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Everything posted by MrAgdesh

  1. Is there a hard and fast table anywhere to convert Activation Roll percentages to Hit Location coverage? E.g., the HSEG gives a 3-5 location helmet as an 8- Activation roll Chest and Back plates (locations 10-11) as a 9- Chest, Back, and sides protection as a 10- Etc.
  2. Issue #21 Adventurer's Club? More book keeping, too...
  3. I figure that a fire alarm would give you a free Post Phase 12 recovery if you wake up to it from REM sleep and the sudden resulting adrenaline surge (speaking as someone who wakes up to clarions from deep sleep fairly regularly but doesn't consider himself automatically on full END and STUN). You might take other recoveries as you suddenly get your wits and start to mobilise. A full night of refreshing sleep I can see as leaving fully charged batteries, but that's not really why I was asking.
  4. Oh, I don't think that's true at all. I just didn't find the story anything to capture my interest to make me want to get into it. I also didn't like the Jean Paul Gaultier style of the thing. Eternals was just as painful, only didn't have the eye candy.
  5. Are you assumed to be on full END and STUN?
  6. I got as far as Milla Jovovich's character. Sadly, even that wasn't enough to make me stay.
  7. The Eternals. Closely followed by the 5th Element. Two films that I have walked out of the cinema for.
  8. Has anybody play tested anything other than the suggestions in FH, HSEG etc for the above? If so, how did they pan out?
  9. Yes I was looking for that not the schematics. In the end I just drew on my battlemat. 🙂
  10. Yeah, trains I also have coming out of my... caboose.
  11. Can anybody point me to any decent overhead Stagecoach plans that I could print out? 28-32 mm ideally.
  12. Nothing I want or need from this year's releases then. Regarding a Patreon, as Norm said, it would depend on the content. There are an awful lot of Patreons now and only so much money. An Advanced Player's Guide III sounds vaguely interesting, but Martial World not at all. Mythic Hero would cause me to sign up straight away.
  13. Are these different write ups to what is already in the 6E Bestiary?
  14. If you've got people armed illegally over there with lawn darts then I can see why you'd need an ak-47 for safety.
  15. I’ve got a few friends in the States - gaming and otherwise although one of the gamers is currently in the military and serving in Italy. I’ve reached out to them but awaiting some comeback. If I don’t have any joy I would appreciate anyone that could help me out and would naturally reimburse them first! Drivethru use USPS and their prices seem to have escalated dramatically. The current pandemic doesn’t help and neither does the mistake of Brexit (sigh). Cheers for the offers anyhow. I’ve never heard of lawn darts! 🤣 Are they an exclusively quirky British thing?!
  16. There is a section in the 6E Bestiary of Celtic Monsters. I'm wondering what this has above and beyond that? That section has 17 monsters written up but the info for the above lists many of them but dozens more. Can we have some expanded info on that?
  17. Yup. A $25 Chivalry & Sorcery vinyl GM screen with card inserts was going to cost me $41 shipping. Then I’d get hit with import tax. It’s nuts.
  18. Bought the PDF (anything other than virtual products via Drivethru are prohibitively expensive to the UK).
  19. I recently picked up OSE (Old School Essentials) a Basic/Expert D7D retro-clone, part of the 'Old School Revival' of harkening back to the 'simpler' days of gaming. No sooner had it been brought out than they add an 'Advanced' option ruleset... Human beings are cyclic. The demograph of gamers has changed in the last couple of decades in that they are no longer hardcore wargamers or full-on Nerds (*) that come into the hobby. There are a lot more casual gamers from a mainstream non-gaming background that are keen to try out RPGs. In my experience, these players do not want complicated systems, so I would agree that something like 4E is going to be a draw. Give them a couple of years though and the ones that are still in the hobby will probably be looking for more sophisticated/involved rules sets. (* = being a Nerd I own that word with impunity).
  20. I'm thinking of all those Westerns where the group camp out overnight by a campfire but don't set a Watch. In those circumstances, something that can insidiously kill you (you won't wake up, despite taking damage) is worth a great deal. It's the end of the movie right there (unless the horses spooking wakes you). Of course, I haven't been in any RPG without a Watch being set at night. Just like I haven't been in any horror game where they walked through the graveyard without a flashlight.
  21. A sudden shock to the system would probably wake you but for things like carbon monoxide poisoning working would that be IPE?
  22. Oh yes. A player of mine in a Cthulhu campaign found a recently used one in the basement of the hotel he was staying in...
  23. That’s the version I’m familiar with (and have in fact used). Once the dead man’s tallow is lit on each finger, the inhabitants of the house *will not wake* until the fingers are doused with milk. That’s a Suppress Lightsleep at the very least.
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