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Everything posted by Sociotard

  1. Re: God of Prosperity? He could actively promote the unfettered working of the Invisible Hand (or should that be the Divine Hand?) as described by Adam Smith. He'll go around hunding insider trading, denouncing lackey's of the king who get exclusive contracts they don't deserve and so forth. A more peaceful (but influential) one would help negotiate trade rights between nations on the verge of (financially ruinous) war. A simple one would advise people on investment and insurance plans.
  2. My question is regarding how to use a multipower that has slots that draw from a common pool of charges at different rates. Irial has a Wand of Illusions built as a multipower with a 50 point reserve. He has the following slots on it: Images I: Just to make light. It has 1 Six Hour Fuel Charge (+0) Images II: All the fancy illusions with images and sounds. It has 1 One Hour Fuel Charge (-1/4) Invisibility: Standard invisible vs. sight and sound. 1 One Hour Fuel Charge (-1/4) Darkness: Just vs. Sight, but with personal immunity 6 Five Minute Continuing Charges Flash: works against sight 6 Boostable Charges Dispel: Works against Illusion Magic 3 Charges NND: The wand is a nice little HA as well. 6 charges Now the Idea was that all these powers drew off a common energy pool. That means if you use the Invisibility slot for half an hour, you can only use 3 hours with the Images I slot, or use the NND 3 times. So, to do that, I just put them as is into the Multipower? I'd imagine I couldn't put any Charges Limitations on the multipower reserve since some of these have a +0 limitation. Even if they didn't, could I mix them to some degree? (like if I did Charges (-1/2) on the pool, could I have one slot be 6 boostable and another be 8 regular?)
  3. Re: Crystal Caves of the Mole-Men! Cool. I'll just post the archived link, since now Steve's link takes me to a panda that watches panda porn. That might also be an interesting story, but not a Pulp story. http://cellar.org/iotd.php?threadid=13631 Although, when I first saw the link I thought it would take me to the Salt mines of Wieliczka take a look at the Chapel of St. Kinga. Beautiful.
  4. Re: My Dependence is also my Susceptibility A Troll raiding party did some terrible things, and I'm using the star-trek "if they're both sentient, they can interbreed" convention.
  5. CARGN: Because, if you do, you'd know this mutant's weakness... that his Scarran half loves the heat... thrives in heat... craves heat.... But, his Peacekeeper half is destroyed by that same warmth. --Farscape --"LOOK AT THE PRINCESS, PART 3: The Maltese Crichton" I like challenging characters to play. I was thinking about the nasty combination of needing something that also hurt you. I was specifically thinking about a Treant-Troll crossbreed character who needed sunlight but was also hurt by it, but I'm not sure how to model such a thing. Thoughts?
  6. Re: Banish as Transform or EDM? Now I think about it, and I wonder if maybe it's broken because it could be useful for friends as well as enemies. I'm sure Hercules would've appreciated a friend with "Banish to Hades" if it would've made it easier to rescue Pericles. Also, What if I wanted to banish someone to the Pleistocene Era? I can't imagine that being any more of a problem than being banished to the Astral Plane, but the equivalent EDM costs 20 more points. I'm not sure here.
  7. Re: Retrocausality Experiment I find the possibilities of FTL communication to be much more exciting, and possibile.
  8. Did any of you read the New Scientist article about retrocausality? San Fracisco Chronicle reprinted it here. Retrocausality is the idea that Something happening now can cause something to happen in the past. It was an interesting article.
  9. Re: Rocket-propelled Chainsaw I saw a rpg supplament a while back (dragon mech, I think) where undead had to have a gas engine attached to their backs to function. They called them the Smoking Dead.
  10. Re: Universal Analyst I'd like the Overall Levels as well. The main difference I see is that Analyze doesn't just provide bonuses to other skills, though that's the main point. It also tells you something about what you're looking at. Roll well with Analyze style and you'll get a bonus fighting the guy you just analyzed. The GM will also, according to his discretion, tell you "this fighter was clearly trained by Yung Su Ma at the monastary of the Silver Tiger in Western China"
  11. Re: Watch space launch realtime at 4 PM pacific, mar 19 It looks like they may be trying again today. The camera is working anyway. Edit: nevermind, the clock says T+ so they probably scrubbed it again.
