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Everything posted by bigbywolfe

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Nexus, any idea who wrote that?
  2. Re: Home on the Range I think this is faulty logic, for the very simple reason that you didn't "pay the same". You paid for the extra STR as well, didn't you?
  3. Re: What books should I buy??? I love the Asian Bestiaries, but I have to ask; why are you set on getting those and not the regular Bestiary?
  4. Re: Weapon always does maximum damage I seem to remember a power written as: attack A Xd6 plus yd6 can not exceed max damage of attack A. Doesn’t guarantee max damage, but will be closer. I'll look for the write-up I'm thinking of.
  5. Re: Usable by other question I'm pretty sure I got the Utility Belt as a Multipower Framework from an official character, though I'll have to double check. I thought the whole idea with the utility belt was that if you take away the foci you take the entire multipower away. I suppose you could build all the powers and say each one is in a different pocket and to truly disarm you they enemy would basically have to strip you, but...
  6. Re: Home on the Range But that would make ranged attacks naturally cost more. Right now +1d6HA and 1d6EB cost the same, don't they? Of course you could argue that to counter the cost of adding Ranged you could take STR doesn't add to damage, but now you're just really cluttering up the character sheet.
  7. Re: Home on the Range Here's the thing though. STR can add to HtH attacks naturally, whether HA or HKA. STR doesn't add to Ranged attacks naturally whether EB or RKA but they have the advantage of being ranged. They all cost the same per DC. Now, if they were all ranged you would have to add modifiers to all attacks, No Range for HtH and STR Doesn't Add for Ranged; unless STR doesn't add is already part of all attacks being ranged, but then you need to use No Range and STR does add on HtH to make them the same as they are now. Maybe I’m being ridiculous, or looking at this wrong, but it seems to have all attacks start at one range actually complicates the use of the 4 most common attack powers. I’d rather just stick to adding “Ranged” as an advantage the occasional times I use Drain or some-such. Like I said though, I might be looking at this backwards or something…
  8. Re: Usable by other question So, how does that look? You buy "Drain 4d6, Multipower Frameworks"? I suppose you can Drain powers based on SFX, but I always come back to wondering 'how do you drain a utility belt?'
  9. Re: Anyone run a Starcraft setting Not entirely true. The book did not have “brain bugs” like the movie (although I think their existence was hinted at), but it did have queens that were very mysterious and believed to be responsible for the entire reproduction of any colony or group of Arachnids. Also, in the book there is very little to no difference in the appearance of the warriors and the worker even though the workers have little defense, no fighting ability, and generally flee from any trouble. It’s been a while since I’ve read it, but I’m pretty sure the book made reference to the queens being able to reproduce the kind of bugs needed (warriors, workers, etc.). You are correct though, that the book “bugs” are not very like the Zerg, as they use beam weapons and spacecrafts, presumably built from technology, not organics.
  10. Re: Steampunk Star Wars (Needs Better Name) Ooh! And the mediocre quality of the time period’s fire arms (at least by today’s standards) is a built in excuse for the Storm Trooper equivalent to miss all the time!
  11. Re: Mallory and Benfield's Second Hand Emporium (Urban Fantasy) I love the idea, just two questions on the items as written so far. Why IIF on the glasses? Even the “luck pieces” (rabbit’s foot and such) are IAF. Why would something you can put in your pocket be “Accessible” but something on your face be “Inaccessible”? It’s not really a problem with the build, it just seemed strange to me and I thought you might have a specific reason for making them with IIF. My other question was with the Sharing Cup. The mechanic is Transform described as switching souls. Then you say “Character is fully the other character in both mind and body”. I’m wondering if/how you are differentiating between “mind” and “soul”. The reason I ask, is most things I’ve seen like this would be X’s mind in Y’s body and vice-versa. If X becomes Y in “mind and body” then are they not just Y in reality? What, if anything, remains of X? Do personality traits travel with the “soul”, and are not counted as part of the “mind”? Just looking for clarification.
  12. Re: Steampunk Star Wars (Needs Better Name) I just want to know what the steam punk equivalent of a Light Saber is going to be...
