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World Creation Superdraft 6: May 2022

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17 hours ago, DShomshak said:

to lands ravaged by brigandage and anarchy — the worst manifestations of Thrum :rockon:


Thrum :rockon:does not endorse brigandage or anarchy, as those are not his domains. He merely provides the cornerstones of civilization: metal to craft and build, and to shape the world the civilized races live in, music to motivate and inspire, freedom to grow, mercy from life's cruelties . . . brigandage and anarchy do not fit in Thrum :rockon:'s portfolio. Though brigands may misuse some of his gifts, Thrum :rockon: does not claim such as his own.


But is not Thrum :rockon: a god of Warfare as well, you may ask? This is true, but Thrum :rockon: only makes war to protect those things dear to civilized society, not petty banditry.

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An Unexpected Gift part 1



The gods had gathered to discuss the matter. Mania sat in Judgement while the others put arguments both for and against. After all had had their say, Mania made her decision. ‘It is decided, I shall tell her’.

The Moon Goddess was not present for the others had been discussing her. Mania found her at the day edge of the twilight strip as the Moon Relus made a slow transit down.

‘I take it the meeting is over’

Mania noted that Olandria was expecting punishment or a rebuttal of some sort. They had been discussing her and her input was not required.

‘Yes. It has been decided’

Olandria smiled and shook her head.

‘The Gods have decreed, you shall have a new race’

That caught her off guard. The Moon Goddess may have expected many things but not this. She was stunned, speechless. Xarn Tarsus would have been delighted to have done this to her but if he had delivered the news, she would not have believed him.


You can’t’, stammered the goddess, ‘I had a Chosen but they are gone’

‘That is why we all met to discuss it. It was decreed that we would each have a favoured race. That yours is lost is not your fault but could cause problems for the rest of us in the future.’ replied Mania.

The Lady of the Moons responded ‘How so ?’

‘Each Chosen could point to their own God as a patron. We all have a connection here but now you do not. In time any of the Chosen could ask Why does the Moon not have a Chosen ? You insisted that we all remove all trace of your lost people and that they could not be reincarnated so what are the inquisitive amongst our Chosen to think ? They could decide that they could dispense with their own god and become your new Chosen. Worse they could decide that they don’t need their God altogether. There is also the possibility that you could decide that you want one of the other races for your own. And you would not take no for an answer.’

‘I would not take another’s people’ said the Goddess defensively.

‘You might not like the snakes or ghouls, but what about cats or fauns or dragons ? ‘ , stated Mania.


This gave Olandria pause. They had all agreed that conflict between each other had to be kept to a minimum. And if one God tried to kill another then the rest would end up fighting them. This did not apply to any battle between Tyranny and War or herself and either of these two as one day one might triumph over another. That was likely but in the former case she would revenge the fallen god by killing the victor while in the latter The Killing Moon would become a God to replace her or fall at her side as the other Gods avenged their slain brother. Certainly the priests of Xarn Tarsus did not want a Moon God, their dreams were plagued enough with her purple killer paying them a personal visit. A Moon Goddess was easier to deal with particularly when they wanted to emphasise their God’s strengths. The dreams of the sparkling moon bringing joy and happiness to the empire were worse but it was not her work. Despite what the Lord of Tyranny thought.

‘I need time to think on this before anything is done’ said the Goddess, ‘Thank the others for this most unexpected gift’

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An Unexpected Gift part 2


Olandria roamed the entirety of the world wondering what to do. She crossed the twilight strip, north to south. Traversed the desert, navigated the seas and hiked through the forests. Her travels brought her eventually to the Green Coast. Assuming human guise she idly ran her hand through the water at the sea’s edge. To her great surprise she found life in the water and it responded to her.

How ? Looking around she suddenly knew that she had been here before. She had given full vent to her grief and her tears had fallen into the sea. Into the darkness of the deeps.

