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Everything posted by bigbywolfe

  1. Re: How would you stat up gods in Hero System? I don’t know why so many people are against writing up gods. I mean, Hercules (Heracles) was only a demi-god, one of the early examples of a hero. Some legends have him actually holding up the Earth in Atlas’ place for a short time. Atlas was a Titan and the titans came before the (and were arguably as powerful as) the gods. I seem to recall Hercules actually drawing blood (or whatever it is they have) from a god or titan at one point, but that may have been a more modern story, I’m not sure. My point? Hercules was one of the first “Cinematic Heroes” around, and he went toe-to-toe with the gods several times, both mentally and physically.
  2. Re: Manouevre and combat bonuses Surprise Haymaker?…
  3. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? There was absolutely nothing patronizing about quoting the dictionary (though I guess I can see how that might be patronizing in some circumstances). I was using the dictionary definitions to attempt to quantify "simple" in order to explain why the equation isn't "simplicity itself". Obviously we don't agree on what "simple" is, which is why I tried to use actual definitions to support my case, not simply saying, "this part is simple, that part is simple, this part is simple too, so what's your problem." I'm realizing though, that since the simplicity or complexity of something is largely subjective that we will never get passed this impasse.
  4. Re: Hero Philosophy - SPEED It needs to be fleshed out, but I like the concept. I'm not sure I would prefer it to the Speed Chart, but it would be interesting to try. Rep.
  5. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? “Simple” is obviously very subjective. "It's simple if you think about it" is NOT a fact. Insisting that something is simple despite multiple people expressing opinions to the opposite, could easily be seen as implying there is a deficiency on the side of those who "simply can’t see how simple it really is." “Try to convince yourself that you can do this, and that it isn't too hard for you. Use common sense,” could very easily be seen as patronizing, and implies that any lack of understanding is due to either a lack of common sense or due to some psychological block and that I/they have “convinced myself/themself it’s too hard.” You keep asking me to explain why it’s not simple. You haven’t explained, to my satisfaction, why it is “simple.” “Simple” as I already said above, is subjective. But in an attempt to quantify “simplicity”: From Dictionary.com: Bold text added by me. 1. “Easy to understand”. The equation is arguably “easy to understand” but obviously that is completely a matter of opinion. “Easy to use?” Hmm… I don’t think it is easy to use in the context we are talking about, which is on the fly, during game play. Sure, you can make a chart, but then it’s the chart that is easy to use, not the equation. 5. “Not complicated”. Is the equation “complicated”? Several people think it is, several think it isn’t. Who’s right? The person that insists the most? 6. “Not complex or Compound” Is the equation “complex”? Maybe, maybe not. Is it “compound”? I’d say yes. Once you start replacing numbers with multiple variables, in a multiple step equation I would say “not compound” does not apply anymore. You yourself even said: “And for the purposes of the game, you can easily just round it to 10 m/s/s, which keeps the math nice and simple.” You are rounding something in the equation to simplify it. Rounding may be a minor thing, it’s done in math all the time, but if everything else about the equation is so simple and self evident, then why do you feel the need to simplify any of it? I mean, once you have the numbers plugged in the math is the easy part (imo), why simplify it? EDIT: I intend this to be my last post on the subject unless something is stated that I fell, very strongly, needs to be addressed.
  6. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? (Emphasis added by me) After prestidigitator explained himself and gave a thorough explanation and example (thanks by the way) the first response was: This will be many, many people’s response to an equation like that, and no amount of saying “it’s really simple if you just think about it” is going to change that. In fact, it’s bordering on patronizing.
  7. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? I'm sorry, not arguing. Let me rephrase. "Now you're just presenting an entirely new system to be used for determining falling damage and disregarding the current one, though in the end it comes back down to using a chart, not how “simple” or “hard” it is to do the math to get there. I hope you feel this statement is less confrontational as I certainly didn’t mean to accuse you of anything. It should also be noted that my initial statements were not to you, but someone else on the first page who presented an equation with no explanation, who didn’t even say what the equation did, and didn’t present anyway to transform the results of the equation into Hero terms damage. You just happened pick up where he left off, and so you are who I’ve been responding to.
  8. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? So the solution is not to do the "simply" equation during the game, but to make a chart? Like the one we already use? Now you're just arguing about how they chose to allot the amount of damage that you take when falling, not how easy or hard it is to figure out, because you just resorted to a chart, the method we already use to determine damage in play.
