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Everything posted by Sociotard

  1. Re: Artifacts Cool. This would make a nice graphic novel. Have bards and minstrels telling legends that tell inflated and error-filled versions of the world that was, of how George Washington prayed to the Great Copper Woman of the Bay, and she smiled upon him and granted him great power, and so was created Captain America!
  2. Re: DM of the Rings "Horn of Gondor: Blow this horn in a moment of need and Allies will arrive in time to give you a proper burial" "Narsil: Sword of Legend. Refurbished." These are great. And so I don't lose my place, I'm on 1203. I wish he had a button to see the most recent one.
  3. Re: Bleeding Mounts for Food They weren't killing them, no. Just bleeding them off a little bit.
  4. I was reading about how Mongol Keshiks would, if there wasn't anything else to eat, drink the blood of their horses. Marco Polo said they could last for 10 days like that, but he may have been exagerating. You can watch an Englishman try to do it to a camel in the movie "The Four Feathers." Good movie, by the way. Anyway, how would you represent this in hero? I looked over the bleeding rules on page 417 of 5er and the starvation rules on page 438 of 5er. I think the easiest way is just to make the horse take the riders 1d6 normal damage from starvation for the first ten days. Whadayathink?
  5. Re: What're the jobs in an Army? Wouldn't bumping along in a wagon P.O. the bees? Still, honey might be a safer treat than wine. I'd actually thought of having them take wasp nests. Wasp nest + onager = broken enemy formations. saw it on a cartoon once.
  6. Re: What're the jobs in an Army? Barber would be a strange proffession to put into a skill slot in HERO. I mean, it is is a skill, but a medieval Barber often does more harm than good, even if he is a good barber. it seems like in most fantasy fiction and rpg's that gets glossed over and the healers actually heal things. Oh, and for what it's worth, the army I'm making is actually kind of small, basically a 144-man company, divided into 12-man squads (I like base twelve).
  7. What kinds of jobs would be found in an army? Right now I'm building a small army of mounted archers (see the attached file). I think I have a good idea of what combat skills I want them to have, but I'd like to know, what individual skills would I find in camp? I set asside 6 points per man to represent things that not every unit would have. I'm not going to actually write up every man, but I'd like to know what kinds of proffesions would be a good idea to keep an army running? I just want a list of proffesion packages at around 6 points (or 3 - 9, I'm not constrictive) Here's what I have Quartermaster 2 SS: Logistics 11- 3 Trading 12- 2 PS: Appraise 11- 2 KS: Camp Inventory 11- This is the guy in charge of supplies, both aquiring them and distributing them. Scout 3 Tracking 11- 3 Stealth 12- Batman 2 PS: Servant 11- Apparently the servant of an officer is called a batman. I didn't know that. Cook 2 PS: Cook 11- 2 KS: Flora & Fauna Trainer 3 Analyze: Combat Skill 11- 2 PS: Trainer Horse Trainer 2 PS: Horse Trainer 3 Analyze: Horses Officer 3 Tactics 11- 3 Oratory 2 KS: Military Science Medic 3 Paramedics 11- 2 PS: Healer 11- 2 KS: Herbalism 11- And some obvious ones, Bowyer = weaponsmith: Bows Fletcher = weaponsmith: arrows guy to make swords, lances and axes guy to make leather armor Any other good ones I'm missing?
  8. Re: Weapon Overheat First, I'd need to see what writeup you were using for a gun that didn't have this disadvantage. Lets say that you built this weapon as RKA 1d6, Constant (+1), 50 Charges (+1/2), just to start off. Call each shot a "burst" for special effects. Now, turn the Constant advantage into a naked advantage and put burnout on it. If you'd like it to be more likely to burnout after longer periods, say as a fiat that the roll goes up one every segment. (segment one, no effect, segment two 14-, then 13-, 12-, and so forth) I'd call that a -1/2 or so.
  9. Re: Fun Artifact: The The WWW is, for the most part, a snapshot of what we know now. This project was created for the purpose of preservation. So, they could've just burned a whole bunch of DVD's and said "these hold all these languages. they are now preserved." But wait, in 50 years, will people still be able to find a DVD drive that can read them? What about software? Will they have the right version? Now go 100 years into the future. How about 1000? 10000? These disks are made of materials that should last for those kinds of timespans. The messages are engraved, not encoded, so you won't need to worry about having the right equipment, assuming they still have microscopes in the future. (I call that a safe bet) For a little perspective, look at this picture One hand holds a spool of magnetic tape made in the 1980's, the other a clay tablet written thousands of years ago. Any guesses which is going to outlive the other? The Rosetta Disk is produced in large part by the "Long Now" project, which has the goal of lengthening our concept of what "now" means and creating a more ponderous society that thinks long thoughts.
