing a museum. He'll put on glasses, a fake beard, a tweed coat, and pretend to smoke a pipe.
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