Olandria started. Darkness ! There was also darkness in the water not just above the surface. The goddess noted the presence of Aporturn for Progress and Discovery were his purview. He left silently while she began the process of creation shaping new life into the form that she wanted before she summoned the others to the Green Coast.


When they arrived she spoke

‘I thank you for the gift. You honour me. Behold ! These are the Moon Children. They will begin life in the sea, then they will take to the sky before finally transforming into their final form and living on the moons.

‘Know this. While in the seas or in the air they will be edible but once they have reached a moon, they become poisonous if ingested’

Xarn Tarsus looked into the depths as if considering a new opportunity before the Goddess caught his eye. ‘This applies to both of you’, indicating Tyranny and War, ’There will be nothing in the seas as they will be like fish. They will strive for the air and the Moons. Then they will take to the air and fly but again will have no domain, no home. Finally they will settle on a Moon and gain full intelligence and wisdom’

‘Are you sure that this is what you want to do ?’ asked Chroma

‘Yes. All the other races may use my people for food until they are full grown, even yours’, she replied to Chroma.

‘Does this mean that all the moons will now be habitable ?‘ asked Cadel


‘What if they go to a moon that does not support life ?’

‘Tough. Life is a struggle. They must make their own decisions, even if they are the wrong ones or bad ones’

‘And you forbid us access to them, except as provisions, until they reach the moons ?’ asked Tyranny

‘ While I do not prohibit it, they will not reach full sentience until they reach the moons. After that if they want to learn of the teachings of the other gods, they are free to do so. They will be of no use in a fight until they are on a moon’


There were other questions and answers but that is a matter for theologians. What is certain is that is that Moon Children have a difficult existence starting in the seas as eel like beings before taking to the air as something akin to flying fish before ending as something akin to fairies with four wings.


Despite misgivings amongst some of the Gods, Moon Children are a delicacy in their first two forms, they help healing and they can improve the efficiency of cleaning if prepared properly.

Dragons and Griffins like both forms but leave the full grown alone.


Sentient Race: Moon Children


I saw a gap with the air and water not covered. And then this took shape.

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My final pick.
The world's newest city was once one of the oldest. Now it is the most haunted.

Those few of the living that have visited, and escaped, report myriads of poltergeists - brownie spirits. Worse though, are reunited spirits of former lovers and former enemies, who seek possession of mortal bodies to revive their former interactions. And then there are... but such horrors should not be spoken of.

Bonus Geography Pick: Necropolis, City of the Dead.
On the Dark side naturally.

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If you find yourself trapped don't despair
This savior can take you elsewhere
No lock can forestall him
No prison can wall him
His keys unlock doors that aren't there
Mythic Monster or Guardian: The Keymaker
Embodying the principles of access and mobility, the Keymaker exists to unlock that which is locked, unseal that which is sealed, and unwall that which is walled. This avatar of Aportuna is rarely seen, and even more rarely noticed when he is seen. But he often leaves traces of his passage in the form of doors left ajar... even in blank walls that previously held no doors. The Keymaker is unsurprisingly popular with thieves and prisoners, but explorers and researchers likewise call upon the Keymaker, hoping that he can open the doorway of insight for them.
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The Koutpa commander was annoyed. A messenger had arrived saying there was a problem. Oh well, their death would remind everyone that you don't bring him problems.

'I would not do that if I were you', a voice said. A voice that was inside his head. 'I would not like it. I might have to take.... steps'

The commander carefully accompanied the messenger ahead of the column until they reached a forest. There a large, beautiful female Koutpa greeted them. She wore black with a necklace with multiple discs on it. Inwardly the commander cursed. They had been careful. They had not caused anything that could lead to revenge so why was the Goddess here ?

As if reading his thoughts, she smiles and indicated the trees. He looked up and saw dozens of creatures roosting in the branches. For someone who was observed with colour she had an choice of beast, as they were almost uniformly black. 'It is breeding season so quiet please' responded the Goddess.