  12. Re: Japanese unmanned rescue robots Bring out'cha dead! *slurp* Bring out'cha dead!
  13. Re: Watch space launch realtime at 4 PM pacific, mar 19 one minute Edit: Nevermind. They aborted or stalled it or something. oh well
  14. Re: Watch space launch realtime at 4 PM pacific, mar 19 "T-minus 25 minutes and counting"
  15. Re: Watch space launch realtime at 4 PM pacific, mar 19 People are starting to talk, we may be getting closer. "Fuel load is complete. Proceding."
  16. Re: Watch space launch realtime at 4 PM pacific, mar 19 hmm. looks like its late. there's something venting from the upper half of the rocket, but other than that nothing is happening.
  17. there's no time, but if you manage to see this, Elon Musk and his Space Exploration Technologies Corp. next attempt to achieve a successful launch of Falcon I will be today, at 4pm Pacific time (11pm GMT). It's a live webcast. I'll be watching
  18. Re: Geoff Hudspith’s Steam-Powered Bicycle Well, this would be more appropriate to a Victorian Hero setting, since motorcycles were comonplace in the Pulp Era. (yeah, yeah, pulp is an attitude not a setting blah blah. 1930's anyway)
  19. Have any of you done the classic "heroes and villians walk into a mirrored maze, periodically shoot mirror images" scenario? how do you run it? I was thinking of making everybody do PER rolls at -2. Make it and you see the opponent. Fail by 4 and you have to act as if you think one of the images is real. (shoot it or something) Any thoughts?
  20. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "Requiem for a Dream - Remix" by Clint Marsell
  21. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? En el Muelle de San Blas Mana'
  22. Re: How do I to build a Lightcycle yeah, if you summon a vehicle it has to be slavishly loyal, which makes it expensive in a hurry. Running is a better way to go.
  23. Re: Battlesuit build. Okay, I need to know a little bit more about what you want the suit to be equipped with (weapons, armor, sensory and communications equipment, etc) and how well you want those systems to interface with the remote (can he see through the cameras on the suit when operating the remote?) Lets say its just a powered, flying, armored suit with blasters: Powered Suit +30 STR OIF Armored Suit Armor 10 rPD 10 rED OIF Booster Jets Flight 15" X8 NCM OIF, 1 continuous charge lasting 6 hours Blasters10d6 ED, indirect (comes from any direction) OAF, 16 charges Using this build you are protected when you wear it you are strong, protected, you fly and you shoot. If you use the remote control you can make it fly around and shoot targets, but you can't see through its eyes and you can't use it to pick up things (sfx is interface problems). If you wanted it to pick up things, that's stretching or telekineses. If you want to have a sensory link, that's clairsentience.
  24. 5er says that the price of Transform was based on RKA, since, if you were going to kill something, you might as well turn it into something else. Following that logic, If you're going to kill something, you might as well send it to Hell. Or the Astral plane. Or Minnesota. This would be Transform, person here into person somewhere else. This power is nice because it can be resisted (power defence, high BODY) where EDM usable as attack cannot. (or, in the case of Minnesota, where teleport usable as attack cannot) Like all transforms, it would also have to be reversible and couldn't actually kill the person implicitly (we'd have to assume that Hell, the Astral Plane, and Minnesota are all survivable to some extent, though I think it's still okay if they're hazardous). This power is bad because it uses an Attack power as a movement power, which is clearly against the rules. As far as I know. Here, I'll post writeups for both powers to encourage discussion Banish to Hell! Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension), Ranged (+1/2), Usable As Attack (+1) (50 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) (33 Real Points) Banish to Hell! Major Transform 3d6+1 (50 Active Points); Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) (33 Real Points)
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