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Everything posted by Armory

  1. I highly recommend it! It's one of my all-time favorite movies. In fact, every time I buy a new DVD/Bluray player, that's the first thing I pop in.
  2. I've used up my "likes" today so this post didn't get one, but thanks massey!
  3. That is what I'm looking for, yes. It means the character is in danger of being one-shot, so she'll need some significant base defenses to start with. This whole idea could fall apart under combat conditions, we'll see. I'll also need to decide if I want the Last SFX Lim on the Physical DR, but I definitely want it on the Energy DR. To be clear, Brickhouse isn't my character, there was just something in the description that got my wheels turning. Thank you, gang, for letting me pick your brains!
  4. Right, I would need to buy it twice, for Energy and Physical. I like the Multipower and Lockout idea because, as I over-thought it some more, just using one Limitation to restrict the SFX, while I'll need that too, doesn't give me the main effect I'm looking for: The DR isn't there at all until the character is hit first; The DR doesn't work against that first shot. That's how the character acquires the defense, by her body adapting to the attack. It will hurt the first time, but will *ping* after that, until she's hit by something else. So I would use the Trigger as in my first build to switch between two Locked Out slots. I'll try that on when I can get back to HD.
  5. I figured I was over-thinking it. Or, under-thinking it actually.
  6. I had an idea reading phoenix240's character Brickhouse. In the description it states "...her body could adapt to almost any environmental conditions and trauma." I didn't see a character sheet, but I got to thinking about adapting to trauma. I want to build Damage Reduction that only kicks in after the character has been hit. For instance, say she's hit with an electrical Blast. The first shot she applies only her base ED. But that shot triggers a Damage Reduction vs. Electricity, so from that point on she's essentially invulnerable to that SFX. Until she's hit with something else, like a punch. Then the Damage Reduction switches over to Physical, and no longer applies to electricity. Almost-kinda like Ultra-Boy in the Legion of Super-Heroes, in that she can only be invulnerable to one thing at a time. Below is my first crack at it. Try That Again: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75%, Variable Special Effects (Any SFX (Character does not control the change); Switches to the SFX of the most recent Attack; +1/4), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; +3/4) (150 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2) (Real Cost: 50 Points) I reduced the +1/2 for Any SFX to +1/4 since she can't control it. I used the Set Trigger option instead of Variable Trigger, and defined it as "any attack". Not sure if either of those is legit. I think I'd need to buy it twice, once for Energy and once for Physical, since Variable SFX won't cover that part of it. Thoughts?
  7. If we want to get 'logical' about it, transporters should require a receiver. How are all those atoms being reassembled at range? So leaving aside the fact that they were created for budgetary reasons, transporters don't really make sense, but replicators do. However, one of my all-time favorite episodes of any Trek series made magic with the ol' transporter accident: they brought Scotty back! Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: Yeah, well, I told the Captain I'd have this analysis done in an hour. Scotty: How long will it really take? Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: An hour! Scotty: Oh, you didn't tell him how long it would *really* take, did ya? Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge: Well, of course I did. Scotty: Oh, laddie. You've got a lot to learn if you want people to think of you as a miracle worker.
  8. I would buy it as a Follower, and rule that the Perk itself covers communication to the familiar; e.g., the owl would understand what Berika tells it simply because she's paid points for a Follower. For it to speak to her, I'd say that you'd need Telepathy or Mind Link. Maybe limit those to emotions or images only, since you said animals can't use language. OTOH that pretty much brings us back to Clairsentience.
  9. The movie is streaming on Netflix (blech), the TV series is available on DVD only.
  10. Same here. I was 8 when WWW went off the air. I think it was syndicated, as I seem to recall watching reruns after school when I was a bit older. Then again, that was a long time ago, I don't remember. I loved it like crazy. Land of the Giants was another one I liked a lot, as well as Man from UNCLE, Mission: Impossible, and a short-lived high-tech spy show called Search, but WWW was the coolest of all. I didn't know it was on Netflix. I'm almost afraid to watch it again...but I'm going to. Also, I know that Ross Martin missed a few episodes to film The Great Race (I should post that in the Lesser-Known Movie Recommendation thread, it's a lot of fun).
  11. A friend and I ran an intentionally silly game years and years ago. Our PCs were superhero parodies, Super-Student and Captain Rock. I don't recall SS's origin but he was basically Superman with weird twists. The good Captain was a rock-n-roll based hero who hated disco and shot energy blasts from his guitar. They tangled with such baddies as the Disco Dozen, who wielded a mind-controlling disco ball and razor-edged LPs; The Elephant (who had the head of an elephant, but nobody noticed it as long as he kept his glasses on, and nobody could figure out his bespectacled Secret ID); and the Cosmic Custodian, the mild-mannered school janitor who became possessed by the massively powerful Cosmic Ashtray, and who just wanted to keep the school clean, which of course meant cleansing it of people. In our "serious" games, we've had a few goofy ones. One PC that stands out was Bullfrog, the Sonic Amphibian; a mutant teenager who turned into a 3 1/2' tall frog when he hit puberty.
  12. I'm digging the No-Prize reference! I actually "won" one of those, back in the day. I received a very colorful envelope (Hulk was on it, IIRC) with nothing in it. It's not like the other Trek series didn't engage in techno-babble and play fast and loose with science, so the 'dark matter storm' didn't bother me much. But time travel stories are difficult to pull off and Seth didn't quite get it right. I find myself like this show so far. It's earnest, and reverential of the source material... errr, inspirational material... while giving it a goose here and there at the same time.