  10. http://www.rosettaproject.org/about-us/disk/concept The idea is a little disk with documents in 2500+ languages. The site is a preservation thing, to prevent losses to the logosphere, or at least leave some record of the languages that existed. All you need is a 500 power microscope, and you'll have pleanty of reading material. by the way, they have two left. they sell for $25,000. EDIT: I can't believe I flubbed the Title. It's supposed to say "Fun Artifact: The Rosetta Disk". I'd appreciate it if a mod could change it.
  11. Re: "Weird" War II Minis, now with Pulp! Dream Pod 9 makes some good stuff too for their Gear Krieg line. I like the Tesla Turret, but they have some very nice walkers as well. Oh, and Nazi rocketmen.
  12. Re: Blowgun stats Range on a blowgun is 20-30 meters (fairly short) If the blowgun is meant to kill, I'd say RKA 1d6, extra stun modifier, Delayed effect, Gradual effect, Limited Range, Real weapon, OAF, one charge and many clips, no effect on rigid armor or thick clothing (-0). The gradual effect does a good job simulating the poison killing slowly (and provides time to get a dispel: poison antidote) and the increased stun multiplier simulates getting weaker and less focused. I wouldn't use NND, because its PULP! how many characters have rPD? if they do because of some Talent, say "His remarkable physique is resisting the poison!" or "The tip just grazed the skin. He didn't get the full dose, but still, will our hero survive?" and so forth. If they have armor or thick clothing, the limitation comes into effect. It's -0 because not many people wear that stuff (well, they wear thick clothing, but not in South America) If it's a tranquilizer dart, use a drain Stun and Con. Don't use NND here either, because even fewer pulp heroes have power defense.
  13. Re: Dr. Jones denied tenure. If he had faced termination for lack of tenure, it would've merely resulted in: "Yes Doctor Jones, while this could spell the end for your teaching career, a certain amount of clout could make it all go away. Clout my associates and I could provide. Of course, in exchange, there's a certain item I think you could help us find . . . "
  14. I got a laugh out of it. http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2006/10/10bryan.html
  15. Sorry if this has been posted already, but a quick search revealed nothing, and you've got to see this. Apparently there's a TV show called "Hey, I've got talent". This couple had a very impressive magic act. Enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/p.swf?video_id=RB-wUgnyGv0&eurl=&iurl=http%3A//sjl-static12.sjl.youtube.com/vi/RB-wUgnyGv0/2.jpg&t=OEgsToPDskKm2JdggBzrQdBWLq6ghysK heckuva way to spend 8 points.
  16. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Let the Caged Bird Sing By A3 (also known as the Alabama 3)
  17. Is there someplace that lists about how much different military vehicles cost their respective governments? Pulp hero (it's name be praised) has such info for civilian cars and trucks, but doesn't say, for example, how much a Sherman or a Panzer would cost. Mostly I'm just curious.
  18. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Just finished "Till We Have Faces" by C. S. Lewis. I liked it. If you've never read it, it's a retelling of the story of Psyche and Cupid from the perspective of Psyche's sister. C. S. Lewis being who he is, there's a chistian parable thrown in, but I liked that too.
  19. Re: Geas, Oath, Contract...... I did something like this with a trigger. It worked well.
  20. Re: Build Challenge: bystander-identification glasses The trick is, how do they identify bystanders? I could see detect superpowers, but that wouldn't identify most henchmen, not to mention martial artists. perhaps detecting intent to do harm? that sounds like the best bet. I'd really hate to see some "detect number of character points" thing. That ruins the versimilitude. Unless you like doing things Order of the Stick style.
  21. http://www.stringsthemovie.com/uk.html I rented it over the weekend. It was an . . . interesting film. The premise is that there's a world populated by marionettes who are aware that they are wooden creatures with string, and that without the string they are dead. However, they have no puppeteers. Their strings just go up to heaven and nobody can see where they end (which is why nobody has a roof). As such, their strings change the way they live. In combat they slash at each others strings, especially the vital headstring. if and armstring or legstring gets cut off the limb is useless, but don't worry, if you have the money you can buy a slave, remove his limb and attach it to yourself (you can't just mend existing strings for some reason). Oh, and the city gate is just a bar that hangs over the entrance. After all, nobody can walk under anything. Kind of gimmicky (the soundtrack is mostly strings), but worth the dollar to rent. The writing is cheesy, but the cinimatography is beautiful.
  22. Re: Space elevators How would the space elevator deal with wind blowing on the tether? over so many miles, wouldn't the varying winds disturb the orbit? and how resiliant is this thing to lighting bolts? its going to get hit eventually.
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