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Modern Explanations for Superpowers

Doug McCrae

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I'm currently running a game in the style of the recent Marvel superhero movies - Spider-man, X-men, etc. So basically I'm doing Marvel's Silver Age but set today instead of in the early 60s, and with all the radiation-spawned characters with ionic cannons replaced by....


Well that's where I need your help. I don't want *all* the villains to be genetically modified, but I'm not that up on recent sci-fi and real science.


Here's what I've got so far as possible power/gadget explanations:


Genetic modification - the big one



AI (Artificial Intelligence)

VR (Virtual Reality)

Cold fusion

Molecular blade

Stem cells

Gauss acceleration

Dark matter/energy


Man/machine interface

Microwave laser


For very recent origins I thought perhaps some astronauts could have been exposed to the massive solar flares we had in late 03.

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You have most of them, here are some ideas:


1) Dolphin-Man Guy who talks to dolphins, via computer. Repeat for Simian-Woman.


2) Remember the prehistoric guy they found frozen in the Alps a few years ago? Some idiot clones him.


3) Don't forget the genius type guy...has all the smart guy talents and skills, but no gadgets.


4) Aliens have supposedly been abducting people for years...why? And if its not aliens, then who has been doing it? And if no one has been doing it, why do all these people think they have been taken?


5) Remember the prehistoric guy they found frozen in the Alps a few years ago? Some idiot clones him.


6) Chainsaws are readily availabe, and useful. (I needed at least 6!)

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I'd encourage you to use the alien biology/tech and mystical origins as well both of these are by their nature removed from the standard parameters of life as we know it so you don't have to dive into the specifics because the player either a) simply accepts the powers without questioning or B) doesn't understand the power themselves.


In Gen13 (Back in the late 90s) the characters got thier powers by drawing from their unique connections to different dimensions with different physical laws.

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Let's not forget psionics. That's nearly as wide-open a justification for powers as magic, but has a pseudo-science rationale.


There was an old Champions adventure which postulated the mental energies of a destroyed alien race spreading out into space. Perhaps the Earth is passing through that field of energy now, giving people with a particular brain construction the ability to tap into it, in ways shaped by their unconscious desires.

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Guest Celebrin

IMC, I have created an energy source generated by living creatures called Bio-Electricity, which, if an individual is subjected to a high enough charge (which is far more than any normal creature can generate), will cause mutation to occur. The scientist who discovered Bio-Electric Energy created a device which can be used to generate artificial charges of Bio-Electric Energy of sufficient capacity that it has been responsible for mutants to be created.


99.999% of individuals are simply made sick for a week or so, but the remainder are mutated in some way or another - the higher the charge, the more impressive the powers, etc.


You could also go with the standard power-suits, genetic alteration, aliens, perhaps retroviruses that alter genetic structures. Nano-tech in the body that can be used to artificially imbue super-powers is another good one.


Magic is good as well - whether it is used to alter someone, or give the hero a magical weapon that changes him into a hero (Thor for example).


Those are the ones I've come up with off the top of my head.




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I have to tell you: If you're looking for rationale scientific-ish rationale for superpowers, you are probably not playing a game which has much in common with the Silver Age. Nothing against either science or the Silver Age, but they don't mix well.


That having been said:


Radiation accidents are still the leading cause of both horrible disfigurement and superpowers. The difference between the two is luck, a force of will, predestination, underlying genetic superiority, whatever. But just don't try to think too hard about it. Otherwise, you might as well be playing Star Hero (also a fun game, but not the same one as we're talking baout here).


Addendum: One of my favorite super-hero character concepts is one by Bob Burden for a character called The Strangler. He has super-strong hands. He got his powers, and recharges them at intervals, by bathing in the radiation of a weird fruitcake he got in the mail anonymously one day.


He never questions the origin of the fruitcake, its construction or initial purpose, who sent it to him, or why only his hands gain power upon recharging. Those things are outside the realm of his origin.


This may be in some respects unsatisfying to you, so if you were playing The Strangler, you might wish to seel answers to these questions. But the answers are not necessarily part of his origin. Again, you don't NEED to think too deeply about these things- you can get around to the explanations as part of the adventure should you really want or need to. All you need to get started is radioactive fruitcake.

