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Everything posted by Sociotard

  1. The peasants are about to rebel! Of course, these rebels will quickly use their mechas, normally tractor like things, in combat. Thing is, I need more. AGRICULTURAL MECHA Value Characteristic Cost Notes 55 STRENGTH 0 Lift 1.2 mTons, 5½d6 19 BODY 0 8â€Ã—4†SIZE 45 Mass 50 Ton; -9 KB; -6 DCV 4 DEFENSE 6 15 DEXTERITY 18 OCV: 5/ DCV: 5 3 SPEED 5 Phases: 6, 12 Total Characteristic Cost: 74 Movement: Running 20†×8 MAX: 480†Leaping 8†8†Forward, 4†Upward Abilities & Equipment Cost Power 33 Steam Engine: Endurance Reserve (60 END/ 60 REC) OIF Bulky (-1)4 Arms & Legs: Extra Limbs (4 – 2 Arms, 2 Legs) Limited Manipulation (–¼) 19 Walker: Running 14â€, ×2 Noncombat; Costs Endurance (-½) 5 Wheeler: Running ×8 Noncombat; Limited Maneuverability (-¼), Side Effect (Reduced to 10 DEXTERITY, 2 SPEED, 3 OCV, 3 DCV –½), OIHD (-¼) 5 Jump-Springs: Leaping 8â€; Extra Time (Full Phase –½) 22 Crane Arm: 10†Always Direct (-¼) No Noncombat Stretching (-¼) Costs Endurance (-½) Limited to Arms (-¼) 17 Tow Chain: 1†×64 Noncombat; Limited to Chain (-¼), Can Only Pull or Be Pulled (-½) Anyway, I need More. Suggestions?
  2. I was under the impression that taking more time on something made using any skill roll easier, up to a point. For something like this, taking years to perfect the calculations was not unreasonable. It seems like star hero said something to this effect. Didn't it?
  3. Fascinating. Could he speak while doing this?
  4. How about a "he is the One" scenario? Wherein the same character is instantly born elsewhere. Ressurection can be stopped by killing the child before it hits puberty. This is only a good idea if the group has an age acceleration chamber. I wouldn't require the teleport. It's not really an advantage.
  5. A few errata to add for the above talent. [*]Lightning Calculator individuals with lightning calculator should probably get 4 penalty skill levels vs. time modifiers [*]Preparation At GM's discretion, there may be other skills that could be considered complimentary, such as Science Skill: Sociology or Knowledge Skill: Culture [*]What it gives you Clairsentience is usually defined as "clairvoyance" or "clairaudience", or ever "clairolfactrience" I suppose. This is "Clairsapience". Instead of taking a perception roll, Character take a cultural knowledge roll. [/list=1]
  6. Statistical Prophecy: Precognitive Clairsentience 40 pts; Precognition only (-1), RSR (Analyze Cultural Trends -1/2), Subject to Time and Population Modifiers (see attending chart: -1/2) Vague and Unclear (-1/2) Population Modifiers 1 Person -10 10 People -9 100 People -8 1,000 People -7 10,000 People -6 100,000 People -5 1X10^6 People -4 1X10^7 People -3 1X10^8 People -2 1X10^9 People -1 1X10^10 People -0 1X10^11 People -0 1X10^12 People -0 And so Forth Time Modifiers 1 Segment -30 1 Phase -28 1 Turn -26 1 Minute -24 5 Minutes -22 20 Minutes -20 1 Hour -18 6 Hours -16 1 Day -14 1 Week -12 1 Month -10 1 Season -8 1 Year -6 5 Years -4 25 Years -2 1 Century -0 5 Centuries -0 2,500 Years -0 And so Forth
  7. Dear Abby, My Aunt May, my only living relative, does not know about the radioactive spider bite that made me what I am today. What's the best way to break the news to an aging women on heart medication? Webbed-up in angst.
  8. Taking a line from "treason", by orson scott card. The young women were never really captured, per se. You see, the Immortal Necromancess uses her magic to cloud the minds of the wealthy and influential of paris. She spends a few weeks with each familly, filling their minds with memories of her as their daughter and manufacturing evidence of her existence. On the night she leaves, she makes it look like a kidnapping, and leaves false clues that point to the sewers. She has, you see, a long standing debt with a werewolf pack that was anciently bound to the sewers. As influential and powerful as these families are, they will send concourses of rescue attempts into the sewers and the hungry jaws of werewolves. Oh, and jacques dnpc was just trying to find her neighbor. She'd known her for years. hadn't she? The necromanceress has of course caught her before the werewolves did, and has some nasty experimentation to perform.
  9. If I may humbly suggest a name for such a creature, which name I have taken from a certaing lowbrow comedy of 1984: Space Herpe! Jason ... "Did you see anything out there?" Killjoy ... "No, what? What happened?" Jason ... "Ship just got herpes."
  10. To be written on the character sheet as "sleight of Gut":cool: that's a good idea, actually. Thanks.
  11. I had an odd idea for a talent, and I had no idea how to write it up. I was thinking how useful it would be to be able to swallow small items, like lock picks or stolen jewels, and regurgitate them on command. or even just regurgitate on command. I knew a guy who could do the latter, and the former just seems cinematic and cool. any ideas?
  12. It depends on what you were looking for. Tech? I remember the nuclear reactor that was the size of a walnut, produced by the foundation. It scared the non-foundation member who saw it. His planet had devolved back to using fossil fuels. Such an Item is an endurance reserve. How about the mule? Thats just a psionic transform and mind control. The robot from "I robot"? The bestiary has a housecleaner that would seem very appropriate. Actually, in its description it says "the robot is perfectly harmless and won't pose any threat. Until it goes all haywire" or something to that effect. Is there anything in specific you're looking for? One talent in the books I'd like to see is "Statistical Prophecy". It would be a clarisentience, future only, but would need some modifier so it was more reliable over long time periods with big systems of people and less reliable over short periods with small systems of people. I'll have to think about that.
  13. Use flight, and require an acrobatics roll to take care of the pings. It's probably easiest to take care of them all in one roll
  14. of course, they'll also need to alter skeletal and cardiopulmonary systems to make them ready to recieve a human brain. . .
  15. SHRIEK-PACK Flight 10†(×8 Noncombat: 80â€); Rapid Acceleration (Full Noncombat Movement in 3 phases +¼) Charges (+1); Side Effect (Physical Limitation: Deaf –¼) Visible (Hear it from a mile away –¼) OIF (-½) 32 Five Minute Fuel Activation Roll (14- Burnout –0 [only roll for each fuel charge]) 34 pts Total Cost: 34 pts Cost: £100 Notes: The Shriek Pack is a personal jetpack operating on the principle of compressed steam. The exhaust is so loud it can be heard from miles away, and leaves the operators quite deaf. There is a chance of it burning out every five minutes, but the operator usually has time to get back to safety. If the roll is a 3, the pack explodes immediately. As a personal Jetpack, this model has difficulty carrying heavy loads (any load greater than 200 kg uses 1 fuel charge every minute, greater than 300 kg not possible). Noncombat speeds above ×2 also spend 1 charge per minute. Suggestions for improvement?
  16. Same way you do the other skills for the package.
  17. I might add penalty skill levels for Combat driving (offsets modifiers for fighting while driving). This way, a character could, say, stand up on the bike and fight while steering with his foot, ala luke skywalker in return of the jedi or Zorro in the mask of zorro. veeery cinematic
  18. So have you regained possesion of the big book? If I was a starting player now, I'd be asking myself whether or not to wait until the expanded and revised version came out next year. Would it be worth it? That's a call I'm glad I don't have to make.
  19. Don't forget the +1/2 advantage for all those charges Seriously though, I'd make it a 5d6 Rka, aoe 1 hex, autofire 6
  20. That's the suburban assault vehicle I want! I love the quote "I'm gonna put it on my nightstand, as a reminder that failing sucks"
  21. here's an odd thought. What happens when someone pulls a sweep manuver? Then you could use a move you have CSLs for and another for which you don't. Things only get wierder if you have different CSLs for each thing you do.
  22. A few questions What is the expendable focus? The Cannon itself? I thought that expendable meant that the focus went away every time you used the power, and you had to go find another. Like ingredients to a potion. You made the energy blast NND, so it does STUN. You want this thing to K.O. people? I would recomend a limitation "Does no Stun, either", which might be a reduced cost form of NND rather than a limitation at all, but I digress. I might have recomended doing it as a Flash attack. We want it to force them to make an ego roll to simulate the pain (as is done with energy blasts and Hand Attacks), so that's probably an advantage.
  23. Sociotard

