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Everything posted by i3ullseye

  1. Re: "Fantasy HERO general comments & ?" pt.1 For a rules version...... Cumulative Transform... 1 pip per casting. So each time the total hits twice the casters body score, the transform occurs. Then feed this into a combined effect, and a negative effect. It may take a 5 point build up before the effects are apparent, and then they work toward he next level. Something like.... the Curse -2 Com (1 point) -1/2 Ego (1 points) [this will drop 1 pt per 2 levels gained] Psych Lim (+1 toward the end resulting insanity which is a 15 pt disad) +1 Int (cost 1 point) +4 End (cost 2 points) So then, once they reach 5 points in this curse.... they gain the mild version of the insanity disad. they have then earned 5 Int and 20 End... but lost 3 Ego (round up) and 10 Com. the rate of increase is based directly on the amount of spells cast, and the amount of body the curse has to overcome. Alternately, since it is purely mental you could base the transform on Ego, but as the ego drops form the curse this could get viscious. But it woudl make sense... if they do not buy the dropping ego up, they are losing their resolve. The higher the ego, the longer they can cast before gaining a point. And just to note... a normal human 10 woudl reqire then 20 spells to earn the 1 point rank. This seems pretty quick. but a wizard with a 23 Ego woudl require 46 for each point break. You may want to limit the curse to certain active point levels of spells, or even a select few. or maybe 1 point per day if you want to stretch it out long. So then a common man woudl gain 1 point every 20 days.
  2. Re: Question on a Martial arts maneuver Or if it is a super-martial-art type thing, you can build a hand attack, or killing attack, with flight, usable on others, up only... linked to it.
  3. Re: Question on flight and telekinesis Generally speaking, the way have always run it (and will continue to) is like this... just for example and calrification sake. It won't be right or wrong, but it might shed some light on MY logic behind it. You and the object being controlled are 100% seperate form each other. It is completely indirect force being applied to the object. So you can stop or move a moving object, but it will never pull you along. You can fly and maintain people or objects with you, but only at the limit of the speed you can move them with your TK, any faster and you lose them. If you are flying with someone being brought along, and that something gets yanked to the ground, you do not go down with it. If you are yanked down, the item is NOT drawn down, but you may lose your control in some instance. So you have completely different forced of momentum applied to you, and the object has completely unique forces applied to it. now, certainly you CAn make a power with your TK that allows others to fly... but you build it as either Flight usable on others, or invisible and indirect stretching. There are quite a few other tricks you can do with this, but each must be bought individually. This also allows for TK to be the great basis of a multipower pool, or even an EC if done right. Just as you can not freely have a force field because you have TK, you can not freely fly because you have TK, you can not have a free energy blast to punch through things because you have TK, you also do not gain flight that can help your friends or foes because you have TK. Now, how fast CAN you move something with TK? telekinesis can move an object a number of inches per phase EQUAL to the distance the object could be thrown with a running throw based on the TK Strength. So forexample, a TK strength of 30 can throw an average man (100 kg) 16". so with your TK you can make an object move at 16" per phase on your speed segments. Thats not too shabby. But as soon as you go into non-combat mode, you will lose your object quickly. You would have to limit your flight to be equal to the move rate of the object, plus pay full endurance for the total strength of the TK to ensure you have the excess strength to generate the full 16" move rate each segment. At least, thats how I handle it, and to me it seems logical.
  4. Re: Question on flight and telekinesis Hey, no need to get all riled up about this... Basically no action/reaction means just that. No action on the source (the TK individual) imposes a eaction on the object being controlled, and vice versa. If you were holding a truck up over innocent bystanders, and soemone with flight grabbed you and flew down the street, you sure the hell don't want that truck tagging along for the ride, and by default it does not. You can't teachnically 'tow'. You can move... and then you can use a power to move an object to get it to you, or vice versa. you may even state your movment and your control of the object happens at the same time, but they are NOT linked, and you are not really towing the object. Otherwise if either you or the object gets snagged then both would stop. And vehicles move every phase... so what speed do you have to be at to control an object to keep up with that speed? You can calculate the range you can ove an object with TK in a phase, and then multiply that by your speed... that is the limit to the speed of movement you can attain while keeping that object with you. If you fly at mach 2, that villain is NOT going to stay neatly behind you unless you have some serious range increases on your TK.
