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Need a new team name.

Lord Mhoram

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Here we go, just starting play in a new game. We need a team name... here is the team.


It was intended to be a four color campaign, but the character choices ended up a little darker, and the GM decided to roll with it.


1- Terminal Velocity. Speedster, black and red costume with goggles. Fairly cheerful character, however he is the illigetamte son of a European superterrorist (Shrike from European enemies) and a British Superhero. The superhero's wife left him and set him up to be killed by Eurostar. Her son is a supervillian (And my archnemesis) 18 or 19 years old


2) - Jeopardy. A brick/EP/minor mentalist. She originally had some basic energy absorbtion powers, got kidnapped by an evil corporation who hooked her up to a supercharger- and her sister and best friend and turned it on. One ended up dead, the other a vegatable; and Jep ended up with thier powers (brick and telepathy). She is out for vengence against them, hiding in plain sight as a superhero. 17 years old


3)- Blindside. Foster child, found shis real parents were his father was Joseph Hansen a newspaper photographer turned into Diviner a cyborg supervillain, his mother was Lisa Croft a newspaper reporter turned into Silver Thorn a brick government employed superhero.He worked a little for VIPER and got tired of being bossed around so much he turned on them and helped the government capture some of them. Has a problem with authority figures, and darkness powers. 15 years old


4)- Deadboy the Goth hero. Pale, darkhair and causes an energy drain around him. Things get dim, and people get tired. He plays in a band (Goth, natch) and also has problems with authourity. 19 years old.

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Re: Need a new team name.


Actually we don't know why we are together yet. We haven't played the first session (that's next week). The GM and I have been listening to the character concepts (Terminal Velocity is mine - dark background, but bright in play - I plan to try and have him come off like he was written by Busiek or Johns).


The original idea was the the Champions got trashed and a crippled Defender was recruiting a new team, and put out an open call. The GM looked at the characters and said "That's tossed out, Defender would just say "Dont call us, we'll call you". So I'm not sure exactly where he is going.


As I understand it, we will be a new superteam brought together by something beyond all of us. We are going to be superheroes rather than people in costumes with superpowers. My character would cultivate relationships with the press, and local police and things like Until and Primus. Others in the team would not (notably Blindside).

We are all mutants, and both Genocide and VIPER are hunteds, but the GM is _completely_ tired of anti-mutant hysteria. In his world that passed in the 70s- Genocide is viewed not unlike Neonazis. So the social aspect of Marvel Mutantdom will not be a big thing in the campaign. 2 of the characters are living on thier own with bad background (not sure about deadboy - he might be too) with one (me) having to keep an eye out for mom.


After all the discussions online here about the Iron age, and what it is, what comics represent it ect.... it's now a running gag- each time a new antisocial/dark something happens from one of the characters, one of us rolls the eyes and say "We're an Iron Age comic." When Blindside's dad was a cyborg, I asked if he had a big gun. The answer was yes, so I said something about Image, to which my wife (and the player of character Jeopardy) replied "Abosolutly not. We are not an Image Comic, Jeopardy's physical dimensions fall within the boundries of reality."

She suggested "Nior" as a name for the group.

Hope that helps.

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Re: Need a new team name.


Depending on tone of the game (and in the same vein as Hermits Vindicators)





My old team was named Brimstone. Our catchcry was 'Evildoers beware, lest Brimstone rain down upon thy heads' :shrugs:




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Re: Need a new team name.


Well let’s see


First thing that came to mind just seemed like the kind of name a bunch of teenagers might come up with for a band




Then some more sensible dark titles








But my favorite for its gothic excess as well as super heroic fun is




n. pl. a·nath·e·mas

1. A formal ecclesiastical ban, curse, or excommunication.

2. A vehement denunciation; a curse: “the sound of a witch's anathemas in some unknown tongue†(Nathaniel Hawthorne).

3. One that is cursed or damned.

4. One that is greatly reviled, loathed, or shunned: “Essentialisma belief in natural, immutable sex differencesis anathema to postmodernists, for whom sexuality itself, along with gender, is a ‘social construct’†(Wendy Kaminer).


[Late Latin anathema, doomed offering, accursed thing, from Greek, from anatithenai, anathe-, to dedicate : ana-, ana- + tithenai, to put]

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Re: Need a new team name.


Well, let's remeber that just as no evil person thinks of themselves as evil, so it goes that no "dark" hero would consider themselves "dark".


I'll through these out to you-


The Watchdogs

The Enforcers

Justice 4 All - you have four members

The Troubleshooters


I'll try to think of more

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Re: Need a new team name.


Well, let's remeber that just as no evil person thinks of themselves as evil, so it goes that no "dark" hero would consider themselves "dark".


But teenagers, especially rebellous ones, would try for something shocking or edgy. :-) That was one of the reasons I came up with TV's name. I was thinking what a 17 year old speedster would call himself, pondering the teen infatuation with danger and Terminal Velocity came to mind.



Thanks for all the input guys.

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Re: Need a new team name.


Maybe "Extreme" something if they're really teens?


Extreme Justice


Extreme Vengeance


ER for Extreme Risk - as they seem like risk-takers


or just MAX - which stands for Maximum And Xtreme, but the kids figure the name is too dumb and just use the acronym with no explanation.


Sorry, kinda lame suggestions but maybe they'll trigger other ideas...

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Re: Need a new team name.


I used the name Street Legal for a vigilante team once upon a time and I've always liked it. Depending on the scope of the game (local heroes vs. natonal or global), it might work for a "kids" team. Especially if they see themselves as a type of gang.

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Re: Need a new team name.


Maybe "Extreme" something if they're really teens?


Extreme Justice


Extreme Vengeance


ER for Extreme Risk - as they seem like risk-takers


or just MAX - which stands for Maximum And Xtreme, but the kids figure the name is too dumb and just use the acronym with no explanation.


Sorry, kinda lame suggestions but maybe they'll trigger other ideas...



...not X names!!!...



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Re: Need a new team name.


While I really think you should wait till you find out what your origins as a team will be before deciding on a name (a bunch of superkids hunted by a secret government agency is going to come up with a different name to a team brought together by a former SuperPatriot) the characters all seem to have a theme already which might move them toward a name no matter what their team origins.

All the characters seem to have 'dark' or 'dangerous' names for their superidentities which makes me think you should go for some of the more 'edgy' teamnames already suggested

Personally I loved 'Anathema'. it's pretentious enough to make Deadboy drool and it just sounds cool even if you don't know what it means.

Also you might consider 'Anarchy' given the teams feelings about authority figures. Or 'The Vindicated' or 'WRATH' if you decide to follow your teammate's search for vengence.

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Re: Need a new team name.


While I really think you should wait till you find out what your origins as a team will be before deciding on a name



I was planning on it, but I usually like to ponder these things for a while, and my creative juices were just completely dry there, and I was looking for a jumpstart. Which I got. I've seen a number here I really like, and some that have led me into thoughts of other good ones.

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