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Superhumans pulling an Authority


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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


During the transition period, when the player characters have started overthrowing national leaders they don't like, but have not yet started choosing the new leaders personally, they'd create some problems for themselves.


In a dictatorship, it'd be fairly easy to find someone who's willing to at least give lip service to the Pantheon's demands, and who doesn't really have an urgent need to revenge his immediate predecessors (after all, he was going to do the same thing as soon as he had the army co-opted.) And sure, he'll promise to hold free and fair elections as soon as things are settled. A few necessary delays, and with any luck (he thinks) the Pantheon will be taken care of by someone else.


Nations theoretically under the rule of law are a different matter. Most of these have a clear line of succession in place, just in case the elected/appointed leader dies unexpectedly. And if the government is corrupt to the level they are in the Authority comic book, the Pantheon is going to have to kill/eliminate quite a few people before the succession comes down to someone who isn't quite so tainted.


Do you really think the people of France (or any other nation) are going to be happy about the death/permanent disposal of the top level of their government, corruption or no? They'd certainly be suspicious of anyone the Pantheon doesn't kill/eliminate as a potential sellout to the mad gods.

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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


Since you seem so willing to believe that the Human Spirit would, and should, bow to the rule of a self-appointed elite, and that fighting for freedom from this little cadre of super-powered tyrants just isn't worth it then I must conclude you must be a liberal European. Ok, maybe you're a Canadian. Or maybe you're from some other decadent country that's well versed in appeasment.


Sorry guys, I'll never bring up politics first, but I will express my opinion when I disagree. And my apologies to the many fine people of Europe and Canada.


I regret having to address real-world politics in this discussion as well, but I am only responding to something that I cannot let go unanswered.


TheRealVector, I take it from your "apology" at the end that your slur against Canadians was the result of ignorance and not malice.


In that spirit I urge you to read some history. Canada has never backed down from a fight when the cause was just. Ask the families of those Canadian soldiers who have died in Afghanistan how well versed we are in appeasement.


For that matter ask the survivors from Vimy Ridge. Or Juno Beach. Or Kapyong.


Valour, Honour and Sacrifice live where they are found, and were not invented in 1776.

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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


The government's response would probably be dependent upon the public's/media's response. If the public thinks of the characters as heroes, then the government would probably turn a blind eye. If the public views them as villains, the government would probably try to do something. However, the government is generally influenced by other things as well. If the characters are killing South American druglord/dictators who kao-tao to the US/UK government and do what the government wants, then the government will probably get angry, whereas if the dictators they overthrow are hated by the government, then the government will probably be supportive.

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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


The government's response would probably be dependent upon the public's/media's response. If the public thinks of the characters as heroes' date=' then the government would probably turn a blind eye. If the public views them as villains, the government would probably try to do something. However, the government is generally influenced by other things as well. If the characters are killing South American druglord/dictators who kao-tao to the US/UK government and do what the government wants, then the government will probably get angry, whereas if the dictators they overthrow are hated by the government, then the government will probably be supportive.[/quote']

Nothing to add, just like the Wonder Boy Sig. :thumbup:

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Guest Champsguy

Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


Okay, I haven't had time to post in a long time, but I got interested in this thread.


For those who don't know me (the board has changed formats twice since I posted with any regularity), I'm a moderate conservative who kinda likes GW Bush.


I've got a few problems with the Pantheon's plan.


#1: They don't know what they're doing. The public is blinded by the government-controlled media? Fine. But how does the Pantheon know that the information THEY act on is correct? Have any of them read "1984"? These super-powered Michael Nenonen's (ask the old fogeys on the board if you don't know this guy) really believe that Noam Chomsky is preaching it to them straight? If it's all conspiracies, and it's all lies, how do you know who to believe? You think the Red Cross isn't secretly controlled by somebody? You think they don't have an agenda? If you make the world dark enough, they certainly do.


#2: They don't know how to accomplish their goals. You think it's going to bother a corporation when you blow up their pollution-spouting plant? It's insured. You kill the CEO? He's just some guy they hired. They'll get another. Kill the Board of Directors? They'll appoint new ones. Who, you ask? The stockholders. And then every other corporation will start to hide their assets. Your supers don't have the manpower to audit every single corporation on the planet. Are they super-powered accountants? Are they corporate lawyers? They're going to have to dig through hundreds of thousands of pages of documents to have the slightest inkling of which corporation is behind which polluting factory. They won't even have access to most of the files they need. How do they know that the documents which show that Megacorp owns Spewcrap Chemicals are sitting in a lawyer's file cabinets in Smallville, Kansas? They don't even know where to begin to look. Things are tougher when you don't know who to punch.