  5. Re: Question on flight and telekinesis For stretchign you add 5 pts for extra limb, then apply stretching with invisible power effects and indirect. But the TK itself has no action reaction. The problem with dragging people logically is you are mentally moving an object through space, or holding an item in a particular spot. So as you move, the only way to keep the objects equal to your velocity, is if you can will them to move at an equal velocity. If you are flying at 100" per phase, thats how fast you need to be able to naturally move things with your TK. There is nothing to connect you to the object. Now to buy it, of course the natural way to buy it is to buy flight that is usable on others. Simplest and most direct, and define the SPFX as your TK.
  6. Re: Help, Zombies are eating my PCs! But is it quite as gross with Mayonaisse? Overall horror is actually a rea hard genre to pull off. I used to run Chill quite a bit, and you have to have a real dedicated group to really get itno a horror game. And I don't mean the pretentious WOD set, where you ARE the dark ones.... Nice thing about Zombies in general is the mystery is irrelevant. the setting is irrelevant. No thought, no plans, nothing. Just a sense of hoeplessness and isolation, even when you are in a crowd... It makes for better gaming since you are not trying to actually 'scare' the players, but the sense of dread is very easily attained. Real problem becomes turning it into an ongoing campaign. One shot is great, few stories are fine, but how do characters survive for any length of time during a zombie holocaust and not grow to be less scared of them? Less threatened by them? Thats when you have to bring in the rival living human groups, willing to kill others to keep what is theirs in the zombie infested hell.
  7. Re: Help, Zombies are eating my PCs! Well, as an avid gore and horror fanatic let me add my few bits of advice. 1) you can always add a zero. If there are 5 zombies in the hall, why not 50? 50 is always better than 5. Through sheer numbers and attrition they will eventually wear down even the moset prepared fresh-meats. 2) Ammo does not reload itself, so running out of ammo should be a real threat. And after they CAN'T take em out form teh safety of their sissy perches, make them get down and dirty in a swarm of 40 or so to even make it to the restroom. And trying to fight while you are pinching one off has got to be worth -2 at least, so make them suffer. 3) Infection need not be only form the undead. it is hard to keep wounds clean and food prepared well in a post undead holocaust hell. Luckily our heros (the zombies) have no fear of infection or tetanus like the weak pinkies do. 4) Also lucky for our interpid heroes (the zombies) they need never sleep, but the merely mortal blood sacs do. And when they sleep they are more easily surprised and overun. If they are deprived of that sleep, then they are normally much easier to run down and get a taste of. So there are a few of my ideas.... but...wait..... seems you wanted advide to HELP the poor cattle running around? Well, i always seem to root for the wrong guys in these affairs, so i am note sure I can help ya much there. hehe..... The link to this changed a while ago, but I have had this in my favorites for quite a while now. Twilight!
  8. Re: Sidekick I just bought my second copy today, forcing my local store to do at least a minimal reorder. For 10 bucks it is a steal.
  9. With the new Sidekick rules out, will future answers be references to the pages in the SK rules also if they exist? Or note that they are FREd rules only, and do not appear in the Sidekick rules? And if this is the case... can we get some of the past ones referenced to help people, or if someone was to do that work themselves, would someone be able to append the previous posts to make them SK compatible?
  10. Re: Player-Built Characters... Well, most of the time I usually work with the Players to make Characters, normally our first session is indeed going over the campaign setting and generating at least the basics of the character. This is normally after the end of another game, so we don't spend a whole day JUST on getting ready for another. The following session is when we finalize characters and then get the game rolling. Now I normally work WITH the players a lot during creation. Especially players that are not very familiar with the rules. For those that DO know the rules, I will normally let them create a PC then let me do a quick once over on them.... but I set up character creation guidelines well in advance, and I clearly define which powers and abilities someone can and can not take, which roles the players will fill in the world, and in some instances which roles they need to try to fill within the group. With a good character guideline document in place, you can let those more familiar with the system really run with it, and then just put final touches, or ask for a few tweaks, before the character starts to play.
  11. Re: Sidekick Just wanted to add this. I have FREd, but I just picked up Sidekick. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. You nailed it! For years this is what this game has needed, a step back to simplify and streamline. With this in hand, and it only costing 10 buck, I am now ready to have my game group finally switch to the HERO system. the ease of use and cost of this product is enough to finally get some of those stubborn players to give it a shot. And we all know once they get the hang of it they will want more. Bought it blind, not sure what would and would not be in it, and I could not be happier. With this I feel ready to do just about anything I need in half the time. I would love to see all the options added from FREd into this easily digested format, but it then becomes kinda redundant. Having both books I can now do whatever I want in a game, and I have a great resource for characters to make fully detailed PCs without worrying about some of the harder powers to build or run. If they DO have a concept in mind, and the power is missing, I can then assist them directly using FREd, and no one is slowed down by it or confused. Again, I can not thank you enough. This is probably the best thing released for this entire game system since the first Ninja Hero.
