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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I guess this is the place for this. I'm having a bit of a... disappointing week at work, and it's affecting my normally low-key, accepting mindset.


Why is it that when I go to use the restroom, I have to stare at some nugget of snot that some prior visitor has decided to grace the walls or plumbing with whilst I stand at the urinal? What the hell is that? Are they marking their territory or something? Am I to believe that they can identify their own boogers when the time comes?


Then, I stand there thinking, 'should I go use another urinal?'. Because, fellas, you know that once you've started something like that, stopping mid-stream is... bothersome, on some primal level. But, being a lowly admin, I wouldn't want to upset the social structure and use some project manager's chosen piss pot. No sir, don't wanna do that.


I mean, I get passed up for promotion for the umpteenth time, for a job for which I was assured I'd be a perfect match, and now I have to stare at the product of some other cube-zombie's nasal passages.


I feel like I should up the ante somehow. Crap in the sink or something. I dunno.

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Re: The cranky thread


Why DO people stick their snot on the walls anyway? Havent' they heard of tissue paper?


You could crap in the sink; I've actually seen crap in a urinal once. But if you really want to piss people off, here's what I recommend:


1. Clog up all the toilets except one with lots and lots of paper towels. They don't dissolve in water, so they mess up the plumbing.


2. Remove all the toilet paper, seat covers and what paper towels are left.


3. Pee all over the toilet seat of the one toilet bowl that still works. Pee on the floor as well.


Just do yourself a favor and don't get caught. You'll never leave the office alive.

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Re: The cranky thread


I despise hypocrites with a passion. :mad:


Yeah, I know. I'm just venting. (I'm assuming you're referring to my actually crapping in the sink, or doing as tkdguy suggests.)


As is, a user on another forum came up with an effective (I thought, even though childish on some level) solution.


Put up a sign in the restroom that reads: "To the guy leaving his snot on the walls: I know who you are. I've left a surprise of my own for you somewhere. Enjoy."


Don't even need to follow through on it. ;)

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Re: The cranky thread


For that matter, who in the hell thought up the auto-flushing commodes? I mean, I understand auto-flushing urinals. But, with the commodes, you're sitting there, and if you lean too far forward, or end up shifting your weight by too much (depending on the sensitivity of the sensor), you get an assfull of cold toilet water; sometimes, not entirely *clean* toilet water.


It wouldn't have bothered me so much, except there was a guy here who got caught... well, with his pants down... when the toilet on which he sat decided to overflow.


I can only imagine the colorful metaphors that ensued.

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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah, I know. I'm just venting. (I'm assuming you're referring to my actually crapping in the sink, or doing as tkdguy suggests.)


As is, a user on another forum came up with an effective (I thought, even though childish on some level) solution.


Put up a sign in the restroom that reads: "To the guy leaving his snot on the walls: I know who you are. I've left a surprise of my own for you somewhere. Enjoy."


Don't even need to follow through on it. ;)


Actually, my post had nothing to do with yours. :)

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Re: The cranky thread


I like to shoot, but I'd REALLY like to deliver a message to teh JERK up the road who started shooting at 8:30 AM this morning, and shot for about 35 minutes, not steadily....





Maybe I'll get some practice in when I get home about 1230 AM tonight. :eg::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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Re: The cranky thread


I hate waiting.


I had an excellent phone interview Tuesday with the HR dept. for a company that resells the services that I supported with my previous employer. It is the BEST possible job I can hope for since I would NOT be throwing away 5 years of very specific software and network knowledge. However, I have to wait until next Tuesday to actually visit the office and interview with the office manager and helpdesk managers.


I hate waiting.



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Re: The cranky thread


I hate waiting.


I had an excellent phone interview Tuesday with the HR dept. for a company that resells the services that I supported with my previous employer. It is the BEST possible job I can hope for since I would be throwing away 5 years of very specific software and network knowledge. However, I have to wait until next Tuesday to actually visit the office and interview with the office manager and helpdesk managers.


I hate waiting.

As befits "Hyper-man".


Sorry, dude, hope the interivew goes well.

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Re: The cranky thread


Certain people at work are really pissing me off. This is not what I signed on for. Wouldn't you know it, a whole slew of part time library jobs opened up right after I committed to this one. Well, it's over in November, so I'm really gonna try to stick it out...I better be building great f#@%ing character, dammit!!!

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Re: The cranky thread


Cool, now if someone thinks that I'm an asshole, I've already confessed to it several posts ago.




I overdid staying on my feet today, as my ankle is still sprained. I already had bruises on the sides of my feet. After coming home tonight, I noticed new bruises on my toes.

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