The two Koutpa nodded, bowed to her and and returned to the troops who then passed by with caution and very little noise.

Aporturn appeared beside her. 'That was uncommonly merciful of you'

The Goddess smiled changing into human form. 'Oh they may do something later but it is nice to see wisdom among them. Besides these little babies need some peace before they take to the skies'

'Why did you pick these ?'

'Because there are plenty of creatures in the day but few in the dark and these are dark's children'


Fauna: Bats


More aerial beings and ones that are often seen in the dark, Sudden inspiration hit me.

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Player 1 Assault God Mania Goddess of Death

  • Geography. The Underworld, Hekk

  • Geography 2: Necropolis, city of the dead (dark Side)

  • Sentient Life. Ghouls

  • Gift to Civilization. The Mantic Arts

  • Fauna. Storks

  • Interference. The Door between life and death is open  

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Reaper the Sword of Death

  • Secondary Domain. Lost Children

  • Secondary Domain . Judgement

  • Secondary Domain: Magic

Player 2,csyphrett  God Amonia, Goddess of Cleanliness

  • Geography. Fountains of Aqua

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Gift to Civilization: Cleaning Agents

  • Fauna. Brownies

  • Interference: Healing can only be done in a clean environment

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Tooth Fairy

  • Secondary Domain. Home and Hearth

  • Secondary Domain. Solvents

  • Secondary Domain. 

Player 3,Death Tribble  God Olandria, Goddess of the Moons

  • Geography. The Moons

  • Sentient Life: Moon Children

  • Gift to Civilization. Moon Wheat (food that grows in the dark)

  • Fauna: Bats

  • Interference: 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The Killing Moon

  • Secondary Domain. Revenge

  • Secondary Domain. Night and Shadow

  • Secondary Domain. 

Player 4,Dshomshak  God The Lovers

  • Geography. The Fire Labyrinth

  • Sentient Life. Fauns

  • Gift to Civilization. Fire

  • Flora. Flowers of Rebirth

  • Interference. Trance Possession

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The Blessed Lovers

  • Secondary Domain. Connection

  • Secondary Domain. Ecstatic Revelry

  • Secondary Domain:Grief

  • Secondary Domain (bonus): Music and Dance

Player 5 Hermit God Xarn Tarsus God of Tyranny

  • Geography. Empire of Xar Tarsun

  • Sentient Life. Koutpa, the Snake People

  • Gift to Civilization. Hierarchy

  • Flora.  The Piety Lily

  • Interference:The Yokeborn 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian: Spawn Mother

  • Secondary Domain: Persecution

  • Secondary Domain  Envy

  • Secondary Domain .Censorship and Obfuscation 

Player 6  L Marcus God Astrasia, Goddess of Healing

  • Geography.  The high Sun desert

  • Sentient Life. The Alfar Ljosalfar and Dokkalfar, Light Elves and Dark Elves

  • Gift to Civilization. Flying Ships

  • Fauna: Tame Dire Wolves

  • Interference:  Boxes. These attract cats

  • Interference 2:

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Innocents wit Healing Hands

  • Secondary Domain.  Reincarnation

  • Secondary Domain: Peace of Mind

  • Secondary Option. Frozen Fungal Forest of Starside


Player 7 Log God Cadel, God of the Sun

  • Geography. A tidally locked planet

  • Sentient Life. Propyl

  • Gift to Civilization. Agriculture

  • Fauna. Lion

  • Interference: .Cadel’s followers can brew a non-addictive Piety lily potion

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The Griffin

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian 2: Keeper, gleaming golden shield

  • Secondary Domain. Revelation

  • Secondary Domain. Protection

  • Secondary Domain: Aspiration


Player 8 Old Man God Aporturn, Lord of Doors

  • Geography. .Portals of Ostance

  • Sentient Life: Cats

  • Sentient Life 2: Sphinxes

  • Gift to Civilization.

