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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Ooh, thanks. That clears everything up.


I'll now start up a new construction company; our building technique will be a cargo plane, several pallets of wood (All pieces of wood will be equiped with parachutes) and several buckets of nails.


Well, that certainly qualifies as random...

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Looked, but couldn't see the original post about the fuss everyone was making.


Now that I have info - Congratulations to your wife and you.:)


The original post was in the Thread for Random Musings thread. Since the idea of that thread is that the musings should not be replied to there, this thread was created to allow for a place to reply to musings that people thought called for a response.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


My daughter's in 4th grade right now. They can be bribed with Nintendo cartridges and Blow Pops. Have you tried that?


Not Nintendo cartridges, but probably WoW items and something that rhymes with blow pops would work pretty well, I think.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I was just thinking, due to the Ozymandias/Cruise thread, how Cruise has been dissed throughout his career while Cage has generally gotten a free pass, despite both doing a bunch of crap roles as well as more interesting roles. Cage of course has his ancestry in the business as well as having started in more indie "respectable" productions before going into the blockbusters, so he has largely remained "credible" despite doing lots of just plain, stupid action-adventure films with non-challenging roles. While Cruise started as and remained a pretty boy, a big strike from which in many's eyes he never has recovered. I recognize that Cruise wasn't as good an actor early on, but his ongoing drive to take challenging roles here and there and to work with serious actors (such as Hoffman) as well as what seems to me to be clearly well above average acting ability now has been ignored or just poo-pooed by many. Now he's a scientology nut and of course I recognize that there's every reason to be annoyed by or ridicule his public statements/behavior, but, again, that has nothing to do with his work.


I'm not a huge Cruise fan (though nor am I a big Cage fan, either, my favorite actors are more Macy, Buscemi, Hanks, among others), but I think he's been really unfairly treated as an actor.

I liked Tom Cruise before he got sucked into Scientology. Then he was just mean and insane. I mean, before that, I was willing to overlook the cocky smirk he wore in ALL of his films, or the wooden, egotistical personality he always seemed to play.


Nicholas Cage, as a person, has always seemed much warmer and more approachable (kid's name notwithstanding). I can imagine myself being able to walk up to him and talk to him without him freaking out on me.


The same does not hold true for Tom Cruise.


I allow a lot more leeway for subpar acting or bad choices of roles if I like the actor as a person.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I liked Tom Cruise before he got sucked into Scientology. Then he was just mean and insane. I mean, before that, I was willing to overlook the cocky smirk he wore in ALL of his films, or the wooden, egotistical personality he always seemed to play.


Nicholas Cage, as a person, has always seemed much warmer and more approachable (kid's name notwithstanding). I can imagine myself being able to walk up to him and talk to him without him freaking out on me.


The same does not hold true for Tom Cruise.


I allow a lot more leeway for subpar acting or bad choices of roles if I like the actor as a person.


Pretty much the same here, though when you bring Cage into it, well, the guy is a fellow comic geek, and that gives bonus points. :)

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I liked Tom Cruise before he got sucked into Scientology. Then he was just mean and insane. I mean, before that, I was willing to overlook the cocky smirk he wore in ALL of his films, or the wooden, egotistical personality he always seemed to play.


Nicholas Cage, as a person, has always seemed much warmer and more approachable (kid's name notwithstanding). I can imagine myself being able to walk up to him and talk to him without him freaking out on me.


The same does not hold true for Tom Cruise.


I allow a lot more leeway for subpar acting or bad choices of roles if I like the actor as a person.

I don't connect actor as a person with actor.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I can't believe that NYT still requires registration just to read articles. Still "NO"' date=' I say![/quote'] I've been reading lots that don't I also heard on the news that NYT have put their entire paper on the web free and add extra online content.


You must have got a dud link. As an example try this one.

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