#3: They're hypocrits. Let's see, somebody wants to storm into a country using their supreme power advantage. Check. They want to capture/kill the leaders who were there. Check. They value human life, so they'll make every attempt to minimize civilian casualties. Check. They believe that the people of the various nations are too downtrodden, or too confused, or too stupid to overthrow their leaders and fix the world. Check. They want to remake the world as they think it should be. Check. They're willing to enforce this vision on an unwilling populace, because that population will "see the light" in the end. Check. If some poor unfortunate happens to get killed (or put completely out of work, starving his family, from their destruction of his livelyhood), then "well, he shouldn't have been standing there/sometimes you've got to break a few eggs/etc." Check.


In the United States, we call these people "Neo-conservatives". Among their ranks are people such as Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and George W. Bush.





Now, as I said, I LIKE George W Bush. I think he's screwed up the occupation of Iraq, but we all knew that was coming. I think in 5 to 10 years, the Middle East will be a much more stable place because of his influences. But let's not discuss policy.


I was interested in this thread because I thought the idea of superhumans pulling an Authority (though on a much more well-thought-out basis) would be interesting. These people have the power to end fighting in Africa. Today. There are civil wars going on in those countries that have killed tens of millions. The super-speedster could remove every gun from the continent in a few hours. Then they keep the peace until a UN peacekeeping force can move in and take control.


They can build roads in Afghanistan (one of the prime reasons that the US and the UN are having difficulty extending their power base beyond Kabul is that Afghanistan has an incredibly poor infrastructure). They can end drug smuggling from South America. They're immune to bullets. The drug cartels' defensive measures aren't enough to stop them. Once they stop the cartels, crime all over the world will decrease. The governments protest? Who cares? You've got the backing of the US Government. "Hey GW, I want to go pound some Central American dictators. You cool with that?" "Go get 'em, Captain Nukem."


Did you know that a large percentage of the world's pollution comes from nations that are currently industrializing? Most US factories don't really produce that much pollution (we just happen to have a LOT of factories). There are factories in South America, Asia, and Africa that are belching out more chemicals than you want to think about. The countries simply can't afford the pollution controls. So what do you do? Go to the ocean floor and recover sunken treasure. If you find it, it's yours. Then use that money to pay for modern anti-pollution measures.


A guy who has a house, a car, a mortgage, and is sending his kids to school usually doesn't decide to become a suicide bomber. Economic prosperity means a peaceful country. If your characters use their super-powers to find people better jobs, where they earn more money, then those countries will eventually be able to afford stricter pollution laws (contrary to what you believe, even rabid conservatives who own guns and support Bush don't want to breathe in chemicals all day).


Mimicing the Authority blow-by-blow is just stupid. Those guys are about as dumb as a bag of hammers. Smarter heroes who set about "saving the world" would get much more accomplished.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


Mimicing the Authority blow-by-blow is just stupid. Those guys are about as dumb as a bag of hammers. Smarter heroes who set about "saving the world" would get much more accomplished.



Well spoke.


I mean, the liking GW Bush thing is unfortunate, but otherwise, well spoke.

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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


I would like to point out that some people would admire and accept the Wanderer Authority group. Most would rather die than accept anyones telling them that greed is not the end all be all of life. Oh well.


I think the campaign has promise, and wish I could run one like it, I tried to but it was only a 2 person campaign and it fell apart because one of the players decided to act just like the Authority and started wiping out cities.


I wish you more luck than that, Wanderer. :thumbup:

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Guest Champsguy

Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


I would like to point out that some people would admire and accept the Wanderer Authority group.


Some people enjoy sex with razor blade-tipped dildos. Go figure.


Most would rather die than accept anyones telling them that greed is not the end all be all of life. Oh well.


I'm not about to listen to a bunch on sloped-forehead knuckle-dragging drooling morons who think they know how to solve the world's problems because they struck the genetic lottery. How are they expected to solve all of society's problems when they've got a guy who can't stay off the horse? Excuse me for not knowing that the gene that gives you infinite wisdom is also the one that makes you grow wings outta your friggin back.