  13. My game is probably half and half. I try to structure a session in three acts. The first act is predominantly roleplaying (advancing active plot threads and planting new ones), although there might be a brief skirmish for one or two of the PCs. The second act sets up the Big Fight that comprises Act Three. The fight usually consumes about half of our gaming time. I have the luxury of a long-term, stable gaming group (10+ years now), and players who really enjoy roleplaying. They all like the fact that each one gets some camera time during each session, and I rotate from session to session which hero's plot is the focus of the Big Fight. There are villains they've taken on as a group, but each PC also has at least one arch-villain who has some kind of personal connection to them, and most of them are NPCs that were introduced early on that either became mixed up with villains, or turned into villains themselves. Without having roleplayed them as friendly NPCs for awhile, a lot of the drama and fun of those relationships would be missing. But again, I'm very lucky that I have great players and that we've been able to keep it going for this long. We really have built up a rich history.
  14. I coulda sworn I'd done this already but the thread isn't starred for me, so... How did you come up with your 'handle' (forum name)? My first Champions character was a powered armor type called Arsenal. When I started playing City of Heroes, that name wasn't available so I took Armory. What was the first tabletop RPG you GMed? AD&D, back in 1978 or '79. What was the first tabletop RPG you Played? Same answer. What are you currently Playing/GMing? Since my discovery of Champions in 1982, I have not played nor GMed any other RPG. My current campaign has been running about 10 years with the same group of players, a current-day superhero game (I share a universe with two other GMs who each runs a separate team). We're still using 5Er for that one. The link to the Obsidian Portal site is in my sig. When did you start to play Hero? 1982, I think it was 2nd Edition (gray cover). It was just me and a friend of mine, we both fell in love with it immediately. He had already been trying to run a superhero game in AD&D; my Half-Elven thief PC had obtained a 'suit of the gods', enchanted leather armor that gave her all kinds of powers. It was stupid, but we were 17 and new to the whole concept. Champions and the Hero System were exactly what we were looking for.
  15. For 5th Ed Revised the default that the switch occurs Post-12. p357: "A character who wants to use a lower SPD can decide to lower his SPD in the Post-Segment 12 period...Similarly, a character cannot return to his normal SPD after voluntarily reducing it until Post-Segment 12. "These rules also apply to raising SPD through means other than Adjustment Powers; Adjustment Powers us the optional rule..." The optional rule specifies that the new SPD is adopted on the next Phase that the two SPDs have in common. I've not done many characters who could change SPD in combat because I didn't like the way it worked. I like the 6E version much better.
  16. The INT-challenged brick in our group, upon encountering zombies for the first time: "You called 'em undead? That's confusin'. I mean, "un" means "not", right? So living people are un-dead too, right? How does anybody know who "undead" is about, then? It's about everybody, not just zombies. Why not call 'em "unalive"? Naw, that don't work, 'cause they's walkin' around, so they's kinda-alive. Plus, everything that ain't alive is unalive, like cars and rocks. I know! Used-ta-be-dead! "See, ya'll really need me more for my brain than my muscles. I'm the only one who can keep this stuff straight."
  17. I'd call it more of a comedy homage to sci-fi in general, and ST in particular. But I wouldn't exactly call it a parody. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, so I guess those critics are good for something: they lowered my expectations.
  18. That's a good question, because I don't. I disallow PCs from things like Telepathy and Clairsentience unless they can give me a very specific use (read that: easily manipulated and/or sidestepped by the GM) which means loads of Limitations. For example, one of my players wanted Postcognition. After a discussion I felt it was properly restricted: he can see into the past in whatever area he's standing, but he literally sees it backwards; he gets no sound; and the further back he wants to see, the longer it takes. If he wants to see what happened in this room yesterday, he'll have to stand there for a couple of hours watching everything that happened from now back to then zip past him like he's rewinding his DVR. So the Limitations allow me to prevent it from breaking my plots, and essentially makes it impossible to use in combat. It's actually become a handy way for me to feed the team the occasional clue. As for a specific answer to a PC seeing what happens right here in the next five minutes, I don't think I'd allow that at all. You want to see a year ahead? Okay. I can come up with something, and I have time to either make it come true or say that the players' actions have changed the future. You want to see a second ahead? Buy some extra DCV/OCV or DEX or SPD. Anything in between that becomes problematic, IMO.
  19. Same here. I'd actually like to watch it at some point but there's a lot of stuff ahead of it in line.
  20. I just dug out my battered 4th Ed hardcopy (not the BBB) and the only thing I saw was mention of no Familiarity required if CPs were spent on the mode of transport or weapon. I didn't see anything that exempted TF or WF from Superheroic campaigns in general. But I didn't spend a lot of time searching either, and I suspect the BBB might mention it. My copy is well-buried in the back of a closet. Having said that, we've never really worried about it in our superheroic games. As Cantriped mentioned, we've just assumed that training in the team vehicles was done between issues. And it's been so rare for anyone to pick up a weapon that wasn't theirs that WF has been left to GM discretion, depending on the circumstances.
  21. "I have scruples! Do you know what scruples are?" "No, but if you have them it's a sure bet they belong to somebody else."
  22. Stick your hand in the bag, shake hands with your future self taking something out!
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