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Now that he has suffered his (latest) ignominious exit from the playoffs, speculation is rising about where Aaron Rodgers will be next season. The Broncos seem to be the front runners, according to several sources. 


My thought?


Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, no. 


As for the AFC night game:


It feels sickening that we don't get to watch Allen try to match Mahomes right now. These guys have been going shot for shot for four hours and the game was decided by a coin toss.


Jared Dubin, CBS Sports



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I really, seriously dislike signing a QB like Rodgers from a football perspective.  Granted, this'd apply to Brady and Peyton, and it worked out there.  As a counterpoint, tho, I don't think Denver's in nearly the same position now, as they were when they signed Manning.  Bringing in Brady also brought in Gronk for the Bucs, so that was 2.


Also, both Brady and Manning were free agents.  With Rodgers, this may or may not be the case.  The Packers could choose to cut him;  doing so would save $20M in cap space.  


And it was pointed out:  Jordan Love's cheap rookie deal is halfway done, and they're in full Sgt. Schultz mode about him.  If I have to spend draft capital?  There's no way I want Rodgers for 1 year only.  


And that's purely from a football standpoint.  I absolutely do not want his prima donna attitude, and his anti-vax rants.


Yeah, I'm seeing the story, that one of the local TV sportscasters thinks Denver's the best fit, but come on.  Local news sportscasters have the collective IQ of an earthworm when it comes to their local teams.  Denver has a near-SB roster?????  Not.  Just go away.


Like Rodgers.  Just go away.



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Last year, the Packers offered the world to Rodgers and he still futzed around forcing them to bend over backwards even more before signing reluctantly. 


I don't see that happening again. He's toxic now. He's older and he can't take them to the promised land anymore. I don't see them offering everything again. They'll make a reasonable offer, take it or leave it. 


Or maybe they offer him Lambeau Field as a stocking stuffer, I don't know. I don't know where admin's head is at. I'm only guessing. Fans and businessmen be crazy. 

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12 hours ago, Grailknight said:

Weekends like this rekindle my love of football.


What's glorious is that Mahomes and Allen are in their 5th and 4th years. We could see another decade of this, plus Herbert, Burrow and Jackson will want their moments also.


And that's just in the AFC!


At this point, is Kansas City the Super Bowl favorite? I mean, yeah, they were all close games over the weekend, but who's going to come in and compete with what Mahomes & Co. did last night?

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58 minutes ago, Iuz the Evil said:

He’s an idiot, a Prima Donna, and a media nightmare for any franchise who selects him. 

He’s also a remarkable quarterback talent. Top talent in that position is worth a lot to a franchise. I could see any team that can sign him being eager to do so, from a pure “we want to win this year” perspective.


Perhaps. But then I think of this (taken from a tweet by Jon Benne, whoever that is):



The complete list of QBs who have played in a Super Bowl more recently than Aaron Rodgers:

Eli Manning
Tom Brady (6x)
Joe Flacco
Colin Kaepernick
Russell Wilson (2x)
Peyton Manning (2x)
Cam Newton
Matt Ryan
Nick Foles
Jared Goff
Patrick Mahomes (2x)
Jimmy Garoppolo



Maybe Rodgers isn't the golden ticket to a Super Bowl after all....

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3 hours ago, Iuz the Evil said:

He’s an idiot, a Prima Donna, and a media nightmare for any franchise who selects him. 

He’s also a remarkable quarterback talent. Top talent in that position is worth a lot to a franchise. I could see any team that can sign him being eager to do so, from a pure “we want to win this year” perspective.


He's also 38.  And while, yeah, I'll concede the talent *in the past*...I don't like that he seemed to hunt 1 receiver at a time in a huge game.  