"Hey Apollo, who's third in line for the US Presidency?"



Yeah, like I'm gonna trust that moron to run a country.


Look, I'm not saying that guys with super-powers couldn't change the world for the better. What I am saying is that I wouldn't trust these morons (the Authority or the Wanderer's version of them) with an unloaded paintball gun. They're one step above peeing on power lines. I don't take advice on how to pick up girls from people who go to GenCon, I don't listen to Dr Phil if I feel like losing weight, and I don't listen to a bunch of high-school dropouts who watched a few Michael Moore movies when I want to know something about politics.


I do, after all, have a degree in political science. The Authority may not know how the economy works, but I sure as hell do.

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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


Some people enjoy sex with razor blade-tipped dildos. Go figure.




I'm not about to listen to a bunch on sloped-forehead knuckle-dragging drooling morons who think they know how to solve the world's problems because they struck the genetic lottery. How are they expected to solve all of society's problems when they've got a guy who can't stay off the horse? Excuse me for not knowing that the gene that gives you infinite wisdom is also the one that makes you grow wings outta your friggin back.


"Hey Apollo, who's third in line for the US Presidency?"



Yeah, like I'm gonna trust that moron to run a country.


Look, I'm not saying that guys with super-powers couldn't change the world for the better. What I am saying is that I wouldn't trust these morons (the Authority or the Wanderer's version of them) with an unloaded paintball gun. They're one step above peeing on power lines. I don't take advice on how to pick up girls from people who go to GenCon, I don't listen to Dr Phil if I feel like losing weight, and I don't listen to a bunch of high-school dropouts who watched a few Michael Moore movies when I want to know something about politics.


I do, after all, have a degree in political science. The Authority may not know how the economy works, but I sure as hell do.

LOL - a wonderfully funny critique.
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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


I think any mega-powerful group with a strident political agenda and a lot of unproven theories would have both trouble implementing them and heavy resistance to same.

whether they were radical social progressives, libertarians, evangelical theocrats, or blatant anarchists, the common characteristic of such an aggressive approach is the basic militancy, and a lack of tolerance for empowered dissent.

Maybe, if they were all fine upstanding law abiding legendary heroes with super-science, super-diplomat, etc background skills, they could pull off the transition to "pro-active" supers without immediately turning all of the powers-that-be(and the people they are trying to "save") against them.

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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


I think that there are three possible approaches to this kind of game: "four-colour", "black and white", and "shades of grey".


I'm going to ignore four-colour, because we all know what that is.


The other are the two that need to be distinguished.


"Shades of grey" is the realistic one. That's the one where your opponents are not necessarily fools or villains, even if you think they are.


"Black and white" is the one where they are. It's the world as seen by dogmatists.


If Assault was in a game like this, he would be killed trying to prevent the Authoritarians carrying out their sicko facist plan. That is, he would regard their plan as a "sicko facist plan" and would be prepared to die to stop it from being carried out. This would probably happen quite early on, while the "heroes" are still overthrowing the US government's enemies, and haven't yet turned against the US itself. That's because Assault has a political agenda of his own, and he can spot an enemy when he sees one.


He would die, of course, because he's just not powerful enough to fight cosmic powered characters. But he would try, because that is what is morally correct, from his point of view. He is a hero, in that he will die for a cause, if that is necessary. And he will kill for a cause, if need be. War is war.


Is he a villain? Well, yes, of course, he is. He would fight to defend at least some of the governments that the US and many other western governments regard as enemies.


Is he a fool? Well, that's a matter of opinion. :) But his position is entirely logically consistent and grounded on quite common philosophical presumptions.


In other words, his position is "reasonable" in a "shades of grey" universe, and "villainous" in a "black and white" universe. And in a "four colour" universe, he's a hero! :)


I probably need to come up with a cosmic level character conception that (a) I would be prepared to actually play; and (B) isn't a Superman clone. Then I would have some slightly better tools for thinking about these kinds of issues. If you _can't_ really affect outcomes in these kind of crises, what you would like to do about them doesn't really matter.