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. Great Woodpecker

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The Keymaker

  • Secondary Domain / Option. Opportunity

  • Secondary Domain: Interference: Discovery

  • Secondary Domain / Option. Progress

Player 9, Pariah God G’Brill, Goddess and Patron of Lost Causes

  • Geography. Dubious Lands of Fable

  • Sentient Life. Twilighters

  • Gift to Civilization.Hope 

  • Fauna: The Druun

  • Interference. Unrequited Love

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Qowat Milat

  • Secondary Domain. The Unknown

  • Secondary Domain. The Horseshoe Nail. (For want of a nail)

  • Secondary Domain:.Lost Knowledge 


Player 10, Pattern Ghost God Thrum God of Metal

  • Geography. Highway to Hekk

  • Sentient Life. Giant Dwarves

  • Gift to Civilization. Philosophy

  • Fauna. Axebeak

  • Interference. Giant Mongeese

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The Ferrous Colossus

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian: The Sand Man

  • Secondary Domain. Mercy

  • Secondary Domain. Freedom

  • Secondary Domain War


Player 11, Psybolt God Chroma the God of Colors

  • Geography. A city sized meteor

  • Sentient Life. Colourful Chinese Dragons

  • Gift to Civilization. Sugar Based foods like Cotton Candy

  • Flora. Roses

  • Interference. On emerging from flower of rebirth one is bathed in colour

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Teju Jagua

  • Secondary Domain. Fireworks

  • Secondary Domain. Sight

  • Secondary Domain.Lasers 

  • Secondary Domain: Weather

Player 12, Sociotard God Egalitus, God of Laborers, Hirelings and Trade Unions

  • Geography. City State of Colonial Hekk

  • Sentient Life. Humans

  • Sentient Life 2: Demons in Bottles

  • Gift to Civilization. Weekends and holidays

  • Fauna. Mules

  • Interference. Laser Cats

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian.  The Beast of Blair Mountain

  • Secondary Domain. Retirement and respect for the retired

  • Secondary Domain: Craftsmanship and Artisanry

  • Secondary Domain: Shipping and Logistics



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Astrasia has no holy scripture. Her message is simple: by thought and deed, compassion for all. Even the souls of the greatest sinners, sentenced to ages of torment in the deepest recesses of Hekk, can have a second chance by being born again. The fact that the Door of Death is now ajar complicates matters, but ...


But the Goddess of Healing and Rebirth seeks to not interfere. At least directly. Mortals must lead their own lives, commit mistakes and perform small miracles of their own, and not be mere puppets for the Creators. Yet there are times when interference is called for. That's when Astrasia calls on her instruments, the Innocents with Healing Hands. These are her saints -- channeling healing of both body and soul through dedication to her cause. They are few in numbers; as of now, there is one Innocent for each race, and they serve all who need it, whether they want serving or not.

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One day, all the mules were gone. In their place were equine featured humanoids of imbecilic intellect and an instinctively submissive nature. The stubbornness had been wiped from them, though they were strong, had great stamina to keep working for hours without complaint. They were smart enough to speak in broken sentences , and clever enough to perform simple tasks. If they had souls, they were weak timid spirits within them. They were, in every matter of sentience and sapience lesser to the other peoples... which allowed a good argument they might not be people at all. They needed direction, they needed something to do. Literacy was beyond them, which was fine; after all, there was no promise from Xarn Tarsus THEY were special. No, they were created just to be servants to all other peoples. And because of Xarn Tarsus magic, they were , unlike the Mules they'd replaced, Fecund enough to breed. They matured quickly so there was little waiting for the docile brutes to become useful! Their mothers would turn them over without complaint.  They were called Yokeborn, for they seemed born to a life of simple obedience.


