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What Would You Do?? #76


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During a fight with some appropriate villain inside your home city, you ( and your team if applicable ) are engulfed in a flash of light. Eventually, you wake up, to find that the city you are in is. . . much different. Much more primitive, and peoples' attentions are being drawn. People, and the occasional other.


Specifically, they have arrived in the city of Aarn, during the Turakian Age. Oh, and it turns out the trade tongue of the era amounts to English ( or whatever the main language spoken by your group is ).


What do you do??

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Re: What Would You Do?? #76


Starguard -- whoa, nellie. She's the most powerful walking fountain of white mana on the planet, and just set off every mystic alarm from Here to There. Kal-Turak himself will be coming for the poor girl.


Dr. Pain -- 350-point bricks in fantasy eras -- especialy high-magic ones -- have *legendary* careers awaiting them as "gods-touched warriots"


Baron von Darien -- did they have vampires in the Turakian Age? If so, he's going to start cutting quite a swath on his former kindred, and eventually moving on to major political player both in the undead and human courts...

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Re: What Would You Do?? #76


Mask of Justice: As with the Dawn Ages scenario, his powers might no longer work. But since without them he's a two-fisted pulp adventurer, Nick should have no trouble finding a niche as a defender of justice somewhere, and marrying a princess. With his powers, MoJ would be *the* man to call when evil illusionists and shapeshifters are suspected. (He'd also be a terrific thief, were it not for his uprightness.)


Rock Bottom: How are living statues treated in Aarn? How about men who love other men? He could be either very popular, or very despised.


Calculus: "If I got sent here by magic, it can be undone. Let me think." Might set up shop as a sage somewhere.


Kira Midori: "What, again?" How are mind mages treated? She'd like to join the City Guard, if that's allowed.


Talion: "I am not, I say again not undead. Please do not attempt to kill, turn or destroy me. It will only hurt you. ....Did you not hear one word I just said?" Cast buff spells on him for maximum fun.

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Re: What Would You Do?? #76


Cobalt: This is not real. I must meditate to dispel this illusion.


Vantage: Head for the nearest tavern to test the local brew, then think of a way to get home.


Zectron: Despite his best efforts, he'll become worshipped as a god of courage, honor and nobility. The scarry thing is, it might actually be able to grant spells (if that's the way things work in that age, not too familiar with it personally).


Kristian Rolyat: Take great efforts to hide his cybernetic arm and leg. After that, he'd be at a complete loss.

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Re: What Would You Do?? #76


Twilight stands up, looks around at the unfamiliar settings and all the people giving him strange looks. Notes the medival buildings and lack of anything resembling electrical wires or indoor plumbing or anything at all technological except what he's carrying.


"Well, this is gonna suck!"


And that's BEFORE he finds out about Kal-Turak. :D

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Re: What Would You Do?? #76


Ballistic would immeditaly find the local mages. He has a 60 cosmic magic pool (in addition to his supersuit). He would either send himself home, or find someone who can. While waiting for that to get done, he would be an wanding knight (and at 750 points a dang good one).


Blackcat would find monestaries, assuming her ch'i based EDM to home dimension doesn't work (she bought that because she kept finding herself in such situations). She has done a lot of interdimensional travelling for a local dimensional lord (Owen head of Byzantium) and as all roads lead to Byzantium, find the one that takes her there. She might take up teaching Martial Arts (80 pt martial art special strikes pool, and a bunch of levels).


Terminal Velocity would be flummoxed, and try and fit in best he could while trying to find a way home; all the while thinking "A speedster in LOTR ... cool"

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Re: What Would You Do?? #76


Hmmmmm...guy walking around in a suit that COULD be a really neat form of armor. After trying to find a way home via the local mage, I'd likely set myself up as a knight and an inventor. Electricity would have been so useful in the middle ages.


But first...the flush toilet!

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Re: What Would You Do?? #76


Hmmmmm...guy walking around in a suit that COULD be a really neat form of armor. After trying to find a way home via the local mage, I'd likely set myself up as a knight and an inventor. Electricity would have been so useful in the middle ages.


Yeah, You, Me (Ballistic) and Twilight hook up to be Techno knights.

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Re: What Would You Do?? #76


Baron von Darien -- did they have vampires in the Turakian Age? If so, he's going to start cutting quite a swath on his former kindred, and eventually moving on to major political player both in the undead and human courts...

Darn it Chuckg. Everytime I am about to post, Baron von Darien is doing the things that Bane would be doing. Sigh, always the bridesmaid and never the bride. :)

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Re: What Would You Do?? #76


Nova "Wow, a wholly new age to explore; I always had a thing for those fantasy simtapes when I was a little boy". Would probably set up shop as Super-Mage/Warrior defensor of whatever cuture he would find more worthy of protection and relish the ooportunity to kick the @$$es of all those mystic menaces (Krim, Kal-Turak, etc.) he so often faces in modern age, in their prime while he trains his powers to expand and develop time-travel. How are women and parties in the Turakian Age ?

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Re: What Would You Do?? #76


Menagerie : Would find this time strangely intriuging. So many different and powerful races. Magic might intrigue her, but the lack of true mutants would be disturbing. She would explore for a time, acting as rogue and adventurer while trying to return to her true time.


Gaia :Would find the limited technology if this time exceptable and would likely become a goddess of agriculture and nature. She would find that humanity is more aware of its place in the great scheme of things and reliant on the natural world. And do her best to keep things that way....


Stopwatch THIS SUCKS! I'm stuck in some nerd's D and D game! There's no cars or even a decent mall! Soon as I figure out how, I am SO out of here!


Pinnacle All right, this is a fine mess. Ok, what do I remember from my brother's old D and D books...

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Re: What Would You Do?? #76


Whole team?


Warp: "So you're saying we got sent back to the past, Horus? And it's Conan-land?!"


*centers himself*


"Right, Time is just another dimension. I can manipulate dimensions. I can get us back. I just got to figure out how!"


*turns to Horus*


"So, know any good hotels to stay in till then?"


Spectrum: "I've figured out a possible way back. If we could cobble together something that could survive the rigors of space and some way to provide life support to our breathing members, Horus can get it into orbit. From there I can propel it at relativistic speed and we let time dialation do the rest. So Horus, know any enchanters in this time who can construct what we need?"


Mystic: "I can figure out a spell to get us home. But as long as we're here, anyone mind me taking the opportunity to do a little research first?"

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Re: What Would You Do?? #76


If I'm with the rest of the team, Microman II sticks with them. No tech to deal with, but shrinking is probably a total unknown. Databases on technology could help reestablish stuff if needed.


On his own, Microman II would pass himself off as a weird sentient golem or somesuch, and probably go with the "long term capsule" trick if he realized this was the distance past of Earth.

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Re: What Would You Do?? #76


During a fight with some appropriate villain inside your home city, you ( and your team if applicable ) are engulfed in a flash of light. Eventually, you wake up, to find that the city you are in is. . . much different. Much more primitive, and peoples' attentions are being drawn. People, and the occasional other.



Gwen the Fairy: Oops.. Wrong Bag of dust... :think:



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