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Re: Here's a scenario Wanderer's "Heroes" can't win, no matter how powerful


Doesn't it strike you' date=' at least as ironic, that in several ways, your group attitude is the same patraonizing, over paternal "White Man's Burden" line of thought from the late 19th/Early 20th century? "We have more stuff than you, so obviously we're right, do what we say."[/quote']


Was rereading one of my favorite Baen paperbacks the other day, and happened across this scene where one of the protagonists is talking to a time-traveller from an advanced parallel future whose come back to track and terminate another time traveller, a supremely dangerous world-conquering superhuman...


(done from memory, so mildly paraphrased)


"Listen. You've got stuff that we don't, and yeah, we need your help. But you are not going to go around here like you're in wog-land."


*blank look*


"You know, the place where a white man with a gun can do whatever he wants?"


-- _Drakon_, by S.M. Stirling

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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


It occurs to me that the best way to defeat these guys is to let them win.




I noticed in Wanderer's post several pages back they wanted things like veto power over any law - so give it to them. Kill them with it. Pass everything up the political food chain until it hits the top. Everything from international incidents to shoolyard disputes - because hey, we humans aren't capable of ruling ourselves.


Take no initiative, because if you do you might be wrong. Let the supers handle it, because they have said they can. And if they don't - it's protest time. The media has a field day with these people who, "despite their superpowers and ambitious plans cannot resolve a simple schoolyard dispute".


I give 'em about two weeks before they get sick of it and leave.



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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


If they were reasonable, rational beings with good consciences, yeah.


Somehow, I wouldn't hold my breath. Either they'd start killing people for wasting their time, or pull out some uber multitasker who *can* make those decisions with his several hundreds points of mental superspeed or something. . .

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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


.. or have their Engineer-equivalent build an AI or AIs, or simply draft an office building full of flunkies to handle the petitions -- with the promise of summary execution if they're ever caught getting, ahem, 'independent'.


Or something.

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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


or simply draft an office building full of flunkies to handle the petitions -- with the promise of summary execution if they're ever caught getting' date=' ahem, 'independent'.[/quote']


Hey, would you make a decision if you knew you'd be killed if the Authority disagreed with it? Me, I'd pass the buck. They're the ones that told me I wasn't competent enough to make these decisions in the first place...There has to be an appeal system, otherwise the buck is stopping somewhere other than with these megalomaniacs (and they wouldn't like that).


Hell, just the minutiae of dealing with the veto power over every governing body in the world...


What I actually think would happen is what happens everywhere else a dictator comes into power - they would attract a group of flunkies and hanger-ons that they could pawn this stuff off on - but then the flunkies would start abusing their power, and they'd either have to purge their goverment (causing mass chaos all over the globe as vital parts of the infrastructure are interrupted) or become exactly what they fought against. Their goals may be noble, but their methods would attract only the scum of the earth.


But, of course, if the DM is on their side, then nothing will stop them. All we can do is sit on the sidelines and point and laugh.



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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


> Hey, would you make a decision if you knew you'd be killed if the

> Authority disagreed with it?


But i I also knew they'd kill me for bothering them w/o a very good reason, then pretty much my only remaining choice is to flip a coin and pray I'm right. Or pray that the higher-ups don't care about what results I get, just so long as it doesn't interrupt their sleep.


And thus, the Pantheon turns Earth into Alpha Complex. :)



> What I actually think would happen is what happens everywhere else

> a dictator comes into power - they would attract a group of flunkies and

> hanger-ons that they could pawn this stuff off on - but then the flunkies

> would start abusing their power, [snip]


Please, we're talking about ultra-powerful superhumans with a powers list longer than God's and absolutely no sense of proportion. If they're not using continual applications of Mind Control to the +30 EGO level, or Mental Transforms (free-willed human into fanatically loyal follower), then they're not using *any* imagination. I mean, why *shouldn't* they whip out global mind control? Lord knows they're not exactly overburdened with *moral* restraints here, bleh.

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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


If they're not using continual applications of Mind Control to the +30 EGO level' date=' or Mental Transforms (free-willed human into fanatically loyal follower), then they're not using *any* imagination. I mean, why *shouldn't* they whip out global mind control?[/quote']Because it would make for a boring game.


Global mind control would, as you say, make taking over the world trivially easy and that isn't the point of this exercise.

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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


> Because it would make for a boring game.


Which is one of the reasons why the whole premise is inherently flawed -- in order to keep the entire exercise from becoming very pointless very quickly, the protagonists have to deliberately dumb down even further than they already were.


