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Alex Raven

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Everything posted by Alex Raven

  1. I am an avid fan of the Stormwatch: Team Achilles title. I love the idea of a group of normals taking down supers. Myself and another player had characters that were highly trained, highly skilled normals with guns take down supers. Kawanga Kid may remember the exploits of Elvis A. Hoffa and Matt Black. We were 150 points at best but with team work and effort, we were able to take on AND take down a freakishly tough super (Jason Poins??). That type of story line is incredible!
  2. This guy is heading for a rough time. I wouldn't just kill him outright. He would be tortured slowly before I allowed him to succumb to the sweet embrace of death. I don't need the police or any other inept law enforcement agency. I also don't need the ineffective court system to tell me this guy is going to die. I AM the Judge, Jury and Executioner.
  3. This one is easy. Since I AM the evil self the one that appears MUST be the good one. I would stomp him out and continue on with my happy existence. However...if my double is even more evil than my current self, I will have a tough time taking him out. Maybe I'd befriend him...
  4. Well, it is always good to have two villains beat the snot out of one another. If we get lucky, one of them will kill the other. That's when we swoop in to finish the job on the victor and hand him over to the authorities. That's what our group would do now. However, in the campaigns I've played in over the years our darker, edgier group would just obliterate the victor and make sure he didn't wake up any time soon (like ever again).
  5. Go immediately. Anyone afraid of dreams is a wuss.
  6. Ahh...this takes me back to 1982. I was at Beresford Park in San Mateo with a bunch of schoolmates hanging out waiting to play D&D. I saw a few guys hanging out talking about Champions and asked what the game was all about. They sat down with me and explained the game and I've been hooked ever since. My first character was a straight Wolverine rip off. I played in one of my first games with Glen (Ice Star) Thain and some other guy who worked at Hero back in the day. I've been playing with the same core group ever since 1982 with a few additions and subtractions over the years.
  7. Hmm...well, I would simply kill my fellow team mate as a good will gesture to the villain with the hostages. If my team mate was so stupid as to attack when it is clear he could not penetrate the force wall then they do not deserve to live. Second, if my team mate was so stupid as to not realize that the walls of the building were not protected by force walls they would deserve to perish. After dispatching my foolish team mate I would lull the villain into complacency by working towards meeting his demands. The rest of the team, would work out an all out assault on the site going through walls, etc. to get to the villains. We all know that hostage situations are messy. There will always be a percentage of collateral damage that is "acceptable". When they were in place I would give the go ahead signal for the assault. I strongly advise using the Russian or Israeli hostage counter attack methodology: "No terrorist will be left standing".
  8. One word...FOLLOWERS! Because of the conservationist bent, you could establish a "Green Peace" type organization. You could make them agents with the basic armor, EB, movement upgrades ala UNTIL or Viper. They would add a lot to your overall creation and support your character in his quest.
  9. The clothes thing for the Reduction is a "no go". Also, I don't like the blur thing. Finally, I would not allow the mantle thing either. Other than that, I think the character is too thin in a number of areas. This guy would get creamed in the campaign I play in. He wouldn't have the opportunity to do some of the great things he has the potential for. I know the player wants to begin with a little of everything in terms of their concept. I would recommend they pair back some of the diversity and save it for the accumulation of experience.
  10. Uh...dunb question but, why not "Hermes"?
  11. Uh...dumb question but, why not "Hermes"?
  12. One of my character's secret IDs was a Catholic priest. Another was a university geologist. The priest was a reincarnation of the Son of Satan...
  13. Some of the suggestions for names have been good but off the mark. The original post stated that the character was ready to go first-string and take on the baddest of the bad. I was thinking about the Blue Sentinel or Blue Centurion. Those are names for first-string players. Also liked the idea of the Blue Sphinx but have a hard time relating the character concept stated to an Egyptian theme.
  14. I used to play a character similar to this one (minus the gadgets) in a low powered game. I figured he would be a ninja type without being lethal. I called him the Green Ninja. Don't know what you think of being the "Blue Ninja"...
  15. Mine is "Magic Hernandez"...now THAT'S a bad name...even for a porn star.
  16. When I have trouble thinking of a name I usually fall to an old technique. 1. Take the name of your first pet and make that your first name. 2. Take the maiden name of your mother as your last name. While this technique is typically used to figure out your adult film name, I have found it quite fun to use for Champions as well.
  17. Hey... These are great looking charaters! Are there any others out there that have been posted in the past?? Thanks!
  18. Hey! I don't recall anything about dumping the body behind a Kindergarten. I thought I left it under the stage for the school kids to find. You forgot about the time the Kawanga Kid's girlfriend came up "missing" and was found stuffed with newspapers. It was one of my early attempts at taxidermy.
  19. Imposter or not...someone is going to the morgue. If it is an imposter, that's the price you pay for playing with the bad guys.
  20. Hey Kawanga Kid! Since when would we fall for the old "clutch my chest and fake a heart attack" trick anyway?! Got to remember to target the chest, vitals and stomach to ensure that he is crippled before death.
  21. What would I do?? Simple. He's down and his DCV is minimal. I'd keep hitting him in the head until I see gray matter. Additionally, when I'm out of rounds, I'd push on every hit until I was burning STUN. He may have started the war but I'll be darned sure I'm going to finish it for him.
  22. Giggling Phantom - a comically stupid hero who lived on top of Coit Tower in San Francisco. Cape, cowl, the whole 9 yards. Secret ID was Gideon Lipps. Krakatoa (secret ID Prof. Blofess Pain) - A midget sized normal with a freakishly round head (basketball on a baby) who turned into a humongous being as hot as lava. P.A.D. (Powered Armor Device) - Simply put, a brain in a jar. Everything was through a focus. Lucious Laser - tough guy Fly Eye - a flying orb with a single eye and wings out the sides. Tarantula - the brick with NO spider powers. Shaka Jesus - An African medicine man with a VPP. Beaten to death by another character (Power Boy, the Junkyard Hero) while riding a bus. The list goes on...and on...
  23. It's good to see that Champions is the game of choice. Our group has been playing in one form or another for 20 years. We've dabbled in other game systems and genres but always return to Champions and the Hero system. Great to see that there is respect for a highly adaptable system.
  24. Whew...thought this said "Chitlin"...
  25. Ahh...I love powered armor. I used to exploit many a loop hole with powered armor way back in the day. I am currently banned from building PA characters in my group due to years of flagrant loop hole abuse. However, with the tightening up of rules this is how I would build a PA character. Build the defenses outside of Multipower (that way they are never at risk of being turned off when KO'd). Use OIF to drag the points down. Keep movement outside too. Offensive powers should be in a Multipower. Set your reserve high enough to have at least two powers active at one time. Buy stuff at recduced END or on charges. I recommend charges. You don't want to burn your own personal END on stuff. Autofires are great for your low grade RKA's (toss in a level of AP for good measure). Always make sure you buy the skills necessary to repair your armor. Perks to allow you to have your armor at all times or Instant change (a little hokey) are helpful in a fight. Another always...buy your DEX and SPD naturally. Go ahead and focus every other stat you want except those. It really sucks being a bad--- in the suit but too slow in normal form to actually activate or get into it (been there...). Geez...I sure miss powered armor.
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