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Everything posted by Sociotard

  1. Re: The Swamps of Sadness Because you're a jaded old man? In case you were wondering why I posted this, I just shot through a forgotten realms book on how to make interesting wilderness campaigns with hostile enviroments. It made me think of this. It would be a challenge for any party. Remember, horses only have an ego of 5, so they won't last too long.
  2. Stonehenge Each stone slab at stonehenge weighs 90 metric tons. The big heads that the Olmec used to carve out of basalt weighed 40 tons. The big heads on Easter island weigh as much as 50 tons. A human Brain weighs 21/4 to 31/4 lb (1-1.5 kg). (I got all encyclopedia happy)
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q) Name the main elements of Siegfried and Roy's most secret fantasy. A) A free-falling Jukebox
  4. Re: New planetary dystopia
  5. Re: You never had a character with ____ Powers? I've never tried a shrinker. Maybe it's time.
  6. Re: Ultimate Brick -- What Things Weigh Oh yeah. Heavy things. Well, Guinness is a great source Largest Aircraft Carrier The warships with the largest full load displacement in the world are the Nimitz class US Navy aircraft carriers USS Nimitz, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Carl Vinson, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, John C. Stennis, Harry S. Truman and Ronald Reagan, the last five of which displace approximately 98,550< tonnes (217.2 million lb). Heaviest Freight Train The heaviest-ever train weighed 99,732.1 tonnes (220 million lb). It was assembled by Australia's BHP Iron Ore. Largest Sumo Wrestling Champion Hawaiian-born Chad Rowan, alias Akebono, at 227 kg (501 lb) Heaviest Periodical The heaviest periodical ever published was the December 2001 edition of the Italian bridal magazine Sposabella, which weighed 2.582 kg (5.692 lb). Heaviest Mortar The heaviest mortar was the 12.24-m (36-ft 10-in) long, 60-cm (23-in) caliber German siege piece Karl. Only seven were built. Each weighed 124 tonnes (122 tons). Only six were used in Europe during World War II. Heaviest Nuclear Bomb The heaviest known nuclear bomb in operational service was the Mk 17 carried by US B-36 bombers in the mid 1950s. It weighed 19,050 kg (42,000 lb) and was 7.47 m (24 ft 6 in) long. The bomb had the dubious distinction of being involved in a "Broken Arrow" lost nuke incident in 1957, when a Mk 17 accidentally fell from a B-36 near Albuquerque, New Mexico. The bomb's high explosive components detonated upon landing but thankfully this did not trigger a nuclear explosion. Heaviest Conventional Bomb The heaviest conventional bomb used operationally was the British Royal Air Force’s "Grand Slam", which weighed 9,980 kg (22,000 lb.). The bomb was used against Germany in 1945. A bomb weighing 19,050 kg. was tested by the US Air Force in 1949. Heaviest Weight Balanced On Head John Evans balanced 101 bricks, weighing a total of 188.7 kg (416 lb) on his head, for 10 seconds at the BBC Television Centre, London, England, on December 24, 1997. Heaviest Space Station To Re-Enter Atmosphere On March 23, 2001, the Russian space station Mir crashed back into the Earth's atmosphere after an incredible 15 years in space. It weighed 130 tonnes (286,600 lb)
  7. Re: Ultimate Brick -- What Things Weigh Average weight of a game designer? Average weight of a game designer's cat?
  8. Re: The Swamps of Sadness Morla, the Ancient One We don't even care whether or not we care STR 100 DEX 5 CON 20 BODY 28 INT 50 EGO 50, Inherent PRE 40 COM 0 PD 30 ED 30 SPD 2 REC 4 END 20 STUN 20 The Ancient OneLife Support: Immortality A Shell Mountain+10 to Concealment, self only A Shell Mountain +12 rPD, +12 rED, not on head. Too apathetic to Move -6" Running, -2" Leaping The Wisest Being in Fantasia Knowledge: Everything but How to save the childelike empress 60- Heavy -18" Knockback resistance Physical Limitation: Colossal (All the Time, Greatly Impairing) Social Limitation: Talks to Self Psychological limitation: Completely apathetic (total)
  9. The Swamps of Sadness " Atreyu and Artax had searched the Silver Mountains, the Desert of Shattered Hopes, and the Crystal Towers without success. And so, there was only one chance left. To find Morla, the ancient one, the wisest being in Fantasia whose home was the Shell Mountain somewhere in the deadly Swamps of Sadness. Everyone knew that whoever let the sadness overtake him would sink into the swamp" For every hour spent in the swamps of sadness, characters face a 1d6 NND Ego Drain (Defense is Ego/5 + any mental defense). After he has been drained to Ego 0, the character will begin sinking ⅓†per phase. To resist sinking, characters must make an ego roll (even a 0 ego character has a 9-). If the roll succeeds, the character has felt a flicker of hope, and counteracts ⅓â€worth of sinking. For every ⅓†a character has sunk, he suffers a -2 modifier to the roll. Other characters may attempt to help him using a presence attack. All characters encouraging the victim to roll presence attacks. Total all the dice. For every 5 points rolled, the character gets +1 on his roll. Note: "When the scene for the "Swamps of Sadness" was being shot and the horse was supposed to "sink", he really did. The platform lifts failed and the horse died. Noah Hathaway (Atreyu) was so upset he couldn't do anything for two weeks.
