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Everything posted by phookz

  1. Re: EPIC CITY! (Campaign Art & Collateral Material) I have to second (or third, fourth or whatever it is) that - your work is well done. I haven't had a chance to read it all yet (there's a lot there) but just what I've briefly perused is very inspiring. You are also clearly very humble; you keep mentioning how this is as much from everyone else as it is from you. Have you considered a thread that breaks down how you go about this? I always love to read tips for getting from the ideation phase to a complete, cohesive thing, be it a campaign setting, character, organization, or whatever. I would be totally interested in reading your suggestions for doing that. :thumbup: Really great work.
  2. Re: I am so unbelievably proud...!! She colors remarkably well for a four year old. Incidentally, if you're looking for character outlines to use, and you like the Bruce Timm style of things, check out these http://members.fortunecity.com/hyperverse/templates/timmtemplates.html Edit: Finally went and read the back story - very cool indeed. Repped.
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I don't see anything offensive or not politically correct, but I'm sure if they try hard enough someone will be offended.
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I can't help but think of the Mika song when I see Big Girl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89GB7z_Ogt0 Repped.
  6. Re: Star HERO with... not magic, really, but... Since you're talking about using handwavium technology anyway, I think it's easy enough to make a reactionless drive that can't be a planet buster. The drive requires a powerplant to move Top speed is based on the amount of energy supplied to the powerplant If you cut power to the drive the ship comes to a stop - you can have it coast if you want since that's cooler The drag on the drive is inversely proportional to the gravity well the drive is in. That is, the drive doesn't really work in a gravity well, or works very inefficiently. The deeper into the gravity well you get, the slower the drive goes, regardless of the amount of energy supplied. You can still use this to power missiles and the like, but they only really work well in deep space. You just have to add some more handwavium (yes, I know, it's a slippery slope). Just my 2 credits.
  7. Re: Maori legend of man-eating bird is true Legend of man eating bird? Men eat birds all the time; what's the big deal?
  8. Re: Blocking or Deflection Deflection allows the player to block a Ranged attack at range. This would allow you to block a ranged attack against someone else. As I read it, while you may be able to Block a Ranged attack, you can't do it at range; it needs to be near you to do it. This viewpoint is supported by this statement: At first glance, it seems like 20 points is a lot for the subtle distinction. But think about the potential impact on the battlefield - blocking other attacks at range makes it much easier to defend innocent bystanders, DNPCs, friends, etc.
  9. Re: How Big Can Starship Warden Really Be?
  10. Re: Interdimensional stories The Annubis Gates by Tim Powers (http://www.amazon.com/Anubis-Gates-Tim-Powers/dp/0441004016/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1253065273&sr=8-1). Excellent book on Time Travel set on Earth. Low tech, mysticism, good stuff.
  11. Re: Star HERO with... not magic, really, but... Spelljammer had magic, but Space 1889 didn't, to my knowledge, have any magic. It was more of a Victorian Era science fiction with Victorian Era science. The idea is cool - the DOOM video games had magic for the baddies. I don't know if there was any space travel in Shadowrun but magic and technology mixes a lot in that game.
  12. Re: 6th Edition Character Sheet I stand corrected.
  13. Re: 6th Edition Character Sheet I believe saving PDF forms requires a commercial version of a PDF client, such as Acrobat. It is expensive, cumbersome and, IMO, not worth the licensing fees. I have yet to see a free PDF reader that supports forms. Just my $1.02.
  14. Re: How Big Can Starship Warden Really Be?
