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Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


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Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


if the program documenting your exploits is..



Captain Super-Ultra: " You're right, Billy. That is us. You think Bulldozer sent in the tape?"

Wolverine Boy: "Not unless he figured out how to operate the camera remotely. What are the chances?"

Captain Super-Ultra: "Hey, you're talking about the man who showed me how to box!"

Wolverine Boy: "Dude, the chess club can box better than you."

Snakes On A Plane: I totally look fat in that clip!"

Twilight: "No. You. Don't. A gallon of Ben&Jerry's couldn't make you look fat. I'd be a lot more worried about the way your costume hikes up when you're lying around passed out."

Snakes On A Plane: "B--h."

Amazing Spleen: "Can I come in yet?"

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Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


They've stated her superpower is...


doesn't die, no matter how much body she takes.


So more like...


100% rDR on PD & ED, Hardened - Only To Prevent Character Death(-4)?



Also' date=' Genre Savvy and Sees The Obvious.[/quote']


Nah, those two are just a Knowledge Skill and the lack of a Psychological Limitation (Can't See The Obvious). ;)

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Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


... it takes the whole team alpha striking the villain's sidekick's henchman's dog.


Wolverine Boy: "We did it! We fought Mechanon. And beat him! I told you guys we could do it if we worked together."

Snakes On A Plane: "No. No, we did not. The Liberty League beat Mechanon. We stopped his robot Schnauzer thing from getting into the National Secure Data Depository. Barely."

Captain Super Ultra: "We beat Mechanon's dog in standup, heroic battle! All the Liberty League did was short circuit a robot or something. Actually, I don't know. I couldn't get my eyes to focus by that point."

Twilight: "The Mechanic is so dreamy. And his gadgets are cool!"

Snakes On A Plane: "Because his work?"

Mr. Wong (Formerly Wong, the Chinese Laundry Boy)*: "Jennifer, tell your friends to keep the compresses on and press hard. I don't want any more blood on the shag down there!"

Wolverine Boy: "Let's have beanbag chairs in our secret base, when we have one. Is your Mom going to make shrimp chips?"




*Because if you were looking for sidekick work in the early 60s, that actually wasn't the most humiliating option)

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Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


The storm controller's Lightning bolt isn't strong enough to light a Christmas tree light.


Captain Super Ultra: "Jennie, yougottahelpme! The District Manager's at Store 102! He'll be here in 15 minutes!"

Snakes On A Plane: "You're the guy who took the Night Trainee Manager gig, Billy. I'm just a hostess. Even if Konecny throws a gasket over there being no comment cards at the tables again, it'll be three parts poo for the waitresses to one part poo for me. And I like that algebra."

Captain Super Ultra: "It's $1.50/hour extra to put up with that crap. You want me to get Betsy back from the shop, right?"

Snakes On A Plane: "Oh, to cruise town in a tan Plymouth Reliant Convertible again....No, you're right, Billy. What's the problem?"

Captain Super Ultra: "DiAngelo wants me to bring the new WTSA over to Mr. K when it's done, so he'll be free to perform handsfree colonoscopy on the big guy."

Snakes On A Plane: "Has he twigged that might be a bad idea when you smell worse than Brad?"

Captain Super Ultra: "Hey, I bounded two and a half miles to get to work tonight! And no, he hasn't. As you may have noticed, Mr. D.'s a moron. And I am, too, because I can't think of a solution that isn't worse than going up to the DM with a sanitation report smelling like my gym locker."

Snakes On A Plane: "Fear not, fearless leader. Jeez, that sounded stupid. Anyway, I think there's about to be a random electrical surge in that christmas tree Mr. D calls the main power supply. One fire alarm, coming up!".....


The Amazing Spleen: "And so that's why half the fire department showed up at the local Chicago Pizza?"

Wolverine Boy: "I wouldn't bring it up with the geniusses, if I were you."