  10. Re: Pacifist Fu Yeah, I goofed. Sorry.
  11. Re: Pacifist Fu Thinking more about martial variants of Dive for Cover and Roll with a Punch Cost Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 5 Martial Roll with a Punch -1 -1 "Block" after being hit, take 1/2 damage vs. HTH and EB attacks, Abort 4 Martial Dive for Cover 0 0 Make Dex Roll at -1/1", Character is not at 1/2 dcv afterward, abort Too Power-gamish?
  12. Re: Pacifist Fu Possibly. In a heroic campaign, would you allow a Nerve Pinch to be sweet and painless like spock does it? I was going to throw it in, but the first Nerve Pinch listed in FREd is the Groin Strike ! That does it, it's time to bite the bullet. I'm ordering the Vehicle/martial artist combo tonight.
  13. Re: Need help naming my New Hero group Hurricane Force The Sunny Delights Orlando's Bloom Governor Bush isn't the patron, is he?
  14. Re: Pacifist Fu Very nice! I wonder if I could do something similar with Sacrifice Throw. Oh! I have an idea! 4pts Pin +1 OCV 0 DCV Grab Two Limbs; Target Falls; You Fall. What does 'Root' mean? The sleight of hand bit is interesting, like using bluff in D&D.
  15. I've been chipping away at 'Pacifist Fu', a martial art for a character who has taken an oath of non-violence. I really need to get martial hero. Soon. I had some questions. Cost Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 4 Dodge -1 +1 Dodge All Attacks, Abort 4 Disarm 0 +5 Disarm, +10 Str 4 Escape 0 0 +15 Str vs. Grabs 4 Hold -1 -1 +10 Str for Holding On Acrobatics Breakfall Stealth Combat Luck I wanted a few other things in it that I don't know how to build. For example, I wanted a "Fakeout" maneuver. It would fool anyone into thinking he was throwing a punch, causing them (hopefully) to act defensively. I was thinking Mental Illusions (even danger sense would be fooled, this way), but how would that get written up as a maneuver? Is there a way to do a throw that wouldn't include the usual STR + vel/5? Are there martial versions of "Roll with a Punch", and "Dive for Cover"? Anything else you think this could use?
  16. Re: Plague Challenge! If it's diseases you want, take a look-see at the bestiary, which covers rabies and bubonic plague. There were a few posted on these boards as well (I saw one that was spread by telepathic contact, and I made one that was fatal, but still contracted intentionally for its attractive side effects.) I wouldn't write this as a transform. Why? If it's a transform, they can come back. I say, depending on how long you want it to take, start of with a drain CON, then STR, STUN, and finally a whopping drain 5d6 BODY. Few will survive. Then pop in a summon demonic beastie with a ONLY IF CHARACTER DIES limitation and an activation roll (not everyone gets turned) I like the "grants immunity" bit. I love these new boards
  17. Seasonal campaigns christmas stories, halloween stories, etc. All comics, tv shows do something for christmas (although we'd all rather forget the star wars christmas special). Some Suggestions: How Foxbat stole christmas.
  18. "You've all been reverse-aged!" A staple plot, one or all characters have been turned into child versions of themselves. It won't work for all characters. "The mind swap" This is easy. 'okay, everyone hand your character sheets to the guy on your left . . .' "Time loop" Groundhog day. get things going right. staple plot.
  19. "You work for us now" Heroes get captured and tagged by rogue gov agency ala weapon x
  20. A: free fleas sneeze Q: what can "Fez see's lean reef" be rearanged to spell so it forms a tongue twister. A: I don't know, but I think it involves Garter Snakes and Hand Lotion.
  21. How about mug shots and 1paragraph bibliographies of Steve Long & Co.? C'mon, all the authors are doin' it . . .
  22. Star Hero is just too broad for this kind of thing. It was meant for general scifi, and space-allotment is too genre-specific. For example, almost all the volume and mass of the space shuttle is (at takeoff) taken by fuel and engines. The Enterprise? more like an eighth. You're on the right track though. I remember my old starwars campaign. One of our great frustrations was having the cash to buy the spiffy new Ion Cannon, but that meant sacrificing cargo room, and the Gnolaum Olea just wouldn't be profitable without cargo room I'd be interested in seeing what rules of thumb other gamers use.
  23. I think Battlestaff is right, I shouldn't have labeled Zarglif69 a nerd. My apologies. I went through Zarglif69's posts, and found the oddest dichotomy. At times his posts are comments of reason and intelligence, displaying perfectly acceptable grammer and spelling. At others, he insults people and abandons his otherwise impeccable standard of speach. So stark is the difference, I have come to wonder if he might be two individuals using the same user name.
  24. I normally don't correct any one on these boards, as the beam in my eye keeps getting in the way, but you have succeded in annoying me. Try "Why are you playing around with giant robots?". Do you see how much better it is without shorthand cursing, descent spelling, no 'for' on the end, capitalization, just one punctuation mark, and no reference to 'bugs' (of which I said nothing in the original post). Hey, aren't you the nerd who said the foundation series stank because of its lack of alien culture? In the words of a wise, wise poster by the name of Marcus, FLAME YOU SIR! Okay, I'm done. I loved the suggestion of chemical sprayers, scythes, etc. It sounds like these are OIF's that attach to nodes on the robot itself. I think I may make an optional flamethrower (my grandpa used one on his arm) and chainsaw. This robot is supposed to have a pickup truck bed type thing that folds out. Do I have to use growth for that, or can I just say that some of its usual hex area spends much of the time folded up?
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