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Everything posted by bigbywolfe

  1. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... Sounds like a problem with the GM, not the points needed to be effected as per RAW.
  2. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... Why not?
  3. Re: Multiple Attacks Jeez you're fast Hyper-Man!
  4. Re: Multiple Attacks It gets one attack per phase unless using a Multi-Power Attack or Sweeping or some other mecahanism to grant extra attacks.
  5. Re: Odd Swords -- Real or Fantasy? I thought there was several non-Biblical references to "giants" being integrating into Philistine culture, but I could be mis-remembering...
  6. Re: Telekinesis Martial Arts It's been a while since I've read the section, but I thought you had to allocate STR toward holding onto the character, meaning you can't use that ammount of STR to strike with, even though you can attack while grabbing in general. Of course, I may be remembering totally wrong.
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Or lets down his ponytail.....those were sad times for the Man of Steel...
  8. Re: Randy Orton Rifleman? I thought were talking about a wrestler? And who the heck is "Gray Noton", you're the first person to mention him in this thread? I think I'm lost. No, no we are not...
  9. Re: My Craziest Idea Ever? Ha! "Won't be able to breathe properly"..."knock yourself out"! I get it! Punny stuff. (I'm officially too tired to be allowed to post on here...)
  10. Re: PA Hero -- Best all around ammunition I think the .22 deals with everything the OP asks for except stopping power. Ammo at a premium? It's the most common in the world. Portability? It's some of the lightest ammo available and can be used in more weapons than any other.
  11. Re: normal maximum I'm surprised "octopi" is considered “American” vernacular. Every nature show filmed by British or Australians I’ve ever seen use it also. In fact, Americans are the only ones I’ve ever heard say “octopuses” (then again, how often do you hear the word, really?), and considering our butchering of the English language, I guess I must have assumed incorrectly. My main point, however, stands.
  12. Re: PA Hero -- Best all around ammunition Very true and those are very legitimate points. I'll reiterate several points though. Great backup/close range weapons. Quiet. Most prevalent ammunition in the world and it’s extremely light weight. A team should have at least a few .22s within the group, even if they are no one’s primary weapon.
  13. Re: Police Powers & Weapon Permit If I ever go back to Scotland I'm going to have to become a farmer...
  14. Re: normal maximum I hate language creep. Many dictionaries now show “gill-O-teen” as a legitimate pronunciation of “guillotine”. And I actually heard “octopuses” on TV the other day. (Heck, spell check didn’t even catch “octopuses”…)
  15. Re: Police Powers & Weapon Permit There are police units in the USA that go unarmed, though this is the exception, not the rule. The main example I can think of are the “auxiliary police” units some large cities have. They are mostly only used for riot control and such, and cannot carry firearms while on duty even if they are personally licensed to carry concealed. I believe some such individuals are often granted more authority than the normal person in terms of making “citizen’s arrest” and such, but generally could not use a firearm to make such an arrest unless they were licensed to carry the gun and had to draw it in self-defense. That having been said, in the US, police power and weapons usually go hand-in-hand. This isn’t the case in all countries, and would be far from the case in many campaign settings, so it makes sense to me that they are separate perks. I can even think of many situations where the perk is about equal in use. I mean, if you shoot someone, even in self-defense with witnesses, but used an illegally concealed weapon, your butt’s going to jail. The ability to walk around armed is worth 2 points or more in many campaigns.
  16. Re: Bolt, the super dog Most birds (discounting hawks eagles and such) have the Psych Lim: Fear of Cats, so not necessarily that high. Probably a descent Acting roll though…
  17. Re: Odd Swords -- Real or Fantasy? It looks like the “Scimitars” from the Aladdin cartoon!
  18. Re: KA.'s Idea Thread Cheers.
  19. Re: PA Hero -- Best all around ammunition Someone beat me to mentioning .22s. .22 Long Rifle rimfire is one of the, if not the, most sold ammunition in the world. You can get a variety of handguns and rifles that fire this same ammunition. Does it have the best stopping power? Not by any means. .22 rifles, however, do have very little kick, almost anyone can fire them. You can carry massive amounts of the extremely light, extremely common ammo. They are very quiet compared to most other firearms, which is particularly important in many zombie settings. If fact, the only way you’re going to get much quieter is with silencers or switching to bows/crossbows. The rifles can be accurate to a little over 150 yards. Any party trying to survive a zombie holocaust should have several .22 rifles with scopes, even if they are secondary/backup weapons, and half the party can carry .22 revolvers/pistols without significantly adding to their baggage. Also, if your setting requires headshots to kill zombies the lack of penetration of can make a .22 ideal for headshots especially at short range as it is not uncommon for the round to enter the skull, but lose too much velocity, and instead of exiting, bounce around the skull. Also, for zombie survival everyone should have two fire arms, a rifle or shotgun, and a handgun or sawed-off shotgun for close range. At least one person in the group should have a silenced weapon if possible. If anyone in the group can shoot a recurve or compound bow, start practicing. Recoverable ammo and virtually silent shots. If no one is skilled with bow, try to pick up a crossbow. They’re almost as silent and easier for people used to rifles to become accustomed to firing. It’s generally a good idea for everyone to have a hand weapon just in case. Machetes are ideal. Some of the party may carry tools as their hand weapon, such as a hatchet or crowbar/pry bar, eliminating the need to carry tools and extra weaponry both.
  20. Re: cyberpsychic I don't want to start an argument, so this is the last I'll say on it. Any power can be an “EGO Power” because any power can have “based on EOCV”. Likewise, all Mental Powers can be “physical” by using “based on CON”. I just think you are letting semantics or titles get in the way of using, if not the best power, by far the easiest, since the “Mental” Powers are all written up for you already. Anyway, I’ll try to come up with some alternatives for you, though I’m sure some more experienced Herofiles will beat me to the punch.
  21. Re: cyberpsychic I’m kind of confused as to why using regular Mental Powers is an issue, regardless of the lack of EGO issue. All you have to do is use the Computers INT instead of EGO (which is suggested in 5er, no improvising by the GM needed) and encrypted data or security programs protecting a system can increase the level of success you need when rolling “damage” just like getting memories or more than just surface thoughts requires you to get +X EGO to be effective. With Mind Control, Telepathy, Mind Scan, and Mind Link already built it seems like we’re trying to reinvent the wheel doing it another way. Is there a specific reason you don’t want to use the prebuilt Mental Powers? That might help me understand your point of view and how to help with a power build.
  22. Re: normal maximum I didn't even know the plural of "Index" was "Indices". I like that word. I must find ways to casually inject it into conversation.
  23. Re: KA.'s Idea Thread So, totally Repped! EDIT: Must spread Rep, blah blah blah. Someone get him for me?
  24. Re: Focus on focus Wouldn't a Gauntlet usually be Inaccessible? OIF under the current rules? Anyway, that’s my first thought, more serious and thought out opinions later.
  25. Re: Immunity to Electric Attacks I don't think it does. This has officially become a humor thread.
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