  13. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... SteveZilla, I laughed. The schools in my area aren't that bad (well 2 out of the 3 aren't), but it's a valid point, and I took it as a joke. Satirical, maybe a bit sarcastic, but meant humorously and harmlessly. Basil, knee-jerk reaction seemed to be your response to a simple joke. What exactly about what was said is “political nonsense”? Are you a teacher, or is this a touchy point or something
  14. Re: Psychological Limitation: Dangerous When Bored.... I don't know if it should be Uncommon or Common, but I do know you should submit this to the Master List Of Limitations at: http://lostcoastgaming.com/files/masterlists.htm I love the idea, especially for NPCs.
  15. Re: What would your sidekick be named? Um, he wasn't saying they had to be kids. He was responding to someone else implying that. You’re actually agreeing with him after misrepresenting his point by only quoting part of what he said. No where did he say anything to imply he thought “Barbii” was a kid, or that all sidekicks are kids. He even said he had a love interest as a side kick in the same post you only quoted part of! I always thought Ken was Barbie’s side kick…
  16. Re: Book or PDF Where do you get one of those?
  17. Re: What would your sidekick be named? If Babel Fish is correct than Tonto is Spanish for "Idiot".
  18. Re: Book or PDF I totally did that with my hard cover copy of American Gods. What a mess. At least I had purchased an old library copy and not a 20some dollar new copy.
  19. Re: Help with child 'soft martial artist' build That’s actually not easier at all and is not simple to run. No Normal Defense is called an “all or nothing” effect in the rulebook. There is no set rules for having a “partially absorbed or partially deflected” results for “at least some pressure points being hit” to my knowledge, (at least not in 5er, in a supplement maybe?). It sounds like you are venturing into house rules rather than just dealing with assigning specific enough mechanics and or SFX up front. What does figuring out OCV penalties on the fly have to do with anything? If it’s a super game I’d let any worn armor with an activation roll use that activation roll to see if it is covering the appropriate areas or not. Or you could just make it so “fully covering armor” works and “partial/minimal covering armor” does not work. Also, assuming a Super setting, some characters should be immune to pressure point attacks because, quite frankly, if you can get hit with a bullet without taking any damage, then no matter how hard someone pokes you with a finger it’s not going to hurt, pressure point or not. That’s partially why I said Hardened Armor (should have said fully covering Hardened defenses). If Hardened can stop Penetrating or Armor Piercing, it makes sense that it would stop “finger poking” whether or not it was natural or worn armor.
  20. Re: Help with child 'soft martial artist' build I'd go with NND. The defense would be PD Force Fields and Hardened PD Armor.
  21. Re: Poison's FREE Character Drawing Contest - #1 I'm not sure if you're supposed to post full published characters anyway...Anyone know for sure?
  22. Re: Percy Jackson and the Olympians I've only read (well, actually listened to) the first book, but it was very enjoyable. I used to listen to audio books constantly between my night shift job and driving to school a town over, and it's amazing what gems you find in the "young adult" section of the library. As far as campaign limits and such? I’d probably go with 75/75 or 100/100 depending on how powerful you want them to be. 100/100 is the same as Teen Champions, so that might be appropriate. I’d keep the Active Point level fairly low also, probably around 40 AP with some powers allowed to go up to 60 or so for individuals “shtick”. EDIT: Also, Activation rolls, Require a Skill Roll, and other conditional limitations can be helpful in making young or inexperienced characters with powers, however, that may be more complicated than you want to get since these are new, young players. I think you should probably build the characters for any kids involved. Don’t bog them down with chargen just yet. Ask them what type of character they would like to play: fast, strong, smart, sneaky, et cetera, and work from there. Also, if they’ve read the series, ask them which god they would want to be a child of. Probably make the big three off limits. Maybe even get them some other ‘mythology for kids’ type books to let them see some other gods and heroes that may not be showcased in the series. This sounds like it could be a fun campaign, even for adults. I may just have to pick up more of these books if they are as good as the first. Anyway, hope this helps. Feel free to post some characters when you get them set up, or any questions you may have.
  23. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... Dude! If it's illustrated that is a great idea! Or better yet, the first photo filled Hero supplement.
  24. Re: What would your sidekick be named? But a sidekick, never the less. I mean, in the old Green Hornet radio show Kato was very much a sidekick. No one would think he was cool and badass now if it wasn’t for the fact that he was played by Bruce Lee. If anyone else had played him Kato would just be another stereotypical “Chinaman” character of that time period. I'm not as well versed about Tonto.
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