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Everything posted by phookz

  1. Re: Hero Basic 6th : Destructible FOCUS and Power Armor I'm still not following you. BODY from STR damage averages 1 pt per 5 STR, not 2, so it seems like the nominal conversion should be 1:1 for BODY done. Using KB will reduce the value on the attack by 2D6, maybe more or less based on the attack type and environmental conditions (like flying). I think the Ranged Disarm (6E2 p61) would work better for this: convert the attack to DC then roll normal damage for that DC. This is a little different than I suggested earlier; I just re-read the rules for Disarm. Interesting point. The rules don't really cover basing limitations on other factors of the character, but they do require the GM to make a call for limitations that aren't limiting. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to veto the Accessibility for the very high STR/DCV characters on the basis that it's not really a limitation for them, than to limit everyone, including the low STR, average DC gadgeteer? I have wondered if the -1 limitation was too much. I always thought the RAW could use a little more symmetry - something like: Focus starts at -1/4 for IIF, same as OIAI. Making the focus Obvious: -1/4 more Making the focus Accessible: -/14 more So you end up with: IIF: -1/4 IAF: -1/2 OIF: -1/2 OAF: -3/4 But, again, I never felt strongly enough that it was needed.
  2. Re: Hero Basic 6th : Destructible FOCUS and Power Armor Hmm, I missed that when perusing the 6E rules. I can't find it under the Focus rules. Is it in another section?
  3. Re: Hero Basic 6th : Destructible FOCUS and Power Armor The same limitation as OIAI and the current IIF. Seems appropriate.
  4. Re: Hero Basic 6th : Destructible FOCUS and Power Armor Well said. I'd rep you but I have to spread it around first.
  5. Re: Regneration and Starvation/Dehydration effects This is an interesting idea that I've never really considered before. I don't think there's any way in the rules to do the effect of regenerating other characteristics. I like this idea, I'll have to think on it more.
  6. Re: Regneration and Starvation/Dehydration effects
  7. Re: Regneration and Starvation/Dehydration effects I'd probably go with that. If you want to keep from starving, buy Life Support.
  8. Re: Negatory I like this idea. I think for some of these you could probably hand wave a power trick or based on the SFX the character has, but I think it would be an interesting talent.
  9. Re: Hero Basic 6th : Destructible FOCUS and Power Armor This is pretty interesting idea, something I'll have to mull over for a while, but I like the approach. I doubt I would use it over the RAW, but it's an interesting approach to redefining them. I'm dubious that you're really saving much in terms of the pages... you still have to explain rules about how things can be taken away etc. Rules that aren't in OIAD and Restrainable because they already are handled by Focus. I would say that having to give up your focus doesn't mean defeat necessarily; it really depends on how the game is run. Most Fantasy Games I've played required us to give up our weapons at some point (going to see a noble, for example). But you could argue that this is no different than OIAD.
  10. Re: Negatory I must have misunderstood the purpose of the forums. I thought it was a place for discussion - sometimes with opposing views. My view is either the 5E or 6E version is workable. I could have been more clear in my post, however - my "much ado" comment was more specifically pointed at the discussion about how Steve could do this and what justification he had.
  11. Re: Negatory I don't want to leave with just complaining about people complaining, so let me offer something constructive.
  12. Re: Hero Basic 6th : Destructible FOCUS and Power Armor I think it is open for interpretation. It's not clear from the book just how someone perceives the actual power. The book states that it is clear the power comes from the focus, but not that you can perceive the power automatically. I can think of examples where this would make sense. Viper agents show up in the middle of the street and start setting up some kind of contraption with a control panel, lots of wires and gizmos, your basic supervillain type contraption. It starts to glow and make noise - clearly something it's doing something, but what that something is is not readily apparent. If it's a mental power, it's automatically invisible to everyone except the target of the attack and characters who have Mental Awareness. I think there is a place for a focus that is clearly doing something, but not obvious what that something is.
  13. Re: Negatory I recall that Steve posted something about it. I recall that he gave some reasons for everything that I looked at, but I don't remember them now. I recall that he's the one who made the decisions about what did and didn't happen in 6E. I recall that he didn't have to justify his reasons to any of us, but he did ask for input on what he was doing, which is far more than most company's would do for something like this. This thread is much ado about nothing. There are 0 characteristic values, and they fit the bill close enough. The difference between 0 and -30 wasn't worth the printing to put them in the book, IMHO.