  12. Re: Not wishing to offend I thrive on using religions and occult themes in my games, but I have gamers in my groups who are not offended by this at all. You have to really judge the individuals, and go from there. a good friend ran a fantasy campaign where everything was either oriental or pagan in design, and our lands were being overun and we were being brutalized by a Christian crusade. It was a blast. But you have to base it on the individuals involved. To me, sitting at a game table, you are suspending your reality. No matter what happens, deal with it as your character would. People who get upset and rank, or ask you not to make certain hand symbols while showing how you cast your spell, or not to use certain names while you chant for the necromancer you are playing, etc... etc... well, they can not be 'in the game' and not 'in the world' and need not sit at our table normally. it is escapism. If you can't escape, then why show up?
  13. Re: Character balancing option The Society Early in the 19th century, France was home to Eugene Vidocq. A man seemingly always falling to bad luck, his was a life of crime and flight. Countless times he was apprehended, and each time he escaped. History would have long forgotten such a man, friend and ally to the seedy underside of early renaissance France, but his tale takes a unique turn. One that would revolutionize crime and criminology as we know it. Tiring of eternal flight, Vidocq offered his services to the police forces of Paris. Once he won the position, he became the most prolific spy and undercover agent the world has yet seen. Using the technique of crime to stop the criminals themselves, his successes were unparalleled. Eventually he formed a group of investigators comprised entirely of criminals turned Gendarme. Through disguise and cunning, and the most brilliant mind of their leader, they accomplished feats entire regiments could not duplicate. Not only did his force revolutionize crime information gathering, the order spurred many to emulate the philanthropic and noble acts performed by Vidocq. Fighting fire with fire in the war on crime…… Today: A man, calling himself only Vidocq in honor of the famed sleuth, has formed a new order, known only as the Society… to those who know the name at all. Carrying on the tradition of the historical Vidocq, he has hand chosen his agents from those with less than perfect pasts. Their skill fused into a team of crime fighters in times of dire need. Though each may have a tragic or diabolical past, all have a common goal. To work as a unified front and bring all their talents to bear to right the wrongs of the world. From many nations and origins they come. They are not the heroes of national recognition. The ravages of volcanoes and rubble of buildings collapsed are not their watch. They hide within the dark underbelly of cities, and help the common man from the crime that dwells on their very doorstep every day. The media and press are more enemy than ally to Vidocq and his team. And with an air of disdain they ‘Let the boy scouts play to the news crews’ while they hit crime where it lives and thrives. The World: In the World of EarthΩ (Earth Omega) things are much like the mundane world. The maps are the same, and the politics a mirror image. But what might be considered flights of fantasy in our present world, in EarthΩ it just might be fact. Aliens and Magic, Super Heroes and Vampires…. All have some basis in truth. There are heroes with the power to lift trains and fly between worlds. There are creatures of unspeakable horror and intelligent humanoid beings that live under the sea. None of these are as prevalent as one sees in comic books, but a city with a group of super powered beings numbering 6 or more is not unheard of. But in the back alleys and cess pits of the inner city, crime is more rampant than one may think. And the perpetrators are far from mundane in many instances. It is this arena where the Society plies its trade. The real war in EarthΩ is not one resembling Superman battling Braniac (though this is not impossible), but Daredevil and Deadpool battling Bullseye, or the Punisher and Iron Fist stalking the Kingpins agents, led by Chameleon is an almost daily affair. So let the high flying heroes with their square chins and squeaky clean images fight the threat to the city from beyond the stars… in EarthΩ the vigilant few willing to go beyond the limits of the law to stop the rapists and assassins from making their next hit are the real champions of the day. It is a dark world, and sometimes only the darkest of warriors can restore the light.