The Amazing Spleen: "I'm just impressed there's no pizza sauce in Jennie's eyebrows this time. No fainting or anything."

Twlight: "Brad's gotta crush, Brad's gotta crush."

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Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


. . . They need help speaking and reading their native language

. . . The team's gadgeteer does not know what a scewdriver is

. . . Opening a Cracker Jack box is concidered a major victory

. . . They need the government assistance since they would not be able to survive without it

. . . They spend more time chasing their own shadow than the villain

. . . The team's PR rep creates more problems than he solves

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Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if...


(Note: This is from Quozaxx's 9-year old son (who now has his own log in)



When old ladies have to help you across the street.:thumbdown


Captain Super-Ultra: "Um, why'm I draped across a walker?"

Little Old Lady: "I'm 90 years old. I'm not exactly going to heave you over my shoulder to get you across the street."

Captain Super-Ultra: "Got to get back, help my friends..."

Little Old Lady: "Not that you should listen to my advice, but I think Onslaught has punched you quite enough for today. Besides, he's mad at you for breaking his nose, and your little friend with the knives is doing quite well enough on his own ....OUCH."

Captain Super-Ultra: "Don't worry, he heals fast."

Little Old Lady: "You know, back in my day, superpowers were things like being faster than a speeding train, not growing a new spleen when the old one gets ripped out. I remember once when Bulletproof... Did I ever tell you about the days when I was the Black Cat?"

Captain Super-Ultra: "Only every Sunday, Auntie M... I mean, old lady whom I have never met before."

Auntie Miriam (formerlly "The Black Cat"): "And keep it that way. So, is your little friend going to throw another of those lightning bolts, or will she just lie there for the rest of the battle?"

Captain Super-Ultra: "She's resting, Ma'am."

Auntie Miriam: "Well, she's a very pretty young thing, but someone should tell her that drooling is never ladylike. Neither are her hairdo or her costume, mind. What's wrong with kids today? She's got the figure for a catsuit, and you can't say that about many Asian girls."

Captain Super-Ultra: "Auntie Miriam!"

Auntie Miriam: "William Jefferson Clinton Washington, if you can't maintain secret identity discipline, I can't do it for you. But when the Man does to you what he did to Dr. Twilight, don't come running to me!"

Billy: "Times have changed, Auntie."

Auntie Miriam: "That's not what those charming Wayan brothers say on TV. But never mind that now. I recognise that slip. She's Wong's daughter, isn't she? Hmm... amd that's the harlot's boy there, throwing chemical control powers around?"

Billy: "Mrs. Neilson isn't a harlot. She had to go find herself."

Auntie Miriam: "Don't you be sassing your Auntie, young man, especially not with that hippie dippie stuff. That boy needs a mother. Now, Wong would never forgive me if I let anything happen to his baby girl, and I used to have a boyfriend with chemical control powers...It's time I did something."

Billy: "You're coming out of retirement? And I don't remember anything about a chemical controller boyfriend back in World War II."

Auntie Miriam: "31st Century, not WWII. Same time as I met Wong. Oh, the stories I could tell if it wouldn't violate space time causality and possibly create a world-swallowing black hole. Or violate my confidentiality agreement with that delightful Mr. Short and void my royalties for "Lastest Crisis on Nigh-Infinite Earths."

"And no, I'm not coming out of retirement. The only thing a 90 year old cat can do is make terrible smells and miss the litterbox. I think I'll just use my native wits, instead. You! Amazing Spleen! Come over here for a moment!"



The Amazing Spleen (Brad Neilson): "Dude, your Auntie is one amazing woman! Is she going to help us again?"

Billy: "No, but you're going to be helping her. Remember how you said you needed a summer job? Her son was transferred to Babylon six years ago, and there's a lot of fixing up to do at the old place before she ..moves on."

Brad: "Umh, don't I get a say?"

Billy: "No. Auntie says. But do me this one little favour? Could you call my parents next time they show In Living Color reruns down at the Seniors Center?"

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