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Champions miniatures


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Re: Champions miniatures


Here's one I did for my Group. It is for a PC called Steel Guardian Image-EFC187F60ABE11DA.jpg The Shoulders are hand made as are the Arm launchers. This started life as HeroClix IronMan.


My Minis are here http://homepage.mac.com/dragond/TashaGreenbottle/PhotoAlbum14.html


I really love hacking apart HeroClix. They are a great media to work with :P


Tasha :)

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Re: Champions miniatures


Very nice work Tasha! :thumbup:


And Alwyn, you'd be surprised at how relatively "cheap" modding can be in comparison to most of the other hobbies out there. Quick example:


A good selection of 20 Heroclix minis from E-bay (Suggested as ones you'd see an actual use for as opposed to just a random selection): 15-25 bucks. (I'm suggesting clix as they are a LOT easier to modify than lead or pewter. I can make 10 fully custom mods in the time it would take me a make a heavily modified space marine)


A good basic X-acto set of 2 knives and extra blades: 7 bucks.


A good basic set of 18 Testors acrylic paints: 7 bucks


Superglue (Zap-a-gap, specifically): 3 bucks


Emory Boards:1 buck


Toothpicks:1 buck


Modelling (Sculpting) Putty: 5 bucks


I've included enough to get you from apprentice to journeyman here. You can cut, re-glue and sculpt with all of this. The toothpicks are for sculpting BTW. You can paint and modify to your hearts content. Total walk away cost, anywhere from 39 to 49 bucks. Comparitively cheap hobbywise. ;)


As for time, just do them when you can. I have roughly 200 mods at last count, and yet I haven't modded a single fig in months. No worries, I know I'll get to them eventually. After all, it's supposed to be fun. When I was making figs for commission, I was miserable and it was a job. That wasn't why I started doing this in the first place, so I quit doing commissions. Now I make them for me, to suit my preferences.


As for talent, think carnegie hall and how you get there: Practice, practice, practice. ;)

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Re: Champions miniatures


And Alwyn, don't get me wrong, you can spend hundreds of dollars on it just like any other hobby, but the thing is, you don't NEED to do so. Just avoid some of the pitfalls:


Don't buy high priced figs to cut up. You can usually find someone as good or better as a base, for a lot less money, with a little looking.


Don't buy into the myth of Games Workshop paints. Yes, they do have some things to recommend them, but then again, so do a lot of the craft paints in stores like Michael's. Plus, you get three times the paint for a fraction of the price.


Always try and be creative when you need a solution to a problem. If certain limbs aren't sticking well when glued to a torso, a cheaper fix is a thick spool of jeweler's wire and a pin drill. You don't always have to do what the "experts" (And by that I mostly mean the guys SELLING the hobby, not anyone like Bill who always gives you real world options) tell you to do.


Small example on the above: The experts say you should spend 15-20 bucks on a putty shaping tool. I bought 100 toothpicks for a buck and they work as well, if not better, than the expensive tools I borrowed from my former girlfriend.

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Re: Champions miniatures


And Alwyn, don't get me wrong, you can spend hundreds of dollars on it just like any other hobby, but the thing is, you don't NEED to do so. Just avoid some of the pitfalls:


Don't buy high priced figs to cut up. You can usually find someone as good or better as a base, for a lot less money, with a little looking.


Don't buy into the myth of Games Workshop paints. Yes, they do have some things to recommend them, but then again, so do a lot of the craft paints in stores like Michael's. Plus, you get three times the paint for a fraction of the price.


Always try and be creative when you need a solution to a problem. If certain limbs aren't sticking well when glued to a torso, a cheaper fix is a thick spool of jeweler's wire and a pin drill. You don't always have to do what the "experts" (And by that I mostly mean the guys SELLING the hobby, not anyone like Bill who always gives you real world options) tell you to do.


Small example on the above: The experts say you should spend 15-20 bucks on a putty shaping tool. I bought 100 toothpicks for a buck and they work as well, if not better, than the expensive tools I borrowed from my former girlfriend.


Good advice, Prod. One of the reasons I began writing the Miniature Hero articles in DH was because every single miniatures painting article on the web was always selling something. "Use Vallejo paints!" "Buy GW figures!" No one ever gave real world advice to the casual painter/modder -- the guy who didn't want to spend $60 on a set of paints that they were only going to use a half dozen times.


Don't get me wrong -- Vallejo paints are top of the line. But for the casual painter, 99% of the time you can spend one dollar on a bottle of craft paint at Michael's and get the same result as you'd get from a $6 bottle of the name brand stuff.