I generally consider such a state of affairs as a sign from God that I need a new plot.

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Blah, blah, blah.


Oh my goodness, I made it from the beginning to the end of this thred in one day!


Guys, I think anyone arguing with Wanderer now is just pointless; he's close-minded to the idea that he or his friends can be wrong. From going through these posts, my best guess is that Wanderer is a late-teen European (probably eastern Europe) male. Either he is still in high school or barely graduated and has no college classroom experience. He is very much in a rebellion and idealistic stage of his life and extreme in his views.


Most of the reasoning behind this group is to stop corrupt people (he's mentioned murderers, rapists, child molesters, polluters, whalers, corrupt courts, bad politicians, etc.). He claims his game is in shades of grey, and yet everyone is either right or wrong. His team is acting because no one else in the world supposedly is. He and his friends want to live out a fantasy that they know will never happen. Almost every time he argues why his heroes are right, he goes back to people supporting slavery in the past as part of his justification. (This guy also thinks you don't split your forces in combat, what an idot.)


Most of what Wander claims to be wrong deals with either the United States (and always because of President Bush, somehow), Asia and Africa. Europe apparently is not corrupt.


These world rulers of his are always benign except when dealing with criminals. They never kill innocents (mainly because no one is in his game) and always know what is going on in the situation. They impose themselves upon the world and then say "we're here if you need us; just call."


Wanderer has no concept of how the real world is; just his delusional state. He claims that his heroes can fix the world's problems, yet he doesn't even understand why they exist. One of his arguments deals with courts. Apparently, since over 100 countries have their court systems in scandal, his small group (10 at the most?) of heroes will take over responsibility of the courts and give verdicts, and the courts will never become back-logged under his small group.


Almost all businesses create some form of pollution and his small group will destroy them all so they can no longer do that; he doesn't realize this will create pollution and damage the environment. His group will somehow find the ultimate power source that doesn't endanger anything ever. His small group will change the world, even when they couldn't accomplish this in one country.


His PCs also have no repercussions, no consequences for their actions. His campaign is a complete "Monty Haul/munchkin" game based on eco-terroristic holier-than-thou ideas with the facade of being a justifiable challenging campaign. He thinks exactly like his friends do and so this is a free-for-all, do what you wish game. He isn't as much of a GM as he is a yes-man to his players.


Even if we took the amazing leap to say that everyone on Earth (six BILLION people, mind you) agreed to let these people be the rulers, in one day their system would buckle and collapse. There is no way that they could handle every problem on the planet. We have over 6,000 years of recorded history stating that this hasn't happened, and this kid thinks he can solve it with a handful of super beings?


If we were more realistic and said the whole world passively resisted, how could his group stop them all? They couldn't. Also, the following villain groups would strategize -even if separately- to destroy them: Anarchy, VIPER, Eurostar, VOICE, DEMON, WITCH (who wants males ruling the world?), COIL, Dr. Destroyer, etc.


My suggestion: Don't respond to this thread any more, I won't. Just because Wanderer gets in the last word doesn't mean he's right, it could mean 1:he's being ignored; 2; no one cares, 3;no one's listening to his fallacy.

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Re: Blah, blah, blah.


> Guys, I think anyone arguing with Wanderer now is just pointless; [snip]


I don't think anybody's been talking to Wanderer for the past few pages. :)


Right now we're just kicking the idea in general around, as well as happily thread-drifting to various related topics.

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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


I think it would be more interesting if a "sub-cosmic" team of heroes(699 points or fewer) were involved. They're more powerful than any individual opposition, but not powerful enough to overcome a unified "rebellion" against their "rule". So they'd actually have to be really clever, and also have to compromise to achieve some of their more major goals. They could be powerful enough to overthrow a few corrupt megacorps, and even a major government or two, as an object lesson, but not powerful enough to beat everybody.

It would force the team to be more disciplined, diplomatic, reasonable, and tactical in the way they did things, which I think would make for a more interesting "change the world" type of campaign.


Otherwise, if they can wipe out Dr. D, Takofanes, Eurostar, and the Crowns of Krim in the same combat(and survive a pre-emptive nuke strike), there's really not much challenge in a game like that, methinks.

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Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority


Indeed, I found it odd that he'd want to start them at the top or in charge. What point is there if they are already at the top?