  14. Re: Character balancing option Well, the reason i do this is they are more strong suggestion than strict guideline. If 2 people REALLY want to be detective types, i would allow it, but just try to ensure as little overlap as possible. now admittedly, in a straight supers campaign this is not as much of an issue. The reason i did this was I was going to work with a basic equipment pool system, but not all characters woudl benefit as much from it. If you have natural armor and shoot beams from your eyes, i wasn't really looking forward to them also taking an M60 with them everywhere they went. The reason I do this is because I often ahve new players who might not realize that spending to much on Characteristics, or too much on powers, can actually gimp a character pretty bad. One dimentional characters, or every character with the same attack and defense rating doesn't hurt the game I run, but it can certainly limit the fun of the character involved if they do not feel unique or special. And the OTHER reason i did this, and the reason the game never got started, was that one individual decried the same 'but it is HERO, I should be able to do what I want" that many here seem to agree with. At first it was just him, then he talked his best friend into backing out (who was very happy with a mystic martial artist stealth guy). Seems this lone individual wanted to be a Superior human, with high regeneration, tons of detective and inventing skills, and really good martial arts to go with his claws. He also wanted ot go invisible, so that the multipower Bow he made with his inventing and gadgeteering could be used form a position of stealth. So basically, he wanted it all. I asked the other players what they thought, and to a man every one thought that they woudl not have fun if one gy in the group did everything and left no one else a specific role, except his good friend who could stay invisible and heal him of course. My view is this... Hawkeye uses a Bow, but Spiderman and the Hulk do not. Why? BECAUSE THEY DON'T FRIGGEN NEED ONE. But i still had some players that 'wanted it all', and this curtailed it right at creation to avoid future problems. But all in all, it is MUCH better for heroic level games (as this was) even if the individuals might actually have super powers. This campaign will be very skill and task oriented, and not straight ahead combat, so I want to cover as many bases with a well developd team to ensure its success. Noo, I did NOT just arbitrarily do this, I implemented it into the core of the campaign itself logicaly. Here is the document of the basic Campaign background........ and WHY the characters needed to adhere to these creation guidelines. there might eb a super invisible regen claw, martial art Bow guy out there... but this grop would not be interested in him.
  15. Re: [Magic System Comparison] Um, wow... great post. There are some ways these work that I am not 100% sure of, but the variances in the magic systems used is pretty impressive. Now, in your campaign do you make these all available simultaneously? I generally restrict it to 3... spell colleges, divine churhces, and mentalism. If it is eastern Chi/Tao becomes a 4th type of option, but very closely related to Mentalism or Psionics. but some of these have given me some very good ideas already that I may start looking into to write up for my own future use. Again, great post!
  16. Re: The great armour race... Even removing the magical and sinister solutions like armor piercing. Relatively mundane things can overcome armor. We know grappling is one option, but pit traps, lassos and chain/rope weapons are a great choice. What about powers or even basic dust in the face? Every chump has access to at least a 1 pip flash if the ground around them is loose and they get a good hit in. But in general terms the easiest way to counter this is most settings with real weapons and real armors is to allow for called shots to avoid the armor entirely. Or to at least hit those weak points where there is only padding and no plate. A few good OCV levels and this is a solved problem for the skillful bad guy.
  17. Re: M&M: this is a Nightmare? I think I know part, if not ALL, of the reason HERO is not so easily recieved. Elitism Yup, and it is elitism on our part. Lets face it, the system is not the easiest to pick up, it may be one of the hardest. it does not have the least books to lighten your load, nor are the books thin or easy to read compared to many other games. The printing is very utilitarian, but no glossy photos. the game takes longer to make characters (generally0 than any other game even when you finally know the system well, and the game itself runs slower than most others until everyone is very familiar with the rules, and even then is not the fastest flowing game around. But why do we prefer it? Not just because it is the most detailed, not just because it gives us the best ablance between players, not just becasue the balance between players and NPCs can be more closely monitored, not just because we can tailor the power level of the compaign to EXACTLY what we want. Etc. etc... But because all of that makes the system the best. Is there anyone who posts here who honestly does not think the HERO system is the very best game system there is? It may not be the one we run or play most, I haven't actively played or ran a HERO game in over 2 years. 2 Friggen years! But I will still state without hesitation that it is the best game system there is. That it is my favorite game system for almost any situation. So until people DO put in all the work, and realize it is the BEST, all they hear is us trying to get them to try it... and telling them how great it is. Once they start the first bit of number crunching they can be put off... be we reassure them it is the BEST. And that can become very standoffish to many groups. My solution was to let it die and use the prevailing game system of choice for my group. First it was M&M, and then it was MURPG. I love both games. But we all know which one is the BEST, now don't we?
  18. Re: Alternate encumbrance rules (house rules) I would think a wielded weapon is no longer 'encumbering' as much as it becomes a used tool. That the strength minimum would incorporate its weight and its neccessary skill to maneuver. So I would not add the lifting encumberance to the use cost of End. The basic cost of End to use this already incorporates this.