  14. Re: Hero Basic 6th : Destructible FOCUS and Power Armor That may be true, but I'm not convinced. Maybe the wand glows, so it's clear that it's doing something, but what that something is is not obvious. The inverse is certainly possible, but wouldn't fit the model you're proposing. As Ice9 suggested, an inobvious amulet that created an obvious effect. Take it a step further, a magic amulet or ring that is not obvious, but allows the character to shoot lasers (friggin' lasers, man) from their eyes. The power is obvious, the focus is not.
  15. Re: Hero Basic 6th : Destructible FOCUS and Power Armor The section you quote doesn't apply to his example. His example was for an inobvious focus and an obvious effect. Your quote was for an obvious focus. I could imagine a situation where a character has an Obvious focus with an Inobvious effect: Magic wand with a force field. It's clear the wand is there, and maybe even doing other obvious effects, but the force field is not obvious, it's hidden. This wouldn't work if the focus obviousness derived from the force field.
  16. Re: Hero System Basic Rulebook 6th Ed is up for preorders!
  17. Re: Barrier Issue Woodchipper won't care what your arms are doing
  18. Re: Hero System Basic Rulebook 6th Ed is up for preorders! https://www.herogames.com/browse.htm?keywords=basic&categoryID=220010&releaseDate=-1&available=Y&book=Y&pdf=Y&characterPack=Y&multiBook=Y&other=Y&damaged=Y
  19. Re: Actual "Hyperdrive" research using the LHC You didn't do the quotie things with your fingers, that's why it didn't make sense
  20. Re: Barrier Issue I'd agree with that. It would be a tight fit, but nobody said it had to be comfortable. If you assume a person is 2m tall and needs about .5m for width and height, you would need a total of 4.5 square meters to cover them, but that's a squared off rectangle, and people aren't squared off - there's probably 20% that could be saved there by cutting corners and whatnot. But still, using a woodchipper first might be perfect for a Dark Champions (really Dark) game
  21. Re: "revised" hit location chart? I always thought 13 was the groin. I don't have access to my older books now, but I'm pretty sure there was evidence in them to suggest so. I do have access to the 6E PDF: Given that, it's perfectly reasonable to assume that at least sometimes 13 is the groin. I'll have to check my older books with sectional defenses, but I think some of them may have listed armor pieces for 13 that were specific to the groin, so I don't think the vitals = groin "issue" is really all that surprising. I know from personal experience that having been shot there from hot-running paintball gun at close range it was WAY more painful than any other shot I'd ever had, so an increased STUN multiple for the groin seems perfectly reasonable to me.
  22. Re: Barrier Issue I believe that's the equation for the volume of a sphere. The surface area of a sphere is 4*pi*r^2, or pi*d^2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphere). So your 1m radius sphere has a surface area of 12.56m. The mentioned 4m^2 area would only cover a sphere with a radius of about .56m. You could probably englobe someone in that, but it would be a tight fit, might be easier to use a woodchipper first.
  23. Re: fair cost for strength that isn't strong Using that same logic, one would expect olympic body builders to have difficulty with fragile things like styrofoam cups, but I'm not aware of any documented evidence of this. There is nothing to suggest that the human body (or non-human, since we're talking supers and all of their potential origins) is not capable of fine grained control of it's muscle movement. Not to mention this doesn't fit the genre. And who's to say that the power's origin didn't also impart amazing control over the use of the STR? This kind of logic has no place being in the rules. The key word here being "improve", which I think is fairly subjective. I think the RAW do fine for the type of game simulation HERO is trying to represent. Since nobody has ever met someone with a 50 STR, it's all conjecture as to what would happen at those levels anyways, or even levels much lower. You mentioned earlier that too much STR gets in the way of martial arts; choke holds pop heads off. This might be true for normals, but against supers this is an arguable point at best. But the maneuvers don't take into consideration the target's limits, and I don't think they should. That sounds like a much more complicated game than I (and I suspect a lot of others) would be willing to play.
  24. Re: Barrier Issue Agreed; the books are long enough already. I sometimes miss the simplicity of 4e. GMs are going to have to make calls on things. I'd hate to see this turn into Starfleet Battles.
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