  15. Re: Interesting Fantasy Locales Cool idea, I'll play. Location: Whisper Mountain One Line Desc: A small mountain, really just a large hill, and the only location in the world where Whisper Weed grows. Themes: wilderness, phenomenon Description: Whisper Mountain is really just a large hill, and home to two things: Whisper Keep and the only location where Whisper Weed grows. When a gentle breeze blows across a field of Whisper Weed, you can hear what sounds like whispered voices from the weeds themselves. Legend has it that the weed has the mystical property to reveal untold secrets. Listening carefully to the weeds it sounds like muted voices, but it's difficult (if not impossible) to make out any actual words). Is it really secrets that are told, or just a trick of the wind through the fluted cones of the weeds? The weeds won't grow when removed from Whisper Mountain; there's something special about the soil that is required for them. Hooks: Multiple potential hooks. Some or all may be appropriate for your campaign, they are not necessarily compatible with each other: Voices at Night The PCs make camp near the base of Whisper Mountain. During the evening a gentle breeze kicks up. The weeds begin to make their whispering sounds, one of the players is able to clearly hear a secret. This can be used to introduce any plot hook you like. Pilgrimage Every year near midsummer a pilgrimage is made by a group of people who believe that they can absolve themselves of sin by whispering their secrets to the weeds. The PCs have been asked to escort a group of pilgrims led by a priestess. When they arrive at the location, they find that the Whisper Weed has burned to the ground. The priestess is quite distressed about this. Upon investigation, it is discovered that this was by order of the lord of the keep. Why would he want the Whisper Weed destroyed? What secrets, if any, is he hiding? Did any of the Weed survive? Bring me a shrubbery! The PCs have been hired by a wizard to obtain some Whisper Weed; it is needed for study or a spell/ritual the wizard must perform. However, the wizard wants the weed alive, so the players are tasked with digging it up and transplanting it into bags/pots to bring it to the wizard. When the players attempt to dig up the Whisper Weed they discover that the whispering is really the voices of fey creatures that live in the weed, and that removing the weed will surely mean the imprisonment of they fey, and possibly the ending of their lives.
  16. Re: How Big Can Starship Warden Really Be? Nyrath is to Star HERO as Killer Shrike is to Fantasy HERO. To be fair, Atomic Rocket / Project Rho isn't system specific, but it is just an amazing wealth of knowledge. Have to spread rep around yadda yadda.
  17. Re: How Big Can Starship Warden Really Be? The continuous spiral idea is quite novel. It will be difficult to support the various climates with a single module. I would imagine rotating cilindars, one for each of the required climates, counter-rotating to prevent issues with torque. As for size, tough to say. The sections would have to be quite large to support predators, but I suspect this could vary from climate locale to locale. If the sections had a 20 mile radius and were 2 miles wide you would have 251 square miles per section.
  18. Re: A simplified Warp Speed system The same is true for impulse speed ships.
  19. Re: Making a master Table Booklet 10 Myths about copyright http://www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html
  20. Re: "Dark Flow" Discovered at Edge of the Universe I so want to play in that game. Cotton Candy starships sounds like something from the Beatle's Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds. How often do you have to put another smurf on the fire, and how far will one smurf take you?
  21. Re: Breaking News! 6e exposes 5e min-maxing! Emphasis is mine, but he did say it was a Fantasy HERO character.
  22. Re: Thinking about combat numbers Awed is actually used as a description in the effect for PRE + 20, so you might want to refrain from using it for the description above. The average of 10.5 means that on average you'll be impressed, and the attacker may act before you on that Phase. I like the idea of theorycrafting some useful numbers for these attacks, both the PRE attacks in this post and the normal damage attacks above. Some formulas for coming up with these numbers would be a better approach rather than just giving a range; the range is very dependent on the campaign levels the GM sets, and these would be good numbers to have for helping to choose those levels. We can easily calculate the average PRE with minimum effect based on a given PRE value. For the attacker PRE, simply multiply the number by 0.7, then add 3.5 for each bonus dice, + 1 to make sure you're above the number. So, if you don't want to be effected by the average PRE attack in the campaign, you need a minimum PRE of (AVG_PRE_ATTACK * 0.7 + 3.5 + 1). So if the average PRE is, say, 25, you should have a minimum PRE of 22. That's the minimum PRE to not be effected by an average attack roll; you're still going to be effected if the attacker rolls better than average. If you see your character as particularly PRE resistant, it's simply a matter of adding the appropriate level you'd like to resist.
  23. Re: Top 75 Spaceships in movies and TV I liked that show, I was pretty disappointed when it was canceled.
  24. phookz

    Cheap Buildings

    Re: Cheap Buildings Wow. Impressive. Just don't turn on any fans . Repped
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