  19. Re: Alternate encumbrance rules (house rules) Makes good sense, with one exception. you can generally wear more than you can lift if it is positioned well. A backpack of 50 lbs I can wear much longer than if i tried to lift it and carry it. I think mayube cutting the general encumberance for a worn item in half rather than its full weight would represent this a bit better. But again, some armor types and other items will actually be MORE encumbering than its weight may indicate. But overall, using the recovery to base the LTE on is a great system for travel. and I would certainly implement it during combat for overall exhaustion. Good stuff.
  20. Re: Character balancing option Opinions greatly appreciated. So what does everyone think of this idea? It has worked great for Fantasy also, along with starting the players down 50 points, and then letting them find teachers for the first month or so and spend 10 of them after each session to develop their skilsl before fully adventuring off. Helps buils great character history and is another nice tool I use to ensure balance and versatility. Don't want any necromancers? then the players aren't likely to find someone willing to teach it.
  21. Re: Character balancing option In the Society, characters are designed by concept and theme more than by points and rules. There are a few basic origins, and some roles, which the group must strive to cover to ensure an effective and balanced fighting force. There can be some overlap in roles, but the character concepts are unique within the group, there can only be one of each. Each concept and role comes with certain advantages and limitations, but these are design related and not often directly related to points. None will have more or less character points than the other, but the way the points are used can be a bit more flexible. The basics of character design are thus: 75 base points, which MUST be spent on Characteristics. 75 points in disadvantages, with no more than 25 from any one type. The 75 earned from disadvantages MUST be spent outside Characteristics, but can not be spent on equipment or items. Each character has a basic 50 point equipment fund, that is a rotating pool that can be changed out in various ways. All characters have Normal Characteristic Maxima by default. No character may take an innate power unless it is justified by their Concept. These items are banned or extremely restricted in the campaign. Perks- access, Computer Link (must be bought with equipment fund), Favor, Follower, Fringe benefit (weapon permits can be bought with equipment fund, others are class dependant), Money (nothing above Well Off), Vehicles and Bases. Talents- Danger Sense (only available to certain concepts), Eidetic Memory (only certain concepts), Environmental Movement (also concept dependant), Lightning Reflexes, Universal Translator. Powers- All powers will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Each must fit with the concept, and you must strive to fulfill at least one roll. Many will have stringent prerequisites. But the following powers will almost never be present- Faster than Light Travel, Clair Sentience, Desolidification, Duplication, Endurance Reserve (very limited), Extra Dimensional Movement, Find Weakness (very limited), Mental Illusions (again very limited), Mind Scan, Multiform, Shape Shift, Stretching, Summon, Transform. Many may be obtainable in the future, but characters will rarely start with any of these unless they are in a very limited form. Power Frameworks are also limited by Concept. And equipment will be purchased as the simplest pre-existant piece in the book. Custom building items will be limted by concepts. The Concepts: Mystic Martial Artist: This character is the master of a certain form of martial art, which usually grants powers and abilities beyond the abilities of normal mortal men. Chi based abilities are very common. This is one of the few concepts with the possibility of an endurance reserve. Martial Arts and related skills will be excessive to be able to attain powers and chi. Magical: This character can either be a magical construct, a hero empowered by magic, or a classic spellcaster (which would be the most common). The skill requirements are steep for magic, but this is one of the few classes to be able to use a multipower pool. Their equipment pool can be used to purchase magical items only, and in some instances items yielding spells may be purchased as well. Mutant: A mutant has his powers within. All mutants must choose 1 or 2 powers, or build their powers within an Elemental Control framework. They may sacrifice half their Equipment Pool to remove their Normal Characteristic Maxima, and can freely spend their 75 base points on powers and skills… though they MUST still spend their secondary 75 on powers, and may NOT use them on Characteristics. Altered/Superior Human: Through Radioactive bite or sheer physical training, this character can perform well beyond the limits of normal man. They may spend their secondary points on Characteristics, but must still spend their base 75 on Characteristics. They MUST sacrifice half their Equipment Fund and do not have Normal Characteristic Maxima. Technology: Be it massive weapons, or a suit of powered armor, this hero lives and dies by his gear. This is one of the only characters who can design custom gear, but the skill requirements to be able to do so are steep. This character is another who may have an endurance reserve, and possibly a multipower. They can NOT have innate powers. Alien: Whether from another dimension, or another world, this character is a stranger in a strange land. They may lose half their Equipment Fund to lose their Normal Charactersitic Maxima, but are not required to. There are often some very obvious physical characteristics with these characters. They MUST take one