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Alpha or Beta Gamer?


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Re: Alpha or Beta Gamer?


I would have to say Alpha. But not out of desire.


My characters are often quite decisive. They know what they want to do almost immediately. Don't really care if anyone goes along with it, doesn't try to talk them into it, but they often follow the lead (or go do their own alpha thing, if applicable). If something in particular sounds good I'll offer it up to the individual "hey, shoot your lightning into shark tank" (or whatver haha).


This isn't to say they are always the brightest actions, but anything's better than sitting around waiting for some guy to decide what to do next. I'd rather get my ass kicked than wait 5 minutes for someone to come up with a plan. lol


However, many seem to think I'm pretty good at it. Abusing weaknesses or tactical situations. Even if not the "leader" role, I often find myself in the "field commander" role. They seem to hate it when I play a character who waits to be given instruction or is hesitant (... but admittedly just to watch the other guys hang themselves on worse moves than I'd make... ok, I'm cruel).


"Hahaha. You should have just jumped down the hatch and set off the bomb"


"Well, why didn't you tell me?!"


"Because my character is your dog! I can't talk."

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Re: Alpha or Beta Gamer?


I always end up in the Alpha role, whether I want to or not. With the right group I will share the alpha role. Also, as the Alpha, I also set up situations where I force others to assume an Alpha role just to get them more involved and sometimes its like pulling teeth.

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Re: Alpha or Beta Gamer?


I usually run as a beta: until the group I'm with stalls out due to committee syndrome. At that point I just do my own thing and watch the s**t hit the fan. ;)

It's not that I intentionally set out to cause chaos (... well at least most of the time), I just don't care to set around and argue about what to do next. Instead, let's just take action and be done with it.

This trait also comes into play if the GM tries to force play into a plot that I really dislike. At that point it becomes a war of manuever as I try to twist the plot out of alignment, and the GM tries to keep the plot moving in the right direction. Needless to say, I prefer more flexible GMs. Adaptation is probably the best GM trait IMO.


I've played as an alfa a couple of times. It frightened the hell out of the groups I was with. The alfa characters I've played tended to horde information, use disinformation on the other players (and npcs), and keep things moving so rapidly that everyone ended up following me. I was the only one who seemed to have some idea on what was going on and the effects of my actions and inactions.

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Re: Alpha or Beta Gamer?


I'm usually forced to be the Alpha by cirumstances. Namely that the other players are not competent to lead. :(


I'd much rather be "best supporting player" than take charge, but whenever another player takes charge, they screw things up horribly.

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Re: Alpha or Beta Gamer?


I am usually the Alpha. It is mainly because I try to get everyone to participate. A lot of times I run into gamers that just sit back and only use their characters when a fight happens or what not. If this is by choice I have no problem but if they just seem reluctant then I usually have my character ask question to their character. Asking what they might be capable of and if they would not mind trying this out. Soon they do not need to take cues from me and they really get into it. But then the damage is done and they see me as the leader. I played in this one game, however, where this was not the case. I got to play beta. Oh man, how I loved that. I was able to pursue the things that my character wanted to do and did not have to worry about if the other players were having fun and what was best for the group.

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Re: Alpha or Beta Gamer?


Killer Shrike-I would of never guessed you a Type AAAAAAA+ Personality...not in a million years. Saying that Hype was a trainwreck waiting to happen is an understatement...but I did enjoy having him in the zoo with that charging elephant...just for the comic effect of you punching a charging elephant to stop it in its tracks. I really dont think there is enough Ritalin in the US to slow him down, but he was fun to play with. If we only could of gotten Gravitic into the fight, I still laugh at that...very interesting and unusal construction of a movement power.


Major Savage is cool...who else can blow away that many zombies and at the end of the battle...complain that his accuracy rating has gone down to 96.8%

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Re: Alpha or Beta Gamer?


Beta by choice. I do play characters who are more alpha than I am (Blackcat being a huge example of that), but I generally like to play characters that do thier job in combat, try and come up with an interesting bit or two in investigations, and otherwise just have fun immersing in the character.


I make all the decisions about the world when I GM, I like to let go of the reigns when I play, and let someone else make the decisions about the team.

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Re: Alpha or Beta Gamer?


Im a Delta character. Last session not only was the entire group under my command except for one person because i was paying them, but I had decent skillset also. We attacked a boat and I threatend the opposition into surrendering. a successful Pre roll later and the opposition was essentially mindless zombies (7th Sea mechancis). the next thing I know my TWIC (second) is slaughtering the prisoners. I ask her why and she says because someone said this was a kill them all mission I asked her why was she listening to them and she replied that "listening to anyone else was better than listening to me".


Sigh! Why do I even try?

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Re: Alpha or Beta Gamer?


Killer Shrike-I would of never guessed you a Type AAAAAAA+ Personality...not in a million years. Saying that Hype was a trainwreck waiting to happen is an understatement...but I did enjoy having him in the zoo with that charging elephant...just for the comic effect of you punching a charging elephant to stop it in its tracks. I really dont think there is enough Ritalin in the US to slow him down, but he was fun to play with. If we only could of gotten Gravitic into the fight, I still laugh at that...very interesting and unusal construction of a movement power.


Major Savage is cool...who else can blow away that many zombies and at the end of the battle...complain that his accuracy rating has gone down to 96.8%

Hey, whats up man? Not living in MN any more? Drop me an eMail; Id like to catch up. killershrike@killershrike.com ;)

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