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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I had a real Gone With the Wind moment today. A very large black woman exclaimed to me in her best Prissy voice "I don't know nothin' about no computers!"






Oh lawzy!

And then you slapped her silly? It worked for Scarlet.


It's actually a running gag (a private one, and one in very poor taste) with my wife and I. I say "I don't nothin' 'bout (topic X)!" She says "Whack!" and makes a slapping gesture. a fine time is had by all.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Thank you all for your good thoughts. Everyday I get an update that's good news/bad news. I really wish I was there now, but I'll be heading up in a week. Everyone here at work has been very understanding and supportive, thankfully.


I can't stop the worst case scenarios from running through my mind.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Brought the cat into work with me, so I can watch her for chewing on stitches. Right now, she's too scared of everything to even try.


It's interesting, being glared at over the edge of a plastic cone while working . . .

Ah, the cone of shame.


Our Zane cat is finally able to jump up on stuff again. He's got a bad virus that caused congestion, then a burst ear drum. That happened a couple weeks ago. He still snores and goes around with a head tilt. In a week he goes in to the doctors and we'll try something new.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Carter says::


A) he "knows" the Bush admin tortures people, and


B) this is the "first time" in Carter's "lifetime" that this has happened from an American government. From http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7008788914


I'm sorry, but I flat-out KNOW the guy supported the Shah of Iran and I KNOW that he KNEW they tortured.


Screw the f**ker. Carter should rot in hell for his playing politics and pretending he's better than any other leader. I'm not joking about this. He is a total hypocrite, and should suffer for it, given that a public admission to his own culpability wouldn't actually hurt him so much as admit to the complexity of the issue, and he should fess up to it. Screw him, really, and totally. I have zero, no, less than zero, respect for him n. It's worse than ever - he was NEVER a true "human rights" president, and I "knew" that even in 1979 MORE than he "knows" about the Bush administration now. Really, the man is completely and totally despicable, craven even, for playing politics with this now when he himself knows what occurred prior to Bush. In this statement, he as completely and totally abused the public's trust, and I am completely convinced knowingly so, which is what makes it so bad. If he were at least admitting he had done almost the same himself (I'll allow that PERHAPS the same did not happen DIRECTLY under his administraton), I'd have some real respect . He's an utter bastard, and nothing less, for playing politics now, as an "elder statesman", with this. If he were an active POLITICIAN, I'd understand. Screw him, I'm done with the last minor ounce of respect I had for his ATTEMPT at redemption for being the absolute worst president of my lifetime. Of all people I know, including myself, his hypocrisy is appalling as at the least his own admission, easy to come by, would help, yet he cloaks himself in his current guise of a "statesman" - a statesman who set everyone up for a NON-solution with North Korea. I hope he rots in the history books as the 3rd-5th worst president and as a plain bad person (the latter of which I didn't wish upon him until this hypocritical fit, the utter bastard). Let he who hasn't cast a stone expend the first one. Jimmy Carter is even worse than I imagined. .I would support the Bush administration imprisoning him (not killing him).





....But he always spoke so highly of you........

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Re: Musings on Random Musings





....But he always spoke so highly of you........

Publicy, he did yes. You didn't attend the closed meetings where Carter layed the smackdown on Zornwil. He was vicious.


You know the missing 18 miuntes of the Nixon tapes? They refer to Carter's laying smack on Zornwil. Tricky Dicky didn't know how to explain that, so he made it go away.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Ah, the cone of shame.


Our Zane cat is finally able to jump up on stuff again. He's got a bad virus that caused congestion, then a burst ear drum. That happened a couple weeks ago. He still snores and goes around with a head tilt. In a week he goes in to the doctors and we'll try something new.

The other one has a cold. Risu lost the tip of her tail, and can reach it to chew on it, if she tries.


She seems to be better, now that the pain meds have worked out of her system. She's a lot more herself. Right now, she's fast asleep in the cat bed. I let her out of my office to explore a bit, and she sniffed around everywhere but in my boss's office. Yesterday at this time, she was looking around wildly, trying to figure out where all the noises were coming from, and growling at anyone who lingered at the door to my office.


Today's, she's consented to be petted, and even purred. She also sat on the back of my office chair for a bit, and clambered all over me for pettins.


Unfortunately, the return of her old self also means she's feisty as anything, and I have the scratches to prove it.


Still, having an office mascot is kinda relaxing. ^ v ^

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I feel like I have ADHD. I can't concentrate on anything. I don't have any projects at work that I can sink my teeth into thanks to a clueless administration.


If I do stop I start thinking about things I don't want to think about. As an ominous coincidence, my supervisor just had to pull the plug on her stroke crippled mother in law. Another friend had her father die quite suddenly and unexpectedly a few days ago. Damn coincidences.


I was spending a lot of time focusing on the upcoming NaNo event, but now even that doesn't occupy me for more than a few minutes.


I suspect I have a mild form of depression myself and have for many years. This sucks. For a time, last year, I couldn't even focus on a good book and I used to be a voracious novel reader. Having it and next to no budget sucks more. A friend of mine, bless her, recommended a low budget solution that certainly couldn't hurt even if it didn't help. Vitamin b related supplements. Apparently some studies have found a correlation, and whether it is a plecebo that I've convinced myself works, or actually does have merit on its own, it has helped me on and off. Perhaps it will help you, if only a little.

You can overdose on Vitamin B , but it takes a lot.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Get well soon' date=' Bazza ![/quote']

Yeah' date=' sorry to hear that Bazza, as SatinKitty says, I hope it passes quickly.[/quote']

Thanks gal and guys. This afternoon I felt good but now with the onset of night, my symptoms are returning.


Gonna blast them away!

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


The Others/ with Nichole Kidman?

Good to know I'm not the only one who liked that movie. Give me a good old-fashioned ghost story over a gore-fest any day.


Not a lot of horror in my DVD collection, but here are a few suggestions:


John Carpenter's The Thing

The Gift (Keanu Reeves actually acts!)

Shaun of the Dead:D

Flatliners (not sure if this counts as horror or not, but good flick)

And if you can find a copy, try the silent movie version of Call of Cthulu that the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society put out a couple years ago. :thumbup:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I suspect I have a mild form of depression myself and have for many years. This sucks. For a time, last year, I couldn't even focus on a good book and I used to be a voracious novel reader. Having it and next to no budget sucks more. A friend of mine, bless her, recommended a low budget solution that certainly couldn't hurt even if it didn't help. Vitamin b related supplements. Apparently some studies have found a correlation, and whether it is a plecebo that I've convinced myself works, or actually does have merit on its own, it has helped me on and off. Perhaps it will help you, if only a little.

You can overdose on Vitamin B , but it takes a lot.

The depression is getting me bad today. I'm on Lexapro right now, and it's working overtime. If I weren't working today I'd be spending my entire Sunday in bed. And the rest of my life, too.

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