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Just 400 Points to be a God


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Just for fun, I thought I'd calculate what STR Hercules would have to be. The one time that I know of in which Hercules' strength was pushed to its limits was when he took over holding up the Earth from Atlas. It wasn't easy for him, but he was able to support the weight of the Earth long enough for Atlas to walk around, talk to a few people and come back.


So, the Earth weighs about 6 x 10^18 kilotons. To be able to hold that up would require a 390 STR. This would make your base PD 78. Your minimum base REC is 80 (assuming a CON of at least 10) which I believe translates to 8 Body recovered a day which is one Body every three hours. Your leap would also be 78". Toss a -1/4 lim on that (OIHID or something like that) and this is actually an affordable character. Can't hit anyone with an OCV of 3? Hit 'em with the friggin' planet!

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Hmm... If I were to use 400 points to dump into another single ability to make a god of a stat other than STR, how about DEX?


390 points would give me a 140 DEX, for an OCV/DCV of 47.


My DEX Roll would be 37-. Even at a -10 for doing the impossible, and another -10 for doing the impossibly impossible, I'd still succeed 99.5% of the time.


My base SPD would be a 16, allowing me double actions four times per Turn.


Need to target the head of a DCV 10 villain? -8. From 4000 hexes away? -40. You'll still hit on a 10 or less. Who needs MegaScale?


Now, off to contemplate +390 points of PRE... :D

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Originally posted by Hermit

I think I'd rather put the points in Presence. Who's going to doubt your divinity then? ;)

You could also pump it into COM and have every (straight) woman (and gay man) in the world flock to your defense. That effectively amounts to 3,000,000,000 followers. Nothing to sneeze at.

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one small problem


the character would have no skills!

(except everyman ones)


what if he had to solve a crime?

And isnt he a bit restricted in his powers


I suppose after a few points you can buy:

12d6 mind control: one command forget

RSR:Strength check Mental power based off con

(hit em so hard he gets amnesia)

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Originally posted by Tamashii2000

400 points into INT


Perception Roll/Intelegence Roll: 89 or less


I see and can figure out EVERYTHING!

Yeah, but then you figure out that you're doomed because you didn't spend any points on offense or defense.


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210 Body would be fun--you could jump off a tall building several times. A planet destroying attack would probably leave you alive!


400 points:

VPP, cosmic, 80 active: 200 points

Full Life Support: 50 points

Regen from death, recover lost limbs: about 25 points

+50 PRE, +50 END, +10 Dex, +2 SPD(5 total): 125 points


You can make a presence attack, and shift the VPP levels around to do whatever you want, while they're awestruck.


Technically, you could put 80 points of the VPP into a 400 point multiform(replete with higher stats), or set up a megascale change environment to control weather conditions, or broadcast your voice across a city.

80 points would also give you persistent desolidification, or fully invisible desolidification(invulnerability).


But if you want to do everything Odin Highfather can do all at once, it's gonna run into the four digit range :)

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Re: Just 400 Points to be a God


Originally posted by Supreme

So, the Earth weighs about 6 x 10^18 kilotons. To be able to hold that up would require a 390 STR. This would make your base PD 78. Your minimum base REC is 80 (assuming a CON of at least 10) which I believe translates to 8 Body recovered a day which is one Body every three hours. Your leap would also be 78". Toss a -1/4 lim on that (OIHID or something like that) and this is actually an affordable character. Can't hit anyone with an OCV of 3? Hit 'em with the friggin' planet!


Personally, I'd build him with an 80-90 STR, and then use a MP slot to buy +300 STR, Only For Lifting. While he is a god, I don't believe the literature supports any of the secondary stats he'd get from a 390 STR.


Or I am I taking this too seriously?!?

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Re: Re: Just 400 Points to be a God


Originally posted by Graviton

Personally, I'd build him with an 80-90 STR, and then use a MP slot to buy +300 STR, Only For Lifting. While he is a god, I don't believe the literature supports any of the secondary stats he'd get from a 390 STR.


Or I am I taking this too seriously?!?


You're taking this too seriously:D


Hercules' bow had a mile range as well. That'd be fun to write up... and imagine the PSLs

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Re: Re: Re: Just 400 Points to be a God


Originally posted by MisterVimes

You're taking this too seriously:D


Hercules' bow had a mile range as well. That'd be fun to write up... and imagine the PSLs


What I want to see is the write up for Thor's hammer.


Always hits, kills what ever it hits.


Aren't godly weapons cool.

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What Hercules can do. And something else


Marvel Comics once had Hercules strapped in a harness to pull the island of Manhatten back into position in New York after a villain stole it. And that is a more recent example.


But DC's Spectre (pre Hal Jordon) takes the cake for power. Giant size smacking a planet on top of the sorceror Wotan.

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My first time playing Champions...


...one of my teammates (a super patriot flying brick with a high PRE as well) had a 50 COM. The Super Villainnesses wouldn't leave us alone, they were constantly trying to get rid of us to get to him, to enslave him or well, something. He was always getting notes to dine with them and 'chat'.


It was alot of fun, he was our team leader for quite awhile. His Secret ID was an actor playing his hero side in films, though noone realized they were the same guy.

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High Presence


Loreli in Strike orce started at 50 Com and got to 70 Com.

She had powers built around Unconscious Psychic/Pheremone powers.

Some of these just upped her appearance or made men really think twice before attacking her.

And she had a High Presence which kicked in when she was particularly frightened.

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Re: What Hercules can do. And something else


Originally posted by death tribble

Marvel Comics once had Hercules strapped in a harness to pull the island of Manhatten back into position in New York after a villain stole it. And that is a more recent example.


But DC's Spectre (pre Hal Jordon) takes the cake for power. Giant size smacking a planet on top of the sorceror Wotan.

I never read the original Hercules-towing comic, but Marvel once did put out a list of its own writing/editing blunders of all time, edited by Stan Lee. As Stan pointed out:

Not only does this suppose that Manhattan floats, which it doesn't, but that it can be pulled in through passageways that are narrower than it is wide. Also, the artist showed Hercules towing it in backwards. Battery Park was in the north where Harlem should be.

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Originally posted by Super Squirrel

Just a minor note, but Hercules was only a half-god.


Hercules is also my cat. So he must have the Psychological Limitation: Random Mewing Fits with no apparent purpose other than to drive the rest of the room nuts trying to figure out what cat is communicating. (Frequent, Total)

The greek version of Hercules (Herakles?) started out as a half-god, but was "promoted" upon his death. The roman Hercules was all god from the beginning.


And random mewing fits is one of the reasons why I prefer dogs.;)

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