    Ship Naming

    The thread LIVES! How about Card Games. I looked at http://www.pagat.com/alpha.html and they had hundreds, so you wouldn't run out quickly. Ace-Deuce Agurk Alcalde Alkort All Fours All Fives Aluette Ashush Auction Forty-Fives Authors Avinas Baccarat Back Alley Bridge Bai Fen Barbu Bartok Bashi Fen Basra Bauernschnapsen Beggar My Neighbor Just to name a few. In a similar vein, Mixed Beverages, courtesy of Webtender.com A Day at the Beach A Dixon Thing A Furlong Too Late A Fuzzy Thing A Gilligan's Island A Goodnight Kiss A joy of Almond A Little Dinghy A Little Green Man From Mars A midsummernight dream A Night In Old Mandalay A Southern Screw A Splash of Nash A Sunny Delight A True Amaretto Sour The A-Rock
  24. Mine come from wishful thoughts. For example, a while ago I was sneaking around in the dark in a game of capture the flag. At one point I wasn't sure if I'd been seen or not. He wasn't moving, but he could be trying to lure me in. Dang I wish I could detect someone seeing me. A few day's later I posted such a power on the boards. I get similar inspiration in the fiction I take in. "shoot, it's too bad so and so cant do this and that". Then I realize it's a cool idea and write it up, even if I never use it. Mechanics and house rules come in a similar fashion. For example, I read about american indians killing an buffalo and taking bites out of the (sometimes) still beating heart. I started to ask myself "That would be a cool objective for a 'great hunt' style game, where the heros must not only kill the critter, but kill it right. What skills and modifiers do you need to chop out a heart before it stops beating?" That's what I'm trying to figure out right now.
  25. I never liked Ego Attack. I just buy energy blast BOECV.
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