Of course, as Yokeborn work for near nothing, the lowest laborers of other races had to settle for lower wages. Some of those replaced by Yokeborn might hope to become foremen in charge of squads of the simpleton species, but there were only so many calls for that. Because of this, many of lower classes resent the Yokeborn and do them harm if they can (Depending on what laws might exist to protect the Yokeborn in an area). Fortunately the Yokeborn have a high pain tolerance... or maybe they're just too cowed to dare express the pain they feel?  They don't feel emotions like you or me, and ask anyone who has them tending their farms or quarries, the closest any Yokeborn gets to happiness is a quiet contentment for a task that pleases their betters.



Interference: Mules have been 'uplifted' and transformed into a new fertile slave species called the Yokeborn, mentally and spiritually weaker than others (to the point that one may question that they're an 'inferior' species or not 'people') while physically ideal for labor.




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The three brothers rode sedately down the great highway, seated upon regal axebeaks, and dressed in finery woven of fine silk spun with precious metals. Each carried their sacred Axe with them, laid across their saddle bows. The first rider, a giant dwarf by the name of Anson Guyug, played intricate riffs on his axe. His head tilted with one ear toward the instrument, eyes half closed, seeking the melody. For he was composing a sacred hymn. The second giant dwarf, by the name of Ammony Coglum, seemed content, keeping up a steady, driving rhythm on his own guitar, supporting Anson's efforts but not loud enough to overpower the quiet strumming. The final giant dwarf, a robust fellow (which is saying something, because he's a giant dwarf in the first place) by the name of Samic Lilwiffil, carried a somewhat larger axe on which he strummed a bass line that stirred the grass as he rode along. For this reason, Anson turned his head to give Samic the old stink eye, and in that moment of head turning, spotted a glint on the horizon.


When Anson's head snapped forward, his companions' followed suit so quickly and fluidly it would have seemed to an outside observer that the act was in unison. For what Anson had seen was the glint of metal from a spear head just cresting a hill some half a furlong ahead. In moments, all three riders could sense a large mass of metal forged for war just over the hill. They could sense the metal and its purpose because all three were disciples of Metal :rockon: and high clerics of Thrum :rockon:.


"Brothers," said Anson, "let us play some hair metal, to show them we mean no ill will." Just because it was a war band didn't mean the party was at war with them. They were on a sacred mission, after all. Anson thought it best to avoid unnecessary conflict. The other two sighed and started to play something melodic. Samic's chords were a little aggressive, thought Anson, but it would do. The three guided their birds off the side of the road to make way for the approaching war band.


The war band crested the hill. The Koutpa war band. "Oh sh . . .," uttered Anson as Samic tore by him, ripping out a power chord that cut through the ancient paving stones of the great highway. Ammony shrugged and the remaining pair followed the bassist. The war band went on alert at the first sounds of Samic's charge, and formed a perfect shield wall, spears out, creating a porcupine of steel, with nary a crack to breech. Ammony's keen eye caught sight of something in the center of the formation. He sent out a quick riff as he rode and confirmed his suspicion as its echos returned to him: the snaky bastards were guarding a gilded cage.


"Hold UP!, Samic," Ammony roared. "They have a hostage!"


Samic bellowed over his shoulder, "It's not time to eat! I don't want a sausage!"


Then he pulled up ten yards in front of the Koutpa formation and hit their front line with everything he had. A low chord lashed out, vibrating the warriors to their cores, causing their entire left flank to start retching uncontrollably, emptying the contents of their stomachs onto the warm pavement. But their shields . . . did. not. budge. "More than one way to skin a snake," Samic rumbled as he flipped his axe around and held it by the neck.


Ammony and Anson caught up. "Brother! They have a hostage," Ammony said again. Samic blinked. "Ah, I get it. Yeah, sausage didn't even make sense. It's not like we eat the food of the softer races."


Anson sighed. "Remember, brothers, we have the mission. Perhaps we can salvage this." The others shrugged. Samic tested the edge of his axe.


"You there! There seems to have been a misunderstanding. We wish to move on in peace."