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One thing to consider is whether powers are organic. For instance do fire projectors create flammable chemicals via glands and special pores or do they agitate molecules using "controlled energy" causing them to combust?


With organic powers it's harder to explain things like mutant control collars but it's usually easier to come up with a specific way to control that power.

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Originally posted by RPMiller

No body posted the Flux?? ;)


From the San Angelo setting we have a singularity that is "spewing Flux energies". I won't bore you with the gory details...


Given the use of "Spewing", the details aren't necessary.:D


I prefer genetic engineering/mutation as the favorite reason. Well, the first was the influx of the magical energy from 1000 or so now-dead universes, but the gene-bomb type thing (ala wild cards) is another - a virus is released that causes mutations in the superhuman sense.

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Originally posted by RPMiller

No body posted the Flux?? ;)


From the San Angelo setting we have a singularity that is "spewing Flux energies". I won't bore you with the gory details...




Main Entry: flux

Pronunciation: 'fl&ks

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Medieval Latin; Middle French, from Medieval Latin fluxus, from Latin, flow, from fluere to flow -- more at FLUID

Date: 14th century

1 : a flowing of fluid from the body; especially : an excessive abnormal discharge from the bowels

2 : a continuous moving on or passing by (as of a stream)

3 : a continued flow : FLOOD


5 : a substance used to promote fusion (as of metals or minerals); especially : one (as rosin) applied to surfaces to be joined by soldering, brazing, or welding to clean and free them from oxide and promote their union

6 : the rate of transfer of fluid, particles, or energy across a given surface


I hope you mean the 4th or 6th definition. However, it is possible you could be referring to another.:)


As I am not hijacking this thread:

If you want a real world explanation for all superpowers, it is going to be difficult. Your best bet might be to have one thing that is different, that causes most of the powers

Ones that have been used before:

1) Green Meteor Rocks

2) A flash of light in the sky, cause unknown

3) Detonation of a new kind of Bomb (Hulk)

4) An government experiment gone wild, people effected

5) A single town is visited by a cosmic-powered entity.

6) a virus is released, that effects millions, causing mutations (Wild Cards)

7) A storm of magical energy that never dissipated is the cause, imbuing people with power (Elementals)


I first tried to start my campaign with only "realistic powers." Mutants were these people who were physically deformed, natural metahumans were mutants who could pass, immortals lived among us and produced offspring. The hardest part I had was with the flying suits...there just isn't the technology to generate the power those things provide...I had to wait for aliens to show up before that appeared.


As the campaign went on, more and more superpowered people appeared. Eventually I will probably get into a government vs. the superpowered campaign. Kinda wierd considering everyone started off at 200 points.

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Originally posted by Ghost who Walks




Main Entry: flux


5 : a substance used to promote fusion (as of metals or minerals); especially : one (as rosin) applied to surfaces to be joined by soldering, brazing, or welding to clean and free them from oxide and promote their union


I hope you mean the 4th or 6th definition. However, it is possible you could be referring to another.:)


Actually, definitions 4 and 5 are exactly what we use. 4 more than 5. There is a lot of back story that is not in print, but we will be hinting at more and more as time goes by, but the basic concept is that this "singularity" came into existance through a scientific experiment, but the equipment couldn't contain it and it exploded the lab releasing the "Flux". The Flux acted as a catalyst allowing the existance of extraordinary things such as superpowers, magic, ultra-tech, etc. However, it was so quick that only a small number of "supers" were brought into existance.

Then almost 4 decades later a group of scientists tried to recreate the singularity, but it too destroyed the lab, but instead of ceasing to exist sunk into the Earth and is now in "orbit" around the core coming close to the surface at various points and releasing the Flux energies on unsuspecting areas.

There is much more to come, but that is all that is "known" about it. BTW, the vast majority of scientists and people "in the know" refuse to believe that it is real.


So there you have, I return you to your show in progress. ;)

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Ghost Who Walks: Just for clarification, I wasn't really trying to be more realistic, just more up-to-date. After all, getting superpowers from being bitten by a genetically-modified spider is almost as unrealistic as getting them from the bite of a radioactive one.


However radiation as a power source is distinctively Silver Age, whereas genetic modification is very 'now', as is nanotech.

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