sucesptability. Psychic: These characters are normal people with unnaturally potent minds. Their powers are internal in origin, but must be within an Elemental Control. They can use their Equipment Fund to purchase psychically powered/ego items only. Super Sleuth: This character can not buy powers. All the basic limitations are in place on this character. The Equipment Fund is as normal and all is per the standard rules. BUT this character can choose freely from ANY talents and can freely spend his base points outside of Characteristics. Roles! These are the roles the heroes must try to fill. There may indeed be some overlap of abilities, but each character must strive to fulfill one particular role. And no other character will be near as competent as the character in this particular area. Many skills and abilities fall within these roles, but each is to be taken on a case by case basis, and will depend heavily on the Concept. A magical healer is much different from a mutant healer, but both fill the healer role. Healer: The name says it all. When damage is done, this character removes it. Tank: This is the close in, brute strength fighter. They should have the highest strength in the group. Blaster: Ranged damage is this characters specialty, be it machine guns or mystic blasts. Taxi: This character has movement powers to get the group where they need to be. Shield: This character will have powers or abilities that can protect other members of the group. Covert Ops: Disguise, stealth or even full invisibility, this is the groups sneaky specialist. Gear Head: If it can be broken, this character can fix it. Geek: this is the general braniac of the group. Field General: This character will have leadership, and skills and abilities to enhance the groups cooperation and teamwork. Speedster: This is the fast member of the group. For when it has to be done 5 minutes ago. Trickster: This is a jack of all trades, with many non standard abilities and some unique tricks up their sleeve. Spokesman: This is the negotiator and public face for the group, for the rare times they want or need a public face. Criminologist: This character knows the law like the back of their hand, and can find the trace hair follicle at the scene of the crime to bust the perp. Communications: This hero has abilities or items to enhance the groups communications capabilities.
  22. Ok, this started in the Fantasy hero threads about the problem with power levels of attacks versus defenses. If you cap active point levels, or use the rule of X, you tend to have a lot of players with the max attack possible, and the max defense possible... and it homogenizes things a bit too much. So here is one solution I use and it works rather well for me... I normally set up my games with a preconcived list of roles to fill. For a supers game this might be healer, Blaster, Brick, Martial Artist, Etc..... and then I ensure that each person tries to pick a unique one to prevent character cross over. For fantasy this might be Clearic, Fighter, Ranger, etc..... Now I know the game does not really enforce classes, and I am not suggesting any such thing. But general roles or professions being adhered to prevents the clone syndrome that can exist in a game with nothing to keep it in check. Isolate 6 players and let them create characters for a 300 points supers game, and you will have at least 4 who can do 12d6 damage, have regeneration, and flight. Now, to further assist this I usually set point distribution limits based on archetype. Depending on the genre, and the spwecific campaign, this can vary greatly, but the general guideline holds true. here is an example of what i am talking about.... This is for a Campaign I intend to run called the Society...
  23. Re: Balancing Attacks and Defences Power Levels Well, in my games I have a character building rule i enforce that solves a lot of this, but as it is not Fantasy specific I will post it in a more general forum. May or may not help some people.
  24. Re: NPC for Review: Opinions Please What would I know, huh? The quote annyoed me also, and it is a quote form the original Frank Miller story. As far as I recal there WAS NO Daredevil movie. I have NO idea what any of you are talking about. Surely not that crap with a guy with a brand on his head, yet he is still supposed to be the most anonymous assassin in the world. Bleh... character assassination plain and simple. But I digress.... The character as a concept isn't bad, but little things like being a fashion model OR an Plypic athlete rub me wrong... as the physiques of each are generally diametrically opposed. Bulemic does not look athletic. I don't think teh character is overpowered, but I wonder about a few ways you priced things that i may be missing. You have a skill for each use of the power, for each individual slot. isn't this enough to cal it one general ower use skill? And does a skill roll need to be made before the object can be used as a weapon, if not why is the skill there in the first place? I think i am just missing something on those particular issues.
  25. Re: An Idea I had about Dark Champions I myself am a fan of having smaller packages, and then have some be requirements before larger packages can be taken. For military you have a basic training packages, and then one of the requirements of the later advanced packages is the Basic Training package. No different than martial arts training really, with certain knowledges and expenditures of points being required before the more advanced stages can be taken. My magic systems normally do this also, much like the olf Fantasy Hero, where you have basic skills neccessary to learn the magic... and then you have to have a certain number of points dedicated to spells before higher 'level' spells are available to you.
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