In his brief defense, the Wanderer corrected himself saying that the team would be able to halt the threat of a nuke with some actual effort involved. Not that any single one of them would sit on the warhead, let it detonate, and then make a crude pun about having gas.


I tried time again with little effect to give him some help on his world and time and again Wanderer decided to shoot my ideas down or bat them aside. I've forgotten awhile ago, but I think that originally he came asking for opinions and help on the game plots. I happily supplied some minor nitches that most gms could build on to suit their individual campaign world.


Really what pointed out his idiodicy is when he kept quoting how "realistic" he wanted the world and then when the idea of economics [his chars would all be rich because the one guy would make loads of diamonds or something to that effect] reared its head he shrugged and wondered if that would really be important. Hell if your going to remove all these factories, etc. and put all those workers on the unemployment line you better have some idea about the reprecussions of that act. I think the US had a 'little' period of time over economics called the Great Depression, but then I'm sure that never happened in his 'realistic' world where if money grows on trees, the value of the dollar never drops, and prices never change.

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Re: Blah, blah, blah.


Oh my goodness, I made it from the beginning to the end of this thred in one day!


Guys, I think anyone arguing with Wanderer now is just pointless; he's close-minded to the idea that he or his friends can be wrong. From going through these posts, my best guess is that Wanderer is a late-teen European (probably eastern Europe) male. Either he is still in high school or barely graduated and has no college classroom experience. He is very much in a rebellion and idealistic stage of his life and extreme in his views.


Most of the reasoning behind this group is to stop corrupt people (he's mentioned murderers, rapists, child molesters, polluters, whalers, corrupt courts, bad politicians, etc.). He claims his game is in shades of grey, and yet everyone is either right or wrong. His team is acting because no one else in the world supposedly is. He and his friends want to live out a fantasy that they know will never happen. Almost every time he argues why his heroes are right, he goes back to people supporting slavery in the past as part of his justification. (This guy also thinks you don't split your forces in combat, what an idot.)


Most of what Wander claims to be wrong deals with either the United States (and always because of President Bush, somehow), Asia and Africa. Europe apparently is not corrupt.


These world rulers of his are always benign except when dealing with criminals. They never kill innocents (mainly because no one is in his game) and always know what is going on in the situation. They impose themselves upon the world and then say "we're here if you need us; just call."


Wanderer has no concept of how the real world is; just his delusional state. He claims that his heroes can fix the world's problems, yet he doesn't even understand why they exist. One of his arguments deals with courts. Apparently, since over 100 countries have their court systems in scandal, his small group (10 at the most?) of heroes will take over responsibility of the courts and give verdicts, and the courts will never become back-logged under his small group.


Almost all businesses create some form of pollution and his small group will destroy them all so they can no longer do that; he doesn't realize this will create pollution and damage the environment. His group will somehow find the ultimate power source that doesn't endanger anything ever. His small group will change the world, even when they couldn't accomplish this in one country.


His PCs also have no repercussions, no consequences for their actions. His campaign is a complete "Monty Haul/munchkin" game based on eco-terroristic holier-than-thou ideas with the facade of being a justifiable challenging campaign. He thinks exactly like his friends do and so this is a free-for-all, do what you wish game. He isn't as much of a GM as he is a yes-man to his players.


Even if we took the amazing leap to say that everyone on Earth (six BILLION people, mind you) agreed to let these people be the rulers, in one day their system would buckle and collapse. There is no way that they could handle every problem on the planet. We have over 6,000 years of recorded history stating that this hasn't happened, and this kid thinks he can solve it with a handful of super beings?


If we were more realistic and said the whole world passively resisted, how could his group stop them all? They couldn't. Also, the following villain groups would strategize -even if separately- to destroy them: Anarchy, VIPER, Eurostar, VOICE, DEMON, WITCH (who wants males ruling the world?), COIL, Dr. Destroyer, etc.


My suggestion: Don't respond to this thread any more, I won't. Just because Wanderer gets in the last word doesn't mean he's right, it could mean 1:he's being ignored; 2; no one cares, 3;no one's listening to his fallacy.

This is the second time I've come across a post from you where you feel the need to label someone, make negative aspersions, and just generally be condescending all because of the way they play the game. My suggestion: Show a little more tact and respect for others.
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