  9. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? The whole point of the post was to say how simple it was. You consider that simple? Having to guess/figure out what each part of the equation even means and then apply 12 year old skills (to me anyway, I’m a writer, not a mathematician) is simple? I didn't say that it was "too difficult," I said it didn't mean anything to me without explaination or context. I reiterate that I can easily figure out the equation once explained. I could probably figure it out on my own if I wanted to waste that much time. That doesn’t make it “simple”. I agree that the level of math we accept in our country is horrible. I’ve met people who literally could not give change without using a calculator. To me that’s kind of like not being able to read. Not being able to do an equation like the one above is like not being able to read Shakespeare. “I mean, you had that in high school, right? Anyone should be able to understand the Tempest.”
  10. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? I can understand this equation once explained. I could even do the math accurately without a calculator as long as I had a pencil and paper. I won't however remember the equation in half an hour and there's no way in hell I'd sit there and calculate that in the middle of a game. P.S. A chart may be more complicated to make, but is not more complicated to use. Should anyone be able to do that equation? Sure. Should everyone be able to do that equation "on the fly" and go on to figure out damage, in the middle of a game, without interrupting play? Simply put, no.
  11. Re: Sword MA and question. Read what Killer Shrike posted above, I was wrong. You can abort to the block aspect, which is included in the "block" aspect automatically, but you cannot use the offensive portion. This is spelled out in the Ultimate Martial Artist, and I think it's in the Combat Handbook as well.
  12. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? I think that is over harsh, even though you are trying to be gentle. I’m not good at math. It’s not because “math is hard” or because anyone ever made me feel like I was too dumb to get it. I simply don’t do math quickly, and don’t do it well in my head. On the other hand I could write 2 page reports on books I read 5 years previous without reviewing them and pull As and Bs in a college class. Some people are truly better at some things than others. Also, I took Algebra I and II. I passed. This: y = (1/2) g t^2 t = sqrt(2 g y) still means jack snot to me.
  13. Re: Killer Shrike's Arms & Armament Variant You constantly amaze me....
  14. Re: Sword MA and question. Cool. Thanks for that point of view.
  15. Re: Sword MA and question. I guess I like Bind as a pro-active action, but I have not used it all that much, so I can understand a difference of opinion. The way I see it, it might not be useful when facing hordes of little gremlins or whatever, but if you got one or two big enemies with weapons and you bind their weapons they have to spend a phase just trying to break free. He's open to hits from the rest of the party, Possible open to hits from your other hand (I'd have to double check that), and if he doesn't break free he just wasted a phase and you can break the bind and attack at your leisure. It seems pretty good to me, but like I said, I haven’t used it a lot and your experience is probably correct, at least for certain types of games.
  16. Re: Killer Shrike's Arms & Armament Variant Maybe you should link the stats from KS's site as well as you wikipedia sources. I like Killer Shrike's websight, but I don't feel like searching for the Arms Variant section at the moment. You may get more responses that way. Or you could always just ask him...
  17. Re: Sword MA and question. My mistake. That doesn't, however, change the fact that you can't "abort to Grapple" which is what he was using to make the exception for "abort to Bind". Correct? Or am I way off base? I note you didn't comment on what I said about Bind not being a defensive action. I'll assume that means I'm reading the book correctly.
  18. Re: Sword MA and question. You cannot abort with Grappling Block or Defensive Throw (which is a Block, Throw combo), you have to have a saved action to use either, so there's no justification for an exception. More importantly, it should also be noted that Bind is not a Block maneuver anyway so aborting to it would be pointless. You spend a phase to bind the enemies weapon so they can't use it, it's preventative, not a defense.
  19. Re: Millennium City or Hudson City? ...the Mistake By The Lake?
  20. Re: How Long Does It Take To Fall? All this talk of how "simple" the physics is to work out makes me think you guys want WAY more granularity to the game than I care for.
  21. Re: How about anime Campaigns? The point of that statement was this, all of those elements I named are common to anime. Saying "I'm in an anime campaign" does very little to explain what the campaign is like. However "Magic girl" would generally fit into Urban Fantasy, a "genre" we already have pre-defined within the Hero System. Giant Mechs would usually fit withing Science Fiction, an "genre" we already have pre-defined within the Hero System. A true "Anime" source book would need to have most of the information from Star Hero, Fantasy Hero, Urban Fantasy Hero, The Ultimate Vehicle, Dark Champions, and maybe even regular Champions, plus an extensive section on Japanese culture, tropes common to all anime, etc. This is not feasible.
  22. Re: Superhero Generator Project Thanks for all the imput guys. I'll be posting more in here soon, last week was kind of busy.
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