Secondary factor...one that a GM had better consider.  Vaccine mandates.  We all think Rodgers will never get vaccinated, no matter what, right?  So is this going to lead to a Kyree Irving situation, where Rodgers is barred from traveling to/playing in some number of games?  Djokovic was blocked from the Aussie Open;  right now, the rules for the French Open are also requiring vaccination.  We aren't necessarily there in the US...but...while the omicron surge shows signs of abatement, there is still a very real risk that another surge will happen.  Omicron's pushed many places to tighten up their policies;  another such surge could only extend that.


We shall see.  He's said he doesn't want to be part of a rebuild in GB, but that has 2 parts...rebuild, and GB.  I can readily see he wouldn't want to be part of a rebuild, and there's no way a rebuilding team should want him.  He's too old.  And in a rebuild, more likely than not, he gets hammered too much.  


It probably won't happen....but...it's possible that Rodgers, Brady, and Big Ben all step away this year.  

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Maybe. As you say, we shall see. He still is a top 3 ranked QB when you look at any QB ranking on a website: bleacher report, ESPN, etc. 


The COVID vaccination thing is going to cost him, I just don’t know how much. 

Rogers is a jerk, but so are many others through the years in that position. I think he’ll be playing for sometime as their starter in 2022, and the franchise will at least pretend to be happy about it.

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Rodgers won't go to a team floundering as much as Houston, Jacksonville, Detroit, etc.


Huh...if Brady retires........Rodgers to the Bucs?  My gut says it wouldn't work out;  I think Arians and Rodgers would clash HARD...and I suspect the Bucs would be more leery than most about flakes.


Thought about the Titans...but it turns out, Tannehill gets PAID in 2022.  As in, $29M guaranteed.  It's not guaranteed *yet* according to Sportrac, tho...that happens in late March.  So that move may be plausible...but not simple.  Tannehill's contract has one more year, plus an option, but it's not team-friendly at all.  He gets $38+M in 2022, and $36+M in 23, and even not picking up the option carries almost $19M in dead cap space.  He actually carries the 5th highest cap hit among QBs in '22, and while he's not a bad QB...he's not anything like 5th best.


Lessee...scrolling down the overall standing from this year...the next one to pop up would be the Colts.  Wentz...ugh.  Some of the worst performances of the year, late when it really mattered.  One of the most bone-headed plays of the year as well.  And it turns out...releasing him would be cheap.  He's only owed $15M guaranteed...by comparison, he'll collect over $28M in 22 and 23 if they keep him.  Trade value...probably very low.  But outright release is possible, IF they want Rodgers and think they can get him.


Next up would be the Fins.  Question is, do they want to bail on their young QBs, first, and would Rodgers want to play for that organization?  Firing Flores....why?


Last would be the Saints, to me.  Makes some sense, if Hill doesn't mind going back to the specialist role.  Doesn't work if Hill wants to be the #1 there.  May not appeal to Rodgers if Sean Payton leaves...and he hasn't committed.  He's been HC for 15 years now...second only to that grump in Boston with one team.  Grump and Gramps (Andy Reid) have over 400 games;  next up are Pete Carroll (278) and Tomlin, Payton, and Mike McCarthy (256-258).  (The dropoff is pretty fast after that...Harbaugh 244, Gruden had 238 but he's gone, Rivera 181, Arians and Zimmer in 130's...and everyone else is under 90.)  So Payton could well decide to hang it up...altho I think we'll hear that *relatively* soon if he does.


Other teams that might be considered in the mix...they're not moving on from their QBs, most likely.  



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At end of KC/Bills game, it reckoned back to, what I believe was a Denver game, time running out, other team had to go down field to score, so to eat time, Denver coach smartly just had his guys tackle every eligible player at line of scrimmage. time off clock, 5 yard penalty, next play rinse and repeat till out of time and get only 1 play with still over half the field to go. I kept thinking, with 13 seconds left (and why didn't you squib the kickoff to eat some of that) that Buffalo should do same thing instead of lining up 20 yards down field against a team with 3 timeouts and giving them huge chunks of yardage. Sometimes in the moment, you need coaches who have been there, done that and thought of alternatives. 

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