So I never try to sell anything in my articles, I just try to give the kind of advice that I wish someone had given me when I first started painting. :bounce:



(And I've spent thousands on this hobby; if I can figure out a way to save a few bucks you'd better believe I'm going to do it!) ;)

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Re: Champions miniatures


My father was a Yankee farmer and my mother's father was Scots Irish, so you know I am all about saving a buck! Here's a few of my tips for the frugal modder:


Dollar store, yo! I get pure acetone nail polish remover for stripping the figs for a buck. I often find stuff in the toy section to steal pieces from.


Don't buy boosters! It took me a while to get hip to this. Some stores sell loose Heroclix and Mage Knight figures and the common ones are pretty cheap. I got a mess of cops and ninjas at Sarge's Comics in New London for wicked cheap. Always look for the lowest power (rookie) figure because you're gonna throw out that dial anyway.

I also buy online. Popularcolections.com is still my favorite for clix, some for a dime! They have sales occasionally, so lurk before buying any figs over a buck. It may be cheaper next month. Also, if you can't see the fig well enough on the tiny picture they post, check it out at Wizkids.com first then order it.


Think inside the box! The tackle box. Don't buy those specially designed figure cases from a gaming store. Go to Walmart's sporting goods section. I have simple clear partitioned cases that cost less than three bucks. Buy scrap felt or foam from the fabric store to line them.


Hit the Craft and Art supply stores. Your FLGS has Zap-a-Gap and Citadel brushes for sale, but at twice what you'd pay elsewhere. Any thing with "Citadel" written on the package will be double the price of a generic. Matte sealer, paints, knives, and blades can all be found at the craft store.

The only brand-name supply I use is Reaper putty, which is still cheaper than Citadel's green stuff.


Save those bits! I have Old Altoid tins full of discarded heads, hands, weapons, capes, and penguins. You never know when you'll need them. I even save the clear stands from flying Heroclix figures. I use them to make BFGs (see below).






Have fun, shoppers! And don't forget to enter the contest! No purchase necessary!

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  • 3 months later...

Re: Champions miniatures


A little thread necromancy to show off my latest creations. These first pics aren't strictly of a Champions fig, but you might like him anyway...


A little backstory. I've been working on a particular figure for about 2 or 3 weeks now. I'm trying to get her perfect 'cause I'm going to enter her at GenghisCon. And after working on a single fig for this long, I'm starting to get a little frustrated and a little bored with her. So I said to myself this last weekend, "I'm going to dig a figure out of one of my boxes and paint it in three days. And it's going to be a really tough fig." I wanted to prove to myself that I could hammer out a cool mini lickety-split.


So I did it. It actually took me four days, but I spent a whole evening just putting his base together -- all those rocks, the tree, the frog, the stagnant pond, I built -- so I figure the extra day was worth it. :)


And here he is... The Swamp Dragon! (Sorry to anyone with a dialup... the pictures are pretty big... maybe 80-90k each).



(And if Lemming is reading this -- ol' Swampy here is one of the figs that you sent me. Thanks 1000000, bro!). :D

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Re: Champions miniatures


And the second batch. These are the Teen Titans. They're all Clix mods -- in fact, most of them aren't even mods, just repaints. :winkgrin:


The first batch are the ones you know and love -- Robin, Beast Boy, Starfire (actually a modified Firestar since I couldn't find a Starfire), Cyborg, and Raven.


The second batch are Titans East -- Speedy, Bumblebee (Queen Bee body and someone else's head, dunno whose), and Aqualad (Aquaman legs, Cosmic Boy body). Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to do a Mas y Minos. :o I might do a Terra and a Kid Flash eventually, though.

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  • 5 months later...

Re: Champions miniatures




Okay, Serpentor moment over now. ;)


Anyhoo....new figure nearing completion, Stalwart, of the New Knights.


Following his pic, we have my current "sooper sekrit projict". In part, based on the statement "You can't make anything out of the Blob except Big Bertha" and my desire to create a much ignored Marvel Comics team, I give you the following work in progress.


Gotta love that Tamiya Sculpting Putty. ;)

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Re: Champions miniatures


Very nice, Proditor! That is some incredible putty work. I've finally gotten around to doing a few mods for some of the characters used in The Defenders campaign. If I can ever find the right light to take a good, clear photo in, I'll post some pics. So far, no luck.


FWIW, I don't have near the experience of the others who've posted their advice here, but I can offer one pearl for any other budding mini modders out there:


Fatigue and X-acto knives do NOT mix.


Mind what you have learned. Save your thumbs it can!

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