A grunting yet somehow still sibilant shout went up from the formation, and the Koutpa formation advanced a step, spears lowered. Samic had reversed his axe again and was tuning. Ammony nodded to Anson, who sighed. "OK, let's do it."


They did it. Waves of pure metal roared from their guitars, intricate and intense, and unmade the alloys in the Koutpa's gear. Shields drooped, spear heads turned to particles of fine metal dust, armor clattered dully to the ground. The naked Koutpa stood before the three clerics of Thrum :rockon: . In unison, they lowered their spear shafts to their mouths, and rubbed them on their venom glands. Four who had been carrying a covered cage fell back and placed it to the rear of the formation, then rejoined ranks, all as the three giant dwarfs looked on incredulously.


"Come ON, now!" said a very weary Anson. "Venom? On pointy sticks? That's what it's come to? All we asked is that you let us go in peace."


"You will submit! We have our sacred duty," said a naked Koutpa, presumed leader, his rank indistinguishable due to his insignia having oozed into a pool of goo moments ago.


"And us too. All ours requires is that we be moving along. If you have an ounce of wisdom, you'll move your sorry arses along as well."


The Koutpa advanced another step. Samic said, "Well, looks like everyone's got a sacred duty today." He looked at his companions, "What do you figure these guys taste like? Probably like moon children, eh? Everything tastes like moon children." While he spoke, he moved to his left, in front of the first snake man in the first rank of the formation. "Nah? Maybe they taste like moon children with snake sauce?"


The front rank raised their spear shafts . . . and Samic sprang upon them. He ran faster than anything as large and girthy had any right to, and took the head of each soldier in the line.


The formation stopped advancing. Then it broke. The Koutpa scattered for the hills.


A lone Koutpa soldier remained, back to the large, gilded cage.


"Well, you're a brave one," smiled Samic, his teeth the only clean metal under the gore from a decuple decapitation.


"I will not abandon my duty," the Koutpa said. Its tail belied its bravery, as it thudded on the ground, drumming his fear to the clerics. The trio of clerics recognized this as the one who spoke earlier.


Samic reached out and gently took the spear shaft from the soldier. He examined the tip. No venom. "And a smart one, too. That's unusual."


"You've got metal skin. Probably metal guts," the soldier said in a resigned tone.


"True," the giant dwarf replied. "So, what you got in here?" Samic reached out with the spear shaft and pushed aside the dark cloth covering the gilded cage. It was a finely filigreed affair made of brass covered in gold and gems. Not materials suited for war, and thus unaffected by the trio's earlier song. The soldier's tail thumping became more intense, tapping out a staccato of beats. An idea was beginning to take shape in Samic's mind. The cloth fell, revealing a . . . snoring ball of fur.


"That's Princess Tont Bosc, who we were taking to trade for ransom," sighed the soldier.


A claw shot out from between the cage's bars, striking the soldier between the scales, eliciting a grunt of surprise, if not real pain. "It's Prince Bosc Tont, you twit."


Ah, that was a nice rasp in Prince Bosc's voice, thought Samic. He turned to his brothers, who smiled back, and made short nods of assent. "So, soldier, what's your name, then?"


"It's Rild Phud."


"Doesn't sound very snaky, now does it?"


"It's an anagram-based name. We use them when infiltrating."


"Have ye infiltrated anything yet," asked Samic.


"No, but they start us off early to get used to it."


Samic grinned. The lad was already spilling his guts about matters he probably shouldn't.


"Why don't the two of you join us? We could use a drummer and a vocalist."


"I don't drum," said Prince Bosc.


"You're the singer,  your Highness. All your folk sing, isn't that true?"


"True enough," said the Prince, letting himself out of the cage by casually picking its lock with two claws.


Rild tossed up his arms. "Sure, why not? Where are we going?"


"We're looking for the Highway to Hekk," said Samic. "First, we have to rediscover the sacred riffs . . ."


Geography: Highway to Hekk.






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